Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 13 NO. 3 (1990) 545-554 545 SPACE TIME MANIFOLDS AND CONTACT STRUCTURES K.L. DUGGAL Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Windsor, Windsor Ontario, Canada NgB 3P4 (Received February 27, 1989) ABSTRACT. A new class of contact manifolds (carrlng a global non-vanlshlng tlmellke vector field) is introduced to establish a relation between spacetlme manifolds and contact structures. We show that odd dimensional strongly causal (in particular, As examples, globally hyperbolic) spacetimes can carry a regular contact structure. we present a causal spacetlme with a non regular contact structure and a physical model [Gdel Universe] of Homogeneous contact manifold. Finally, we construct a model of 4-dimenslonal spacetlme of general relativity as a contact CR-submanlfold. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Contact manifold, global tfmellke vector field, spacetlme manifold, Lorentzlan geometry, submanlfold. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 53C25, 83C50. I. INTRODUCTION. A smooth (2n+l)-dimensional manifold N is called contact manifold if it carries a global 1-form n such that everywhere on N, where d is the exterior derivative of the contact from n. N is then orlentable. The name contact is due to S. Lie [I]. Classlcally there have been two large classes of contact manifolds, namely, the principle clrcle bundle of the boothby-wang flbratlons includlng the odd-dlmenslonal spheres and the tangent sphere A thorough dlsusslon may be found in [2]. The theory of contact manifolds bundles. has been wldely used in mathematlcal physics. For example, in thermodynamics [3], a contact manifold is named as thermodynamic phase space (TPS) with contact form du Tds + pdv +**., where u, s, v, p and T are the internal energy, the entropy, the volume, the pressure and the temperature respectlvely. Contact manifolds have an interplay with Cauchy Riemann (CR) manifolds [4,5] in The 2n-dlmenslonal contact distribution D {X TN/n(X) 0} has a complex structure. Thus, the complexlflcation of D has a holomorphlc sub-bundle H such that (N,H) is a CR-manlfold if the contact structure is normal [6]. Recently, the present author introduced a new area of research, namely, Lorentzlan Geometry of CR submaniflds with applications to relativity [7,8]; cf. also [9]. As normal contact manlfold is an example of CR manifolds (see Blalr [2] p. 62), a systematic study on the Lorentzan geometry (mathematical theory for relativity) of contact manifolds is the following way. needed. K. L. DUGGAL 546 Motivated by above, as a first step, the objective of this paper is to establish a relation between spacetlme manifolds and contact structures. Our study is llne in with the latest trend of relating the Riemannlan and Lorentzlan geometry (see, for example [13, 14, 17]). 2. PRELIMINARIES. A spacetlme (M,g) is a connected smooth Hausdorff manifold of dimension a Lorentz metric g of global tlmellke signature vector field. (-,+,...,+) and is All manifolds non-compact time oriented, admit 2 with that is, has a Lorentz metrics, Any whereas, a compact manifold is Lorentz iff its Euler characteristic vanishes. compact spacetlme contains a closed timellke curve. For example, on the cylinder 2 2 2 const, are closed tlmelIke curves. R S with ds -dt + de the circles t relativity, each point of spacetlme corresponds to an event relative to time. In Thus, physically, closed tlmellke curves are forbidden as this raises the possibility that a person might meet himself in the past. non-compact. poknt [a,b] Let C: of C for t Therefore, all physical spacetlmes are assumed M be a curve in M. b if llm C(t) t b- The point p M is called the end A nonspacellke curve is future (resp., past) p. Inextendible if it has no future (resp., past) endpolnt. past) inextendlble curve C does one of the following: (I) Traps within a compact A nonspacellke future (resp. set. set. (2) Does not trap in any compact set but continually re-enter a compact (3) Does not trap in any compact set and does not re-enter in any such set more than a flnlte number of times. If (3) holds then C goes off to the edge of spacetlme to infinity or a singularity point. For respectlvely. (I) and (2), C is called totally and partially imprisoned in Carter [I0] has given following example of a causal spacetlme M having imprisoned nonspacellke inextendlble curves. 2 2 ds (cosh t l)2(dy The metric is: dt 2) dtdy + dz (1) Identify Identi fy ef ter shifting en irr(]tionel number (Fig. i) M--RxSIxS {(t,y,z) R3: (t,y,z) (t,y,z+l)and . (t,y,z)- (y,y+l,z+a), where a A Cauchy hypersurface S in M is a subset that meets exactly M is globally hyperbolic Iff it once every inextendible nonspacellke curve in is an irrational number. SPACE TIME MANIFOLDS AND CONTACT STRUCTURES hypersurface. Cauchy a admits spacetlme product a is According manifold of [11] Geroch to form (M the 547 globally a -dt 2 RxS: g hyperbolic (S,G) a G) with Minkowskl spacetlme and Einstein static universe are compact Riemannlan manifold. Given any two points p,q of M, q is in the chronological future simple examples. << (resp. past) of p, denoted by p q (resp. q << p), if there is a future (resp. past) The chronological future (resp. past) of p are directed tlmellke curve from p to q. l+(p) The causal future {q c M: q << p}. {q c M: p << q} and l-(p) {q E M: p < q} for q} and J-(p) (resp. past) of p are the sets J+(p) {q E M: p nonspacellke curves. This means that M, with no closed nonspacellke curve is causal space. Also, as any compact spacetlme contains a closed tlmellke curve, it fails to the sets The sets be causal. J+(p) and every J-(p) has point l+(p) are always open in any space time, but the sets M is strongly causal if its small nelghbourhoods which no nonspacellke curve A strongly causal M is globally hyperbolic, if for each p, arbitrarily intersects more than once. J+(p) N J-(q) q of M, l-(p) and are neither open nor closed in general. is compact. PROPOSITION I. If the strong causality condition holds on a compact set of a then there can be non imprisoned inextendlble curves spacetlme, (Hawking and Ellis For details on above (with examples) we refer [13]. [12]). CONTACT SPACE TIMES. 3. (2n+1)-dlmenslonal A manifold form there if exists smooth a manifold tensor N fleld is of called type an (l,l), almost a contact vector , metric field l- and a semi-Riemannlan metric g such that: (2) g(,) g(X,Y) e, g(,bY) erl(X) rl(Y) 2n. -I according as is spacellke or tlmellke and rank(@) g(X,Y) for every X,Y of N, then N is called a contact metric manifold. +I and g definite, N is the usual contact metric structure [2]. Here, we For -I, study a larger class to allow indefinite metric. For example, if then N contains a tlmellke vector field. However, the signature of g is restricted by where c If +I or dn(X,Y) the following result. PROPOSITION manifold (n PROOF. n > 2) 2. The 2n-dlmenslonal cannot carry a Lorentz contact distribution D( O) of a contact metric. D admits a Hermltlan structure which cannot carry a Lorentz metric unless (for details see Flaherty [14]). Based on above proposition the followlng holds. THEOREM I. For a contact metric manifold N, the following are equivalent: (a) N is a spacetlme manifold (b) the contact vector field is tlmellke and the contact distribution D (defined spacellke and D tlmellke is 0) is spacellke [except when dlm(N) 3, then by n posslble]. In this paper, a contact manifold with a Lorentz metric will be called a contact An almost contact manifold is said to be normal if the NiJenhuls tensor spacetlme. of satisfies: [, ] + 2dn (R) 0 (3) K. L. DUGGAL 548 EXAMPLE. coordinate Consider system a (Xi; yl, tlmellke vector fleld, say 2t. (2n+l)-dlmenslonal spacetlme manifold N with a local t) i 1,...,n. N being tlme admits a global Define a l-form yidxl) so that =I/2(dt E . norlented . Then, from a classlcal theorem of Darboux [2], N is a contact manlfold with and tlmellke contact vector field The Lorentz metric g: contact from n =I/4 g ((dxl) 2 + (dyi) 2) Z ] -I. gives a contact metric structure to the spacetlme N for With respect to an orthonormal contact spacetlme. U 2( 2yl, Un+i i i + yit)’ @-basis Un+i’ SUn+i $Ui Therefore, N is a (Ui; Un+i, ), where Ui the metrix of the components of g is given by: 0 yl o lj o -yJ 0 yiyj lj THEOREM 2. An odd dimensional globally hyperbolic spacetime can carry a contact structure. PROOF. [M2n,G,J 2 -I] and G(JX,JY) Construct a globally hyperbolic spacetlme d Denote a vector field on N by X ((X) -, X)where X t is the coordinate of R and () is a smooth on N d O) is timelike global vector field. Then with Consider an almost - Hermltlan manifold G(X,Y) for every X,Y of M 2n. 2 N g =-dt + G}. "tRM 2n, tangent to M 2n is Set dt so that functlon d -, ((X) g[(n(x) -f, x), (O,JX) X) (u(Y) -f, Y)] G(X,Y) n(x)n(Y), -I. we recover a contact metric structure on N for n In particular, let Rq be n-dlmensional pseudo-Euclldean space of signature (,...,-,+,..,+) with q negative and n-q positive eigenvalues. Hence, for a local coordinate system (Xi), ds Define for r i . . l,...,n, its metric q 2 dx + n dx q+l is given by: 2 i 0 (see Wolf [15 section 4.2]) S n {X e R n {X e n+ X n+ X 2 2 + X2 + 2 X 2 n+l r + X 2 n+l -r and HI R1 2 + 2} + X 2} SPACE TIME MANIFOLDS AND CONTACT STRUCTURES Topologically of the S n of sphere covering curvature-r of -2 is R n HI n-I and H radius r topologically is S S n (ni) In is S with n RI, R n-I positive n Also, S is a Lorentzlan analogue curvature thus and, 549 a r -2. The space hyperbolic are called de-Sltter (anti de-sitter) spaces Universal of [12]. negative n S is globally hyperbolic but H is not. Thus, we have COROLLARY. Odd dimensional de-sltter spaces can carry a contact structure. 4. REGULAR CONTACT SPACE TIMES. A contact structure on N is regular if every point p of coordinate nelghbourhood this of such that the integral curves of N has a cubical passing through pass neighborhood only once. If N is compact, then the maximal integral curves are homeomorphlc to circles and therefore Boothby-Wang theorem [16] will hold. For noncompact spacetlmes, comparing the definitions of strongly causal spacetlmes and regular contact spaces, we get THEOREM 2. An odd dimensional strongly causal spacetlme can carry a regular contact structure. COROLLARY. Odd dimensional globally hyperbolic spacetlmes can carry a regular contact structure. Well-known examples are Minkowski spacetime, Lorentz spheres and Robertson-Walker spacetimes. On the other hand, there exist causal spacetimes which can not carry a regular To illustrate this point consider a 3-dimensional contact manifold contact structure. M 3 defined by n cosh z dt slnh z dy and system (t,y,z). The Lorentz metric g cosh 2z dy 2 + dz cosh2z[dy 2 dt 2 2] cosh zt + sinh (I + slnh 2z)dtdy + dz 2 zy for a coordinate n (4) dtdy. cosh2z=cosht-1) -l gives a contact metric structure on spacetlme M 3. In particular, for and t > 0, M3 is Carter’s example (see section 2) of a causal inextendlble nonspacellke imprisoned curves. Note that the through (y,y+1,a) induce an irratlonal flow as a is irratlonal. not regular. of spacetlme with integral curves Therefore is The discussion, so far, opens the way to address the following basic problem. "Characterlse regular contact spacetlmes" For the characterlsatlon of regular contact Riemannlan manifolds, we refer [16]. The followlng results may be useful. PROPOSITION 3 (O’Neill [17]). Maxlmal Integral curves of a vector fleld V of a spacetlme are inextendlble. This means that the maximal integral curves of the regular contact vector On the topology of such spacetlmes, we know that Open sets of the form l+(p) N l-(q) for any p,q of any spacetlme N form a basis of a topological structure on N, called Alexandrov topology. This topology is related with the strongly causal spacetlmes (and, therefore, regular contact spacetlmes) by the field are extendlble. followlng result: 550 K.L. DUGGAL (Penrose [18]) PROPOSITION 4. The Alexandrov topology for a spacetlme N agrees with the given manifold topology iff N is strongly causal. A contact manifold N is said to be homogeneous if there is a connected Lie group G acting transitively and effective as a group of dlfferentlable homomorphlsm on N which leave of are invarlant. Boothby and Wang [16] have proved that the integral curves regular for homogeneous necessarily contact manifolds but N need not be of the contact Also, following holds: compact. THEOREM 4 (Boothby-Wang) [16]). The integral curves vector of a homogeneous contact manifold are either closed curves or open arcs. field Relating above result with homogeneous spacetlmes, we the following Gd’del[ Universe, present example: Kurt G6"dell [19] discovered a homogeneous spacetlme, called whose metric g is a direct sum of the metric: + exp(2 ax)dy 2 gl -dt2 () dx2 1/2 2exp(() (5) ax)dtdy, on the 3-dlmenslonal manifold M 3 defined by the coordinates (t,x,y), where a > 0 is a on the manifold R defined by the coordinate z. For constant, and the metric g2 dz2 9olutlons (M3,gl). of the Einstein’s field equations, Transforming into new coordinates exp((2)ax) cosh 2r + ay exp((/2)ax) tan I/2 ( + at sin (/2)t’) the metric gl takes the new form 2 (s 2 + dr gl 2a-2[-dt Inh4r-slnh2r)d it is sufficient to (t’,r,) by cos slnh 2r, slnh 2r, exp(-2r)tan I/, 2 + 2() slnh2r d#dt]. r =0 coordinate axis Matter world line (r, ) constant} r (log (1,VJ (closed spocelike curve r) log (1,) (closed timelike curve r: log(1,vr} (closed null curve} (Fig. 2) consider only SPACE TIME MANIFOLDS AND CONTACT STRUCTURES The flow of vector the fluid (a/J2) is u 2). 0 (see fig. symmetric about the axis r t" The 551 space is rotatlonally 0 The light cones on the axis r The light cone opens out and tips over as r increases contain the direction of u. At a radius r is a null in closed tlmellke curves. log (l+J2), is a tlmellke vector and circles of constant r, For a greater value of r, t’ are closed tlmellke curves. (M3,g I) is a contact spacetlme define by (a/) (/a)(dt’ + Ad), + A where A2 slnh2r. Thus, resulting @ vector. I@], [t slnh4r Gdel universe is an example of a homogeneous contact spacetlme such that the integral > [for r curves of log (I + 2) and t’ constant] are closed tlmellke curves. Further research in this direction is needed to find the topology of homogeneous For results on these topics with respet to Riemanlan metric see contact spacetlmes. [16]. CONTACT STRUCTURE AND PHYSICAL SPACE TIME. 5. By a physical spacetlme we 4-dimenslonal mean spacetime the in context of relativity (special or general). As contact manifolds are odd dimensional (there do exist even dimensional contact manifolds [20] which we are not discussing here), to relate them with the physical spacetlme, we embed physical spacetlme as submanifold of contact There manifold. manifolds. the ambient manifold. [4,5] manifolds are three popular classes of submanlfolds of contact First, Invarlant submanifolds [21] which inherit almost all properties of (See Second, antl-lnvarlant submanlfolds [22]. Third, contact CR Genner [23] for details on the isometric embedding of In particular, every 4-dlmenslonal spacetlme M can be seen (locally) as a n 46 or 87 according as M I0. submanlfold of a Mlnkowskl space R of n Globally, n is compact or noncompact). An invarlant submanlfold of a contact manifold inherits contact struture and, therefore, must be ruled out for our purpose. Out of the other two classes, we consider CR submanlfolds as they include antl-lnvarlant class. spacetlmes. Let M be a real m-dimenslonal submanlfold of a contact metric manifold We use same symbol g for the B, g) with semi-Rlemannlan metric metric g. be tangent to M. metric of M. Let (N, ,, DEFINITION. M is called a contact distributions D and D (I) (2) (3) +/- CR submanlfold of N if there {}, where D, D I and {} are mutually orthogonal D is invarlant by [(D) D]; TM D +/- exist two on M satisfying DOD +/- @ is anti-lnvarlant by to each other; [(D i cTM +/- The same concept was studied under the name semi-lnvarlant submanlfolds [5]. define a larger class to include indefinite metric. Dim(D) 0 (resp. dim(D Here we +/- 0 implies M is antl-lnvarlant (resp. invarlant), otherwise it is a non-trivlal contact CR submanlfold. Based on above definition, we now construct a mathematical model of 4-dlmenslonal spacetlmes as contact CR submanlfolds. - Let (N,g) be a 5-dimensional spacetlme with a local coordinate system MODEL. Define a l-form -I/2 [dt- ydx- zds] so that there exists a vector and 2 on N. N has a contact metric structure (, n,g) with contact form t (6) ] g =I/4 [dx 2 + dy 2 + ds 2 + dz 2 n (x,s,y,z,t). field , K. L. DUGGAL 552 as the defining equations (2) hold for e (UI;Vi; ) u -I. There exists an orthonormal 2y, u2 =zZ’ V #U i v 2( +yt v2 Vi i, U i, i +.t 2( S 1,2 Let (M,g) be a 4-dimenslonal spacetlme embedded in N. orthonormal for basis Tp(M). Then, the complexified UI+ holomorphic subbundle H generated by (Z,Z) with Z tangent iV submanlfold of N Therefore, to each other. space is an CT(M) has a and JZ -iZ(J is complex Re(H + H) generated by {U2} D, D i and are Thus, there exists a real distribution D invariant by and anti-invariant distribution D i mutually orthogonal (UI,U2,VI,) So that structure on H). (UI,V I) -basls where by definition, M is a contact CR and spacellke invariant field In general, the dimension of the embedding manifold N may be higher than 5 (subject to restrictions as stated in [23]). REMARK. It is worth mentioning that the embedding manifold has been used as with timelike contact vector distribution D. auxiliary space for deriving physical of properties the embedded spacetime. In particular, several exact solutions of the Einstein’s field equations have been found by this technique, at least for some cases of low embedding class (the minimum number of extra dimension is called the embedding class). For example, the maximal analytic extension of the Schwarzschild solution was found by embedding technique [24]. However, unfortunately, no systematic research has been done to embedding class greater than two. find solutions of Difficulty is the lack of effective method for solving embedding equations. Hopefully, by supplying some contact structure discussed in this differential paper), geometric structure (such as the it may help to provide more insight on the geometry of spacetlme needed for physical problems (including finding exact solutions) in relativity. 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