Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sc. VOL. 19 NO. 3 (1996) 611-612 611 FRACTIONAL DERIVATIVES OF HOLOMORPHIC FUNCTIONS ON BOUNDED SYMMETRIC DOMAINS OF C" ZENGJIAN LOU Department of Mathematics Qufu Normal University Qufu Shandong, 273165 P R CHINA (Received March 8, 1994 and in revised form January 13,1995) _ ABSTRACT. Let f E H(Bn) f[] denotes the /3th fractional derivative of f A"q’(B,), we show that _[_ < s= 6, then f E As’t’O(B,), and [[f[[s,t,=, (I) If/ < n --+l (II) Iffl (III) If , >--+ , o+1 + a+l C[[f[][[....,,q,o’ then f E B(B, and [[f[[B --< C[[f[][[ p,q,a then f E A _o/____(B) especially If where B. is the unit ball of C" <- Cllf Ill _- I then KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Fractional derivative, Bergman space, Bloch space, Lipschitz space 1991 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 32A10 Let f be a bounded symmetric domain in the complex vector space C’, o E f/, with BergmanSilov boundary b, F the group of holomorphic automorphisms of f and 1"0 its isotropy group. It is known that [2 is circular and star-shaped with respect to o and b is circular. The group F0 is transitive on b and b has a unique normalized F0-invariant measure a with a(b)= 1. Hua [2] constructed by group representation theory a system {eke,} of homogeneous polynomials, k 0, 1, v 1, ink, mk= (n+kk-1), complete and orthogonal on f and orthonormal on b. By H(f) we denote the class of all holomorphic functions on [2. Every f expansion f(z) Z akvkv(Z) akv H(f) has a series : lim f(r) @kv() da() --,---,I Jb (0) and the convergence is uniform on a compact subset of f. where k,v Let k=0 v=l f H([2) (0) and/ > 0. The/th fractional derivatives of f are defined, r(k -+- 1 -F fill(z) with the expansion respectively, by f[#](z) k,v r(+l) ak,@kv(Z) F(k + 1 + fl) It is known that f[t], f{a] E H([2) and (1 p)#-lf[#](rp)dp. f(r) Let f E H(f). It will be said that f belongs to the Bergman spaces AP,q.’(f/), 0 < p, q < oo, a > if "’’ is finite, where )’ (1 r)aMq(r, f)’dr sup ( )M(, I), O<r<l p<oo p (1) 1 Z LOU 612 If(r)lqda() Mq(r,f) 0 <q< oo and M,,(r, f) sup If(r() (b [1,3,5,6,7] for more on AP’q’(Q) For 0 < p < cx, let AP(f2)denote AP.P.() (see [10,12]), H(Q) A’P’(Q) (see [9]) Let B denote the unit ball in C A nction f H(B) is called a Bloch nction, that is f B(B), if([8,11]) Ilfll sup (1 -Izl)lffl(z)l < see denote zB , the definition of Lipschitz space A (B) can be found in [4, 8 8] For 0 < a < In [10] and [12], Watanable and Stojan considered the problem If f’ AP(D)(D is the unit disc of C), then q 9 such that f Aq(D) In this paper we consider and solve the same problem in The main results of this paper are the following THEOM 1. Let 0<p,q ,> -1,0<<5 f() o(llf[]l[,..o(1- then , f A.t.(a) THEOM 2. Let 0 < p, q a > 1, 0 < < 5, then f A’,t,O(B), and (I) If < + same as above , and o+l +, Ilfll.,.o , fill Ilfll,:,o_ if f[a] AP’q’() cllfta][[,.,o, and where Ap.q.a(Bn)" f ,where s,t are the P,q, (II) If:a+l + then f B(B) and tlfll c ft] ,, o+1 (III) If> +,thenf A (B) especially If=l, then < c lft’) l MA. (i) Theorem 2(I) (p q, n 0, 1) eends the results of Watable’s d Stoj’s (ii) Theorem (p ) extends the results of Shi’s ([9]) d Lou’s ([6,7]) REFERENCES AHERN, P AND JEVTIC, M, Duality and multipliers for mixed norm spaces, Mtch. Math. J., 30 (1983), 53-63 [2] HUA, L K, Harmonic analysis of functions of several variables in the classical domains, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 6 (1963). [3] JEVTIC, M, Projection theorems, fractional derivatives and inclusion theorems for mixed-norm spaces on the ball, Analysis, 9 (1989), 83-105 [4] KRANTZ, S.G, Functton Theory of Several Complex Vartables, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982 [5] LOU, Z J, A note on a conjecture of S Axler, J. Math. Res. & Exp., 11 (4) (1991), 629-630 (Chinese) [6] LOU, Z J, Hardy-Littlewood type theorem on Bergman spaces, J. Math. Res. & Exp., 11 (3) (1991) (Chinese) [7] LOU, Z J, Hardy-Littlewood type theorem on Bergman spaces of several complex variables, J. Qufu Normal Univ., (1992), 111-112 (Chinese) [8] LOU, Z J., Characterizations of Bloch functions on the unit ball of C n, Kodat Math. J., 16 (1993), 74-78 [9] SHI, J H, Hardy-Littlewood theorems on bounded symmetric domains, Science m China, 4 (1988), 366-375 [10] STOJAN, D, Some new properties ofthe spaces AP, Mat. Vesmc, 5 18,33 (1981), 151-157 [11] TIMONEY, R M, Bloch functions in several complex variables, Bull. London. Math. Soc., 12 (1980), 241-267