I nternat. J. Math. Mh. S ci. 369 Vol. 2 #3 (1979) 369-413 THE BASIC PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS JOSEPH A. CIMA Mathematics Department The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 U.S.A. (Received February 2, 1979) ABSTRACT. A Bloch function f(z) is an analytic function on the unit dsc ]) whose derivative grows no faster than a constant times the reciprocal of the dstance We reprove here the basic analytic facts concerning Bloch functions. from z to ]). We establish the Banach space structure and collect facts concerning the geometry of the space. We indicate dualty relationships, and known somorphc correspond- ences are given. We give a rather complete llst of references for further study in the case of several variables. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Bloch function, Schlicht discs, Normal funcion, is’omopi Bana’h spaces, Mobius invaiant subspac. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CES. 30A78, 46E15. . 370 i. A. CIMA Introduction. The purpose of this article is to give a survey and some proofs of The basic idea goes back to known results concerning Bloch functions. Andre Bloch 6 ]. on the unit disc f under F He considered the class 9, with normalization of functions holomorphlc f’ (0) Wf is considered as a Riemann surface (unramlfled) disc in = exists a domain is an open disc Wf 9 with f A c dr(Z). Let df(z) be the supremum of rf such that there one to one onto mapping denote the radius of the largest schllcht disc in as A schllcht f((C)). f D The image of i. 4. We f with center z varies over as f(z) and set b Bloch showed that b inf {rf f E F}. was posltive. During the period from 1925 through 1968 Bloch’s result motivated works of various nature. One group of mathematicians considered the generalizations of Bloch’s result to balls in n. and mathematicians calculated upper and lower bounds for b. A group of A third group concentrated on the function theoretic implications for the case of the disc. The Bloch theorem has been an ingredient in supplying a proof of the Picard theorem which avoids the use of the modular function. We will not go into the generalizations for the n dimensional case but refer the interested reader to the papers of S. Bochner and K. Sakaguchl 20 ]. and M.H. Helns ], S. Takahashi 25 We will also not discuss the best bounds but only refer to the papers of L. V. Ahlfors 2 7 13 ]. i ], L. V. Ahlfors and H. Grunsky PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS 371 In the period from 1969 to the present a Banach space B of holomorphic functions called the "Bloch functions" has been studied. Of course the requirement for membership in of the Bloch theorem. B is derived from the idea Some progress has been made in studying the B. functional analytic properties of The Banach space point of view has allowed a somewhat broader viewpoint and consequently has given rise to a new set of questions concerning the Bloch space. This article will give a proof of the basic Bloch theorem. will follow a theme developed by W. Seidel and J. Walsh [24 Ch. Pommerenke [17 ]. We and by We will supply proofs of the major results and outline proofs of other ideas when they are not central to our interests. We have borrowed freely from the text material available (especially M. Heins [13 ]). In many instances we have selected only partial results from the journal articles quoted in the bibliography. The reader should consult the original article if he desires a more complete exposition. Finally, I wish to point out a few other results which will not be included in this article but are extremely important to the overall picture concerning Bloch functions. First, L. A. Harris [12] has obtained a strong form of the Bloch theorem for holomorphic mappings from the unit of a Banach space X into X. B, ball thesis of R. Timoney. The second topic concerns the He has made a definitive study of Bloch functions on bounded symmetric domains in n. This work is quite expansive and deep and would require material from areas which are not considered in the disc case. 2. The Theorem of Bloch. Let For a Aut (D) (C) denote the group of holomorphic automorphisms of we write a(Z) (z-a) (l-z) -I Aut(D). D. The inverse of J.A. CIMA 372 a is Let a S-a" (0,I) D + D f It can be shown that for A and denote A a A a. A < r)} is a nonempty 0(z)’a(Z)" B(z) f 0, f’(0) It contains the function compact family. For the family of holomorphic functions f(0) with normalization z set sup {r Uf is univalent in f Dr (Izl and inf P A calculation shows that Theorem (2.1). f c A}. {Uf B’ The number vanishes at a point of is positive. D, The number hence p < i. Uf if and only if f(z) where Proof. f l lB(1) is a constant of modulus one. Fix f A and assume Uf < I. Recalling the normalization of we see that equation a (f.(z))=z zk(z) yields a function k, holomorphic in D and bounded by one. Hence, by (2.1) PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS Either a Iz f(z) (2.2) z01 0f z0, zl fails to be one to one on f f’ (z 0) and f(z 2) f(zl) 0f _< or there exists We will complete the proof by 0. z assuming that there exists distinct points and 373 and I z 2, The other case is similar. c. (c m(z)-- -i f(z)) zl The function -i z2(Z) (z) has removable singularities and is bounded by one in D. Im(0) l-< Ici_< implying 2 Of z--z Setting z21 Of Zll (2.1) in I Hence, and using the last inequality we have _> Uf The functions x 0 a -I 0f Thus x (I a(X) and a 2 a 2 U have a common value at (0,I) ) (I-’ _> a -I -"’a ). a(Z) and We note that x _> 0 < x < x if B’(x 0) 0. Thus p 0. 0 B. The remaining uniqueness part of the theorem is handled by noting that if Of p then Im(O)[ 1. We proceed to a second necessary result. ) r that {lwl 0 < r}. r To each f sup {r and f A f r let let a domain maps r > 0 For nr --c D univalently onto such D r and s inf {f f A}. J.A. CIMA 374 The number Theorem 2.2. is positive, equaling s 2 Equality holds for some , for same constant If(z) (2.3) ( in A, I1 -> 0(<a). there is f(z*) Let 0) - mlCz) (r) (0,a) r n into f -i D02) 02 and maps z*l maps the (simply connected) domain B observe that 0 2 < s < B < 0 2 2 < s. _c D0. Hence D univalently onto 2 (C) 2- 0- s 0 2 B(0) 0 and 0 f By definition cannot be univalent on any domain containing and so Using f(z) Since 0 (0) Since If maps the f B’ (0) 0 2 and 0 it follows by the argument principle that has only one solution in it follows that onto 0 containing zero. z*, then there exists a (lwl r < i and achieves a maximum value of (2.3) again and the open mapping property one sees that boundary of Izl a-r (l--ar) By inequality (2.3) this is absurd. (C)02. AB(Az) f(z) if and only if s, be the component of (D \ D z f i. is a positive function on at r -/Y-a)] 2 inequality (2.2) implies that for A f For any Proof: f a-i we Thus The remaining uniqueness results follow in a routine way by a close examination of when equality holds in (2.2) We are finally in a position to prove Bloch’s theorem. is that used in the introduction. Theorem (2.3). The number b is positive. The notation PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS Elementary considerations show that for Proof. -i we have f(tz) t g(z) 375 consider those F f r < g t rf -i f F, 0 < t < I Thus it is sufficient to which are analytic on the closed disc lal be so chosen and let and (C). Let f be selected so that <i >1. Now form the function fo_ a (z) g(z) Note that F and g (fo _a) (0) is analytic on 9 with I < {(fO_a)’(0) rf rf g Further, If -1./ zl ,y// -< lf’fa) (1- and so (1Replacing Ih(-){ Let i t maps is in D / (0,I). D, S(0) Hence, t =_ i and normalize h as follows () 0 S - and integrating we deduce h(tz) St(z) S -< g(0) i+ Izl 1-Izl og (0,I) be fixed in t -< g’(z) g(z) h(z) by g lzl 2) [al 2 and S ’(0) Aa. We apply Theorem (2.2) to t 2ilL(t). The number St L(t) a and note 376 J. A. ClMA FL(t) Since, rf > r h (),)-2-t 2)] we conclude t If one checks the value of this expression (preferably with a calculator) at I t one concludes r > 0.2. The papers refered to in the introduction establish the bounds _1 /--< b 4 We proceed to the paper of the expression f(D) dr(Z) concerning dr(Z) W. Seldel and J. Walsh [24]. d(z) f(z). with center < 0 472 They introduced as the radius of the largest schllcht disc in In this paper they collect some known results and they prove several theorems about its growth. The following two theorems are interesting and motivating. Theorem (2.4). Let f d(z) < Proof. Let z 0 E D be holomorphic and univalent in If’(-)l(l-lzl2)< be given. (C). Then for 4 d(z). We prove first the right inequality. Form the function _zo(Z) f(Zo) f (z) where z E D. omits the value f’ (z0) (1-’Iz012 is a normalized univalent function and if f(D) then PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS 377 -f(z 0) (f, (z0)) (i_i z01 2) suitably on Applying the Koebe one-quarter theorem and choosing f(D) we conclude that d(z O) 1 (l-{z0{2)f’(z 0) To obtain the left inequality again let a function h inverse (z) _z0(Z ). f h’ (0) < 0 be fixed in (0)) 0 I 0 -I < d(z 0) mapping the disc The Schwarz lemma yields f(z0) If z 9 into (d(z0))-i D and form then with has an h( 0) 0. and this completes the proof. Notice that the unlvalence of df(z) left inequality and hence holomorphlc If(z) < If’ (z) (i zl 2) is valid for Let IlflI f M. d(z) Outline of proof. be a bounded holomorphlc function on < If’(z) 1 (l-lz121 < [SM d(zll We have noted that the left inequality is valid. z func t ion -z (z) f z) (z) 0 and D, Then idea of the proof in the right inequality is to fix Then any A second result of interest in that paper is the following. f. Theorem (2.5). < is not used in the proof of the f l(z) 0 f(z 0) f’(z0)(l-lz012) 2M < if, (z0) (l_Iz012) 0 D The and form the J.A. CIMA 378 and apply a variant of Theorem (2.2) to con- One can then normalize covers the disc elude that If’(Zo) l(l-lZo 12) 8M This in turn implies that unlvalently. f (z 0) 2 If’(z 0) f covers the disc (l-lz012) 8M From this it follows that univalently. I If’(z0) (l-lz012) < [SM d(z 0) 2 The term The next theorem is a statement of several equivalences. The Bloch function will be defined by any of these equivalent conditions. 24 ]. equivalence of (i) and (2) is in Seldel and Walsh condition is due to Zygmund. The last is in Anderson and Rubel The conditions (3) and (4)were given by Pommerenke few terms. The fifth f(z) (on D) A holomorphlc function 17 ]. 4 ]. We recall a is said to be finitely normal if the family of functions {f@(z) f(@(0)) f(@(z)) @ E Aut (D)} , is a normal family, where the constant infinity is not allowed as a limit. A function g continuous on zl I is in the class condition holds Ig(e i(8+h)) 2g(e 18) + g(ei(8-h)) 0(h) if the following PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS uniformly for all For of f [0,2) and D, holomorphic in Aut()) under f e n . {j=laj 379 h>O. the absolute convex hull of the orbit is defined as the family (foj)(z) N, n Aut(D), a.3 n with aj 1 Theorem (2.6). in on D aj] }. -< The following conditions on a function f holomorphic are equivalent: (C)} + (i) sup {d(z) (2) sup (3) f (4) there exists a constant z < {(l-lzl 2) If’(z)l z e }} < + is finitely normal. > 0 and a univalent holomorphic g such that (C) log g’(z) f(z) (5) the primitive g(z) f(t) dt 0 is in the disc (6) Proof: Form the g(e ie) e algebra and ,. The absolute convex hull of We know that (2) implies (i). functions and @(z) f is a normal family on Assume then d(z) g f -z (z) 0 and < M (C). for z e (C). 380 J. A. C4.A * [z1+(1-I Zll )z] (1-1Zll)’(z I) where we have function z 0, z E ) I is analytic with g *E Zli){* that there exists * z I + (1 Note that if all z E ) and for the moment we assume ’(z I) @) 0 g’(0) such that 0. The It follows by Bloch’s theorem i. dg(*) > b. Then with the above inequality is still valid. Hence, for we have i’(z) (1-1zl) Normalize ’(z I) M/b. < by considering (z) (z) (0) ’(t) dr. | 0 Fixing t E (0,i) and noting that [@(z) if Izl < t, M__ log (l-t) b < we apply Theorem (2.5) to the function n(z) @(tz) to conclude t 2 If’(Zo) 2 The maximum of the function log (l-t) t/2(l-t) df (z 0) > 8M ( -lZoI 2 -<--(-log(l-t)) df(zo) (t) (-t 2) (log(1-t))-I occurs (0<t<l) b (t 0) which is approximately If’ (z o) 12 t o when 072. Hence, (1-lZoi2) 2. Assume that (2) holds and recall that a family {f@} defined and PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS holomorphic on D is normal if for M(K) positive number 381 every compact K c D there exists a such that < M (K) f, Aut(D) Thus for K and c D If (z)l)= 2) i+ f, sup 1 zK (i-I zl 2 For the converse let (z) w M(0) positive number compact sup /l_f’((z)) 2 zK k(+I f, (z) D and choose (z) Aut(D). (l-lwl 2) -i There is a such that l+if,(0) 12 for all (z+w)(l+wz) < M(0) Thus f’(w) IV’(0) llf’(4(0))1 < M(0). The equivalence of (2) and (4) is dependent upon some results from the theory of univalent functions. log g’ (z), that for such where g Let f(z) is univalent and have the representation > 0. It is known Ii g z D. g’ (z) The expression define > 0 (1-1zl 2) If’Cz) by the equality is then bounded by 6. If (2) holds 382 J.A. CIMA -i and define {(l-lzl2)If’(z)l 3 sup m} z so that g g(z) f()., exp The definitions of g and d s 0 - yields e g’(z) This is sufficient to conclude that g is univalent. The proof that (2) and (5) are equivalent requires a lemma. Lemma (2.7). then f Let f is continuous on f’ An integration of f" proves that implies that f and has radial limits at each point of 81, 82 e [0,2) f"(z) 0((l-lzl)-l), D. The growth condition on Proof. D with be analytic in and 0<p<l r. {re F3 { e i8 F4 {e i8 3 81 _< 8 < < @ _< 0(log(l-lzl)). is a bounded holomorphic function e i8 e D. o_<r<l} 81 f’(z) j If 1,2 82 82 } the Cauchy integral theorem implies f(ei82) f(eiSl) 1 f’ (6) d6 -F I u F 2 u F 3 Each of the integrals can be evaluated and there is a constant c > 0 383 PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS (independent of 8 i) such that f(eiSl) If(e i82) 102 -011 llog182 -8111 -< c This completes the lemma. Proof of the equivalence of (2) and (5). implies that f is continuous on Assume (2) holds. Let 9. l>h>0 Lemma (2.7) be given and fixed. It is convenient to assign a symbol to the difference expression f(e i(8+h)) and to ignore the dependence of f(e i8) A on A f(8) A h. is linear and homogeneous. We are required to show A 8, uniformly in 2 f(e i8) (as h/0). f(e 18) f(e 0(h) i8) l-h t Fix f(te i8 and write + f(teiS). An integration by parts yields that (l-r) f"(re e i8) dr t (l-t) e i8 f’(te i8 i8)+ f(e The integral in this equality is g(t,8) f(te i8) 0(h), uniformly in A(e i8 f’(te i8 )) f’(te i(8+h)) A(e i8) + e i8 A(f (te i8)) 0(hllog h I) + e i8 A(f’(te )) 8. With 384 J. A. CIMA we can compute A(f’(te i8) Hence, A 2 I it h f,,(te i(8+s)ds 0 (i). 0 g(t,8) 0(I) f(e ie) h A(g(t,8)) and + 0(h) 0(h). We need only show that A 2 f(te i8) 0(h) Since, A 2 f(te i(8-h)) h i( (e+s) (_e i (e+s) -e le ) f’.te i t ds 0 h + i t e i8 (f’(te i (e+s) f’(t e i(e-s) ))ds 0 + _e i t i8 f’ (tei (e-s) )ds e i(8-t) 0 and the integrands of the first and third integrals are dominated by c s flog h while that of the second is dominated by we conclude that 2 A f(te 1o) 0(h) c s (h) -I uniformly in Let us show that (5) implies (2). As usual P(r,8) is the Poisson kernel. The partials Po(r,0) Pee (r,e) -2r(l-r 2r(l-r 2) [sine (l-2r cosO + 2)[2r(l+sin2o) (l-2r cos 8 have the following properties. of 8 and + cosO r2) -2] (l+r2)] r2) 3 The second derivative P 8e is an even function PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS I Pe e (r,t) 0 For Pee (0,i), fixed in r dt 385 0 is zero on (0,H) only at the point s(e) which satisfies cos s 2r l+sin2s l+r 2 A computation shows that Since f is in the disc algebra it has a representation f(z) where E re z P(r,e-t) f(e It) dt -n Taking the partials and changing variables yields fee (z) In i The hypothesis P 2-- 0 (r,t) {f(e i(e+t)) f {f(e i(e+t)) + f(e i(8-t)) }dt Pee (r,t) 2f(e ie) + implies If 88(z) < A t 0 IP ee (r We compute the integral on the right I s t P 0 -2s The expression f(ei(e-t)) ee (r t) Pe’(r’s) dt + + 2P(r,s) t s P88(r,t) P(r,O) dt P(r,n) t) dr. dt s J.A. CIMA 386 -2s P8 and so there is a constant 0 < -2s 4r(1-r) 4 (l-r) (r,s) so that c Ps(r,s) _< c(1-r) 0 ((-I zl < term. Hence )-)- The Polsson integral representation for Ifs(z) -i P(r,s) A similar inequality is valid for the (z) 3 c(l-r2) llfll f implies 2rsin t dt 0 (l-2r cos t + r 2, thus 0((l-lzl)-l). fs(z) An easy computation yields f"(z) r -2 e -2i8 {i O((l-r) fs(z) f88(z)} -I) This completes the equivalence of (2) with (5). We omit the proof for (6). A perusal of these equivalences and a slight amount of study give some insight into the size of the set of Bloch functions. that the bounded holomorphic functions are Bloch functions. We have observed In general there are no containment relationships between the classical Hardy spaces HP(D) (0<p<=) and the set of Bloch functions. In fact one can construct Bloch functions using gap series which are not of bounded characteristic. PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS 387 Although a BLoch function need not have angular (non-tangential) limits D almost everywhere on ={I z one can prove using the Gross star i} theorem (from the theory of cluster sets) that every Bloch function has D. finite or infinite angular limits on an uncountably dense subset of [. f(z) If a n=0 n z n a Bloch function a straight forward estimate is yields lanl for _< c {(l-lzl 2) If’(z) D} z e The following result will be useful in posing i, 2, 3, n sup some unanswered questions later in the paper. Theorem (2.8). Let j a. z [ f(z) limits almost everywhere on Proof. Integrating 2(C). i 2n j=l r - (i- n ) j n j-l Then a n O. / if (z)I 2 [. j21 ajl 2 r2j-2 Choosing be a Bloch function with radial J j=l .2 f’ (rei8)I 2 0 we can find a constant ajl < 0 c > 0 so that 2 (l-r)I n f’(rneiS)l A known property of normal functions (see Lehto and Virtanen that if f then has angular limit f lira f(rl) r+l is analytic in A. . D with radial limit A at With A 15 ]) at a point states e assume e The discs Cn lie in a fixed angle at {Iz rn I < i and tend to (i- rn )} as n / Apply the Cauchy formula J.A. CIMA 388 I Cn 1 (-r) Cf Cz)-A) (Z-rn) zcn Since the n- (l-m) If’ (rneiS) Integrand dz is uniformly bounded we may apply the Lebesgue bounded convergence theorem to conclude. n n Thus 3. a / n 0. The Banach space structure. B Theorem (2.6) implies that the set of Bloch functions vector space. It is possible to equip a Banach space. f If E B B with a norm in which it becomes we can define sup{ If’ (z) l(-lz] 2) The addition of the term is a complex If(O) z D) is to account for the constant functions. sup{ We prefer to work with the quantity If’ (z) (l-[zl 2)} limit ourselves to functions holomorphic on B D for which M(f) f(0) and so 0 and M(f) Henceforth when norm considerations for Bloch functions are involved we always assume this normalization is in force. of B denoted as B0 and defined as There is a natural subspace PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS It is straightforward to check that Also if f B E Since each 0 f norms of B. is a closed subspace of B0 B. f (z) f(pz) then f as tends f in B 0 P can be uniformly approximated on D by polynomlals we and P see that polynomlals are dense in subspace of 389 B B 0. Thus B 0 is a separable closed is nonseparable as we can easily see by checking the (log(1-ze ih) log(l-z) There is one result which for h>0. is very useful and should be noted. MCf) for every MCf ) Aut(D). Although there is no natural inclusion relationship 2 p between the Hardy spaces H and B(i.e. g(z) (log(l-z)) E Hp %c p< yet g E B) there are some other interesting containment relations. Let us show for example that each holomorphlc function with finite Dirichlet Integral is in B. Assume f(z) a z n=l n If(z) 12dc(z) 1 For each than > 0 we may choose N n nl,l 2 and < (R). so that the last square root is less 390 5. A. CIMA Hnce lira sup (1-r rl 2) f’(z)[. < fE B 0. and F For a second and less obvious example we consider an I(F) of I, over an interval F be the average of I c D, III E L2(D). Let the measure and F(0) dO I(F) I F is said to have bounded mean oscillation if I in the Hardy space H2(D) this is equivalent In the case of a function f to being able to write as the sum of two holomorphlc functions f2 for fl and and the reader might wish to refer to the notes of Sarason 21 Which Re equlvalece f and fl Im f2 are bounded. for a comprehensive discussion of this topic. This is a nontrlvlal But if is decomposed as f above f(z) since fl function. and Thus f2 fl(z) + f2(z) are Bloch functions it follows that BMOA is a Bloch (the space of analytic functions with bounded mean oscillation) is a subspace of B. We establish now the basic duality relationships. idea really begins f with the paper of Rubel and Shields The fundamental 18 ]. In that PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS 391 paper the following basic principle is confirmed. Loosely stated it shows that the second dual of a Banach space of holomorphic functions satisfying a "little oh" growth condition is isomorphic to the Banach space of analytic functions satisfying the corresponding "big oh" relationship. Theorem (3.1). The inclusion mapping of isomorphism of B0** onto B0 B into extends to an B. We prove this theorem by a sequence of results. introduce an auxiliary space K, on g(O) 0 E I g holomorphic are the normalized holomorphic functions whose derivaties One checks that I c I H (D) and hence each I has well deflmed boundary values llm g (re r+l with is the space of functions drde<(R) are in the Bergman one space g I and I The functions in I. It is necessary to g (e i8 ) Lemma (3.2). E L’ (D). For i8) g(e i8) a.e. The next lemma is crucial to the development. f(z) and g(z) [ n= 1 Hadamard convolution h(z) f,g(z) n=l is in the disc algebra. abz n n b z n n the 3. A. CD 392 Proof. z re iO is analytic on D. We show that it is uniformly and so can be extended to a continuous function on D continuous on Let h The function and D, /: 2) (l-r 0 0 f’() (zg(z))’ e-i0d0dr , anbnn-I Also ] - g(rei0) 0 < dOdr 0 g’ (tel0) 0 dtdrd0 0 0 We find using this result Ih(=)l -< c(sup -< Let points g(z) h(/:2) g(z). ze D)llg llfllB’llgll x be given in i’ 2 [h( 1) where (X-lz[2) If’(E)l < c D and observe [I fll B [[ g1 2 It is routine to check that as lg-g:[[i o [1I V. PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FONCTIONS Hence, D. is uniformly continuous on h Theorem (3.3). The spaces In the notation of Lemma (3.2) we have for Proof. I*<:)l Hence each eI* f g(z)-, 1 b n i<f,,>l -< fh()l c can be identified with a B and let is analytic in (zn) a n > I. 0 < P < 1 Let D. for to . g(z) and f e B I g e II 11’11,11 in I*. Now assume The function and select g [ f(z) a z n I z" anbnpn But The pairing is are isomorphic. where f given by I* and B 393 tends to g in I" and hence the analytic function It remains to prove that f -2 z (l-z) is in I for < f> B. is in fixed in . (;,-’1:1 r) ("l-I l:12) -i Thus f’(’:)l I<f, %>1 < ,: I1,11. With (:.-I:12)-1 z re 18 s= j 0 0 _< c corresponds The kernel s..,., ’: f :l.-zi-2 d= J.A. ClMA 394 and so f B. is in The next theorem will be the last result we need. This result and Theorem (3.3) will imedlately yield Theorem (3.1). Theorem (3.4). given by / 1 The spaces g, f Let Proof. (zn) -bn, But for any g B 0. $ e B0* n > i. f e B, g(z) and form the holomorphic function . n=l For p f e B (0,I) and f bnzn BO, hence 0 > I. We have already observed that on The pairing is <f,g> SU Thus are isomorphic. with (f) for each B0* and induces a bounded linear functional g B 0. We have already noted that for f(z) . n=l m B/ defined by re(f) (an) a z n B the mapping 395 PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS is a one to one continuous linear mapping. (nk) It can also be shown if is a strictly increasing sequence of positive integers with nk+I/nk > 2, (ak) and then the function E [ akz k--i f(z) B is in and lfll nk If(an) If -< 4 n Hence, the mapp.n, /B given by E (a k) k=l akz 2 k is a (continuous) isomorphism onto its range. P B / B In particular the map given by 2 is a projection. k Although this is not sufficient to conclude that linearly isomorphic to Z one might anticipate this result. . B A denoue- ment to the results of this nature was given by Shields and Williams Their work coupled with a result of Lindenstrauss and Pelczynskl will show that indeed that B 0 B is isomorphic to is isomorphic to c o (sequences sup norm (Shields and Williams, 22, 23 establish a direct sum decomposition for and a complemented subspace. LI(D) 22 ]. 16 They also obtain the result tending to zero) ]). is with the usual Shields and Williams in terms of a copy of One can then apply the result of Lindenstrauss and Pelczynski on bounded projects to prove that Thus I*-- B. [ is isomorphic to E 1. J.A. CIMA 396 We prefer to use the notation of Shields and Williams and simply identify To begin they choose positive continuous otational connections necessary. functions $ and [0,1) on $ $(r) with 0 / r as / 1 and 1 (r)dr < (R). 0 A(D) The space on D. f consists of holomorphic functions Three other spaces are denoted by A A() =- where o {f A(D) sup {If(z) (Iz[) is normalized Lebesgue measure on D. D} z (R)} We make the obvious identifications and isomorphic correspondences Letting and M(D) bounded Borel measures on D denote the Banach space of complex-valued, (with variation norm) and such that each Banach space of continuous functions on ) vanishes on C0(D) we define some isometrics For f A, g the CO(D) f A 1 we define T=of Then T= f, Tlg g is an isometry of and A Mg to and g do L’(D) (T(R)IA0 A0 is an isometry of A 0 to C ) O 39? PROPERTIES O BLOCH FUNCTIONS T AI to L I is an isometry of I M and is an isumetry to M()). The following netational pairing is used zl I I f(z)g()(l-izl 2) () (I (z) (’g) ) (I --I ) do (--) du(z) D with f A., AI. g n f(z) a z n For example {(z) and [ and f if are polynomials g n b z n ab (n+l) (n+2) The pair {,#} Lemma (3.5). is a normal pair with Let z, w D Kw (z) -= e I-,2 k AI and 3 and a i. 2(1-wz) -(3) Then (i) g(w) (Kw,g) (2) f(,) (,K) a (3) span {K span {Kw; (4) Proof. case of all AI g A(R) w e D} w w is dense in D} is weak star dense in A 0 A. This is just a computation and we limit ourselves to proving the A1 in to show that if (3) and part (4). h L (D) and if Kw(z) D By the Hahn-Banach theorem it suffices h(z) do(z)= 0 5. A. CIMA 398 for all w D, AI I. T A A calculation annihilates all polynomials. The polynomials h anihilates all of then T I yields 0 for all w are dense in 2n D. n znh() (n+l) (n+2)w do (z) 0 Hence, I A h and thus span is dense in {Kw} For part (4) we recall that if o n (f) denotes the means of the partial sums of the Taylor series for sup 00<2 u I. A f nth Cesaro then sup fCreiO) ncf) cre 1o)l 0<0<2 Hence, If f A sup sup 0_<r<l 0 lonCf)(reie)l (l-r2)] we apply the aSove inequality to conclude that (l-r2) Un (f) (reiS) converges pointwlse and 5oundedly to (l-r 2) f(reiS). By the Lebesgue dom#inate convergence theorem we have f(z) h() d(z) for all h L’(D). Thus each sequence of polynomials. f in A= is the weak star limit of a PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS The L I(D) L(D) A functional on duality implies that each weak star continuous is given by Ce-[ z h where L I (D). 12) fCz) h(l) (--) But as above if I Kw(Z) h() (i- z 12 ) (z) annihilates polynomials and thus span h then 399 o {Kw} is weak star dense in A The next lemma is well known and the second follows by a calculation. Lemma [3.6]. For 0 < r < i, 2Ell-felt[-2 dt 0 ((l-r) -I) 0 Lemma [3.7]. For m _> 2 i and 0 _< 0 < i (1- Or)-m dr 0 ((1-0 2 )l-m). 0 Theorem 3.8. The transformation defined by d. (z) e with M(D), w The transformation A I. The operator subspace Proof. TA D is a bounded operator mapping M(D) onto I. A i -= Q]LI (D) is a bounded operator mapplnz LI(D) T1 i is a bounded projection of LI(D) onto the I. We consider only i the proof for is analogous. For onto J. A. CIMA 400 1 f L (D) I ( I d(w)) Kw() (l-’z.2)’f(z)’d(z) D where we have used Lemmas 3.6 and 3.7. Hence, i i {g A is in the kernel of w e D. (which Theorem 3.10. I(D) onto I. A I O, A} We show that the null space of 0 in g, (f,g) L’(m) all f for all if We have the following direct sum decomposition (TA) g e LI(D) L is a bounded projection from Corollary 3.9. Proof. If 1 ("-I zl 2 I(-TII) A1 (TmA) I. A if and only if () zCz) d(z) The finite linear combinations of s is weak star closed) and hence g is topologically isomorphic to Kw are weak star dense (TA) I. i. PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS with {r Let Proof. lim r I -< J. be a strictly increasing sequence of positive numbers n I. n A.3 Let denote the annulus R.3 LI(D) LI(AJ )’ Let 401 J / (restriction), with respect L R 1,2,... be the natural projection to Lebesgue measuz=_. I(8) + (L 10% 1 ) L I(A 2) The operator L (R) I(4 3 defined by (Rlf R2f Rf is an onto isometry. R.I.I A normal families argument shows that Hence, if S then Rj is a totally bounded S LI(Aj). set in Consider E measure on E... O(E) I, A is the unit ball in is a compact operator. i. Lebesgue measurable set and a c - d Lebesgue Further assume with out loss of generality that For each let n, n measurable sets n E 1,...,E2n Pn E be a partition of 1 B(E with into disjoint for each i. Assume that 2 Pn+l refines Pn Pn f + f P f n X in EL n. Now for i p f n Of course for each fd (E) i=l n E i f E L I(E,), Xgn i is the characteristic of the set I n E i- norm, uniformly on compact subsets of is of the form 2 n [ i= I C i X E =P n f- define One can prove that L I(E,). Each 402 Hence the map J. A. ClMA Cl --+ Cix Pn is an isometry of the range of 2 P P and hence Pn n I <Aj) ej > 0 into itself is given so that k. 13 some for a suitable integer for every S. f kj a projection IPjll < i, Pj pj L I pj(ej) of <Aj) is isometric and It is now clear that the subspace (PI L1 (AI) X One can check that i is a projection. n There is for every given L 2n onto X, P2 L1 (A2) * of L I(D) is isometric to I (A I) $ LI (A2) i" The operator T(RI L f’ R2 liT Rf T f’ R AI / X (PI defined by RI f’ P2 f’ satisfies for f e S. 1 for f AI. Thus, if e > 0 is given we can choose the ej > 0 so that to PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS is complemented in R L R Since T R A I sufficiently small 403 we claim that for I is complemented in RL > 0 and so in I us consider the general situation of a Banach space U with Y U. plemented subspace of on U P equal with range IlYll i, For if not y Y E vn E z y U Then Let a corn- P and there is a projection We claim there is Y. X. I >n> 0 such that if then z Y, n e Z with Thus lPll/n -> IP(yn Now let and this is absurd. Zn) ll T i be an operator on Y U into which satisfies We claim that T(Y) is a complemented subspace of invertlble as an operator on Y T(Y). / Next define U. First, T T on all of is U follows, Computations show iS a Y0 Y’ T(y) T(y) y e Y T(z) z z T flY011 is linear on i and Ty 0 Z. U and is one to-one. Z 0 E Z, then For if there as J.A. CIMA 404 Next if fly 2 < ITY 0 Y011 " z ll < 1 llzll lYll Similarly, < M if + IIP(y flY zll z)ll I. is isomorphic to T and since IIPII + < M R L I. is complemented in complemented subspace of it is known that an inflnite-dlmensional i i < Hence, T R A I This establishes the claim that is isomorphic to < then flY zll < Y011 iz 0 But 1 is an isomorphism we find that AI i" There are other results of interest which are known in regard to the Banach space structure. the multipliers from B B p into in the following sense. (A,B) If A n (e,8) {k n 2 {%nan {an} every I A and to B, are defined as (A,B) ={%= {%n by have characterized are two vector spaces of sequences the multipliers from denoted For 5 Anderson and Shields n+i k < 2 n the set of sequences E E B A} 0,i,2,... {ak} for and (k a I) n=0 and ,8 kl n=0 (o:(R)) i , for which 8 denote PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS 405 These are Banach spaces when they are given the obvious norm. Anderson and Shields prove that / t (B’P) (22_-p, p) 1p2 (’P) 2<p_ Questions of rotundity of the unit ball have also been investigated. Examples of extreme points in the unit ball of B0 nz are ha2, and other powers of Blaschke factors, suitably normed e.g. (3.z) Isl<l No other examples of extreme points are known. extreme points of the unit ball of We are considering functions {z Lf Theorem 3.11. if and only Let Lf f D f in B A characterization of the is given in Cima and Wogen 0 B0 lfll- with 8 ]. Let i. Jf’(z) ( _izl ’) be in the unit ball of B 0. Then f is an extreme point is an infinite set. A second result is also noteworthy in this regard. Theorem 3.12. If f is an extreme point of the unit ball of there are simple closed pairwise disjoint analytic curves with k > i and points wI, w 2, wj with J k Lf ( yi U {Wl, w2, wj} >_ 0 B0, then YI’ 72’’’ "’Yk so that 406 J.A. CIMA There are other examples of extreme points of the unit ball in The function log (l+z) B. is an example and scalar multiplies of singular inner functions corresponding to a point mass on D are also examples. The observation that M(f) sup {If’(z) (l-lzl 2 M (fo) for every a Aut(D) leads one to consider the isometrics of B and 0 B. In particular the extreme points of the unit ball are permuted under an onto isometry. The process of composing is a composition operator on the space. B C# + 0 (or B B0 a (Aut(D) with f ( B or We write + B) and this is defined as C(f) In 9 (z) Cima and Wogen have proven the following results. Theorem 3.13. If B S 0 / (Sf) (z) where (z) f % ( D and Corollary 3.14. Theorem 3.15. B0 is an isometry, lf((z)) %f((0)) $ (Aut(D). Every isometry of If then B S morphic automorphism $ / B and (Sf) (z) B 0 is onto. is an onto isometry, then there is a holo- a ( D such that A(f((z))) %f((0)). B 0 PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS 407 We conclude with the following interesting result of Rubel and Timoney 19 ]. and every Mobius transformation X f invariant if A real valued function X semi-norm on # of D X p and every p(f) fo# #, X. ( is said to be a Mobius-invarlant for every Mobius transformation A non-zero linear functional X. f [0,) / #) p(f if of analytic functions is said to be Mobius- X A linear space X L on is said to be decent if {If(z) sup for all for some X, f Theorem [3.16]. Let z and same compact subset M > 0 X. p, of (C). be a Moblus-lnvarlant semlnorm p If there exists a decent linear functional with respect to K be a Mobius-invariant linear space of analytic X functions on the unit disc and let on K} X then B c L on X and there exists a constant continuous A > 0 such that pB(f) for all pB(f) =- Sup In this theorem X. f < A p(f) (l-lzlm) If’(z)l pB(f) so tht zD PB (f) {l(fo)’(0)l Sup PB(C) 0 c Aut(D)} This motivates the following lemma. Lemma [3.17]. For each pn(f) Sup n < I, the expression {I (f)n(0)l . is the seminorm given by Aut(D)} We observe that 408 J.A. ClMA defined on analytic functions, is a semlnorm equivalent to the Bloch Proof. We follow Rubel and Timoney and consider the case case requires more bookkeeping but is similar. -a(Z) (z+a) (l+z) -I 2) 2 I2I 1 Choose 2 a (fo b_a The general 2) 2 a Let f(3)(a) (1-1zl 2) - - 6f’ (a)(l-[zl 3. and observe that _a)(3)(0) (f n (21- ) a )(3) e tt3 9 (0) d(} eff 9 6 f" (a) (1-1al and observe that 12lI /. 1 f’ (a) de 0 f’ (0) Taking absolute values we find If’(0) If is in Sup Hence, Aut((C)) -< () P3 (f) we apply thls last inequallty to obtaln {[(foe)’(0) PB (f) < Aut(D)} () p3(f) _< P3 (f)" For the converse we apply the Cauchy integral theorem f"(z) 1 [J 2n f,() 0 2 d0 An easy computation shows that if 2 l(fo+)" (-z) (0) < c < c (PB < c PB PB (f) (f) + sup (f) + If"(z) Cl-lz12) 2 f’ () (-ll 2)) (0) z / PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS A similar estimate will show that Hence, there inequality. P3 f"’ (z) is a constant (f) -< c PB 409 also satisfies such an c such that (f) Proof of the Theorem. (X, p) Let satisfy the hypothesis of the theorem and let L be a linear functional satisfying L(f) _< p (f) and Sup for all X, f {[f(z)l z K cc D} A > O. By the Hahn-Banach Theorem L extends to a continuous linear functional (denoted again as on D) and the inequality for known that (bN + 0) L L(f e )I L on H() K (all holomorphlc functions remains valid. - - holomorphic in (z) on can be identified with a function L(f) Let L) z [zl > r, r < i, g(z) It is well [ n-Ne0 b Z -n n in the following way f(z) g(z) d__z z be a rotation and change variables to deduce i f f(z) g(e ilz ) dz -<p (f) An application of Fubini’s theorem produces the following equality 410 J.A. CIMA e 2 i iN 1 dz g(eiz) -7 f(z) b fN (0). This implies p(f) and replacing pN(f) If N > 0 we conclude by f Sup f IbNl IfN(0) > and taking the supremum we obtain )N(0)I {}(f Aut(D)} < I.blN p(f) we apply the lemma (3.17) to produce the result. X and that c The sup norm dominates p and PB dominates the supremum norm Hc B. N If 0 II II This conclude the proof of the theorem. 4. Open questions. Of course the older question of getting a sharp estimate for Let us define subspaces of viable. L {f M {f(z) B B is as follows has radial limits f b a.e. on and [. a We know that if (Theorem 2.8). f E L Hence, is a Cauehy sequence and fan(f) E n i=n B lira a n 0}. then the Taylor coefficients of f L For if c M. fk, But M f n(fk) a in < c is closed in B B. we recall that lf-fkllB tend to zero {fk} c M PROPERTIES OF BLOCH FUNCTIONS 411 Hence, = lanCf)l and lira a (f) n H c__ 0. lf-fkl + B lanCfk)l The following inclusions have been pointed out p BMOA_c B n (i H ) =_ M c__ L It would be a useful result to describe the Bloch closure of or BMOA L. in the following. H A question raised by D. Campbell amd the author is Produce a function f B n(l Hp) which is not in BMOA. In answer to a question posed by the author R. Timoney has produced a function but B f such that f has radial limit values in L (D) p. UH Are there any natural conditions which can be placed on a 0<p Bloch function f so that if f has radial limits in LP(D) then f f HP? Several questions remain concerning the structure of the unit ball in B O. Namely, is each extreme point of the unit ball of the form (3.1)? B0 of What is the closed convex hull of the set of functions given by (3.1)? As a final question, we consider an oral communication of D. Sarason. There are singular functions S*(z) in B 0. This is not an obvious result but follows by some work of H. Shapiro and an application of the Zgymund criteria for B 0. Hence, for a D \ K, where K has capacity zero, the functions s*(z) l-a s*(z) are Blaschke products in B 0 (Frostman). for B by designating its zeros @ Give an explicit construction 412 J.A. CIl REFERENCES i. "An extension of Schwarz’s lemma", Trans. Amer. 4__3 (1938), 359-364. L. V. Ahlfors, and H. Grunsky, 42 (1937), 3 "ber die Blochsche 671-673. Math. Konstante", Math. Z., Anderson, J. 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ERRATA On pages 15 and 16: Replace f by g On page 15, line 3(b) Replace g by s on page 16, Replace g by s Replace A 2 f(e i8 lines 3, 4: On page 16, line 4: A2[f(e i8) On page 33, line 6: f(te by i8)] The direct sum is taken in the norm. i An___n.