Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 2 No. 2 (1979) 209-221 209 p INTEGRABLE SELECTORS OF MULTIMEA SURES RICHARD ALO’ Department of Mathematics Lamar University 77710 U.S.A. Beaumont, Texas ANDRE de KORVIN, and CHARLES E. ROBERTS, JR. Department of Mathematics Indiana State University Terre Haute, Indiana 47809 U.S.A. (Received October 17, 1978) ABSTRACT. The present work is a study of multivalued functions and measures which have many applications to mathematical economics and control problems. Both have received considerable attention in recent years. We study the set of selectors of the space of all p- integrable, X- valued additive set functions. This space contains an isometrically imbedded copy of LP(x). KEY WORDS AND PHRASS. p-integrable slectors, Mtimeasres, Banach space, Radon-Nikodym property, Finite p-variation, L p spaces. AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970) Codes. 28A45, 28A48. R. ALO’, A. KORVIN AND C. E. ROBERTS 210 i. INTRODUCTION. p In his studies of classical function spaces such as L spaces, S. Leader [7] found it convenient to consider the Lp spaces of finitely additive set functions which he denoted by Vp. All the set functions are real valued and L p can be isometrically embedded in V p. First the set functions In [9] the work of [7] is generalized in two ways. take values in a Banach space X. Instead of studying p-summable functions, This space is Orlicz spaces of finitely additive set functions are considered. denoted by V(X). Ixl p, Of course, if we let p(x) then V(X) space of all p-integrable, X valued additive set functions. becomes the It is shown that L p(X) is isometrically embedded in Vp(X) In recent years the study of multivalued functions and measures has received considerable attention as have their applications to mathematical economics and control problems. We refer the reader to [I], [2], [3], [4], [6], [8] for a small sample of the work done along these lines. A multSmeasure is defined to be a function from a o-algebra into the set of non-empty, bounded closed convex subsets of a Banach space X. additivity is defined through the use of the Hausdorff metric. . multimeasure. study of for all A. The set of selectors of Countable Let denote a plays a very important role in the By a elector, we mean an X-valued measure m such that m(A) c For example, Godet-Thobie (see [6]) shows that if compact for all A, then selectors {mn} such that (A) (A) is weakly has at least one selector and in fact a sequence of {mn(A)} is dense in (A) for all A. Conditions are also given on the space X that insure the existence of the sequence {ran}. The main purpose of the present paper is to study the set of selectors of m that belong to vP(x). Denote that set by MPm" We assume here that p > i. INTEGRABLE SELECTORS OF MULTIMEASURES Now MPm is an important set to consider because it will be shown that it is a convex closed subset of i 2" only if , vP(x) that characterizes that is , n} then a sequence {m m(A) for all A. MP2 if and With certain additional assump- tions and using a Radon-Nikodym theorem of Tolstonogov # MPI The first result deals with the case of a a-finite space where the values of m are weakly compact subsets of X. MP^m 211 of selectors in vP(x) B], we show that if exists with {mn(A)} dense in This remains true if the values of m are assumed to be strongly convex and closed instead of weakly compact. Next the case where the underlying space is finite is considered. certain assumptions using a Radon-Nikodym theorem of is arrived at. [6]. Under Cost [3], the same result These two results are thus along the line of results shown in AMP which Next a new space is naturally introduced, the space space of all measures of the miAi) rAi form2 .r(Ai where m’ i is the are selectors of Aie and where denotes a partition (finite), r is the underlying measure and is the contraction of r to Ai. AMPUl and AMP2 where A result establishes the relation between I + 2" Also it is shown that MPCclAMP. rAi AMP, Finally the case where m has absolutely closed convex values is considered. 2. NOTATIONS AND PERTINENT RESULTS The purpose of this section is to present some concepts and state some results that are needed to show our results. Let X denote a Banach space. It is said that X has the Radon-Nikodym property if very X-valued measure with finite variation has a density relative to its variation. It is known that reflexive spaces and separable dual spaces have that property. Throughout this paper we assume p > I. R. ALO’ 212 A. KORVlN AND C E Let 7 denote a -algebra of subsets of a set Let r denote a finitely Let F be a finitely additive set additive positive set function defined on E. function from 7. into X with the property r(A) 0 implies F(A) 0, and IF(En) I[p(En)p-I !Ene sup Ip(F,B) . ROBERTS denotes a finite collection of disjoint subsets of B where B e 7. where and r(En) < . Now F is said to have finite p-variation if ’F(En) Let F (-) (mn) Ip(F) Ip(F,) < . (.)], and AP(x) denote the set of finitely r[E n E e n additive set functions F mapping I into X with finite p-variation and with the property r(A) Let vP(x) 0 implies F(A) 0. be the submanifold of functions, that is lim (E)+0 IIF(E) II AP(x) consisting of r-continuous set 0. It is shown in [9] that when p > I, Ap(X) Vp(X). I/p We denote by space under the Np(F) Ip(F) norm Np. Moreover dense subset of vP(x) vP(x) the set functions of the form is a Banach F form a provided that X has the Radon-Nikodym property and p > I. Let F be a function from of X. It is also shown that into the non-empty closed bounded convex subsets If F has weakly compact values, we define, following Tolstonogov [8], fFdr {ffdrlfeL’(r) and f(w)eF(w) a.e.} Otherwise, Fdr cl{IfdrlfeL’(r) and f(w)eF(w) a.e.} Let X c denote the non-empty bounded closed convex subsets of X. [6] we define A + B cI{A+B} for AX%, B. Following INTEGRABLE SELECTORS OF MULTIMEASURES If : E + Xc, then (U) 213 called a multi-measure if m is -=n "7.(Ai) lira [(AI) $ (A2) $ $ (An)] For every sequence of disjoint sets Ai e 7 where the limit is with respect to the Hausdorff metric (It is shown in [6] that $ is an abelian and associative operation on Xc). The reader is referred to [3] and [8] for Radon-Nikodym theorems pertaining to multimeasures. If AXc [A will denote the Hausdorff distance between {0} and A, that is xeA Also acoS will refer to the absolute convex envelope of a subset S of X, that is acoS is the set of all finite sums of the form Zi s i with sieS and 7.1eil.<l Of course, acoS denotes the closure of acoS. property P if its dual space 3. has a sequence {Xn*} that separates points of X. MAIN RESULTS I / c denote a multi-measure from 7. into Let m: X’ Finally X is said to have X such that m(A)e(A) for all Ae7. with all "selectors of PROOF. Now for " that are in Let Aer. with r(A) < vP(x). MP^m . Let and let meVP(x) MP^m denote all measures that is MP is is a closed subset of mieMPf with Np(m-mi)/0 and the set of vP(x). mevP(x). > 0 and i large enough: lm(A)-mi(A) IIp r(A)P -I Since (A) is closed it follows that a ’-finite space. Let X < m(A)e(A). Thus meMP. Let (,Z,) denote We denote all weakly compact convex subsets of X. assume that the convex hull of the average range of m is relati_velx weakly comRaqt, that is [ -%(K) IKe. KCE O<I(K)<J1 is relatively compact for every E 7. 214 THEOREM 2. A KORVIN AND C E ROBERTS Let m be a multi-measure from E into Xw. Assume that (i) The convex hull of the average range of m is relatively compact. (2) The space (3) For every e>O there exists 8>0 such that %(A) implies (4) X has the Radon-Nikodym property. Then if Mp. (A) ALO’ R X’ is separable (in particular X’ satisfies P). qb for p > 1, then there exists {mn} a sequence in Mp. # Im(A) such that =cl{mn(A)} for every A e I. From (2) and [6] it follows that there exists a sequence {o n PROOF. o n are selectors of Now %(A) 0 implies with (A) v cl{On(A)} re(A) {0} by (3) Thus o n <<% /Afnd% n(A) for A e for some Y., o are X-valued measures. n Now (4) implies fneL/x(% and all AsE. By a theorem of [8], (i) implies that there exists a function F from such that implies Let (A) fAFd%. Thus fAfnd%eYAFd% for all where AeY.. into We now show that this fn(w)eF(w) a.e. /Ahd%e/AFd% for all AsY.. xeF(w) if and only if Let <X,Xn> {Xn*} < be a dense sequence in sup<y,Xn*> y’F (w) This is because F(w) is convex, closed and bounded of positive measure then there exists > <h(w),Xn*> AeF. and sup If h(w) F(w) on a (A) > 0 and over A ye F (w) Consequently </Ahd%, Xn*> .> sup g (w)e F (w) fA<h,xn*>d% > /A fA<g(w),xn*> d% Thus YAgd%cl{fAgd%Ig(w)sF(w)}. Thus fn(w)eF(w) a.e. for all n. >. sup yeF (w) <Y,Xn*>d% < Y Agd%, sup g (w)e F (w) This contradicts Then for all n. n such that % <Y,Xn*> X’. Xn*> /Ahd%S/AFd% for all set 215 INTEGRABLE SELECTORS OF MULTIMEASURES Now let Let moeMPm then mo(A) partition of . mj,],keVP(x) also mj,],k(A) mj l,k e MP^m since oj(AAkf-!Aj,]) All finite sums of the form Y. k (A) (for j and %(A’ + X B’j,],kfo XBj,],kfj sj,],k Define mj,],k(A) Let {Ak} be a Let Aj,]Ak Bj,],k sj,],keL is a positive integer. %(Ak)<=. such that foeLPX- and by [9], {wl]-l<llfjIl.<]} where Aj,] clearly fAfod% fA sj,]’kd% + By [9] mo(AnB’j,],k )e(A). (A.Ak[ Aj,]) + E(A. k Ak(.Aj,]) are dense in fixed) and since / 0 as / (for j fixed) it is easy to see that (3) implies that all finite sums of the form E k m,],k(A)j are dense in (A) range over the as j and positive integers. These finite sums form the desired sequence {m }. n This completes the proof. Let X s denote all bounded closed non-empty, strictly convex subsets of X, that is Ae implies that for all x’ (x) COROLLARY 3. x’eX’ there exists a unique xeX such that sup {x’ (y) Let (,E,%) be a o-finite measure space. Let be a multimeasure from E into X s assume is of the form (A) fAFd% where F(w)ec. (2) X’ (3) X has the Radon-Nikodym property. Then if is separable. MP # n} for p > i, then there exists a sequence {m in MP such that R. ALO’, A. KORVIN AND C. E. ROBERTS 216 (A) cl{mn(A)} for all A e E. From a result in [6] and since m has values in X PROOF. {n the sequence the existence of s as defined in the proof of theorem 2 follows. The rest of the proof follows as in Theorem 2. We now consider a measure Il sup l(Ai) from E into X c We define the variation of by where the sup is over finite collections of disjoint sets Ai. We consider the case where (,E,) is a finite measure space. THEOREM 4. from E into X c (I) Let (,E,) be a finite measure space. has u-finite variation. (A) {0}. (a) (3) X’ (4) X has the Radon-Nikodym property. Then if PROOF. 0 implies is separable. MP # (A) for p > 1 then there exists a sequence {mn} in cl{m (A)} for all A e E. n From a result in [2] and since takes values in is uniformly continuous with respect to . Since result of [3] it follows that there exists a function F from (A) be a multimeasure Assume: (2) holds, Let fAFd for all A c MP such that and since (2) is finite by a into Xc such that E. . The rest of the proof proceeds as in Theorem 2. We now show that COROLLARY 4. Let MP i characterizes and 2 be two multimeasures. theorem 2 or theorem 4 MPI MP2 if and only if I 2" Under the hypothesis of INTEGRABLE SELECTORS OF MULTIMEASURES PROOF. 217 The proof follows immediately from the statement PROPOSITION 5. Let and having no atoms. be a multimeasure from 7. into c (A) cl{mn(A)}. of finite variation Assume X has the Radon-Nikodym property then MP is a convex set. PROOF. all A e 7.. From a result in [2] and since m has no atoms, It is then straight-forward to check that MP (A) is convex for is convex. From now on y will denote % when the hypothesis of theorem 2 are verified and when the hypothesis of theorem 4 are verified. Recall that we use the word "partition" as in [9] that is a finite collection of disjoint subsets of finite measure. THEOREM 6. MP^m Assume the hypothesis of theorem 2 or of theorem 4 and assume Then there exists a sequence {m i} in Mp # meMP there exists a partition 0 subset {min} of {mj} such that if YEn denotes PROOF. refines refines then there is a such that Im-ymi where such that for e > 0 and (En) the contraction of Y to En. Let e > 0, meMP. m nl By [9] there exists a partition 0 such that if 0 then By theorem 2 or theorem 4 there exists a sequence {m i} in m(E) cl{mi(E)} for all E Let e’ > 0 then there exists an integer i (En)-m(En)ll < n E. such that e’. MP^m such that _ 218 Now R. ALO’ X m(En Np Ene z min(En y (En) YEn (En) A. KORVIN AND C Ene YEn Y(En ] Ip m(En)-min(En) Y(En) < clearly e’P Y(En)P e’ may YEn Aje sup ^ YE - ROBERTS n [m(En /. sup E -min (mn) p YEn(AJ) p Y(E )PY(Aj) -i Aje j (--- p-I YEn(A]) -< e ’p lYE [ y(Aj) Y(En)P_ I ] be picked so that (En) Np /. m(En)-min YEn Y(En) Ene This finishes the proof. AMP YAi where m’ ieMP" Motivated by the above theorem we define sums of the form E Aie If I and 2 are multimeasures from E into (i + 2) (A) Also let \’ Y(Ai) That is the partition Let YAi with is kept the same for I + 2" cI{AMPI Js AMP2 }. THEOREM 7. we define the set of all finite sums of the form mii(Ai) + m’2i (Ai) Ai c I(A) $ 2(A). AMPUl s AMP2 be z_ cI{AMP} i(Ai) Y (A i) to be the set of all finite mli I eMPI, m2 ieMP2 and 2" Under the hypothesis of theorem 2 or theorem 4 219 INTEGRABLE SELECTORS OF MULTIEASURES By theorem 2 or theorem 4 there exists sequences {mi} PROOF. {m2i} MP, m, (A) MPI MP2 such that cl{mli(A)} 2(A) cl{mi(A)} I(A) Consider y. m i(Ai YAi, Y(Ai) {mli} for A cl{m2i(A)} then as in theorem 6 one may pick e’ > 0 small enough so that lm i(Ai)-mi(Ai)ll<e implies m, i(Ai Np cl{mli(A)+m2j (A)} again let Imi(Ai)-(mlki+m21i)(Ai)l l<e "where e" is mi(Ai) Y" Np Ai clAMP& el [AMPul ’ Let us note that if AMP2] i hypothesis, Let 2 and MPm , MP2 {Ai} let # < e. be a multimeasure from AieE_m’i(Ai)y(Ai) YAi into c, The following are true. (i) If ic valued multimeasure, 2 M define (a--d where )(A) then so is aco p c IAMP. Then (A)e(A) Y (AinA) Aie -i We would like to show (Ai) i= i sequence of disjoint sets A i. whenever .< m’leMP a--d-((A)). . {Ai} be a partition and assume that the values of absolutely convex sets in PROOF. satisfies the above $ then whenever PROPOSITION 8. Let This shows that do. be the partition is an YAi] m’ li (Ai)+m’ 2j (Ai)el (Ai)$2 (Ai)’ Since # 1 small enough so that (mlki+m21i)(Ai) -Y(Ai) E the converse is also clear. (3) YAi! (A) Since Now let mi (Ai) YAi (Ai are is a partition i E i= i ac--- (Ai) for any of A with 220 R ALO’ A KORVIN AND C E ROBERTS Now the proof in [5] (p. 415) shows with obvious modifications that aco(A+B) aco A + aco B. co(A+B). aco A + aco B and by continuity of ado A + Thus aco A aco acoA+acoB d6 B aco aco B a6o (A+B) i--i hd i(Ai) By a result of [4], J[d A, dB B] .< denotes the Hausdorff metric aco "E(Ai "E i=l -i=l + (A+B) and by induction n [Ii=l(Ai) Thus J[A,B] where A and B are in c and Thus letting n go to infinity (Ai) This shows the first part of the theorem. . MP.m C clAMP c eAMp follows from [9] since F are dense in vP(x). Finally let Then 1 (A)=.AieZm:l (Ai) --Y(Ai) (Ai).YAi/ mi (A) If Z y(AAi) Y(Ai). <i since m y_(A,( Ai) i(Ai)e(Ai)C (A) (this because 0e(B) if absolutely convex for all BeZ) this implies (B) is c(A)e(A). REFERENCES i. Aumann, R. J. Integrals of set-valued functions, J. Math. Anal. App,. i_2 (1965) 1-12 2 Coste’ 3 Coste’ 4. Debreu, G. 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