Stephen F. Austin State University Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture Surveying Curriculum Guide General Education Requirement Communication Required Rhetoric & Argument*** ENG 131 Communication Options COM 111 Public Speaking COM 170 Interpersonal Communication COM 215 Small Group Communication Component Area Required ENG 132 Critical & Analytical*** Component Area Options Business Communication BCM 247 Writing Techniques ENG 273 Language, Philosophy, & Culture Required Introduction to Ethics PHI 223 Creative Arts Options Spatial Science Core Requirements*** 3 3 3 3 3 3 MTH 133 MTH 138 GIS 201 GIS 224 GIS 301 GIS 390 GIS 395 GIS 400 GIS 405 GIS 410 GIS 415 GIS 420 FOR 223 FOR 443 ART 280, ART 281, ART 282, DAN 140, MHL 245, MUS 140, THR 161, THR 163 Social and Behavioral Science Options 3 ANT 231, ECO 231, ECO 232, GEO 131, PSY 133, SOC 137 Environmental Core Required 3 Intro to Environmental Science ENV 110 Life and Physical Science Options 3 Classical and Modern Astronomy AST 105 PHY 101 General Physics GOL 131 Introductory Geology Mathematics Required 3 Intro to Statistics MTH 220 American History Required 6 HIS 133 U.S. History Survey, 1000-1877 U.S. History Survey, 1877-Present HIS 134 Government/Political Science 6 Intro to Am. Govt: Theory PSC 141 PSC 142 Intro to Am. Govt: Structure Total 42 **Contact Academic Advisor ***Minimum grade of "C" required Maxwell Holmes, Academic Advisor P.O. Box 6109 SFA Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962-6109 Phone: (936) 468-3301 Email: Jamie Bouldin, Acadmic Advisor P.O. Box 6109 SFA Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962-6109 Phone: (936) 468-2940 Email: It is the student's responsibility to complete the Degree Requirements as specified. A Final Graduation Plan must be filed in the Dean's Office the semester before the student plans to graduate. Revised 06/01/2015 Plane Trigonometry College Algebra Introduction to GIS Introduction to Spatial Science GIS Applications GIS in Natural Resources GIS Database Management GIS Programming GIS Remote Sensing Applications Landscape Modeling Spatial Analysis Ecological Planning Surveying & Mapping Weather & Climate 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Total 42 Surveying Concentration FOR 219 FOR 423 FIN 265 BLW 366 BLW 468 HRT 325 HRT 326 GEO 315 Dendrology Advanced Surveying Real Estate Principles Real Estate Law Oil & Gas Law Design Application Software I Design Application Software II Cartography Life and Physical Science Lab **Approved Electives 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 11 Total 36 Total Degree Credits 120