Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary

Literature is the art of
discovering something
extraordinary about ordinary
people, and saying with
ordinary words something
Roberta Wright Reeves:
Sierra Bailey
David Barkley
- Boris Pasternak
Haley Bonner
Levi Brown
Tristen Carter
Dylan Clark
Another Successful Study Tour in Costa Rica!
Holly Falkner
Anthony Garcia
Ayrial Hiracheta
Alexa Lunsford
Stormy Mack
Kaelene Mooney
Jesse Tafoya
Sarah Van Der Linden
Charyssa Woodcook
Aaron White
Peyton & Ola Barrington:
Paz Acosta
Iris Mendoza
Miguel Teos
Mang Pew Lee:
Gabby Gonzales
Trip Attendees: Jennifer Allen, Angel Azúa, Sierra Bailey, José Castilleja, Dylan Clark, Andrew Cosper, Zachary
Fisher, Manny Freeland, Tamra Klusmeyer, Bridgit O’Connell, and Katelyn Wilson.
During May Micro 2015, a
the longest zip line in Cen-
At the end of the trip the
group of students travelled
tral America. The students
group travelled to La Fortu-
Brandon Baca
with Dr. Joshua Mora to
enjoyed the beach and had
na, a city in the interior of
Ryan Hernandez
Nosara, Costa Rica
time to visit the local shops
the country. There they vis-
Dorothy Watters Jamar:
(specifically Playa Guiones
and restaurants.
ited Arenal, an active volca-
on the Pacific Coast), to
They had class in the morn-
study Spanish. Nine stu-
ings from 8:30-11:30 and
Finally, they went spelunk-
dents completed SPAN 2301
again in the afternoons from ing at the Cavernas del Ve-
and SPAN 2302, and one
1:00-3:00 or 3:30.
nado. The tour lasted about
The students also interacted
two hours in the dark (with
with the native folks by in-
headlamps) through
terviewing them with ques-
streams and water. The
While in Costa Rica the stu-
tions prepared in class.
group often had to crawl on
dents went horseback riding
Based on their interviews,
their bellies through the
through the jungle and
the students also each pre-
cave! This trip was truly an
along the beach. They also
pared a written report as a
zip-lined in Nosara, which is
class assignment.
Warren Memorial:
Christa Kunkel Smith:
Iris Mendoza
Zaphryn Memorial
Sarah Clopine
Dr. Sherman Brown Neff
Stephanie Barr
Dr. Don & Mrs. Lannie Cook
Virginia Espinoza
A BIG thanks to our
donors, and a congrats to
our recipients!
student completed SPAN
3316 (Costa Rican Language
and Culture).
Dr. Arch Mayfield Scholarship
Still Crazy After All
These Years . . .
We are delighted to report that
the School of Languages and
Literature recently received
Every fall the faculty and staff of
the School of L&L gathers for
professional development meetings. These meetings include
seed money to initiate a scholarship in honor of long-time
English Professor, Dr. Arch
Mayfield. After 40 years of fulltime teaching at Wayland, Dr.
much work and discussion, but
Mayfield continues to teach
we always make sure we also
online for Wayland in a part-
gather for our annual funny pho-
time capacity. While we miss
American Sign
his physical presence greatly,
The School of Languages
we are delighted that online
and Literature is pleased to
students are still able to learn
announce that we will be
from Dr. Mayfield and experi-
offering American Sign
ence his wonderful spirit.
Language (ASL) during the
Once we reach the $25,000
upcoming fall semester! The
endowment mark, the interest
ASL course is currently
that it accrues will be used to
considered “experimental,”
fund scholarships for English
but it can be used to fulfill
and Language students.
the foreign language
Working together, we believe
we can not only honor Dr. Mayfield, but also offer worthy students the opportunity of a faith
-based education at Wayland.
If you would like to donate to
the Dr. Arch Mayfield Scholarship, please contact our Advancement Office at 806-291-
requirements for B.A.
degrees. We are committed
to offering ASL through the
2302-level, so any student
who begins taking ASL this
semester will have the
opportunity to complete
their foreign language
requirements in ASL.
to. Last fall (above) it was Hawaiian shirts. Next fall we will be
Check out our website for our recent creative
sporting mustaches! (Don’t worry, we’ll share this fall’s photo as
publications Embers and Frontlines!
English major Haley Bonner
English: Lance Williams
was named the 2015 School
Spanish: Andrew Cosper
of Languages & Literature
Research Champion. A
chapel presentation of her
research paper on the novel
Atonement earned her a
$100 award for her scholarship and efforts. We are
proud of you, Haley!
French: Haley Bonner
Chinese: Katherine Teinert
Latin: Ian Pyeatt and Tyquanisha Brantley
Kristen Reddoch joins the School of
Languages and Literature
England Study Tour
May 2016
Kristen (Ditmore) Reddoch began working as the Administrative Assistant for the School of Languages and Literature last spring. She graduated from Wayland in December 2012 with a Bachelor’s degree in English, and
she is currently in the Master of Arts in English program.
As an undergraduate, Kristen worked for the School of
L&L as a student employee, and she is glad to be back!
The School of L&L plans to offer a second
Come see us by reserving an appointment through WCONLINE.
Study Tour to England this May
2016. The tour will be led by Dr. Troy
Check out all our Online Resources.
Watch out for upcoming Writing
Workshops. Plus, expect new WC
developments throughout the school
Gregory and Dr. Cindy McClenagan, and
will take students to several different
locations over a three-week period. Students can attempt course credit for ENGL
Like us on Facebook: Wayland Baptist University Writing Center
2301/British Lit., ENGL 2302/Am. Lit., or
two different ENGL 3303/Topics in English
Follow us on Twitter: @wbu_wc
courses. Join us!
Faculty Awards and Scholarship
2015 university-wide
Listed below are just a few of our faculty members’ recent publications/presentations:
Faculty Scholarship
Award. The award is
voted on by all full-
text.” (Published in Business Communication Quarterly.)
time Wayland facul-
has diligently purDr. Cindy McClena-
sued and succeeded
in scholarship efforts
in Toronto.)
ic area. Congrats,
ature won the 2014-
Dr. McClenagan!
Dr. Brent Lynn: “When Two Remain Two: A Hermaphroditic Marriage in Spenser’s Isis
Church” (Forthcoming)
Dr. Maria O’Connell: “Breaking Borders and Breaking Bad: Using Unconventional Choruses to build a Narcotragedy.” (Chapter to be published in Breaking Down Breaking
Dean of the School of in his or her academLanguages and Liter-
Dr. Troy Gregory: “Wodehouse and the Idylls of Wartime: Reconsidering the Great
War: Pre-War and Early Years, 1914-1916.” (Read at the 46th annual NeMLA convention
ty, and is given to
the professor who
Dr. Laura Brandenburg: “Testing the Recognition and Perception of Errors in Con-
Bad: New Essays on the Series.)
Dr. Karen Beth Strovas: “The Vampire’s Night-Light: Artificial Light, Hypnagogia, and
Quality of Sleep in Dracula.” (Forthcoming in Critical Survey.)
Wayland’s Eta Theta chap-
pers at the convention and
have a strong student pres-
ter of Sigma Tau Delta had
were supported by student
ence at the conference.
a great 2014-2015 school
peers Dylan Clark, Stormy
year. The annual Halloween
Mack, Bridgit O’Connell,
Costume Party was a suc-
Lance Williams, and Kelsey
cess—and a close competi-
Wright, and by faculty spon- to work with Better World
Books (BWB) to collect and
sors, Dr. Brandenburg and
tion! The student organiza-
Master of Arts
in English at
Better World Books
Sigma Tau Delta continues
tion also hosted first-of-the- Dr. Strovas. Holly’s creative
send used books for re-sale,
semester mixers for both
nonfiction piece was titled
recycling, or use overseas.
the fall and spring semes-
“Glass Worlds” and Haley’s
If you have any books to
ters to welcome new stu-
critical analysis was titled
donate, place them in the
dents and members. In
“Briony: The Tragedy of
collection box outside of the
Mary Coleman and Ashley Bar-
Imagination in Atonement.”
Languages and Literature
ros (L-R above) attended the
addition to the Better World
Books fundraiser, students
made and sold breakfast
burritos on campus as a
office, GH 201, Plainview
At the convention, the Eta
Theta chapter was recog-
spring 2015 commencement on
Wayland’s home campus in
nized for its 55 years of
Plainview, Texas. Both worked
membership in Sigma Tau
Sigma Tau Delta is open to
diligently through the summer to
Delta. In addition, the local
all English majors and mi-
complete their theses—Colman
chapter received a $100
nors who have completed
working under the direction of Dr.
award from Better World
their freshman English re-
Laura Brandenburg, and Barros
Books for collecting more
quirements and maintained
In spring 2015, seven Sig-
book donations than any
a GPA of 3.2 or higher.
ma Tau members and two
other Sigma Tau Delta
sponsors attended the an-
chapter for the 2013-2014
nual international conven-
school year.
tion in Albuquerque, NM.
Next year’s convention is in
Holly Falkner and Haley
Minnesota, and the Eta The-
Bonner both presented pa-
ta chapter hopes to again
fundraiser, which was a
welcomed delight for hungry students, faculty, and
Below, Convention attendees, LR: Kelsey Wright, Stormy Mack,
Dr. Laura Brandenburg, Dylan
Clark, Lance Williams, Dr. Karen
Beth Strovas, Bridgit O’Connell,
Haley Bonner, Holly Falkner.
working with Dr. Troy Gregory.
Other Master of Arts in English
graduates for the 2014-2015 academic year include:
Jamie Campbell
Kress Melander
Zane Porter
Marisela Spears
Kathleen Tuttle
Graduate student Jeffery Parish delivered his paper, “Stepping Down to
Human: Remixing Identity in the Film
The Last Unicorn” at the Coastal Plains
Liberal Arts conference in April, and it
was accepted for publication.
Congratulations Jeffery!