I nternat. J. ,ath. & h. Sci. Vol. 2 #3 (1979) 523-530 523 RESEARCH NOTES ON SLOW OSCILLATION AND NONOSCILLATION IN RETARDED EQUATIONS BHAGAT SINGH Department of Mathematics University of Wisconsin Center 54220 Manitowoc, Wisconsin U.S.A. (Received September ii, 1978 and in revised form June i0, 1979) ABSTRACT. Sufficient conditions have been found to ensure that all oscillatory solutions of (r(t)y’(t))’ + a(t)y(t-(t)) are slowly oscillating. KEY WORDS AND HRASES. Slowly Oscing. This behaviour is further linked to nonoscillation. Oson, Nonosillation, Moderately Oscillating, AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970) CODES. i. f(t) 34ci0. INTRODUCTION. In studying the asymptotic nature of oscillatory solutions of the equation (r(t)y’(t))’ +a(t)y(t-(t)) this author in (i) f(t), [9, Theo. 2] showed that a nontrivial oscillatory solution y(t) of (i) satisfies lim y(t) o if f la(t)Idt < f if(t)Jdt < and ft < . B. SINGH 524 Idt In theorem 4 in [9], it was observed that solutions which do not approach zero as t / lead to slowly oscillating . In this work, we give sufficient conditions which cause all oscillatory solutions of the equation (r(t)y’(t))’ + a(t)h(y(g(t))) (2) f(t) to oscillate slowly. Even though voluminous lirature exists about various types of oscillatory and nonoscillatory criteria for such equations, the asymptotic nature of oscillatory solutions of these equations has not been so extensively studied. For a good literature study of related results Graef [i] and Graef and Spike [2] have in- The work of Travis [ll] (c.f[8]) shows that cluded an exhaustive reference list. common techniques found for ordinary differential equations fail on retarded differential equations even when the retardations are small. [4] and this author [7]. criteria see T. Kusano and H. Onose 2. For oscillation ASSUMPTIONS AND DEFINITIONS The entire study in this work is subject to the following assumptions: a(t), r(t), f(t), h(t) and g(t) are (i) r(t) > o, g(t) > o, g’(t) > o (ii) g(t) < t (iii) and g(t) / h is odd, sign (h(t)) (iv) such that o < < as t cO(R), where R is the real line, - sign(t) and there exists positive constants ,m h(t) < t m on some positive half llne. In order to reckon the half line we shall assume that it would mean for t > t O for some positive t O tO will be referred to without further mention. All functions considered are real valued. We call a function large zeros in [t0, H(t) C0[t0,) oscillatory if H(t) has arbitrarily otherwise we call it nonoscillatory. In order to be more precise we shall use the term "solution" only for those nontrivial solutions (of equations under consideration) which can be extended continuously for t > t 0. OSCILLATION AND NONOSCILLATION IN RETARDED EQUATIONS We define a function Hl(t 3. to be slowly oscillating if Y0 x0 > x0 Y0 and x 0 Hi(t are x0 > t o } Hl(t) ZHI If is unbounded. {Y0 ZHI is oscillatory and the set: consecutive zeros of C0[t0,oo g 525 HI is bounded, is called "moderately oscillating". ON SLOW OSCILLATION Theorem 4 in [9] states that moderately oscillatory solutions of (i) approach fla(t) Idt zero if < If(t) Idt and < . Our next Theorem gives sufficient conditions for all oscillatory solutions of (2) to be slowly oscillating. THEOREM (i). is bounded for large rlj,f(t),dt < and where al(t) > o and a2(t) a.l(t) Further suppose that t. lim inf t-o of equation (2) satisfy lira sup al(t) + a2(t) a(t) Suppose ly(t) > If(t) > o alt Then all oscillatory solutions y(t) (3) O and y(t) (4) is slowly oscillating. y(t) be an oscillatory solution of (2). PROOF. Let (ry’)’ + h(y(g(t))) + a2(t) h(y(g(t))) Rewriting (2) we have a (t) I Suppose to the contrary that h(x) / o as (i + lira inf t-o f(t) x / o lira t-o y(t) (5) al(t al(t) a2(t) o. Since a1() / Since is bounded and we get that a2(t)/al(t )) h(y(g(t))) (If(t) / al(t)) > o (t) / o as t reveals that y’(t) assumes a constant 526 B. SINGH y(t) nonoscillatory. sign making This contradiction shows that > o sup lyit) t-o Now fT la(t)Idt fal(t)dt < f la2(t)ldn + T T fT al(t)dt + al(t) al(t)dt < since a2 (t) is bounded al(t) y"(t) + Here al(t) / and f T If(t) Idt y(t) is slowly oscillating. 4 of this author [9], EXAMPLE (i). as t < By Theorem The proof is now complete. Consider the equation. 5 i A-._ y(t) 5 a(t) t t3/2 > o (6) All conditions of Theorem 3 are satisfied. Hence all oscillatory solutions of (6) are slowly oscillating and satisfy lira sup t-o ly(t)l > o In fact (1 + 2 sin(%nt)) is one such y(t) solution. EXAMPLE (2). Let y(t) y"(t) + i + 2 sin t t3 Taking al(t) i/t 3 a2(t) this theorem are satisfied. be a solution of y(t )= 2 + Cos t4 t t > (7) 2 sin t / t 3 we find that all conditions of Hence either y(t) is nonoscillatory or slowly oscillating with no limit at Example i suggests the following theorem: THEOREM (2). a2(t) / al(t) Suppose a(t) al(t) + a2(t) is bounded for large t where al(t) Further suppose that > o and OSCILLATION AND NONOSCILLATION IN RETARDED EQUATIONS If(t)[dt < and solution of (2) PROOF. as t / a() y(t) Then y(t) (rY’)’/al(t) > o, al(t t 5 y’’ (t) + t > be an oscillatory lim sup lira sup t-o ly(t)] ]y(t)] Suppose to the Then (5) immediately reveals that / ]y’(t) l> o eventually. nonoscillatory, a contradiction. EXAMPLE (3). y(t) is slowly oscillating and is bounded. as / Let / We only need to show that contrary that Since ]f(..t.)l 527 This forces y(t) to be This proves the theorem. The equation + 6 sin.(%nt) 1 y(t) + 6 in(Zn t) + 2 sin2<n (8) t O satisfies all conditions of Theorem 2 by choosing al(t) and 4t 2 yt) 6 sin Int) t4 a2(t / i + 2 a I and a 2 as This equation has sin as an oscillatory solution satisfying the conclusion of this theorem. Our next theorem gives conditions for boundedness of all moderately oscillating solutions of equation 2. where al(t) f la (t)Idt / < L > o as t It is well known that if alt) / a(t) al(t) + a2(_t is of bounded variation and then all solutions of y"(t) + a(t)y(t) (9) o are bounded with bounded derivatives. See Cesari [3, p.85]. It is not true for retarded equations y"(t) + a(t)h(y(g(t))) as the following example shows. o (IO) 528 B. SINGH EXAMPLE (4). y" + has The equation 2e/2y(t e t sin t y(t) (ii) o However our next theorem gives the partial as a solution. We prove it in more generality for equation 2. result. THEOREM (3). f lam(t) Id t < x2 sup y(t) If(t) Idt (4-))/c2m Y(X2) Xl al(t) L > o as t / Further suppose that there exists a y of (31) where for any oscillatory solution Y(Xl)= Let T y(x) o < xe(xl, x2) o, be large enough so that for g(T1) > be large enough so that la2(t) Idt < /2 fT and If(t) Suppose to the contrary that TI’ > T2 < where is bounded. PROOF. T J’ and al(t) + a2(t) a(t) Suppose L + )t < such that then -/2) > T I such that > T y(T I) and al(t) < L + % Let o dt < /2 lira sup Y(T2) T t o and smallest closed interval containing ly(t) PI TI’. Then there is a max ly(t) T <_ It is clear that t < T v I.Y(T ’)I T 2 < Xl, (12) and lY(g(t) [Xl, x2]. for te MI -jXOy ’(t)dt xI < M I Let Xog[xl, x2] f x xo y’(t)dt 2 we have 2Ml < f x2 Xl lY’(t) Idt (13) such that MI lY(XO) Since > %. OSCILLATION AND NONOSCILLATION IN RETARDED EQUATIONS f x x2 lY’(t) 11/21y I f 4MI < f dt < From (14) (x2 y’(t) y’(t)dt Integrating by parts and using (2) by Schwarz’s inequality. 4 f y(t)a(t)h(y(g(t)))dt- Xl) x2 f x < since x2 4 < m I a(t) h(y(g(t))) y(g(t))dt + y(g(t)) x2 (al(t) + la2(t) l)dt 2 +f X _< e2m(L + %) + fxx2 la2(t) Idt m I or 4 < a2m(L f x _ (14) x2 I (12) and (13) This yields in view of which gives + %) + % x2 If(t (15) fxx2 If(t) (16) 1 - +a "’i I (17) x since ii mfx 2 la2(_t) Idt < i REMARK. L o, 2m and (L + ) conclusion of the theorem. x2 f x If(t) Idt <_ l/2 I completes the proof. Coming back to example (4) e t sin t > < %/2 I This contradiction, in (17) far any y(t)f(t)dt xI xI xI < e xI y we get we have 4 4 529 2e /2,m 1 2(2 e/2 we see that for the solution f(t) + ) > 4 o and a2(t) Thus o ,/satisfying the 530 B. SINGH EXAMPLE (5). y"(t) + 2 e-3n/2y(t -) (18) o e -t sin t as a solution. y -3z -4"7 m e l has L The equation Here e---Z % Therefore for m2(L + %) .01 2(e-4"7 + .01) < 4 once again, satisfying this theorem. REFERENCES i. Graef, John R. 2. Graef, John R. and Paul W. Spikes. Oscillation, Nonoscillation and Growth of Solutions of Nonlinear Functional Differential Equations of Arbitrary Order, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 60 (1977) 398-409. Asymptotic Properties of Solutions of Functional Differential Equations of Arbitrary Order, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 60 (1977) 339-348. 3. Cesarl, L. "Asymptotic Behavior and Stability Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations," Sprlnger-Verlag, Berlin, 1959. 4. Kusano, T. and H. Onose. 5. Londen, S. 6. Norkln, S.B. 7. Singh, B. Oscillation and Nonoscillatlon of Even-order Nonlinear Delaydifferential Equations, Quart. App!. Math. (1973) 343-349. 8. Singh, B. Asymptotic Nature of Nonoscillatory Solutions of nth Order Retarded Differential Equations, SlAM J. 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