Campus e-Update for October 8, 2015 Check out t what’s happ

Campus e-Update for October 8, 2015
Check out t
what’s happ
Please continue to submit your informational items (with this form)
by 8:30 a.m. Tuesday or Thursday to make it into that day’s
Campus e-Update.
Oct. 8
Submit your faculty/staff announcement for the next Campus e-Update Swarm Days
Geek Speak
Pharmacy R
One Book So
Theatre: Fa
View the faculty/staff announcements page which is updated daily Oct. 9
Click on the heading links below to move directly to the corresponding section of the Campus e-Update.
How is BHSU doing regarding Title IX? Are we "providing an environment not impaired by sex and gender based
misconduct, including sex discrimination and sexual harassment?" We want to are invited and encouraged to
share your thoughts regarding this topic. A team of outside consultants will hold two discussion sessions on Tuesday,
October 14th. Faculty/Staff Session - 3:00-4:15 pm in the Student Union Presidents’ Conference Room; Students: 10:3011:45 am, Student Union Presidents’ Conference Room.
Important 2016 Spring D2L Announcement
Attention faculty using D2L for Spring 2016 courses: Spring courses have been loaded into D2L. Please let Anne know as
soon as possible if you would like multiple sections of your Spring courses combined into one course in D2L.
The term used by D2L is “mapping” them together. As an example, a request could include courses such as: SPED 431
B601 & B603 being mapped as SPED 431 B601 B603 SPED 431/531 B601 & B603 being mapped as SPED 431 531 B601 B603
ENGL 101 B001 & B002 & B003 being mapped as ENGL 101 B001 B002 B003 Also, if you have cross-listed courses to be
mapped together, please let us know. Mapping will begin on October 5 and we have until 3:00pm October 22 to
complete it. Once mapped the courses will be available to you for editing early the next day. Therefore, the sooner
they are mapped, the quicker you will have access to them. All courses not previously released will be available for you
to edit by the early morning on October 24.
Swarm Days
Garden Harv
Yellow Jack
VB at home
Theatre: Fa
Oct. 10
Swarm Days
Theatre: Fa
Oct. 12
Native Amer
Class Oct. 13 Women in N
Mapping can still be done after the courses are released, but extra time and steps are involved because the courses
must be removed from the Learning Environment, mapped, and then released again—which can take up to 24 hours
before you again have access. If you do not want a course mapped, but would like access to it before October 24, just
let us know by email. We do not map courses unless requested by the instructor. If you need course materials from a
previous semester copied to a 2016SU course, please let Anne or me know. It generally only takes a few minutes to do
this. It is very helpful and more efficient for us if you specify your courses by Department, Course Number, and Section
Number when contacting us for either mapping or copying. For example: “Copy SPED 431 B601 from Spring 2015 into my
SPED 431 B603.” Contact information: Anne Stevens Ph. 6064 Terry
Hupp Ph. 6038
--Submitted by Terry Hupp
International Classroom Visits
The International Relations and Global Engagement Department would like to offer classroom/organizational/committee
visits to all faculty, staff and students. If you would like to have a member of the office come to talk about study
abroad opportunities to your class/group, please email us to arrange the visit. Our team can
conduct 5-10 minute advertisements, 20 minute info sessions or 30-50 minute interactive classroom presentations.
Please let us know a date, time, location and presentation preference. We will do our best to accommodate all
requests. Classroom visits will start the week of October 13 and continue throughout the semester. We look forward to
giving every BHSU student the opportunity to learn about this exciting opportunity for EVERY budget, EVERY length of
stay, EVERY field of study. We have options for ALL students.
--Submitted by Katherine Wildman
United Way Fund Drive
Each of you will soon be receiving a United Way pamphlet through campus mail. It contains information on how the
United Way of the Northern Hills helps 28 organizations in the Belle Fourche, Deadwood, Lead, Spearfish, and
Whitewood communities provide assistance to those in need. A pledge form is included with the pamphlet. The back of
the pledge form contains the list of the local organizations who receive financial support from the United Way.
If you wish to contribute, you have the option of paying directly, being invoiced, or selecting payroll deduction. Payroll
deductions will not begin until the January, 2016, payroll. If you wish, you may also designate where you would like
your donation to be applied. 100% of your contribution remains here! 85 cents of every dollar goes directly to those in
The goal for the Northern Hills region is $180,000. Last year’s goal was $170,000 and we barely met it. BHSU donations
totaled $9,696.00 last year. Only 55 of our over 400 employees were able to give. Hopefully, with your help we can
improve our combined contribution! Please return your pledge forms by October 31 to either: Scott Ahola, Mandie Davis,
Faye LaDuke-Pelster, or Terry Hupp If you wish to take advantage of payroll deduction, please return both copies of the
pledge form. This is your opportunity to help make a difference in someone’s life who is less fortunate. Thank you for
your caring consideration!
-- Submitted by Terry Hupp
Check out t
more on th
Calendar YELLOW
XC: MSU-Bill
XC: Yellow J
20 in USTFC
first RMAC m
FB: Swarm D
with Wester
XC: Baldwin
Runner of th
after Griak v
Check out
games an
Swarm Days on Live TV
Oct. 9 | 6am - 7am | Lyle Hare Stadium
Show your Yellow Jacket spirit on live TV! You're invited to a morning tailgate Friday to celebrate Swarm Days! KOTA TV
News from Rapid City will broadcast live from Lyle Hare Stadium 6 a.m. - 7 a.m. Wear your BHSU green and gold colors.
Food will be provided. Rain location: Young Center basketball court.
--Submitted by Jennifer Jungwirth
Celebrate by wearing your Green and Gold!
This Friday is part of Swarm Week so there's more reason than ever to wear your green and gold apparel with your
jeans. Your $1 donation helps support the "Jeans for Jackets" scholarship and helps reinforce a positive presence across
--Submitted by Sheryl Holman
Shoulder Season
It's shoulder season! For the next couple of weeks we can expect cold temperatures in the morning and warm in the
afternoon. Facilities Services is currently firing our boilers for testing in preparation for heating the campus on October
19, weather permitting. In the meantime, wearing an extra layer in the morning might help comfort levels. If you find
yourself in need over the next week, the bookstore has a variety of long-sleeved and cold weather clothing on the sales
rack, so check out their deals!
-- Submitted by Katie Greer
We have our winners!
The winners have been announced in the I Heart BH Contest, a social media contest asking students to share what they
love about BHSU. The winners are: Best Athletic Team: BHSU Volleyball; Best Student Organization: BHSU Campus
Activities Board (CAB); Best Department: BHSU Writing Assistance Center (WAC); Most Creative: Karli Kilby; People's
Choice: Allie Geier. A huge thanks you everyone who participated in the I Heart BH Contest! Check out all the entries
at And keep showing us what you love about BHSU!
-- Submitted by Jennifer Jungwirth
Course Adoptions
Team up with the bookstore to help our students succeed! Timely text requests allow the store to ensure your course
materials are on the shelf before classes begin and save our students as much as 60 percent on their books. Pleases stop
by the store or email your order to Brad Buchholz by Oct. 15th. Information to include: Class. Section. Author. Title.
ISBN. Will you allow old editions? If you are not using a book, please reply with “no text.” Thanks! 642-6287.
-- Submitted by Brad Buchholz
Honors Center Dedication
Oct. 13 | 4pm | Woodburn 117
Friends, please join us as we celebrate professor emeritus Dr. Wanda Bellman (Speech Communications) and her late
husband Stewart (professor emeritus of English) for the *surprise* renaming of the Honors Center in their honor on
Tuesday, October 13 at 4:00 p.m. in Woodburn 117. Refreshments and treats will be provided.
--Submitted by Courtney Huse-Wika
Krispy Kreme Donuts Oct. 13-14 | 9am - 4pm | Student Union & Library
Campus Activities Board (CAB) will be selling Krispy Kreme Donuts on Tuesday October 13th and Wednesday October
14th in the Student Union and Library from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.. They will be original donuts only for $1/donut. If you would
like to buy a box (a dozen) it will be $10 a box. So come buy and satisfy your hunger with some Krispy Kreme!!
--Submitted by Mahyle Hausman
Curiosity Week Nov. 7-14
Curiosity Week is a week initiated by ISO where students are encouraged to open themselves to new opportunities and
challenge anything that limits them from going the extra mile. Curiosity Week will run from Nov 7 - starting with
International Festival, and end on the Nov 14 with a Home Game. We believe that BHSU has a great potential, a pool of
amazing students, passionate leaders that will one day help shape the world we live in. So why not organizing a week of
Curiosity to encourage everyone to try new things, start saying “YES!” and equip them with the idea that “Anything is
possible”. All organizations & BH departments are welcome to program under the tagline of "Be curious ..." and help
promote curiosity among all students. Everyone interested in joining the mission do not hesitate
--Submitted by Karin Humar
BHSU Sexual Harassment Training Greetings BHSU employees. This announcement is to notify all BHSU employees, student and non-student alike, that you
will soon receive an electronic invitation from our training vendor, LawRoom. The training will provide prevention and
response education in regards to sexual harassment, violence and discrimination. This assignment, including log-in
instructions and credentials, will be sent to your BHSU email the week of October 12-16. The training is self-paced and
can be completed in multiple sittings if needed. Many of you will recognize this training platform from the recent past.
Many of you will be experiencing it for the first time. My hope is that all of you will find it educational, worthwhile, and
--Submitted by Nick Oaks
One Book South Dakota Book Discussion
October 8 | 6p.m. | Library
The library will be hosting a One Book South Dakota discussion on Thursday, October 8th at 6:00 pm in the lounge area
of the library. This year’s book is “Ordinary Grace” by William Kent Krueger. If you would like to join in the discussion,
you can borrow a copy of the book. The books are in my office – Library 109. Since 2003, the One Book South Dakota
program has encouraged everyone across South Dakota to read and discuss the same novel or memoir throughout the
course of a year. Community and book groups’ receive books on loan and can invite a scholar from the SDHC list to
facilitate their discussion. Our discussion will be led by Joanna Jones.
--Submitted by Scott Ahola
Geek Speak Oct. 8 | 4pm | Jonas 110
Please join Instructor Matt Bauman on for "Now That It’s Too Late?: Climate Change and the Anthropocene". The age of
the Anthropocene is a newly monikered (though still unofficial) geologic epoch distinguished by humans’ impact on the
earth. The central topics in the presentation include the extinction event currently happening, capitalism here in
America and abroad, and the brief history of human evolution, all of which point to an imminent danger facing the
globe and particularly life as we know it. The presentation will loosely follow Elizabeth Kolbert’s Pulitzer Prize winning
book The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History (2013), New York Times bestselling author Naomi Klein’s critically
acclaimed This Changes Everything: Capitalism Vs. The Climate (2014), and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Edward O
Wilson’s The Meaning of Human Existence (2014).
--Submitted by Courtney Huse-Wika
Website Assistance Open Sessions There will be open sessions held each Monday from 1 to 3 p.m. in the GEC Room of the basement of the library. Anyone
in need of website assistance is welcome to stop in.
--Submitted by Ryan Shippy
Nancy's Goodbye Coffee
Oct. 15 | 2-4pm | Lower Hive - Student Union
Nancy Wietgrefe the Director of RSVP is leaving the BHSU Staff. Join us for coffee, lemonade, and cake on October 15th
at 2-4pm in the lower Hive to say goodbye and thank Nancy for all her hard work.
--Submitted by Bailey Sadowsky
BHSU ranked in Top 50 Most Affordable Online Education Programs
The Black Hills State University online master of science in curriculum and instruction is ranked among The Most
Affordable Online Master’s Programs by Top Education Degrees.
BHSU students use social media to share what they love about BHSU
Black Hills State University feels the love. BHSU students shared what they loved most about BHSU via various social
media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, during the I Heart BH campaign recently. BHSU student Bryce Boser wins GoPro Picture of the Day Contest
A photograph taken by Black Hills State University student Bryce Boser, mass communication major from Box Elder, won
the national GoPro’s Picture of the Day contest recently.
BHSU Enactus students to host free workshop Get Connected: Facebook for Retirees
The Black Hills State University Enactus students, in partnership with the South Dakota Center for Enterprise Opportunity
(SD CEO) Women’s Business Center at BHSU, will host Get Connected: Facebook for Retirees.
See all news releases at
Submit your story ideas for future news releases
The Kudos/Accomplishments section highlights successes of our faculty, staff, students and alumni. Submit
Kudos/Accomplishments for next week.