Document 10446816

Student Collabora.on in Mobile Applica.on Design Jim “Lazer” Hahn David Ward Background Two year Na.onal Leadership Grant (IMLS) Document and share best prac.ces for working with student design teams Student collabora.on to develop mobile apps Collabora/on Methodologies •  Computer Science Class Projects •  Student App Compe//on •  Code outcomes into “Minrva” architecture Minrva Computer science classes •  CS Classes –  Students come up with app ideas, •  code ideas for catalog login modules, •  students providing code documenta/on •  SoBware Engineering course: skunkworks re-­‐design of chat server Example Modules from CS492 Compe//on Methodology •  Based off of successful College of Business mobile design contest •  Focus on library needs, mobile focus •  Challenge: “Design a mobile app to enhance student use of library resources and services” •  Student Benefits Compe//on Process
Promo/on Orienta/on Environments/Tour Presenta/on Review Final Presenta/ons •  Events •  Community – class member chat •  Scanner enhancements •  Connect to non-­‐
library items (e.g. bookstores) •  Four Squariza/on of library experience •  Opera/onal unit is course, not library •  Connect students within same courses •  Rate and review loanable technology •  Ask for feedback at cri/cal junctures like discharging, renewing •  “Noise-­‐o-­‐Meter” •  Personaliza/on – user search history, favorite library, etc. •  Availability of physical resources (e.g. computers) •  Push availability updates •  Ra/ngs •  User Interface Compara/ve Approaches •  Compe//on – great for gathering a variety of app ideas and for ge\ng non-­‐majors in CS involved. Gathering input to library services in general was a key significant finding. •  CS courses –well suited for defined programming tasks on parts of apps (app modules or parts of app modules) app web services, and implemen/ng ideas. Ques/ons •  Jim Hahn •  David Ward dh-­‐ References Hahn, J. & Ryckman, N. (2012). Modular mobile applica/on design. Code4Lib Journal, 18. hhp:// 