WELCOME TO ENG 2L A FEW NOTES... Welcome to first semesterat College Heights. My name is Ms. Woods-Johnson and I am a fairly new teacher at your school.. .but I'm not new to teaching. For the past 8 years I have taught in some interesting settings. From adult education to a federal prison for women to a rehab center for young offenders and F & C.S. kids. I've been inspired by the awesome community feel and I can't wait to see what the students can do here at Heights. I come from a broadcasting background. I worked in radio for three years and on and off in community television since 1995. I decided to head back to teachers college because the idea of teaching has always intrigued me. I am qualified to teach English, Drama and Communications Technology... but I have taught a lot of other classes over the years. Now, for the administrative part... at this stage of the game, students should: • come prepared and be on time to class • hand in work on time • don't disturb others • • be responsible for their own actions be respectful of others I am a firm but fair person. I do not tolerate any "isms" in my class (sexism, racism) and I also do not tolerate bullying (including cyber) as well as violence, homophobia and negativity. I want the classroom to be a safe zone - a place where you, the student, feel that you can safely be who you are and express yourselves (within College Heights codes of conduct). My job is to yes, teach you curriculum, but to also teach you skills for senior level courses and beyond. Given my challenging classes in the past, I am tough. That being said, I do have a great sense of humour - however, this semester can either be an easy one or a hard one. The choice is yours. I hope to have a fun and creatively challenging time this semester with you. If you need help, please do not hesitate in asking. Again, at this stage of your school career, you need to meet me halfway. I am here to help but I can't force the help upon you. WELCOME TO GRADE 10 LOCALLY DEVELOPED ENGLISH! I'm sure we all have an interesting story to tell. That being said, I'd like to establish a "safe zone" and a sense of trust in the classroom (for both written and verbal discussions). But keep in mind, everything that we explore in here has to meet with College Heights' code of conduct (which we will go over). Now, I do have to say that legally, if I get a feeling that what you are expressing means you are at risk of hurting someone or yourself, I have to, by law, report it to the V.P. and Principal. I narc out of love! So, what are we going to be exploring? We will be going over this shortly. This is my first time through this course so please, be patient and kind. Changes may occur and if they do, I will let you know in advance. Remember, 70% of your mark is term work, 30% is your final project and exam. GENERAL SCHEDULE OF THE CLASS: Depending on the day, the following is a general breakdown of what to expect: EVERY DAY for the first 10 minutes of class, you will silently read a novel, magazine or comic of your choosing. You have to bring something to read EVERY DAY. If you do not bring something, the teacher will provide you with a VERY boring assignment. The reading material you bring must be appropriate for school...in other words, NO SMUT of any kind is allowed. If smut is brought into class, the teacher will confiscate it and there will be a phone call home. This is also a perfect opportunity to collect ideas for your Brainwave writing journals. WEEKLY BRAINWAVE SUMMARY: You are responsible for coming up with a topic every week and reflecting on that topic. The teacher will not mark the topic - but the teacher will mark how you talk about that topic (summarize it). Detail and depth of thought will be marked. So, don't be a politician! Be expressive, to-the-point. Don't tip toe around the issue. Now, this is not to be your personal venting session either. The teacher will be looking for (along with detail and depth of thought) intellectual concerns, reflections, reactions and, of course, proper summary style. You have all week to come up with a topic. Here are some pointers: • What is going on in the world today? Check out the news, newspapers or even CNN or MSNBC online to get ideas • Something that might have happened to you in the past or at school • Something you overheard that made you think • Something that someone has said directly to you that made you think • Events that have personally happened to you and made you react positively or negatively • Something that you read or saw in the media that had an impact on you • Feelings about an assignment or the upcoming school year The list can go on and on. You get the idea. The Brainwaves are due EVERY WEDNESDAY. You will be able to work on them in class. They are to be only HALF A PAGE IN LENGTH (double spaced - meaning every other line must be written on). You must also have a title for your Brainwave Summary. Make sure it is proofread before handing it in. GRAMMAR: grammar will be discussed in class (don't worry, not the whole class). You must not miss these discussions because there will be occasional quizzes and a final test. WHAT YOU WILL NEED FOR THIS CLASS: • Binder or Duo tang (but I recommend a three ring binder because I can be the "Hand-Out Queen") • Lined paper • Pens (blue or black but have at least one red pen) • Pencils • Eraser(s) • A great attitude • A willingness to learn and to participate Again, if you have any difficulty with any of these assignments, please come to me BEFORE THE END OF THE SEMESTER! PARENT/GUARDIAN CONTACT INFORMATION; Please sign and fill in so I can contact you with any information about the course or your child's progress. Again, my name is Ms. Woods-Johnson and I can be reached at 519-821-4510 ext. 424 if you have any questions. You can also e-mail me at Jennifer. WoodsJohnson@ugdsb.on.ca. =========================================================== Please detach I/We have read and understood the information on the ENG 2L Course Outline. Please return this form to me by Friday, September 9th. Thank you. Student's name (please print):___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian's Name (please print):___________________________________ Parent/Guardian's Signature:___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian E-mail:_______________________________________________ ^ .W I '-•' College Heights Secondary School English Grade 10, Locally Adapted ENG2L - add school code Teacher(s): Ms. Fickes vyas . u^ocL^-^oW^o^ Course Description This course emphasises key skills in reading, writing, oral communication, and thinking that students need for continuing success in secondary school and their lives outside of school. This course gives students a solid literacy skills foundation to enter Grade 11 English, Workplace and to prepare them for the successful completion of the Grade 10 Literacy Test. Student read informational and literary text forms, including novels, editorials, magazine articles and poetry, for personal and academic purposes. They use their knowledge of media to create media works. Students will produce clear, complete writing in a variety of forms for real -life purposes, using appropriate and correct language. In particular, the course encourages students to develop and reflect upon strategies that will improve their literacy skills. Units/Topics 1. Dreams and Goals 2. Literacy Test Preparation 3. Novel study 4. Graphic novel/ Comic culminating unit 06/28/111:15 I'M Resources Megawords 2 How to Spell Spellography Language Power E Reading and Reasoning - Level 1 HungerGames Teaching and Learning Strategies A wide variety of strategies will be used to meet the needs of the students: whole and small group instruction, collaborative work, learning logs, etc. There will be a strong emphasis on reading and writing strategies. Based on availability, Desktop Publisher and Power Point will be the focus for competency in Information Technology. Key Curriculum Learning Expectations: By the end of this course, students will Reading - read and demonstrate an understanding of the content, components and styles of many types of fiction and non-fiction. Writing -gather writing ideas using many types of print and electronic resources; -write using the correct forms based on the purpose and the audience; -use a variety of organisers to write logically; -revise, edit, and proof-read written work both collaboratively and independently to make sure writing is clear and accurate. Language -speak, write and read correctly and effectively for different reasons and audiences; -use listening techniques and oral communication skills to participate in different t types of oral presentations. Media -describe the elements, intended audiences and production practices in different media forms and explain how these affect media works; -create media works and explain their intended effects. www.curriculum.org 06/28/111:15 PM Assessment and Evaluation Both term work and summative work will be based on the following weighting of the Achievement Level Categories: Knowledge/Understanding Thinking/Inquiry 17.5% Communication 17.5% Application 17.5% Term Work 17.5% 707o of the final grade will be based on work throughout the term Final Summative Evaluation 30% of the final grade will be based on the final evaluation: Final Culminating Activity 15% -includes expectations from a minimum of three of the course's curriculum strands -may be started one third into the term -is completed 2-3 weeks before the exam Examination 15% 1.5 hours in total length -includes reading and follow-up activity -includes writing from a prompt Assessment Tools rubrics, checklists, anecdotal reports, etc. Learning Skills will be reported separately from academic achievement 06/28/111:15 PM