Upper Grand District School Board Program Committee Minutes

Upper Grand District School Board
Program Committee
February 4, 2014
The Program Committee of Upper Grand District School Board met on Tuesday,
February 4, 2014, in the Boardroom at 500 Victoria Road North, Guelph, commencing at
7:00 p.m.
The Chairperson Trustee Topping presided, and the following Trustees were
present: Bailey, Borden, Busuttil, Cooper, Fairbairn, Gohn, Schieck, and Waterston
together with student Trustees Kaitlin Brown and Kelly Dong. Trustee Moziar attended via
teleconference. Also in attendance were Director of Education Dr. M. C. Rogers,
Executive Officer of Human Resources Rose, Communications Officer McFadzen,
Administrative Officer Weidmark, Student Success Lead Zen, and Superintendents
Benallick, Lindsay, McDonald, Slater, and Talbot.
Trustee Schieck moved that the Agenda be approved as printed.
The motion carried.
Declarations of Conflict of Interest
There were no declarations of conflict of interest.
Approval of Minutes
Trustee Waterston moved that the Minutes of the Meeting held on January 21,
2014 be approved as printed.
The motion carried.
Report from Student Trustees
Student Trustees Brown and Dong provided an update on the workshops planned for
the student senate conference, scheduled for May 7, 2014 at the Linamar motivational
centre. Some of the workshops include anxiety and stress, self-image, bullying,
relaxation techniques, consumerism and how it relates to society, energy
conservation and alternative energy, local foods, peer pressure, and the importance of
Program Committee Minutes
January 21, 2014
Recommendation # 1
Trustee Waterston moved that the verbal report from Student Trustees be received.
The motion carried.
French as a Second Language (FSL) Three- Year Plan
Principal Cheryl VanOoteghem introduced the FSL committee, comprised of Principal
Tammy Fleming and Vice-Principal Paul Huddleston, Curriculum Leaders Lynn-Michelle
Fortier, Christina Schilling and Patricia Josephson, and the newest addition to the
committee, Vice-Principal of Paisley Road PS Jane Bibby. As a team, with enthusiasm
and passion, they walked through the French as a second language three-year plan
designed specifically for this Board. The plan is aligned with Provincial goals which
include an increase in student confidence; proficiency, and achievement in FSL;
increase in the percentage of students studying FSL until graduation; and an increase in
student, educator, parent, and community engagement. The implementation plan
includes specific planned actions and target audiences for the period 2014 through to
2017. Principal VanOoteghem advised that, as a pilot project, the DELF international
standards exam in French will be offered to grade 12 FI students this year. DELF
(Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française) is the official international qualification to
certify the competency of candidates from outside France in the French language.
Trustees expressed their thanks and support for the hard work done in the development
and implementation of the plan to move the Board forward in French as a second
language, kindergarten to grade 12, and welcomed an annual report.
Recommendation # 2
Trustee Busuttil moved that the French as a Second Language (FSL) Three – Year
Plan, dated December 13, 2013 be received.
The motion carried.
Recommendation # 3
Trustee Busuttil moved that the Board receive an annual report on student
achievement on the DELF exam in the annual plan.
The motion carried.
International Baccalaureate: A review of the progress to date
Principal of Guelph CVI Julie Prendergast, and IB Coordinator Heather Buck
provided an update on the International Baccalaureate Program. This program is
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Program Committee Minutes
January 21, 2014
currently hosted at Guelph CVI, where, excitedly, half of the staff support the program.
The International Baccalaureate Program is aimed at developing internationally minded
people who recognize their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet,
and help to create a better and more peaceful world. Successful students will earn an
Ontario Secondary School Diploma, in addition to an International Baccalaureate
Diploma, resulting in a high level of university acceptance and success. Staff have
communicated with all elementary schools in the Board, advising of the program and
the criteria for students to enrol. Grade 8 students applying for this program need to be
motivated to learn, open-minded, academically capable, balanced, principled, risktakers, and full of potential. There are 120 students enrolled in the program for
September 2014 and will begin their studies with a Civics course in August. Ms. Buck
advised that a four-year plan will be developed which will include statistics as well as
budget requirements, and ensure that the resources used meet the IB standards.
Trustees expressed their thanks for profiling Guelph CVI in such a positive manner, all
the hard work in the development and implementation of the program resulting in
greater student success, and the update provided this evening.
Recommendation # 4
Trustee Bailey moved that the verbal progress report of the International
Baccalaureate Program be received.
The motion carried.
I. T. Strategic Planning and Multi-Year Objectives and Bring Your Own
Device (BYOD)
Superintendent of Education Brent McDonald introduced Manager of Information
Technology Mike Albano, and Program Information Technology Liaison Bill MacKenzie.
Superintendent McDonald noted that the department’s strategic plan was developed to
support student learning and staff development by providing a variety of technology
resources, services and training to facilitate the effective use of technology. The plan
addresses leadership in communication, services, training, accountability, and green
initiatives. Updates and objectives of the plan include multi-year objectives, a disaster
recovery plan, professional development and training plan, E-mail upgrade, a document
management component, updates in the wireless environment, virtual meeting
development, statistics on the number of new technology installations recently done,
elementary and secondary moves to mobile devices, special education technology
upgrades, computer refresh, BYOD updates, and future directions. Provided that BYOD
requirements are met, it was suggested that schools and staff encourage and support
the use of such devices as they bridge the gap between formal and informal learning,
increase levels of access to technology, and enable students to be highly connected
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Program Committee Minutes
January 21, 2014
through the use of their own devices. The requirements for BYOD include reliable and
secure internet, wireless access in all schools, clear communication and support for
staff, and policies and guidelines for staff, students and parents, which will continue to
be the focus in the near future. Trustees thanked staff for the presentation and keeping
the Board moving in a positive and up-to-date information technology direction.
Recommendation # 5
Trustee Fairbairn moved that the report “Information Technology 2014-17
Strategic Plan” be received.
The motion carried.
OPSBA Report
Trustee Fairbairn reported that he advised OPSBA that the Board, at the January 28th
2014 meeting, endorsed the OPSBA Charter of Commitment on First Nation Métis, and
Inuit Education.
Recommendation # 6
Trustee Gohn moved that the verbal OPSBA report be received.
The motion carried.
Other Business- nil report
Trustee Waterston moved that this Committee adjourn at 9:53 p.m. to report to the
The motion carried.
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