Education Dream The Master’s Degree in Professional Options

seek your
The Master’s Degree in
Professional Options
Course Requirements
r Legal Aspects of Higher Education (EDHE 5306)
r Topical Research in Education (EDUC 5366)
n Professional Studies Core (18 hours):
r Microcomputer Applications (EDIT 5310)
r Education Graduate Orientation (EDUC 5001)
r Advanced Principles and Practices in Education
(EDUC 5301)
r Research Methods in Education (EDUC 5302)
r Learning to Lead (EDUC 5353)
r One from the following:
r Multicultural Education (EDUC 5303)
r Survey of Exceptionalities (EDSP 5304)
r One from the following:
r Adult Development and Learning (EDUC 5380)
r Child and Adolescent Development and
Learning (EDUC 5381)
n Instructional Leadership (18 hours):
r Topical Research in Education (EDUC 5366)
r Fifteen (15) hours from the following:
r School Law (EDAD 5332)
r Effective School Organization & Improvement
(EDAD 5326)
r Supervision of Instructional Leadership
(EDAD 5333)
r Advanced Desktop Publishing and Digital Graphics
(EDIT 5340)
r Teaching English as a Second Language
(EDLI 5345)
r Survey of Exceptionalities (EDSP 5304)
r Personal and Organizational Leadership
Choose one of the following to complete the 36-hour
n Higher Education Administration (18 hours):
r The Administration of Higher Education
(EDHE 5301)
r Historical and Financial Aspects of Higher
Education (EDHE 5302)
r Strategic Planning and Analytical Systems
(EDUC 5300)
r Instructional Techniques (EDUC 5305)
r Classroom Management (EDUC 5306)
r Topics in Education (EDUC 5312)
r Becoming a Teacher (EDUC 5318)
r Instructional and Assessment Strategies II
(EDUC 5328)
r Stress Management (EDUC 5339)
(EDHE 5303)
r Foundations of Student Development
continued on next page
(EDHE 5304)
Altus Campus
510 N. 6th St., Bldg. 87 Rm. 231, Altus AFB, OK 73523 w 580.481.5243 w
Truman Education Center, 3281 Koehler Loop, Ft. Sill, OK 73503 w (580) 248-1171 w
400 Young Rd., Bldg 200, Suite 209A, Vance AFB, OK 73705 w 580.213.6452 w
seek your
The Master’s Degree in
Professional Options, cont.
n Instructional Technology (18 hours):
r Topical Research in Education (EDUC 5366)
r Advanced Desktop Publishing and Digital
Graphics (EDIT 5340)
r Advanced Computer Networking and Data
Management (EDIT 5341)
r Web Mastering (EDIT 5343)
r Advanced Multimedia and Video Technology
(EDIT 5344)
r Management of Information Systems (MISM 5306)
n Special Education:
r Special Education Law (EDSP 5305)
r Methods & Materials for Teaching Students with
Disabilities (EDSP 5306)
r Appraisal of Students with Disabilities
(EDSP 5308)
r Behavior Management Techniques for Students
with Disabilities (EDSP 5315)
r Teaching Students with Reading, Language and
Communication Disorders (EDSP 5357)
r Topical Research in Education (EDUC 5366)
Master of Education in
Educational Administration
(with administrative certification)
r Data Analysis in Educational Administration
(EDSP 5305)
r Instructional Leadership (EDAD 5326)
r Introduction to School Administration Organizational Behavior and Theory (EDAD 5331)
r School Law (EDAD 5332)
r Supervision and Teacher Evaluation (EDAD 5333)
r Role of the Principal (EDAD 5335)
r Instructional Leadership II (EDAD 5336)
r Application of Administrative Concepts
(EDAD 5337)
r Campus Business Management (EDAD 5339)
r Special Populations and Programs (EDAD 5340)
r Principal Internship (EDAD 5349) *
r Personal and Organizational Leadership
(EDUC 5300)
* The internship is taken at the end of the program.
The MEd in Educational Administration requires a
capstone course consisting of a written examination
and an oral presentation on a student’s idea for a
“calling card” event to be introduced at the school
where they will do their internship.
Altus Campus
510 N. 6th St., Bldg. 87 Rm. 231, Altus AFB, OK 73523 w 580.481.5243 w
Truman Education Center, 3281 Koehler Loop, Ft. Sill, OK 73503 w (580) 248-1171 w
400 Young Rd., Bldg 200, Suite 209A, Vance AFB, OK 73705 w 580.213.6452 w