Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 13 NO. 2 (1990) 281-286 281 OSCILLATION AND NONOSCILLATION IN NONLINEAR THIRD ORDER DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS B. SMITH and W.E. TAYLOR, JR. Department of Mathematlcs Texas Southern University Houston, TX 77004 (Received August 18, 1988 and in revised form June 20, 1989) KEY AND WORDS PHRASES. Difference equations, third oscillatory order, and nonoscillatory solutlons. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 39AI0, 39A12. I. INTRODUCTION. This paper is concerned with the oscillatory behavior of solutions of the third order nonllnear difference equation a(Pna2Vn) + Qnf(Vn+l AVn+ I, A2vn+ 1) -0, V+I where & is the forward difference operator i.e., &V n throughout that the conditions below are satisfied: (I) (II) (III) n P n > O, AP n > 0 and Qn > 0 for n n- n I, 2, -V n ..., (.i) It will be assumed O, 1, 2, [ 3 f: R R is continuous and xf(x, y, z) > 0 for x * O. By a solution of (I.I) we mean a real sequence V satisfying equation (1.1) for A solutlon V of (1.1) is called nonoscillator if it is eventually 1, 2, positive or eventually negative. determining equations results of oscillatlon has criteria been investigated Otherwise, it is called oscillatory. for certain by Hooker and Patula [2] were generallzed by Li [3]. general equation than those studied in [2] and slmilar equations in [4]. second order [1], The problem of nonllnear and Szmanda difference [2]. The This paper examines a sllghtly more [3]. The authors began a study of 282 2. B. SMITH AND W.E. TAYLOR, JR. MAIN RESULTS. LEMMA 2.1. Suppose V is a nonoscillatory solution of (1.1). sgnVn sgn&Vn Then, either sgnA2Vn (2.1) sgn&Vn (2.2) for all n sufficiently large, or sgna2Vn sgnVn # AV for all sufficiently large n, and llm &2Vn llm n 0. PROOF. Assume V is a nonoscillatory solution of (1.1), where Vn > 0 for all N. N, where N is a positive integer. The proof is similar if V. < 0 for all n ) N. is Thus n Note that for each 0, < -Qnf(Vn+l, I) I, ) N M for which and is eventually sign definite. A positive integer exists decreasing are of one sign when n ) M. The following cases must be considered: AVn and n (a) > 0, &V > 0, > 0, n M, n (Pn2Vn Vn+ Pn &2Vn 2Vn+ AZV Vn > O, &Vn < O, A2Vn > O, n )M, > 0 AVn < 0, A2V < 0, n )M 0, &V n > 0, A2Vn < 0, n )M. (b) V (c) V (d) Vn > n 2Vn n A2V Case (c) is impossible because if AV 0 for all sufficiently large n, then n n > sgnV -sgnAVn eventually. We show that (d) is also impossible. If (d) holds, then n from above P n 2Vn is be such that P n negative and decreasing for all n sufficiently large. A-Vn < k for we obtain . R-I &VR AVM < k n Letting R + implies (d) cannot hold. AVR - all n M. Then A2Vn < --, n M. Let k < 0 Summing from M to R- n n is eventually negative, but this contradicts (d), therefore This completes the proof of the lemma. We continue our study of (1.1) by considering a functional which plays a vital role in our investigation. Similar functionals have been used to study solutions of differential equations (Taylor [5]). LEMMA 2.2. Let V be a solution of (I. I). F[Vn] Then Fn 2VnPn A2Vn Pn-I(AVn) OSCILLATION AND NON-OSCILLATION IN NONLINEAR DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 283 is nonlncreaslng, in fact AFn &2Vn+l) Pn (&2vn)2 -2QnVn+If(Vn+l’AVn+l’ APn_I AVn )2 Since F n is monotone for any nontrivial solution of (I.I) we have that F n is of one sign for all n sufficiently large. Using this we will examine solutions of (I.I) 0 for each n and those for which Fm < 0 for some positive integer m. )0. THEOREM 2.1. Let V be a nontrivial solution of (I.I) for which F[V where F n ) n]__ Then the following are true: (i) )" QnVn+l f (vn+l’ AVn+I’ (ii) [ Pn(A2Vn )2 < and (ill) ). Apn_ PROOF. (R), 2 (aVn) < A2Vn+l (R)’ -. > 0 for each Since F < n differencing Fn and summing from 0 to k-I we find k-I F 0 FO k 2 0 k-I 0 Thus, QnVn+l f (vn+l’Avn+l’ k-I Pn(A2Vn )2 0 k-1 2 0 QnVn+if(Vn+l,AVn+l, A2Vn+I APn_I(AVn )2. A2Vn+l + k-I k-I Pn(A2Vn )2 + 0 APn-I(AVn)2 < F0" 0 Allowing k to tend to infinity establishes each of (1), (li) and (ill) since F 0 is independent of k. Suppose that f(x,y,z) ) r > 0 for x x 0 for each n. be a solution of (I.I) for which F[Vn] THEOREM 2.2. <iv) [ vn2 <., (v) llm PROOF. V n llm AVn A2Vn lira To prove (iv), observe that Vn+if(Vn+ AVn+ A2Vn+l rV2n+l ) Thus where lim inf Qn’ so we have O. 0 and lim inf Then > O. Let V 284 B. SMITH AND W.E. TAYLOR, JR. 2 ar0 Vn+l A2Vn+I )" QnVn+l f( Vn+l’ AV n+l’ Now apply (i), of Theorem 2.1, and the proof of (iv) is complete. The relations (v) follow as a consequence of (iv). EXAMPLE 2.1. As an illustration of Theorem 2.2 consider equation (1.1) with 22n(_.___n-l) 0 -n 2 2n+ 2 Pn n, x 3 + x. f(x,y,z) + Then 3 A(nA2Vn) + 22n(n-1) (Vn+l 22n+2+1 + Vn+ 0 The sequence defined by 2 -n is a solution of this equation for which F f(x,y,z.) r > 0, and x solution of (1.1) approaches zero as n / -. THEOREM 2.3. If Qn then every -. 0 as n nonoscillatory Suppose V is an eventually positive solution of (1.1) that is bounded away from zero, i.e. V > > 0 for all n sufficiently large. Because of Lemma 2.1, an n integer M exists so that the relations (2.1) or (2.2) are satisfied by V for all where r is a positive constant. From (1.1) Now f(Vn+l, AVn+I, n > M. PROOF. A2Vn+l rVn+ we find &(Pn&2Vn) A(PnA2Vn) ThUS, -Qnf (Vn+l’ AVn+l’ A2Vn+l )" (2.3) -rQnVn+ 1. Summing both sides of (2.3) from M to k-1 we find PkA2Vk PMA2V ( But as k to tend to -, k-1 (2.4) the right hand side of (2.4) tends to -, k-1 M A2Vk < and hence -, which in turn forces PkA2Vk 0 eventually, a contradiction of relations (2.1) and A similar argument treats the case of an eventually negative solution. completes the proof of the theorem. then every COROLLARY 2.1. If f(x,y,z)_ ) r > 0, for x O, and Qn (2.2). x This , nonosclllatory solution of (I.I) satisfies the relations (2.2). We are now in a position to show that oscillatory solutions exist under certain conditions. Suppose f.(.x,y,z) and is bounded. r > 0, for x 0, Qn x V is for then V F[V 0 some a oscillatory. (I.I) of for If is which solution n, n] < PROOF. Suppose V is a nonoscillatory solutlon of (1.1). We may suppose without THEOREM 2.4. any generality loss nontncreasing as n "’ Vn > 0 and F[Vn] < 0 for all n N, since F[Vn] -. 0 and 0 as n From Theorem 2.3, V / O, AV n n n that -. Pn A2V is OSCILLATION AND NON-OSCILLATION IN NONLINEAR DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS Pn This together with the boundedness of impossible since < Fn 0 and AF n < implies that F[V 0 for large n n] / This is clearly 0. follow proof the and 285 by contradiction. Under certain conditions the bounded solutions of (I.I) behave rather nicely. Similar results appeared in [2] and [3]. THEOREM Suppose 2.5. nQn and Pn 3, constant. Then every bounded solution of (1.1) is either oscillatory or tends to zero notontcally. PROOF. By Lemma 2.1 a bounded nonoscillatory solution V satisfies sgnV n sgn Pn A2Vn Assume that Vn for all n sufficiently large. lim AV n A where Ao 0 A2V that P n n Consider the sequence The fact f is 0. 0 as n follows n(Pn AVn )" rn 0 eventually and suppose from the boundedness of Vn and (II). Note that &2Vn+1 nQnf(Vn+l’ AVn+1’ f(Vn+l, AVn+I,__ continuous > Note also Pn+lA2Vn+l &rn Since > sgn AVn A-Vn+ I) (2.5) )" 0, 0) > 0 as n for all n > N. f(A0, -, so there exists N such that f(Vn+l, AVn+l, A2Vn+ I) > 1/2f(Ao, O, 0) Therefore from (2.5) we have Ar < n n Summing, from N to n rn+1 < rN -, rn the theorem. As n - A2Vn+1 Qnf(Ao O, A2Vn+ -. 0f(Ao o, o). < Pn+l -, + AVn+2 O) VN+I 1/2f(A0’ a contradiction. n 0, 0) Therefore A 0 0. JQj. This completes the proof of Finally we have 2m+I THEOREM 2.6. Suppose .(R) Qn a f(x,y,z), a 0 and (R), f(ax, ay az) Then every solution of (1.) is either f(x, y + h, z) > f(x,y,z) for h Y 0. bounded or oscillatory. B. SMITH AND W.E. TAYLOR, JR. 286 PROOF. Suppose V n is an unbounded nonoscillatory solution of (I.I). Without loss of generality we have V n > > 0, AV n 0, Pn p Differencing qn 0, Consider the functional for all n sufficiently large. qn A2V n > 2Vn n V n we find -Qn f(vn+l’ al n 2Vn+ )_ AVn+I’ Vn+ P V n n 2V n VnVn+ +) Vn+ v+ n+ I_ AZVn+I 2m Vn+ f(l 0, Vn+ 2m V Qnf(l, 0, 0) N 2 Summing we obtain V qmK0 But this implies qm 2m m-I N f(l,0,0) 2 N IQn" as m (R), a contradiction since Pn’ A2vn and V n are positive for all n sufficiently large. EXAMPLE 2.2. It is possible for equations of the form of (I. I) to have unbounded (-2) n is a solution of The sequence Vn oscillatory solutions. A3V n + II 18(4n+I) (AVn+1) 3 + 3Vn+1 0. Note that this example does not violate the conclusion of Theorem 2.6. Note also that (III) is not satisfied. REFERENCES J.W. and PATULA, W.T., A Second-order Nonlinear Difference Equatlon: Oscillation and Asymptotic Behavior, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 91 (1983), 9-29. I. HOOKER, 2. SZMANDA, B., Oscillation Theorems for Nonlinear Second-order Difference Equations, J. Math. 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