599 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 13 NO. 3 (1990) 599-606 GENERATIONS OF WAVES AT AN INERTIAL SURFACE DUE TO EXPLOSIONS B.N. MANDAL and N.K. GHOSH Department of Applied Mathematics University of Calcutta 92, A.P.C. Road 700009 Calcutta India (Received March 25, 1988) ABSTRACT. This paper is concerned with the generation of surface waves by an axially symmetric initial disturbance applied at an inertial surface in an ocean of finite depth. This initial disturbance can be either in form of an impulse or an the The depression of the inertial surface is obtained as an elevation or depression. infinite integral in each case. The method of stationary phase is applied to evaluate the integral for large values of time and distance. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Ocean of finite depth, surface distribution, inertial surface, velocity potential, Laplace transform, Hankel transform, method of stationary phase. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 76B15. 1. INTRODUCTION. Waves are generated by an explosion above or within an ocean. The formulation of the problems associated with the generation of these waves as an initial value problem If the explosion occurs above is based on the linear theory of surface water waves. the ocean surface, the initial condition on the surface is taken as an initial impulse distributed over a certain region while for the case when the explosion occurs at or below the ocean surface, depression of the same the initial condition is taken as an initial elevation or surface. [I] Stoker and Lamb [2] the considered two dimensional unsteady motion due to an initial surface disturbance concentrated at the origin and gave the velocity potential as well as the asymptotic form of the free surface for large values of time and distance. Kranzer and Keller [3] considered the three arbitrary dimensional unsteady motion due to an axially symmetric initial surface disturbance in an ocean of uniform finite depth and gave explicit formula for the surface elevation and compared the theory with experimental results. deduced these results considered for an ocean of infinite depth. Chaudhuri They also [4] and Wen [5] the case when the initial surface disturbance is a combination of both surface impulse and surface elevation distributed over an arbitrary region of the B. N. MANDAL AND N. K. GHOSH 600 surface of an ocean of uniform finite depth and obtained asymptotic results by using the method of stationary phase. In all these cases, the ocean was essentially bounded above by a free surface. Recently there has been a considerable interest in various problems concerned with the generation of surface waves due to different types of sources of arbitrary time- dependent strengths present in a liquid covered by an inertial surface composed of a thin but uniform distribution of noninteracting floating particles floating on an ocean surface) Mandal [9,10]). It is (e.g. broken ice (see Rhodes-Robinson [6], Mandal and Kundu [7,8] and thus natural to extend the problems due to initial surface disturbances in an ocean with a free surface to the case when the ocean is covered by an inertial surface. Recently, Mandal [I0] considered the two dimensional unsteady motion in a deep ocean covered by an inertial surface due to initial disturbances at the inertial surface while Mandal and Mukherjee [II] considered the three dimensional unsteady motion due to a prescribed axisymmetic initial surface disturbance. In this paper we extend the problem considered in [II] for a deep ocean to an ocean of uniform finite depth. of generation considered of water waves This may also be viewed as an extension of the problem the at free surface of ocean an of finite depth [3] to an ocean covered by an inertial surface. by Kranzer and Keller After formulating it within the framework of llnearized theory as an initial value problem, it is reduced to a boundary value problem by taking the Laplace transform in The time. Hankel transform is then used to solve this boundary value problem. Finally, Laplace inversion gives the potential function from which the depression of the inertial surface is obtained in terms of an infinite double integral. By applying the method of stationary phase twice in succession to this integral, the asymptotic form of the inertial surface is obtained for large values of time and distance. In the absence of the parameter characterizing the inertial surface, known results given earlier in Kranzer and Keller [3] are recovered. 2. STATEMENT AND FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM. We consider the unsteady three dimensional motion of an inviscid, incompressible, homogeneous liquid of volume density p covered by an inertial surface composed of thin but uniformly distributed disconnected floating matter of area density p e (E depth h. 0) under the action of gravity g only. The liquid is of uniform finite We assume that the 0 corresponds to a liquid with a free surface. motion in the liquid is started at time t 0 from a state of rest by a prescribed axfsymmetric initial disturbance at the inertial surface. We choose a cylindrical polar coordinate system (r,8,y) in which the y axis is taken vertically downwards and is the axis of symmetry of the initial disturbance, the plane y liquid. 0 is the position of h is the bottom of the unlimited mass of the the inertial surface at rest, and y Since the motion starts from rest, it is irrotational and can be described by a velocity potential (r,y;t) for t 0. Within the framework of linearized theory, 601 GENERATION OF WAVES AT AN INERTIAL SURFACE DUE TO EXPLOSIONS it can be shown that satisfies +--- (r r) O, y2 ,h y 0, 0 t with the inertial surface condltion 2 t ay) (0- 2 0, t 0 on y > (2.2) 0 while the boundary condition at the bottom is 0 on y 0y (2.3) O. h, t If the initial disturbance is due to an axlsymmetrlc displacement G(r) of the inertial surface at a dstance r from the origin, then the initial condlttons are 0-e --( 0, y Oy e ..) y 0, (2.4a) O, t g G(r), y (2.5a) O. 0, t We note that the initial displacement of the laert[al surface may be a depression or elevation depending on G(r) being positive or negative. However, if the initial disturbance is due to an axially symmetric impulse of strength F(r) at a distance r from the origin, then the initial conditions are o- t 3. F(r) Oy= (- e P O, on y 0 on y y 0 (2.4b) 0 t (2.5b) O. t SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM. Let (r,y;p) denote the Laplace transform of (r,y;t) in time t defined as f (r,y;t)e-Ptdt, (r,y;p) p > O. o Then (r,y;p) satisfies the boundary value problem r r (r 3 --) 32 +-2- O, 0 g (3.1) y g h, g G(r) on y 2 p -(g+ and Y 0 on y h. ep2 )(R)y (3.2a) 0 or -P F(r) on y 0 (3.2b) (3.3) B. N. MANDAL AND N. K. GHOSH 602 (3.2a) holds for an initial surface displacement while (3.2b) holds for an initial Let (k;y) be the Hankel transform of (r’y) defined as surface impulse. o Then satisfies d2 dy k 2 2 p V ? and Here (3.4) r O(r’v) J (kr) dr, k 7> O. o (k’y) Y (k) and (k) 2 0, 0 y I ep2 )Y (g + 0 on y (3.5) h, g G(k) (3.6a) or (3.6b) P (3.7) h. C(r) and F(r) respectively. are the Hankel transforms of Then coshk(h-) g G(k) (3.8a) 2 p D(k) + gk sinh kh (k,y) or P O where D(k) (k coshk(h-y) p2D(k) (3.8b) + gk sinh kh cosh kh + ek sinh kh. (3.9) Hence (k)k g / cosh k(h-y)J (kr) o D(k)(p2 o (r,y;p) + ij2) (3. tOe) dk or pk F(k) cosh k(h-y)J (kr) whe re IJ 2 dk D(k)(p2+u 2) o (3.10b) gk sinh kh D(k) Taking the Laplace inversion we obtain the potential function. For the case of an initial axially symmetric displacement we use (3.10a) to obtain (r,y;t) -(k)J o (kr) f 0 sin Ut coshk(h-y) s i nhkh dk (3.11a) 603 GENERATION OF WAVES AT AN INERTIAL SURFACE DUE TO EXPLOSIONS For the case of Inltlal axially symmetric impulse we obtain from (3.10b) 2 F(k) 1___ O(r,y;t) Pg cost coshk(h-y) Jo (kr) dk. sinhkh 0 (3.11b) In these cases the inertial surface depression (r,t) is given by (r,t) = [ (- y--0 so that (k) k = (r,t) (3.12a) J (kr) cost dk o 0 or 0f 9(k) k (3.12b) slnvt J o (kr) dk. The results given in Kranzer and Keller [3] are recovered by making c making h 4. 0. Also, by 0, results given in Stoker [I] are recovered. and setting c ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSIONS. The method of stationary phase is now applied to obtain an asymptotic form of (r,t) for the integral in equation (3.12a) for large t and r but finite ratio Using the result J (kr) o = 2 cos(kr cosB)dS, 0 (3.12a) is written as _ 1 Re 0f / k (k) [exp{it(g + k cos )} 0 + exp{it(g k r cos)}] d dk. By using the method of stationary phase first to the -Integral, we get E(r t) where (2__)2 r . k 2 (k) 0 - [exp{it + kr Pl(k P2(k) I Now P_(k) Q(k) + exp{it P2(k)}] dk (4.2) I 4t t and PI(R)} (4.3) kr + w 4t r r/t. 604 B. N. MANDAL AND N. K. GHOSH =- where Q(k) I/2 .( [--{D(k) }3/2 -n--k- )I/2 kh sinh kh.I/2 + cosh kh (---) P(k) It obvious that P(k) < decreasing function in 0 and < - P(k) (gh) P(k) r k 0 for 0 < I/2 < < k P(k) Hence m. is strictly a < (gh) 1/2, there r -as as k is a 0 k + (R). single < r/t (gh) O. P1/2(k) I/2 a (say), where (gh)I/2, When r/t in 0 point stationary exists only one stationary point at k the equation monotonic Also m. These show that there Is no stationary point in the Integral for r/t for r/t (4.4) )] Q’(k). so that is (gh) < k < > (gh) t/2 so that while there a is the real positive root of it gives a smaller contribution than the case so that contribution from it may be neglected. Also Pl(k) has no stationary point in the range of integration. The stationary phase method for the k- integral when applied to (4.2) leads to () (r,t) (a) r cos (t I/2 (a,Q(oO -Q’(a) P2 (a) cos((a)t 4 at) where (l+ea tanhah )1/2 ga tanhah (a) In partlcular, when the displacement is concentrated at the origin, G^ In this case (r,t) Without solving for a from (,Q,Q(a) (a)) a the I/2 cos((a)t equation P(a) (4.6) at). 0, we 2-- consider the following special cases. CASE I. Shallow ocean (h small). - For small values of h, we can approximate [gk2h(l k2h2 2 1/2 ek h)] as (4.7) two GENERATION OF WAVES AT AN INERTIAL SURFACE DUE TO EXPLOSIONS (r)2 3 {gh I/2 -- a=[ so that 2 Q’() P"(a) 2 (t (_h) I12 [2 (1 2 .3/2 2h2 2 (4.8) ()2 h {4gh + 9Eg Jh {I 605 a2h2 ){I- 2h(9e+4h) (4.9) (ge + 4h)}] Using (4.8) and (4.9) in (4.5) we obtain (r,t). The asymptotic form of the inertial surface given in (4.5) can also be expressed in the form (4.1o) T where 2 2 =-a and % (4.11) For the case of an initial axially symmetric displacement, we obtain by a similar analysis the asymptotic form (r,t) of the a (r,t) (rg)i/2 (l+ea inertial surface given by () anhch 1/2 sin( u( a)t-r) tanhh)l/2 (tlp,(a)i) F(o) Cl+ea tanhah) 1/2 a 1/2r 1/2 s tanh (,Q():Q; in[_2(t -)r I (4.12) where a is given by (4.8) and Q’(a) is given by (4.9). When the impulse concentrated is at the ^ In this case, origin F the asymptotic form of the inertial surface has the form given by (r,t) a 2pg 1/2 (1 r tanh )I/2 e2h) (.Q() _;) sin L2 ,( ) - t (4.13) The result given in (4.5) and (4.12) are in complete agreement with the corresponding results given by Kranzer and Keller [3] if we put : 0 and CASE II. Deep ocean (h is infinite) p we get kl/2(l 1/2 (l+ek) and from the equation gk + k) 3/2 fig 1/2 t 2r P(k) 0 B. N. MANDAL AND N. K. GHOSH 606 In this case the asymptotic form of the inertial surface can be obtained by a slmltar analysis and the corresponding results given by Mandal and MukherJee [II] are easily recovered. 5. DISCUSSION. . From equation (4.10) and (4.12) we see that the surface wave amplitude, the The amplitude as well as period T, and the wavelength A all depend upon in both cases is zero if > 1. The factor sin 2[t/T- r/A] or I/2 both the wavelength If r (gh) cos 2w[t/T -r/A] describes the actual waves. r/(gh)I/2t r/(gh)I/2t and period will be infinite in wave motion and both decrease for fixed t or as t increases for fixed r. These observations were also arrived at for the corresponding problem in water with a free surface (cf [3]). Thus the qualitative behavior of the solutions remains unaltered due to the presence of an inertial surface. REFERENCES I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. STOKER, J.J., Water waves, Intersclence, New York, 1957. LAMB, H., Hydrodynamics, Dover, New York, 1945. KRANZER, H.C. and KELLER, J.B., Water waves produced by exploslon, J. Appl. Phys. 30 (1959), 398-407. CHAUDNURI, K., Waves in shallow water due to arbitrary surface disturbances, Appl. Scl. Res. 19 (1968), 274-284. WEN, S.L., A note on water waves created by surface disturbances. Int. J. Math. Edu. Scl. Technol. 13 (1982). RHODES-ROBINSON, P.F., On the generation of water waves at an inertlal surface. J. 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