Upper Grand District School Board Program Committee Minutes

Upper Grand District School Board
Program Committee
January 21, 2014
The Program Committee of Upper Grand District School Board met on Tuesday,
January 21, 2014, in the Boardroom at 500 Victoria Road North, Guelph, commencing at
7:00 p.m.
The Chairperson Trustee Topping presided, and the following Trustees were
present: Bailey, Borden, Fairbairn, Gohn, Moziar, Schieck, and Waterston together with
student Trustees Kaitlin Brown and Kelly Dong. Also in attendance were Director of
Education Dr. M. C. Rogers, Executive Officer of Human Resources Rose,
Communications Officer McFadzen, Administrative Officer Weidmark, Student Success
Lead Zen, Manager of Planning Passy, and Superintendents Lindsay, McDonald, Morrell,
Slater, Talbot, and Wright.
Trustee Schieck moved that the Agenda be approved as printed.
The motion carried.
Declarations of Conflict of Interest
There were no conflicts of interest.
Approval of Minutes
Trustee Bailey moved that the Minutes of the Meeting held on November 5, 2013
be approved as printed.
The motion carried.
Norah Chaloner, and Lynn Grist, Yorklands Green Hub
Norah Chaloner, together with Lynn Grist, presented the vision of the Yorklands
Green Hub which is to create a self-sustaining education, demonstration, and
research hub at the provincially owned former Guelph Correctional Centre (GCC)
Program Committee Minutes
January 21, 2014
that will focus on sustainable local food production, wise water use and water
protection, energy conservation, and renewable energy technologies. The
purpose of the delegation was to obtain endorsement from the Board. Other
endorsements will be sought from businesses, organizations, and the public, and
forwarded to the Province of Ontario in support of the proposed use of the lands.
The immediate objectives include: the designation of 36 acres for diverse smallscale agricultural initiatives, designation of the Superintendent’s house and the
gate house for demonstration and education/activity centres, and designation of
the administration building for a Provincial exhibition site for best practices of
environmental innovators, related businesses, and historical educators. Trustee
Bailey requested that further information on opportunities for other partnerships
and stakeholders who have expressed interest be forwarded to him. Concerns
were raised regarding sustainability, and funding.
Sarah and Nathan Joyes, Regular Track Students at James McQueen PS
Sarah, together with her husband Nathan, expressed their concerns and noted
that they, on behalf of a number of parents support the staff preferred scenario
which keeps students at their local home school, minimizes student movement
as they progress from primary to intermediate and senior grades, as well as
minimizes the transportation and educational support staff cost to taxpayers.
Jackie Fraser, James McQueen Boundary Review
Jackie, a mother of 2 young FI students currently in JK and SK spoke in support
of a full FI Centre in Centre Wellington, and her continued support of scenario 9modified.
International Student Program
Superintendent of Education Morrell, together with Nicole Patriquin, International
Student Admissions Coordinator, shared the history, current status, and future goals of
the International Student Program. Through information sessions with elementary and
secondary principals, other school boards, and Provincial and National International
Student organizations, they identified and addressed barriers, associated costs, where
students would live, how to support language needs, strategies, and marketing. It was
reported that some international students apply to the program to obtain long term goals
such as a Canadian high school diploma, which better qualifies them for post-secondary
education in Canada; some apply to obtain a short-term educational and cultural
experience. Through good marketing skills, dedication, hard work, long hours, service
oriented, and passion about the program, it was reported that the goals and objectives
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Program Committee Minutes
January 21, 2014
for the 2012- 2013 school year were well surpassed, and that the program took off with
very positive results, with a very positive outlook for future sustainability. Trustees,
together with Student Trustee Dong, thanked Superintendent Morrell and Nicole
Patriquin, International Student Admissions Coordinator, for their hard work, fascinating
report, and immediate success with the International Student Program.
Recommendation # 1
Trustee Moziar moved that the verbal report on the International Student Program
be received.
The motion carried.
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph, Youth Charter of Rights
Sandra Szpular introduced speaker Auburn Larose, Health Promotion Specialist,
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health. A Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Youth Charter
of Rights was developed which states:
Youth Charter of Rights, all youth in Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph have a right to:
• A voice in the issues that affect our lives;
• Good health by having our social, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual needs
• A place to sleep, clothes to wear, food to eat and supportive friends and/or
• Affordable activities and programs, and safe places to hang out;
• Education, training and opportunities that prepare us for our future lives;
• Quality time with our friends, family and/or other positive role models in our
• Be and feel safe in our homes, schools and communities;
• Be accepted for who we are and what we believe without being discriminated
• Access to quality and affordable child care, early education programs and/or
parenting supports.
All youth deserve basic rights and freedoms. A fair share of society’s resources must be
devoted to ensuring this. While families are responsible for raising their children, all
levels of government, in partnership with communities, have a duty to support families
by putting the health and well-being of children first.
Further to the Youth Charter of Rights, the WDG Youth Survey-School Profile
2011/2012 UGDSB Board Level Results, and the Wellington-Dufferin Guelph Youth
Survey 2014/15 were presented. In order to address the needs of the students, and
create awareness of issues throughout the Board, the survey will be done every 3
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January 21, 2014
years. Results indicated overwhelming that students identified mental health as a
priority, followed by substance abuse, physical health, community engagement, sexual
health, and acceptance. Ms. Larose requested that the Upper Grand District School
board endorse its support for the Youth Charter of Rights as well as the Well-Being of
Youth Ages 14 to 18, A report Card for Wellington-Dufferin, and Guelph. Trustees
thanked Ms. Larose for the reports. It was requested that the Youth Charter of Rights
be forwarded electronically to Trustees not in attendance for endorsement
Recommendation # 2
Trustee Bailey moved that the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Youth Charter of Rights
as well as the Well-Being of Youth Ages 14 to 18 A report Card for Wellington,
Dufferin, Guelph be received.
The motion carried.
Upper Grand DSB Mental Health Strategy, Supporting Minds and
Leading Mentally Healthy Schools
Dr. Lynn Woodford, Manager of Mental Health/Addiction Programs and Services
provided an overview of strategies and programs in place to deal with Mental Health
issues for students. Her primary goal is to promote mental well being by increasing
awareness and understanding, decrease stigma, self-identification, accessing resources
to enhance student learning and sharing responsibility with community partners for
prevention and intervention, promotion and awareness. She advised of resources
created to support this initiative, including the following website http://smhassist.ca/school-leaders/ , a resource for school administrators. Trustees thanked Dr.
Woodford for her presentation and all the work done to support students struggling with
any form of mental disorders and how to move toward mental well-being.
Recommendation # 3
Trustee Fairbairn moved that the verbal report on Upper Grand DSB Mental Health
Strategy, Supporting Minds and Leading Mentally Healthy Schools be received.
The motion carried.
Mathematics Presentation
Cheryl Van Ooteghem, together with Susan Bender, secondary Curriculum Leader and
Andrew Cloutier elementary curriculum leader, provided an overview of the many
strategies and resources used to assist teachers of math, with a goal to improve the
math EQAO scores across the Board, and student learning with individual student
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January 21, 2014
success. Some of the many initiatives include improving student learning in math,
integration, K-12 board focus, EQAO data, instructional coaches, curriculum leaders,
administration support, math newsletters, Principal walk- throughs, Hub Day/FOS,
Diagnostics, Leaps and Bounds, Balanced math discussion, curriculum continuum,
BIP/(Building Innovative Collaborative in Classrooms Program ) CLiCs, CIL-M
(Collaborative In-Classroom Learning – Mathematics), synergy days, work with
Canadian Mathematics educator Marion Small, NTIP training, after school math
workshops, online math community, blended learning, online grade 9 math project,
math bridges, homework help, at risk proposals, OMCA/OAME/math research, and
community learners. With all these strategies and resources in place, the goal to
improve student proficiency in mathematics, will most likely be reached. Ms. Van
Ooteghem finished with the following comments: community of learners, it takes a
community of learners to solve a puzzle, including students to develop an open mindset
about mathematics, parents growing understanding, administrators and need to be
instructional leaders, Superintendents pressure and support, Directors and Trustees for
onging questions and financial support. In order to reach the goals, it takes mastery, a
lot of time, focus, hard work and energy, for a commitment to change. She stated that
they will continue to work hard to make the changes needed in our school district to
improve math scores. Trustee Bailey expressed his thanks for a job well done, and for
the tremendous amount of work done to meet the challenge of higher math scores and
individual student success in math.
Recommendation # 4
Trustee Bailey moved that the verbal math presentation be received.
The motion carried.
OPSBA Report
Trustee Fairbairn reminded Trustees of the upcoming PES Trustee Conference
scheduled for the 30th of January, in Toronto.
Trustee Fairbairn advised that he will bring forward a motion of support for consideration
regarding the OPSBA Charter of Commitment, First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education,
which was passed by OPSBA Board of Directors last November, at the January Board
Recommendation # 5
Trustee Waterston moved that the verbal OPSBA report be received.
The motion carried.
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Program Committee Minutes
January 21, 2014
Report from Student Trustees
Student Trustees Brown and Dong highlighted the many activities organized throughout
the various secondary schools spirit week, charity week, Santa hat day, ugly sweater
day, speak up grant, semiformal, seniors Christmas dinner, Christmas assembly, Alice
in Wonderland, Selfies with Santa, Oscars, Warm Winter Wishes, Charity for
community, fund raising for the Philippines, coffee house, interschool dance, a clothing
drive, snowball bash, Christmas songs, holly jolly day, holiday headgear, red and green
day, Christmas PJ day, student vs. teacher hockey game, Christmas talent show,
cosmetology fundraiser, hot chocolate, candy grams, and a giant Christmas lunch. All
these activities are indicators of strong school spirit.
Recommendation # 6
Trustee Fairbairn moved that the verbal report from Student Trustees be received.
The motion carried.
Other Business
It was suggested that Trustees be named on the French as a second language
Recommendation # 7
Trustee Fairbairn moved that the Board appoint two or three Trustees to be
named on the French as a second language committee.
The motion carried.
Trustee Waterston moved that this Committee adjourn at 10:45 p.m. to report to the
The motion carried.
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