Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 13 NO. (1990) 151-158 151 STRONG OSCILLATIONS FOR SECOND ORDER NONLINEAR FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS JURANG YAN Department of Mathematics Shanxi University Talyuan, Shanx i People’s Republic of China (Received July 28, 1986 and in revised form May 5, 1987) ABSTRACT. In this paper, we establish some strongly oscillation theorems for nonlinear second order functional differential equation x"(t) + p(t) f(x(t), x(g(t))) 0 without assuming that g(t) is retarded or advanced. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Strong oscillation, nonlinear, functional differential equations. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. INTRODUCTION. Primary 34K15. We consider the second order nonlinear functional differential equation x"(t) + p(t) f(x(t) where x(g(t))) p(t), g(t) e C([t O ), R) g(t) 0 as t sign of u and v when they have the same sign. and f(u,v) (R,R) and has the We shall restrict our attention to solutions of (I.I) which exist on some positive half-line A nontrlvial solution x(t) is called oscillatory if x(t) has an unbounded set of zeros, and otherwise it is called nonoscillatory. Equation (I.I) is said to be oscillatory if every solution of (I.I) is oscillatory Bradley [I], [6], Waltman [7], Wong [8] and wellknown theorem of Wintner [9] and Leighton [I0] that the Oscillation theory for (I.I) has been developed by many authors. Chiou [2], Erbe [3] Gollwitzer [4], Ladas [5], references therein It is Travis linear equation x"(t) + p(t) x(t) is oscillatory if p(t)dt 0 even p(t) is not assumed nonnegatlve Bradley [I] 152 J. YAN and Waltman [7] demonstrated that the equation x"(t) + p(t) x(g(t)) p(t) is oscillatory if (1.2) 0 p(t) 0 and Travis dt [6] constructed a counterexample showing that the Le[ghton-Wintner oscillation theorem can not be extended to Equation (1.2) unless O. The author [II] extended Bradley-Waltman p(t) 0 and p(t)dt then (1.I) is p(t) , oscillation theorem to (1.I) i.e. if ocillatory. The purpose of this paper is to establish some strongly oscillation criteria for (1.1). We are primarily interested in the case when p(t) are satisfied. Considering the equation x"(t) + %p(t) x(t)= 0, We shall call p(t) a strongly oscillatory coefficient if (1.3) is oscillatory for all positive %. p(t) If lira O, Nehari [12] shows that supt/t p(s)ds is a necessary and sufficient condition for p(t) to be a strongly oscillatory Fzluatlon (I.I) In general, motivated by Nehari, we define as follows: coefficient. (I.l) is said to be strongly oscillatory if the related equation of x"Ct) + Xp(t) fCx(t), x(g(t))) (1.4) 0 is osillatory for all positive 2. MAIN RESULTS. For Equation (I.I) the following conditlons are assumed to hold throughout the paper: p(t) (i) 0 and there exists h(t) min (g(t), t) such that 0 < k h’(t) where k is a constant. (il) there exists m > 0 such that e lira inf where where (v) I C’(R), v(v) and lul > implies > 0 and ’(v) O, 0 for v # 0, and lira 6 are constants. We begin with a Lemma which needed in establishing our results. ’(v) ) > 0 STRONG OSCILLATION FOR NONLINEAR FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS LEMMA 2.1. I , o t w2(s) ds + 0 Equation (l.t) has a nonoscillatory loe p(s)ds, x’(t)/@(x(h(t))), o and w(t) > o Then the following inequality holds for all large t, w(t) where I Suppose that for solution x(t). (2.1) are positive constants. I PROOF. Assume that Equation (1.4)at I has a nonoscillatory solution o x(t) > 0 for t t > 0. A similar proof will hold if x(t) < 0 for t ) t o o It is easy to verify that x"(t) < 0 and x’(t) >0 for all large t. Let w(t) x’(t)/(x(h(t))), then ’ w’(t) Since If > x’(t) llm -hoP(t) 0 for large t, x(t) f(x(t), x((t))) (x(’h(-t) #’(x(h(t)))x’(h(t))h’(t) w(t). q(x( h(f) llm x(t) exists either as a finite or infinite limit. e is finite, then [(x(t), x(g(t))) f(=,=) t If lira ==, x(t) then by (ii) we have that f(x(t), x(g(t))) (x( g (t) ) In either case, for sufficiently large t, we have that for large t. f.(x(t)_, x(g(t))) e (x(g(t))) e where rain (e (2.2) e2). Since x(t) is increasing, for large t we have that x(.g(t))) p(t) f(x(t), (x(h(t))) < and in view of x"(t) Thus for ) P (t) (x(h(t)))x’ (h(t))h’ (t) w(t) @(x(h(t))) t ) ) t #(x(g(t))) logP(t) 0 for large t and (ii) we see that ’ t f(x(t), x(g(t))) ) ’(x(h(t)))x’(t)h’(t) #(x(h(t))) , k6w2(t) OW2(t) o w’(t) + o w2(t) w’(t) + o w2(t) + Io e p(t) 0 (2.3) and O. From (2.4), we have that d (- -I’’) + ot) --:r wrd O. (2.4) 153 J. YAN 154 Integrating the above inequality from < 0 b where w(t) From (2.5) we have that w(t) lira (2.5) + b ot kt W(tl to t we obtain that t Integrating (2.3) from (2.6) O. to t, then letting t we obtain that (2.1) holds for t all large. [Pn(t)}, We introduce the function sequence n 0,1,2,..., defined as follows: p(t), Po(t) Pn+i (t) sup lim t (12 there Pm(t) does (s) ds, Pn 1,2,3 n ..... (2.7) Assume that one of the following conditions holds, THEOREM 2.2. (I I) there is an integer but It Po (s)ds’ Pl(t) / Pn(t) such that m ; tPm(t) is an integer is defined for n- 1,2,...,m, and (2.8) Pn(t) 2 such that m is defined for n 1,2,..., m-l, not exist, i.e. " Pm-12 (t) dt (R). hen equation (1.1) is strongly oscillatory. Assume to the contrary that Equation (1.4)at X-Xo > 0, has a non0. A similar argument holds when x(t) < 0 t oscillatory solution x(t) > 0 for t o x’(t)/(x(h(t))). As in the proof of Lemma 2.1, we can O. Let w(t) t for t PROOF. o obtain I. Suppose m w’(t) + ow2(t) Define u (t) o + ut(t) O where k Go. o o u2(t) O However, + X o Po (t) 0, t t t (2.9) o ow(t); then + oPo(t) 0 t t (2.10) t o by a well-known theorem of Wintner [13] this implies the equation y"(t) + is nonosclllatory. Po(t) goPo(t)y(t) (2.11) 0 This contradicts the fact that the condition is a strongly oscillatory coefficient. If m > I, integrating (2.10) from t to t we obtain (I I) implies EQUATIONS STRONG OSCILLATION FOR NONLINEAR FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL ,J Since u lim o U (t) + 2 Uo(t) Ul(t) Hence u(t) where u21(t) + u (s)ds + o Op rt o Jt Po(S)ds 0 (2.12) from (2.12) we get (), (2.13) t )t t, Then (2.13) implies that Jt u-(s)ds’o- Ul(t)- 2 ftt ow(t)=0, lim (t) O + u(t (t) (t) U where o 155 + - u(t)- 2oUl(t)p 2 .2 2 op l(t). (t) (2.14) ; 0, iPl(t) 2o 51 (I[) 2, then by the Neharl theorem, the condition If m 2 y"(t) + IPi (t)y(t) is oscillatory, contradicting (1 If the condition implies equation (2.15) 0 (2.14). is satisfied, then by the Leighton-Wintner theorem we have 2 that equation (2.15) is oscillatory, again a contradiction. When m > 2, we obtain inductively that 2 u’ (t) + u m-I (t) + m-I m-I (I I) or (1 2 REMARK. 0 (2.16) t Pm_l(t) is Applying the Wintner theorem again, it follows that equation y"(t) + is nonosctllatory. (t) is a constant and m-2 defined by (2.7). 2 m-lPm-I 2 Ce_tPm_t (t)y(t) (2.17) 0 But this contradicts again the fact that the condition implies that equation (2.17) is oscillatory. The proof is thus complete. Theorem 2.2 includes Theorem 2.2 in [6] as a special case, i.e. t. (u)=u and m Consider the function sequence {qn(t,,)}, n--l,2,..., which is defined as follows: qo(t,) qn (t’’q) where $ and r " p(s)ds, ql(t,,) 2 (s,,q)ds + qn-I qo2(s,q)ds qo(t,D), q are positive constants. t + qo(t q), to, n 2,3 (2.18) 156 J. YAN For all positive constants THEOREM 2.3. and q assume that any one of following conditions is satisfied: (II I) there is a positive integer m such that qn(t,,n) is defined for n-l,2,..., m-l, but qm(t,,) does not exist; (II 2) qn(t,,n) is defined for n=l,2,..., but the function sequence (2.18) is not convergent for all large t. (If 3) the sequence (2.18) is convergent and llm qn(t,,n) q(t,,n), but n / ,’). 0 Then equatlon (I.4) is strongly oscillatory. PROOF. ssume that Equatlon(1.Z) atA=A > 0, has a solutlon x(t) > 0 for O 0. A similar proof will hold if x(t) < 0 for t t t Let t O O w(t)=x’(t)/(x(h(t))). From Lemma 2.1 we can obtain (2.1). It follows that w(t) Hence qo(t,o), where n L2(t q(t,,n) O 2 qo(t,no) o ql(t’o’no If m ft o. > t (lI I) holds. Suppose that O O 2 w (t) where =. to. t (2.19) If m--I from (2.1), (2.19) implies tha: qo(S’no )ds / qo(t’no w(t), t This is in contradlclton to the nonexistence of I, from (2.1) and (2.19) we get that qm-1(s’No) w2(s) ds oo qm (t ds < o.. Applying (2.1) we have that 2 (I12) t w(t). Hence qm_l ft qm-1 (s o no)dS + qo (t and we arrive at a contradiction of Suppose that ". ) U O (Ill). From (2.18) and (2.19), we conclude that for all holds. large t qn-1 (t’o’no) Therefore qn(t,o,no) llm the fact that qn(t’o’no qn(t, Suppose that llm (If no 3) w(t), n-l,2 ...... exists and has a flnte limit. (2.20) But this constradlcts is not convergent. By (2.20), holds. qn(t’o’no) q(t,o,no) (2.21) w(t). n Using (2.21), we have that condition (113). ft q 2 (S’o’o)dS This completes the proof. 2 w (s)ds < which contradicts the STRONG OSCILLATION FOR NONLINEAR FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS As se that THEOREM 2.4. du (u)- < and du f_ < (u) ’ > a (2.22) 0. Further assume that sequence (2.18) for all positive constants and satisfies any one of the following conditions: (III I) qn(t,,) there is a positive integer m such that is defined for n=0,1,2...m, and Jt qm ; (s’ ,rl)ds o (1112 qn(t,,n) n=0,1,2,...,and is defined for llm n exists and satisfies q(s,E,r)ds qn(t,,n) q(t,,q) (R). 0 Then Equation (I.I) is strongly osillatory. x(t) > > 0, has a nonoscillatory solution o x’(t) 0 is handled similarly. Let w(t) Assume that Equation (1.4)at k=k PROOF. 0 for t t o < The case x(t) (x(h(t) By Lemmma 2.1, we find that (2.1) holds. (III I) holds, then, as proof of Theorem 2.3, Suppose that qm (t’o’no) o t q2(s’o’ qo)dS qm(t’o’o x’ (t) #(x(h(t))) + qo(t,o ’qo w(t) or (h(t)h’ (t) x’k#(x(h(t))) (2.23) From (2.22) and (2.23), we have that t qm(t’o ’no)ds lim t o This contradicts condition (1112 Suppose that lira m q =t o ,n o) lira x(h(t)) fx(h(t )) o du k(u) (llll). holds, then it follows from (2.23) that x’ (h(t)h’ (t) k(x(h(t))) namely q(t6o,n o) x’ (h(t)h’ (t) k(x(h(t))) He nce I im 157 ft q(S’o’no)dS o lira t x(h( fx(h(t o )) du (u) which is again a contradiction, and the proof of the theorem is complete. Equation (I.i) is said to be strongly bounded oscillatory if all bounded solutions of Equation (1.4) for any %e(O, =) are oscillatory. J. YAN 158 F.ow he proof of Therem (2.4), we see that the following result holds. holds, then Equation COROLLARY 2.5. Assane that the condition (Ill 1) or ([112 (I.I) is strongly bounded oscillatory. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. 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