June 11, 2013
The Business Operations Committee of Upper Grand District School Board met
on Tuesday, June 11, 2013, in the Board Room at 500 Victoria Road North, Guelph,
Ontario commencing at 7:00 p.m.
Trustee Waterston, Chair, presided and the following Trustees were present:
Bailey, Borden, Busuttil, Cooper, Fairbairn, Gohn, Moziar, and Schieck along with
Student Trustees Brown and Sampson.
Present from the Administration were Director of Education, Dr. M. Rogers,
Superintendents L. Benallick, E. Kelly, B. McDonald, D. Morrell, B. Talbot and J. Wright;
Assistant Superintendent C. Zen; M. McFadzen, Communications Officer; M. Weidmark,
Administrative Officer, Communications; J.L. Rose, Executive Officer of Human
Resources; J. Passy, Manager of Planning; P. Scinocca, Operations Officer; J. Veit,
Manager of Operations; and, H. Imm Senior Planner
Trustee Waterston reported that Jeremy Urwin has withdrawn his delegation
regarding Rockwood Centennial PS and Renee Chumbley has withdrawn her
delegation regarding the Sir Isaac Brock 7/8 Feasibility Study.
Trustee Schieck moved that the agenda be approved as amended.
The motion carried.
Trustee Busuttil moved that the minutes of the previous meeting, held May 14,
2013 be approved as printed.
The motion carried.
There were no declarations of conflicts of interest.
Business Operations Committee Minutes, June 11, 2013
School Yard Naturalization
Catherine Kormendy addressed Trustees on behalf of the Park Pixies on the
subject of school yard naturalization. The group is a compilation of experts in the fields
of horticulture, biodynamic farming, and first nations, among others. She played a
portion of a video highlighting the international movement in support of naturalized
school grounds. Ms. Kormendy reported that there is lot of discussion on the topic of
the benefits of naturalized play areas in schools and noted the International Green
School Grounds conference being held on September 23 and 24. The benefits of
nature and how it nurtures us and helps reduce obesity, bullying and vandalism while
enhancing IQ, balance and agility were highlighted. Ms. Kormendy referred to a
naturalized play area in Royal City Park that was created when she approached the City
of Guelph after a tree fell during a recent ice storm. She believes there is a need for
naturalized spaces such as this at schools as well as at local parks and that that these
play spaces would create a sustainable and healthier Guelph. Ms. Kormendy asked the
Board to share the information regarding what can be created in play spaces in order to
see more transformation in school yards and city parks. The Park Pixies want to work
with the Board to green the school spaces in addition to the City Parks and Ms.
Kormendy asked how best they can support each other as they continue to work with
the City. In closing Ms. Kormendy played a brief video of Shinrin-Yoku forest therapy in
Japan where the effects of forest therapy on people is examined, noting how it reduces
stress and blood pressure and other health effects.
In response to questions from Trustees Ms. Kormendy indicated that she has
undertaken some preliminary contact with Board staff in an effort to explore possibilities.
Details regarding what a naturalized school yard would look like, what the process
would be to accomplish it and how the costs would be born are still unknown. She
indicated her belief that costs can be reduced if people get involved and that there is the
potential for students to start to contribute to the city parks. She also noted the
possibility of areas within the curriculum that would allow teachers and children to
contribute to creation of play spaces.
Sir Isaac Brock 7/8 Feasibility Study
Rita Carroll
Ms. Rita Carroll, a parent of two children at Rickson Ridge, addressed Trustees
in support of maintaining the status quo. She asked why Westminster Woods was not
included in the study, why it wouldn’t be better to wait until the new Zaduk Place school
is open to determine its impact on enrolments, and how the excess classroom space
can be filled at Rickson Ridge if the 7/8 program is split? Ms. Carroll also expressed
concern regarding some of the information in the report including the projected
enrolment numbers for Rickson Ridge, FI implications, and the intermediate division
size. Ms. Carroll suggested that Trustees review the enrolment numbers and consider
Business Operations Committee Minutes, June 11, 2013
waiting until 2018 to make any decision so that the following information would be
available to ensure more accurate enrolment numbers and to establish a plan to
accommodate issues at both schools:
4 years of FI at the new Zaduk School
4 to 5 years of FDK
The impact of Hart Farm subdivision and Zaduk place subdivision.
In response to questions from Trustees it was clarified that Ms. Carroll is asking
that the timing of a decision be delayed and that the issues be looked at through a wider
lens. Ms. Carroll also reported that the enrolment calculations she made were based on
figures included in the report.
Kathy Vance:
Ms. Kathy Vance, a parent of two children at SIB, addressed Trustees in support
of implementation of full JK-8 programming at SIB. She noted that all items indicated by
the Board on the analysis of feasibility have been addressed and determined that Sir
Isaac Brock PS can support and succeed with grade 7 and 8 programming. Students at
both schools would receive a quality education that would prepare them for high school
while avoiding the challenges of transitioning to a new school for just two years. The
one-time costs to retrofit SIB would be much less than the annual expense of
transportation. Ms. Vance highlighted the fact that community is important to their
children’s education and expressed appreciation for the recommendation in the report
that SIB be expanded to include an intermediate division effective September 2015.
Emily Kuksin
Ms. Emily Kuksin addressed Trustees in support of the addition of grade 7 and 8
at SIB. She expressed her faith in the teams at both Rickson Ridge and SIB in
developing excellent intermediate programs at both schools. Ms. Kuksin addressed the
non-tangible issues that arise for the many children, including her own daughter, who
are shy and anxious and benefit from staying in the safe, comfortable place where they
develop base skills needed to move on to high school. The impact of a change for
grade 7 and 8 would make it easier for these children to fall behind. The added benefit
of having the grade 7 and 8 students continue at SIB in a familiar environment would
provide them leadership opportunities. Ms. Kuksin indicated the report outlines the
feasibility of fulfilling the mission of SIB becoming a JK-8 school.
School Yard Naturalization
Trustee Busuttil thanked Catherine Kormendy for her presentation. She agreed
that the best way to get the information out in order to generate interest is through the
schools and School Councils and suggested that the Parent Involvement Committee
(PIC) spring conference might provide a receptive community. Trustee Busuttil also
assured Ms. Kormendy that the Board also shares the vision of school greening and
creative play areas.
Business Operations Committee Minutes, June 11, 2013
Trustee Bailey also suggested that Ms. Kormendy start by contacting her
neighbourhood School Council. He indicated that there is a Trustee liaison for each
school who might be of assistance. Trustee Bailey also explained that if Ms. Kormendy
was looking to take on this initiative board wide, the area is much larger than the City of
Trustee Schieck commented that if this type of project is undertaken there needs
to be someone responsible to maintain the area.
Trustee Cooper reported that the Environmental Education and Management
Committee have discussed some of the issues that Ms. Kormendy raised and that some
teachers who are members of that Committee will be attending the International Green
School Grounds conference. In addition she acknowledged there are opportunities for
greening school grounds and that environmental education is being imbedded into the
new curriculum. Trustee Cooper also urged Ms. Kormendy to work with local schools
and Parent Councils first as there are likely some schools interested in working in the
community and there may be opportunities to have students assist in the parks.
Sir Isaac Brock PS grades 7 and 8 Feasibility Study
Trustee Waterston thanked the delegations and informed them that the Sir Isaac
Brock PS grades 7 and 8 Feasibility Study will be discussed as the next item on the
Ms. Jennifer Passy, Manager of Planning, introduced and reviewed the report
entitled “Sir Isaac Brock PS Grades 7 and 8 Feasibility Study, Report #2,” dated June
11, 2013. Factors affecting enrolment (e.g. student housing, Public/Catholic share, FI
participation and the new South Guelph FI Centre) were reviewed and clarified. In
addition, the percentage of intermediate students at Rickson Ridge (RR) in 2015 was
corrected in the report.
If the status quo is retained, RR would have over 35%
intermediate students between 2013 and 2018. It was noted that as part of the
transition plan, the principals work together to determine how resources will be split to
benefit both schools.
Trustee Moziar expressed concern regarding the accuracy of the enrolment
projections. It was explained the enrolment statistics are based on the enrolment
figures at October 31st and are also impacted when reflected as FTEs. Historically the
projections Guelph-wide have been fairly accurate, falling within 1-2%. Accuracy for
projections school to school is harder to rationalize over time as there have been a
number of reviews that have changed boundaries making it difficult to compare
numbers from five years ago.
Trustee Moziar raised concern that a broader review including other schools had
not taken place and that there may be a need to review boundaries in the near future
Business Operations Committee Minutes, June 11, 2013
that would again impact Sir Isaac Brock and RR. It was clarified that at this point in time
there is no likely need to go back to these two school communities in near future. The
only changes might relate to the assignment of development areas along the Victoria
Road corridor which potentially could increase the enrolments at the two schools.
In response to questions from Trustee Busuttil it was clarified that there is no
Board policy or mandate to have all schools in the Board offering JK-8 programming;
however, historically that has been the approach taken. It has been the practice to build
new schools as JK-8, but it is not an absolute requirement. It was clarified that no need
has been identified to review other south Guelph schools in the immediate future based
on the numbers available and forecasts done. It was noted that primary school
monitoring as it relates to the Identified Schools Report is limited to total enrolment in
each school and is not undertaken by division. Planning would examine the number of
7/8s and FDK students in a school when undertaking a boundary or accommodation
review. It was also explained that Child and Youth Counsellors are assigned through a
process developed with the superintendent that examines the needs of the school as
well as the other support staff, such as EAs, who are in the building.
In response to questions from Trustee Schieck it was explained that the Planning
Department Work Plan is committed until early 2014 in order to focus on FDK
implementation. Staff will then turn their attention in the direction of a long-term
accommodation plan. The plan would take a board-wide look at schools and their
needs and would identify recommendations and reflect and respect any changes
already made.
In response to a question from Trustee Busuttil, it was explained that approval to
build the new South Guelph (Zaduk Place) School as an FI centre was given in June
2012 in response to the FI enrolment projections in South Guelph and in an effort to
avoid future disruption to RT students in that school community. It had been initially
anticipated that the school would be built to house dual track programming.
Trustee Moziar requested that the recommendations be considered separately.
Trustee Borden requested a recorded vote.
Recommendation # 1
Trustee Fairbairn moved that this committee recommend to the Board that THAT:
1. Memo PLN:13-17 entitled “Sir Isaac Brock PS Grade 7 & 8 Feasibility Study –
Report #2,” dated June 11, 2013, be received.
Yeah: Trustees Busuttil, Borden, Schieck, Fairbairn Gohn, Moziar, Cooper,
Bailey and Waterston
The motion carried.
Business Operations Committee Minutes, June 11, 2013
2. The program at Sir Isaac Brock PS be expanded from JK-6 to JK-8 effective
September 2015.
Yeah: Trustees Borden, Fairbairn, Gohn, Cooper, Bailey and Waterston
Nay: Trustees Busuttil and Schieck
Abstained: Trustee Moziar
The motion carried.
3. The JK-8 attendance area boundary for Sir Isaac Brock PS, as outlined on
Map 1 of Appendix B of PLN 13-17, be approved with an implementation date
of September 2015.
Yeah: Trustees Borden, Fairbairn, Gohn, Cooper, Bailey and Waterston
Nay: Trustee Schieck
Abstained: Trustees Busuttil and Moziar
The motion carried.
4. The JK-8 attendance area boundary for Rickson Ridge PS, as outlined on
Map 2 of Appendix B of PLN 13017, be approved with an implementation
date of September 2015.
Yeah: Trustees Borden, Fairbairn, Gohn, Cooper, Bailey and Waterston
Nay: Trustee Schieck
Abstained: Trustees Busuttil and Moziar
The motion carried.
5. For the 2015/16 school year, Grade 8 students who reside within the Sir Isaac
Brock JK-8 boundary, be grandparented at Rickson Ridge PS.
Yeah: Trustees Borden, Schieck, Fairbairn, Gohn, Cooper, Bailey and Waterston
Abstained: Trustees Busuttil and Moziar
The motion carried.
Ms. Heather Imm, Senior Planner, introduced and reviewed the report entitled,
“New Settlers Creek JK-8 RT Boundary Review - Report #3,” dated June 11, 2013.
Feedback from the public (Appendix A) and the attendance area and walking limit maps
for the school (Appendix B) were also reviewed. It was explained that in response to
feedback received from families with a student currently in Grade 6, a survey was
undertaken to determine the preference as to whether the new Settlers Creek School
Business Operations Committee Minutes, June 11, 2013
would open JK-8 or JK-7. Families with a grade 6 student at East Garafraxa PS were
asked an additional question about remaining at East Garafraxa PS for Grade 7 for the
2013/14 school year. The majority indicated a preference that the new school open as
a JK-8; and, that their Grade 6 students be grandparented at East Garafraxa PS for
Grade 7 in 2013/14. This has been reflected in the final recommendation.
Trustees commended staff for the high level of community consultation and the
undertaking of the survey that helped shaped the recommendation.
Recommendation #2
Trustee Borden moved that this committee recommend to the Board THAT:
1. Memo PLN:13-18 entitled “New Settlers Creek JK-8 RT Boundary Review –
Report #3” be received.
2. a) The Board approves Scenario 1 as described in Section 5.1 in the report
attached to memo PLN:13-1; and
b) The JK-8 RT boundary for the new Settlers Creek school as outlined in
Map 1 of Appendix B, attached to memo PLN:13-18 “New Settlers Creek
JK-8 RT Boundary Review – Report 3,” effective September 2014 be
3. The Settlers Creek Development Area holding school assignment be modified
to reflect the holding of the Grade 7 students from the Settlers Creek DA at
East Garafraxa PS for the 2013/14 school year.
4. The classroom organizations be reviewed for East Garafraxa PS and
Montgomery Village PS at the start of September 2013 to reflect the holding
of Grade 7 students from the Settlers Creek DA at East Garafraxa PS for
5. Effective June 30, 2014, the Settlers Creek DA status be dissolved and all
JK-8 RT students residing within the new Settlers Creek school boundary
attend the new school in September 2014.
The motion carried.
Mr. Paul Scinocca, Operations Officer, introduced and reviewed the report
entitled, “FDK Renovations – Various Schools,” dated June 11, 2013. FDK will be fully
implemented in all schools of the UGDSB by September 2014. The focus of the FDK
Capital Plan to date has been on the space needs for the program. The FDK program
has created needs not being addressed and a review of several facilities has
commenced in order to investigate FDK Capital requirements not strictly met by the
provision of the new spaces. This includes spaces not yet renovated, operational
issues that could be addressed by storage, and outdoor spaces which are intrinsic to
the delivery of a complete JK/K program.
Business Operations Committee Minutes, June 11, 2013
Mr. Scinocca noted that the outdoor play areas are important in the delivery of
the FDK program. Creating effective spaces raises unique challenges arising from
Board Policy 307 which places restrictions on using Board funds for the purchase of
outdoor play equipment. The Trustees were asked to consider granting some flexibility
with respect to the Creative Playgrounds policy where appropriate, for the purpose of
developing appropriate JK/K play areas. Mr. Scinocca presented information and
photographs from Ottawa Crescent PS to illustrate the issue noting that if the play
structure is disassembled in order to construct a more appropriate space for the JK/K
play area, it could not be salvaged as it would no longer meet current standards.
Similar situations exist at other schools.
In response to questions from Trustees, Mr. Scinocca clarified that the intent is to
create a more appropriate canvas and remove any obstacles so that the schools are
able to plan and develop the spaces, e.g. naturalization, that could be achieved through
a more appropriate level of fundraising in accordance with the policy. Involvement from
the school community will be included where parents choose to get involved. It is
hoped to complete the projects within two to three years which would allow some time
for the work of the Environmental Education and Management Committee to develop
some guidelines that tie in to curriculum pertaining to outdoor areas. Mr. Scinocca
reiterated that the amount of funding available will not be known until after completion of
the FDK implementation in 2014 and that some of the projects are not limited to outdoor
play areas.
Recommendation #3
Trustee Busuttil moved that this committee recommend to the Board THAT:
1. The report entitled “FDK Renovations, Various Schools,” dated June 11,
2013, “CP:13-10, be received.
2. Staff be allowed flexibility when spending FDK Capital Funds for the
purposes of developing appropriate JK/K play areas, which may include
purchasing playground equipment with Board funds, as an exemption to
Board Policy #307 (Creative Playgrounds).
3. The Director approve the purchases of playground equipment
contemplated as part of the development of the JK/K play areas.
The motion carried.
Mr. Paul Scinocca, Operations Officer, introduced and reviewed the report
entitled, “FDK Capital Projects, Rockwood Centennial Public School,” dated June 11,
2013 and the Project Description and Draft Floor Plan (Appendix A). The schematic
drawing indicated that during design, the feasibility of expanding the gym will be
Business Operations Committee Minutes, June 11, 2013
Recommendation #4
Trustee Schieck moved that this committee recommend to the Board THAT:
1. The report entitled “FDK Capital Project, Rockwood Centennial Public
School,” CP: 13-11, dated June 11, 2013, be received.
2. The “Project Description” for Rockwood Centennial Public School as outlined
in report CP:13-11, dated June 11, 2013, be approved.
3. Staff be directed to proceed to construct the project attached as Appendix 1,
in report CP:13-11, dated June 11, 2013.
The motion carried.
Mr. Paul Scinocca, Operations Officer, introduced and reviewed the report
entitled, “Custodians’ Green Initiative Award – 2013,” dated June 11, 2013. The grant
program was established in May 2011 and provides a $500 grant to actively support
environmental leadership and pursuit of energy saving opportunities and the reduction
in our carbon footprint. The inspection notes for the 8 schools being recognized this
year (Appendix A) were highlighted noting the common themes of turning off computers
and lights and enhancing recycling programs. Awards will be presented to the following
8 schools at their year-end assemblies: Aberfoyle PS, East Garafraxa PS, GCVI, Island
Lake, James McQueen PS, Wellington Heights SS, Westminster Woods PS, and
Westwood PS.
Recommendation #5
Trustee Fairbairn moved that this committee recommend to the Board that the
report entitled “Custodians’ Green Initiative Award – 2013,” CP:13-12, dated
June 11, 2013, be received.
The motion carried.
Ms. J. L. Rose, Executive Officer Human Resources, introduced and reviewed
the report “Resignations and Retirements (Appendix A and B)”, dated June 11, 2013, as
distributed at the meeting.
Recommendation #6
Trustee Schieck acknowledged the long service employees and moved that the
report, Resignations and Retirements (Appendix A and B) dated June 11, 2013,
be received.
The motion carried.
Business Operations Committee Minutes, June 11, 2013
Ms. J. L. Rose, Executive Officer Human Resources provided a verbal Health
and Safety Report. Several new initiatives are being developed and will be rolled out in
September including:
technology specific safety documentation for technology
classrooms, a safety and technology binder template, guidelines for technology
classrooms to be signed by the student, parent and teacher, and a poster regarding the
proper storage of chemicals. A number of initiatives have also been put in place
including: supplying all schools with comprehensive first aid kits, providing all
cosmetology programs with storage cabinets for flammable products, introducing a work
place specific hearing conservation program to mitigate noise exposure.
Recommendation #7
Trustee Fairbairn moved that this committee recommend to the board that the
verbal Health and Safety Report be received.
The motion carried.
Property Committee
Trustee Gohn reported that a candidate to serve as one of the Board’s
representatives on the McDonald Stewart Art Centre was interviewed earlier today and
is being recommended for appointment. A recommendation for a person to fill the
second position will be brought forward following an interview.
Recommendation #8
Trustee Gohn moved that Mr. Anthony D. Vander Schaaf be appointed to serve
in the position of trustee member on the board of the MacDonald Stewart Art
Centre for the term ending November 30, 2014.
The motion carried.
Ashlynne Rayner Memorial Library Chair
Trustee Bailey reported on the recent dedication of the Ashlynne Rayner
Memorial Library at Rockwood Centennial Public School. The imaginative library space
has been designed with a pond theme. Custom made chairs with a dragon fly design
carved in the back are available for purchase at a cost of $200 each with proceeds
going to the further development of the library. Trustee Bailey suggested a personal
voluntary donation be made by Trustees in order to purchase a chair. A plaque is
mounted on the back of each chair indicating the donor. Anyone interested in
contributing was asked to forward their donation to Trustee Bailey by June 25, 2013.
Business Operations Committee Minutes, June 11, 2013
Trustee Fairbairn extended congratulations to Trustee Bailey on his election to
the position of First Vice-President at the recent OPSBA AGM.
Trustee Fairbairn moved that this Committee adjourn at 10:30 p.m. to report to
the Board.
The motion carried.