March 29 Campus e‐Update BHSU Campus eUpdate <> Tue 3/29/2016 1:03 PM Campus e‐Update for March 29, 2016 The next BHSU Campus e‐Update will be sent on Thursday, March 31 Please continue to submit your informational items (with this form) by 8:30 a.m. Tuesday or Thursday to be included in that day’s Campus e‐Update. STUDENT ANNOUNCEMENTS View the student/community announcements page which is updated daily Submit your student/community announcement for the next Campus e‐Update Week of March 28 – April 1 CAMPUS CALENDAR Check out the highlights for what’s happening this week: Wednesday, March 30 Part‐time Job & Internship Fair ~CANCELLED~ Comedy Music Duo Thursday, March 31 Personal Success Group Geek Speak Science writer Michael Shermer to speak on campus The Madeline Young Speaker Series is proud to present Michael Shermer, an American science writer and historian of science on Thursday, April 7, at 7 p.m., in the David B. Miller Yellow Jacket Student Union Jacket Legacy Room. Shermer will speak on the topic “Why People Believe Weird Things”. The presentation is free and open to the public. ‐‐Submitted by Steve Meeker ‐ 3‐29 CANCELLED: Part‐time Job & Internship Fair Friday, April 1 Queen City Classic Open House Movie Night Saturday, April 2 Due to the inclement weather expected for tomorrow the Part‐time Job & Internship that was scheduled for March 30th from 2p‐4p in Queen City Classic the Hive has been CANCELLED. There are no plans to reschedule, but businesses will be sending their openings and they will be Sunday, April 3 emailed out to students. ‐‐Submitted by Melissa Haught ‐ 3‐29 Queen City Classic Brittany's Bunch Arby's Fundraisers Brittany's Bunch will be hosting fundraisers at Arby's the entire month of April every Saturday from 5‐8. Come help us kick off these fundraisers Friday, April 1st from 5‐8! Brittany's Bunch is a collaboration of student organizations at BHSU conducting fundraising efforts on behalf of Brittany Thompson, who was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma this semester. Be on the lookout for future Brittany's Bunch events! ‐‐Submitted by Michaela Stroup ‐ 3‐29 YELLOW JACKET NEWS JUR(Y): Winter 2016 Issue 1, Volume 1 The first issue of JUR(Y): The Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity has been released. Published submissions went through a double‐blind peer review process. Please visit to view the issue; to view the issue in full, click on the PDF link on the right, or scroll down to see texts by category. Please note: the journal will begin accepting submissions for the next issue in fall 2016. BH graduates can submit within one year of graduation. ‐‐Submitted by Courtney Huse Wika ‐ 3‐28 The Memory Keeper from Belarus Tatyana Novikova, journalist and antinuclear activist from Belarus, will be at Black Hills State University to speak about the work of Belarusian investigative journalist and nonfiction prose writer Svetlana Alexievich. LaCroix and Fruechte Named February Warriors of the Month Golf: Spring Season Gets Underway at South Dakota Mines Invite Tatyana Novikova (Ivanova) about Svetlana Alexievich in “Foreign Policy in Focus”: “The prestigious Nobel Prize in Literature 2015 has been awarded to my compatriot from Belarus, writer and journalist Svetlana Alexievich. Many Belarusians pin their hopes on this prize… With her true war stories or her oral history about the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, Alexievich is addressing the same issue: abuse of power and the destruction of people. With the Nobel Prize, her books will now receive worldwide dissemination. Perhaps they can help prevent more of these disasters in the future.” Novikova's presentation, sponsored by the BHSU English Club, will take place in Jonas 110 on Wednesday, April 6 at 6:30 pm. ‐‐Submitted by Caitlin Hill ‐ 3‐28 T&F: Outdoor Season Begins with Eight Event Victories Become a Writing Mentor KNOW WHILE YOU GO Are you approachable, friendly, and encouraging? Are you a self‐motivated learner who thinks quickly on their feet? Would you like to be part of a community that promotes writing both on‐campus and in the greater Black Hills area? If yes, then you should apply to be Read the student‐generated Check out scores, upcoming games and other news at Athletics… 1/3 3/30/2016 March 29 Campus e­Update ­ Krueger, Amanda a writing mentor at the BHSU Writing Assistance Center! Please email for more information ASAP; applications are due no later than Monday, April 11 at 3PM. ‐‐Submitted by Rickie‐Ann Legleitner ‐ 3‐28 Nights of Country Swing is Changing Locations Starting April 7th, NOCS will be meeting at the Spearfish Rec Center every Thursday evening from 6:30pm‐8:45pm for our weekly dances. Everyone is more than welcome to attend. Free admission. Carpools can be arranged from the Young Center. Follow us on Facebook: BHSU NOCS Club. ‐‐Submitted by Kasha Nankviel ‐ 3‐28 organizational calendar of events KNOW WHILE YOU GO Arbor Day Workshop Arbor Day Tree Workshop Start Date/Time: Wednesday, April 20th, 2016 3:00 PM End Date/Time: Wednesday, April 20th, 2013 5:00 PM Recurring Event: Second Annual Event Category: Community Events Location: Jonas Hall Description: Celebrate Arbor Day with BHSU Facility Services. Grounds Crew leader Eric Hanson will be explaining proper tree planting and care techniques. Participants will practice their skills by planting new trees and performing maintenance on existing campus trees. Please sign up ahead of time so we know how many trees to plan for. Contact Destiny Durham ‐ or 605‐642‐6298 for attendance confirmation or any questions. If needed our rain date is the following Wednesday 27th at 3 PM. ‐‐Submitted by Destiny Durham ‐ 3‐28 Geek Speak: Religion and Hip Hop Join us on Thursday, March 31 at 4:00 in Jonas 110 for "God Show Me The Way: Religion and Hip Hop," hosted by Dr. Dan May. Hip hop culture has come to occupy a central role in music, both in the United States and around the world. We will briefly outline the history of hip hop, and then take a closer look at the often‐overlooked intersection of rap music and religion. Drawing on the culture of traditions such as the Nation of Islam, the Five‐Percent Nation and Christianity, religious imagery and themes have been used in hip hop lyrics for decades. We will listen to many examples of this, and also discuss how the incorporation of religion into hip hop is as relevant and vibrant today as it has ever been. The scholarship of hip hop has also grown to include a focus on the conversation between rap music and religion, and we will see what prominent scholars have to say about all of this. ‐‐Submitted by Courtney Huse Wika ‐ 3‐28 Wanted: BHSU Enthusiasts! The BHSU Office of Admissions is hosting an Open House on April 1st, 2016. We are looking for BHSU enthusiasts to volunteer at this Open House, for prospective students and their families, who are interested in sharing their knowledge and love of BHSU. If you would be interested in visiting with our guests and giving them a tour of campus, please contact the Admissions Office or email Lorrin Anderson at ‐‐Submitted by Lorrin Anderson ‐ 3‐28 Visit Germany this summer This summer BHSU is offering a special class on Global Innovation in Manufacturing and Management. The BHSU‐Faculty Led Experience (approximately June 3‐16, 2016) provides a unique opportunity for students to learn about international business with a focus on innovation in manufacturing and management. Prior to departure the faculty‐led group will study international business and entrepreneurial development, as well as learning about German culture. While in Germany we will tour manufacturing and distribution facilities throughout the region. Students will also have free time to explore the town of Aalan and the surrounding area. This course may substitute for BADM407 (International Business), BADM336 (Entrepreneurship I), MGMT640 (Entrepreneurship), or as an upper level business elective. Due to limited space on the tours, enrollment in the class is capped at 10 students. Please apply here if you would like to attend this trip. We will be accepting applications through the end of March after which faculty will begin selecting students they feel will benefit most from participating. Selected students will be notified during the first week of April. Fees related to travel and expenses may be eligible for consideration in financial aid. Please let me know if you have any questions or contact the international studies office to learn about more opportunities to broaden your education by studying abroad. ‐ Dr. Jeff Wehrung ‐‐Submitted by Jeffrey Wehrung ‐ 3‐28 Japan: Listen to Radio Multicultural Mosaics Listen in to the BuzzFM 89.1 radio or live streaming at for a one‐hour session of Multicultural Mosaics on Japan featuring a conversation with BHSU student Sumire Matsumoto. The pre‐recorded, one‐hour show will be broadcast 6 p.m. Wednesdays (March 30 and April 6, 13) and 10 a.m. on Sundays (April 3, 10, 17). Multicultural Mosaics is supported through the University Multicultural Committee and the Mass Communication program at BHSU. ‐‐Submitted by Mary Caton‐Rosser ‐ 3‐28 Camp Invention Coming June 6‐10 2016 @ BHSU Main Campus Students entering grades 1‐6 CampInvention is a STEM focused youth program that encourages 21st century skill development by presenting students with curriculum that focuses on real‐world challenges, encourages problem solving and critical thinking skills through science themed and engaging hands‐on investigation. Students will work with robotics, physics, and design related materials that promote real world skills and encourage practical, job related knowledge, boosting them to seek further interest in these areas. Take apart machines Invent Prototypes to change the world Explore Robots Design Inventions Engineer Buildings Make new friends while solving challenges and more! Registration Information ‐‐Submitted by Cody Lawson ‐ 3‐25 BHSU NEWS RELEASES Leading skeptic, bestselling author Dr. Michael Shermer to speak at BHSU From crop circles to global warming, from conspiracy theories to out‐of‐body experiences, Dr. Michael Shermer is ready to question the status quo.… 2/3 3/30/2016 March 29 Campus e­Update ­ Krueger, Amanda BHSU photography students and faculty chosen to exhibit during Dahl Mountain Culture Festival Students and faculty from Black Hills State University were accepted into the upcoming 12th Annual Dahl Mountain Photo Competition and Exhibit. The exhibition showcases “mountain culture” in a unique and diverse representation of our wilderness areas. Local artist’s Midwest roots shine in BHSU Ruddell Gallery exhibit The Black Hills State University Ruddell Gallery is currently hosting the photography exhibition Night Owl, the photographic work of local artist Seth Harwood. Workshop helps women maintain financial control A workshop, Women & Wealth: The Confidence to Pursue Your Goals, will be presented Wednesday, April 13, 4‐5:30 p.m. at UBS Financial Services, 726 St. Joseph St., Rapid City. See all news releases at | Submit your story ideas for future news releases CHECK US OUT ON SOCIAL MEDIA BHSU IN THE MEDIA BHSU wants to offer master’s degree in American Indian studies for 2017 Read the Black Hills Pioneer, Rapid City Journal, and Mitchell Daily Republic articles Talking Business: Women & Wealth workshop Read the Rapid City Journal article Spearfish resident turns 100 today Read the Black Hills Pioneer article Dance studio aims to keep you moving: BHSU alum Jenna Cruz Read the Rapid City Journal article Four CCHS students advance to nationals after state FBLA conference: Incoming student Matt Brenner Read the Gillette News Record article Assistant Professor Dave Berberick directs middle school All‐State Band Read the Yankton Press & Dakotan article Forum provides public chance to meet, hear from Spearfish City Council candidates: BHSU alum John Lee Read the Black Hills Pioneer article BHSU announces fall 2015 graduates Read the Sheridan Press and Elko Daily Free Press articles From purple and gold to state golds: BHSU alum Brandon Kandolin Read the Saratoga Sun article City accepting bids for Centennial Park stage Read the Hot Springs Star article http://www.bhs Update/2016/M arch_24/SocialM ediaM arch24.PNG… 3/3