Stephen F. Austin State University National Residence Hall Honorary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------PO Box 13045 SFA Station, Nacogdoches, Texas 75962 Office: (936) 468-2700 | THE BY-LAWS OF THE NATIONAL RESIDENCE HALL HONORARY AT STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY Article I – Introduction These By-Laws shall state the official procedures of the National Residence Hall Honorary at Stephen F. Austin State University. These By-Laws may not contradict or conflict with the policies of SFASU as set forth in the Student Code of Conduct, the policies of the SFASU Residence Life Department as stated in the Residence Hall Handbook, the NRHH Constitution, and the policies & by-laws of NACURH, Inc. and SWACURH. Article II – Membership Duties and Privileges Section 1 – All active members have the following expectations Clause A: All members must live on campus in order to be considered active. Clause B: All members must complete at least one Of the Month Award (OTM) every month of the academic year, with the exception of August, December, and May months. Clause C: All members must vote on OTMs during the academic school year when OTMs are required to be submitted by the chapter. If a member has written an OTM in that specific category the member may choose to abstain. Clause D: Failure to write an OTM will result to writing an additional OTM for the following month. Clause E: All members of NRHH shall complete 10 hours of community service every semester. Clause F: All members serve as leaders on campus and must uphold the NRHH ideals of service, dedication and caring. Clause G: Failure to uphold ethics commitment and chapter expectations will result in losing eligibility for honor cords Clause H: All members shall attend at least one Residence Hall Association General Assembly a month. Clause I: Non-Academic absences will be reviewed by the members of the Richard J. Williams Chapter of NRHH. Clause J: All academically-related absences will be reviewed by the Advisor. Section 2 – Membership Privileges Clause A: Active Members shall be enrolled and reside in an SFASU residence hall. Active members shall have full voting rights and privileges. Clause B: Alumni Members shall be former members who have left the residence halls or graduated. Alumni members may attend all chapter functions and events, unless the function or event is closed by a majority vote of active members. Alumni members may not vote or hold office. Clause C: Honorary Membership may be granted to individuals who are not eligible for active membership, but who have made significant contributions to the residence halls of the university. Honorary members have the same attendance privileges as Alumni members. Honorary members may not vote or hold office. Clause D: An Early Alumni of an NRHH Chapter is a member who still lives on campus but who can no longer meet the chapter membership expectations. Early Alumni members do not count toward the 1% membership cap of the chapter Clause E: Once inducted into NRHH an inductee is a member for life. Article II – Duties of the Executive Board Section 1 – All of officers have the following duties: Clause A: Attend all NRHH meetings and Executive meetings. Clause B: To uphold the NRHH Constitution and its By-Laws. Clause C: To fulfill all membership duties as well as executive duties. Section 2 – The duties of the President are as follows: Clause A: The President shall call for and preside over NRHH meetings and enforce the Constitution and its By-Laws. Clause B: To be the official representative of NRHH. Clause C: Maintain communication with the Regional AD-NRHH and National Associate for NRHH, and oversee all NRHH activities. Clause D: Act as NRHCC if position is open. Clause E: Preside over the organization finances, including SORF Money. Clause F: Preside over any financial responsibilities of the NRHH, in accordance with RHA. Clause G: Coordinating a Leadership Conference once a semester. Section 3 – The duties of the Vice President of Membership are as follows: Clause A: To oversee the selection of new members. Clause B: To distribute the information regarding the nomination process for members each semester. Clause C: Coordinate new membership recruitment. Clause D: Coordinate a social event each semester. Section 4 – The duties of the Vice President of Community Service are as follows: Clause A: To provide community service opportunities throughout the year to the chapter. Clause B: Ensure each member is meeting the required volunteer hours each semester. Clause C: Maintain a spreadsheet with each member’s community service hours that is accessible to Executive Members and Advisors. The By-Laws of National Residence Hall Honorary Association at Stephen F. Austin State University Page 2 Last Updated: 2/10/2016 Section 5 – The duties of the Vice President of Recognition are as follows: Clause A: To facilitate and view the OTM voting process. Clause B: In the event of a tie regarding OTM’s, the VP of Recognition shall cast the breaking vote. Clause C: Present the OTM’s for each month at RHA’s General Assembly. Clause D: To coordinate a recognition week each semester. Section 6 – The duties of the Vice President of Records are as follows: Clause A: Shall take minutes and attendance of the NRHH meetings and keep a file easily accessible to NRHH and the NRHH website. Clause B: Ensure minutes are distributed to members 72 hours after a meeting. Clause C: To keep a spreadsheet pertaining to all types of membership for the Chapter. Section 7 – The duties of the NRHH Communications Coordinator are as follows: Clause A: Maintain communication with the current AD-NRHH and NSRO. Article III – Election Code Section 1: The President shall preside over and coordinate the entire election process. Section 2: Campaign Regulations Clause A: Each candidate will campaign in accordance with University Policy and Election Procedures as stated in by-laws. Clause B: Each candidate may start campaigning two weeks prior to Executive Elections. Clause C: Campaign Speeches may only be given in NRHH meetings and not last more than five minutes. Article IV – Elections Section 1: Executive Board Elections Clause A: All executive positions will be elected during the spring election period in which a timeline is set by the current executive board to be announced at the NRHH membership meeting. Clause B: Election terms shall last one (1) year beginning after the final day of the spring semester in which they were elected. Section 2: Notice of Intent Clause A: Individuals seeking to bid for any NRHH Executive Board position shall be encouraged to submit a letter of intent. Should the candidate desire to bid for more than one position, that intent must be indicated on the letter. Letters of intent will be due to the NRHH Advisor by a date set by the Vice President of Membership. The By-Laws of National Residence Hall Honorary Association at Stephen F. Austin State University Page 3 Last Updated: 2/10/2016 Section 3: Election Procedures Clause A: Election of officers shall be held by the close of the spring semester and following the selection of the new members. Clause B: The officers shall be elected by a simple majority of the active members present. Clause C: In the event of a resignation of an officer, an election will be held to fill the vacancy. Clause D: All elected officers prior to and during term of office must maintain a cumulative GPD minimum of 2.5 Clause E: The GPAs of all Executive Board candidates will be reviewed by the advisor prior to any electoral process and at the beginning of each academic semester. Clause F: Any elected officer who has a cumulative GPA lower than 2.5 will be placed on Academic Probation by the Chapter Advisor. Academic probation will last exactly one academic semester and will be reviewed at the beginning of the subsequent semester. If the cumulative GPA of the elected officer remains below 2.5 upon review after one semester of academic probation, the elected officer will be removed from office. Section 4: Academic Policy Clause A: Any Person who desires to run for an NRHH Executive Board position must be present during the entire election process, and be a student in good academic standing and have a 2.5 GPA. Clause B: An unofficial copy of the candidate’s transcript must be submitted separately to the NRHH Advisor. Section 5: Vacancies of Officers Clause A: If a vacancy should occur in any office, the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement should the election process fail to produce a worthy candidate after the fall semester has begun, pending Advisor approval. Clause B: The Assistant Director of Residence Life and Advisor can hold a special election if needed. Section 6: Of the Month Elections Clause A: OTM Elections shall held at the end of every OTM voting period. Clause B: The Vice President of Recognition shall lead the election. Clause C: OTM winners will be selected through majority vote of the OTM selection committee. Article V – Removal of Membership Section 1: Initiation of Removal Any NRHH member may initiate membership removal proceedings against any person holding a NRHH membership by submitting a written accusation stating their reasons for desiring the membership removal in form to the Executive Board and Advisor(s). The By-Laws of National Residence Hall Honorary Association at Stephen F. Austin State University Page 4 Last Updated: 2/10/2016 Section 2: Grounds for Removal Clause A: Violations of the Constitution or the By-Laws Clause B: Violation of Residence Life policies and University Code of Conduct Clause C: Gross negligence of duty Clause D: An offense that adversely affects the ability to perform their duty. Section 3: Notification of Removal Clause A: The person being considered for removal should follow the process of removal of membership as set forth by the National Residence Hall Honorary. Article VI: Awards Section 1: NRHH membership certificates shall be awarded to all new members before the end of each semester. Section 2: The NRHH Chapter reserves the right to award no more than two Outstanding Student Leadership pins to individuals deserving of special distinction for outstanding service, per year. Article VII: Finances Section 1: Funding for the National affiliation dues, membership awards, and awards ceremonies shall be provided by the Residence Hall Association, upon their approval each year. Section 2: NRHH reserves the right to collect dues from its active members with a 2/3 approval of active members of NRHH. Article VIII: Of the Month Awards Section 1: Of The Month Awards (OTMs) – NRHH’s OTM Awards exist to recognize individuals and programs for their outstanding contributions to the Residence Halls during a single month. OTMs will be nominated by any individual and recipients will be selected by Vice President of Recognition. Campus OTM winners’ nominations will be sent to the SWACURH Regional Associate Director for NRHH for regional selection. The categories for OTM Awards are available on the OTM website at Article IX: Overriding Documents Section 1: The National Residence Hall Honorary Policy and Bylaws supersede this Constitution and any and all changes to those documents will automatically result in the changing of this Constitution. The By-Laws of National Residence Hall Honorary Association at Stephen F. Austin State University Page 5 Last Updated: 2/10/2016 Article X: Amendment By-Laws Section 1: By-Laws must be adopted under this Constitution by a 2/3 majority vote of the active members of NRHH. Section 2: The By-Laws of this constitution shall be reviewed annually by the Advisor, President and NRHHNCC. Any changes to the by-laws must pass a 2/3 majority vote of the active members of NRHH. The By-Laws of National Residence Hall Honorary Association at Stephen F. Austin State University Page 6 Last Updated: 2/10/2016