611 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. VOL. 13 NO. 3 (1990) 611-616 REMARKS ON QUADRATIC EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACE IOANNIS K. ARGYROS Department of Mathematical Sciences New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003 (Received May 12, 1988 and in revised form May 29, 1989) ABSTRACT. We find new sufficient conditions for the uniqueness of solutions of quadratic and in general multillnear equations in a Banach space X, by assuming the existence of a certain limit of linear operators in a suitable subspace of X. I. INTRODUCTION. Consider the quadratic equation (1.1) y + S(x, x) x in a Banach space X, where y e X is fixed and B is a billnear operator on X [I], [2]. We can assume without loss of generality that B is symmetric, otherwise we can replace B in (I.I) by B(x, y) = (B(x, y) + B(y, x)) for all x, y e X which is a symmetric billnear operator on X and bounded if B is. Using some ideas given in [3], [4], and [5] for the linear case, we derive some new existence and uniqueness results for the solutions x of (I.1) slmilar to the ones in [4] for the llnear case and different than the results in [6]. Moreover, under the assumption that for all Zl, z2..., lira exists, where B(z i) B(Zn)(X) B(Zl)B(z 2) denotes a llnear operator on X for i B(z i)(x) B(zl, Zn, x) B(x, z i), we give more insight into the behavior of equation (1.1). x e X (1.2) 1,2, ,n such that I. K. ARGYROS 612 Finally, be obvious from the proofs of the theorems will it obtained here can be easily generalized that the include multil[near equations to results [2], [7], [8]. Let z., z,..., z be fixed in X. If the limit in (1.2) exists as (1.2) defines a linear operator L, depending on % then n of Zl,...,z on X. the choice given by L(x) lim n B(Zl)B(z2)...B(z n )(x). (1.3) We denote the domain of L by D(L) and the null space of L by N(L). By x e D(L) or x e N(L) we mean L(x) exits or L(x) 0 Note that N(L) where L is given by (1.3). , N(L). since 0 E MAIN RESULTS. The following is essentially Rall’s theorem [6] proved in a different way which allows us to associate it with (1.3). THEOREM all z E If the linear operator B(z) has no nonzero fixed point for X then (I.I) has at most one solution. PROOF. of 2.1. If (I.I) has no solution there is nothing to prove. Let x be a solution (I.I), then any other solution x can be given by x + h, for some h e X. x We now have by (I.I), x + h y + B(x + h, x + h) or B(z)(h) By hypothesis h 0. h, z 2x + h. Therefore, the solution x is unique. (I.I) has a solution x then the totality of the solutions is given by x x + h where h is a fixed point of the linear operator B(z) with z 2x + h. The solution x is unique if h O. Every fixed point of the operator B(z) is a fixed point of the operator If the equation L(x) lim (B(z))n(x), with z 2 0 if X N(L). + h n/ The equation L(h) h shows that h 613 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACE Thus, the solution x is unique in this case. L the condition X Therefore, for this particular choice of N(L) is a sufficient condition for the uniqueness of x. The assumptions that X is indeed a Banah space was not used in the derivation of It will be used, however, in the following results. the above results. We now prove Thoerems 2.2-2.5 which are generalizations of the thoerems in [3], [5] and of the remarks -5 in [4]. THEOREM 2.2. Let w be a solution of (I.I). Define the sequence {x n }, n 1,2, by y + Xn Then {Xn}, n I, 2 x 0 B(Xn_ I, Xn_ I) -w eD(L), v n z n-I + w, n I, 2, 3, B(Xn-l’ Xn-l)) (y + B(w, B(Xn_l, Xn_ I) B(w, w) B(Xn_ + w, Xn_ w) B(Xn_ + w)B(Xn_ 2 + w, Xn_2-w) (Y + --B(z )S( n Xk_l + w, k (2. I) e X. We have Xn where z 0 converges to some point v e X f and only if where L is given by (1.3) for z PROOF. for some x k S(z )(x 0 -w) Zn-I I, 2, w)) n. hand side of the above exists, therefore Now if x 0 -w e D(L)the limit on the right converges to some point {Xn}, n=l,2, veX. Conversely, if {xn }, n x0 I, 2, converges to some v e X as n then w e D(L) Sometimes this weaker condition sufficies, as indicatted next: THEOREM 2.3. that x 0 1,2 Let x 0 be an approximate solution of equation (I.I) in the sense B(xo, 0) y e N(L), where L is given by (1.3) with z k Xk_ + xk, k and the x’s are given by (2.1). n x Then every limit point of the sequence {x }, n n (1.1). PROOF. As in Theorem 2.2, Xn+ Xn B(Zn)B(Zn-l)’’’B(Zl)(X0 Xl 2, satisfies equation I.K. ARGYROS 614 where z k Xk_ + Xk, Now x for n if x n follows if we let n I, 2, k in i n n. , i then n , i result the and B(Xn, Xn )" y + Xn+ x for n n+l Furthermore we can show: If x e D(L) is a solution of THEOREM 2.4. in D(L) where L is given by (1.3) with z PROOF. y + B(x, x) and w Since x B(x + w) and hence w x e D(L). (l.l), then every other solution w is x + w, n 0, I, 2, y + B(w, w) then w x) + x (w Therefore w E x is a fixed point of D(L). The followlng result complements Theorem 2.2. Equation (I.I) has a solution x E D(L) where L is as in Theorem 2.2 THEOREM 2.5. if and only if the sequence {t s o {s o + s n + + s n converges, where y, k-! I Sk PROOF. BCs j’ Sk- ), 3-’-I 0 The given sequence {t 0 O, 2 n n I, 2, corresponds to {Xn+ with x 0 0. X then x is a solution of (1.1). By Theorem 2.2., 0 e D(L), the converse follows from x). Now since x 0 If it converges to some x x E D(L) (for x k w Theorem 2.2. 3. APPLICATIONS. We now complete this paper with an example. Let X =IR 2 and consider the bilinear operator on X given by S(x,y) ’(x x 2) Yl 0 y Xl xlY xlY x2Y 2 x2Y 2 x x x 2 x 2 2 + x 22 x 2 2 y y ] Note that B is symmetric bilinear operator on X. 0 + B(x, x) x or x Y2 -x2 + x -I 0 We consider the equation 615 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACE Define a norm on m2 by z Let z then + zl xlY z! xly| x2Y 2 B(z)B(x) (y) ZlXlY + ZlXlY + z If we apply the above for g + x2Y 2 Z2XlY + Z2XlY ZlX2Y 2 z2x2Y2] z2x2Y2J i i i-- 1, zi= will be of the form ZlX2Y 2 ] 2, S(Zn)(X) B(Zl)B(z 2) n, then i i 2 n k k k k.l ClC2 . V 2n kj where dk’m ckm o e {x, k dd 2" .d k 2n+l I, 2, zl}, us .t= C2n+l I, 2, n, k 1/41 [0, 1/41, hen (1/4)n+l 2n+l 0 as n 2 n, m I, 2, x o 0, ilVnll , 2n ; therefore L(x) so X 0 for all x e [0, ] x [0, ] --X N(L) and equation (3.1) has a unique solution in X, namely x 0 2 n+l. I.K. ARGYROS 616 REFERENCES I. 2. 3. RALL, LB., Quadratic Equations in Banach Space, Rend. Circ. Math. Palermo IO (1961), 314-332. 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