Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1990) 39-44 VOL. 13 NO. 39 A DECOMPOSITION INTO HOMEOMORPHIC HANDLEBODIES WITH NATURALLY EQUIVALENT INVOLUTIONS ROGER B. NELSON Department of Mathematical Sciences Ball State University Munci e, IN 47306 (Pceived September 12, 1988) Downing [6] ABSTRACT. extended the well-known result that any closed 3-manifold X el(X-H) is homeomorphic to H in the case where X is We show that if X is a compact 3-manifold contains a handlebody H such that a compact 3-manifold with nonvoid boundary. with involution h having 2-dimensional fixed point set, then X contains an h-invariant handlebody H such that the i,,duced involutions on H and el(X-If) are naturally equivalent. KEY WORDS AND PHARSES. 3-manifold, involution, handlebody, equivalent involutions. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. Primary 57Q15, 57S17, 57s25. I NTRODUCT ION. In this paper all spaces and maps are piecewise linear (PL) in the sense of Rourke and if]. Sanderson subspaces are PL. Bing [2]. spaces can be triangulated and all maps and Thus all This is no restriction as every 3-manifold has a tr[angrulation by [3], [4], and Rourke and Sanderson [I]. Notation follows Nelson Let X be a closed 3-manifold with triangulation T. and H If S is the l-skeleton of T S, then it is a classical result, see Seifert and el(X-H) are homeomorphic handlebodies. Downing 2 is a regular neighborhood of Threlfa]l [5,p.219], that H and H [6] extended this result, showlug that every 3-manifold with nonvoid boundary also It is the purpose of contains a handlebody which is homeo,orph[c to its complement. this paper to show that symmetries are respected. these res,Its urther can These snmetries ale extended so that certain those realized as involutions of X with orientable 2-dimensional fixed po.nt sets. Recall that Involdtlons h :X i / i homeomorphism f:X involut[on h:X an involution Xi, i l, X such X ix ;s a h,meomorphsm are equivalent, that h 2 X is F(h) of ,Y[h(x) o h x}. 2 denoted h o f. The on h X 2 Fixed of period two. if there exists a point We shall prove the following: set of R.B. NELSON 0 THEOREM I. Let X be an orlentable 3-manlfold and h:X orlentable fixed invarlant handlebodies H and H dimensional, Let f:H THEOREM 2. point F. set Then hlH in X such that thereby establlshlng the equivalence assumed to be the identity on H H[ hlH Io H h such that hlH By Nelson [4; ThE. C] the involutions hlH 2 and (i) their fixed point sets are homeomorphic and exist complementary, hlH f-I of Theorem I. 2 H2 H 2 there hlH2. 2 be the homeomorphlsm / X an involution with 2- o (hiM 2) flHl Then h- o f may be are equivalent If and only If (If) elther both fixed point sets In Nelson [3; lemma 2.1] it was shown that a 2- separate or both fall to separate. dlmensional fixed point set of an Involut[on on an orlentable handlebody separates the handlebody if and only if the l-dlmens[onal fixed point set of the involution induced Snce H on the boundary separates the boundary. and H can be chosen so that H N F need only show that H share a common boundary, we 2 H2N ence, F. Theorem follows immediately from the following lemma: LEMMA I. Let X be orlentable dimensional, invariant handlebodies a copact fixed H! and H point 3-manlfold set F. 1en in K such that H X an and h:X OF exlst there H Involutlon wlth 2- complementary, 2 2 The 3-manlfold X may be either orlentable or nonorlentable in this lemma. be assned to be orlentable in Theorem in order h- F. invoke Nelson to X mast [4; ThE. C]. Section 2 contains the proof of thls lemma in the case when X is a closed manifold. The proof is modified in section 3 to cover the case when X has nonvold boundary. proof of Theorem 2 is provided In section 4. of proofs which appear elsewhere. The Both sections 3 and 4 are modifications These sections refer heavily to the proofs which they modify. 2. )[ IS CLOSED. Our approach is to pick an initial handlebody H until H F + showlng H of F H 2 Fi= F that will be repeatedly modified F.I of F. This identity is established by I for each component / + 0 F and H 0 FI, where F i and F are "h omeomorphic halves" I F.-- 0 i i i We note first that any component F The Initial H surface. i of F is a closed, orlentable Any such surface admits an involution gl with a separating fixed point set + This separates and F Fiinto F I I + consisting of at most two simple closed curves. where gl (FI) Let X Fi be the orbit space of h. manifold with F.z is B F. gl-invarlant. triangulation of of T* to X. Triangulate Since X can BX B Since F is 2-dimenslonal, is collared, Rouke and Sanderson [I" be extended to a trfangulatlon T* of Then T is an h-lnvarlant triangulation of palr triangulated identically to F i is a bordered 3- so that the triangulation of component for each i. X Cot. 2.26], the Let T be the llft + (X,F) such that F i is 41 DECOMPOSITION INTO HOMEOMORPHIC HANDLEBODIES (n) Denote by T the nth derived subdivision of T and by S edges and vertices of T H2-- (X-HI). and triangulates F, H (n) H and H 10 F 2 lying on the l-skeleton S of T. Procedures: each F The i I handlebody of result each T i (2)) T Since minus k disks, where k to I either by procedure 3-handle a plus 20 H of is index that one modified the the and new plus a 3-handle of index one. Hence, 2 left with homeomorphl c, complementary is isomorphic to H complementary handlebody after N(S (2), F consists of k disks. i i Two procedures are used to repeatedly modify T near modification isomorphic is HI= handlebodles. orientable surface F is the connected, i is the number of 2-simplices in the triangulation of F Modification Let orlentable homeomorphlc are (n) the collection of all we modification again are handlebodies. We say such a pair is near F if i The 3-simpllces of T are in h-invarlant pairs. F the two 3-simplices of the pair intersect in The procedures below correspond to i We will not need to the cases where 3-simplices intersect in an edge or 2-face in F i employ modifications exploiting s implices intersecting F in a vertex. i Procedure =: The net result of this procedure is to remove one edge from TO F F.I Intuitlvely, H 0 contains "less" of F than H O F i i i Then e is the common edge of two 3Let e be any edge of T lying in F i Let e and e 2 be the s and s 0 such that h(s slmpllces, s and s s2-- {e} 2 2 (2) to (I) Modify S edges of T connecting the vertices of e with the barycenter of s (2) (2) lying on e and adding all vertices and edges of T by deleting from S get I) to (2) S(2)all H by H2-- T(2)lying vertices and edges of l-- NI(2) T(2)) I Procedure B: a 3-handle of (clUe2)U h(elUe 2). in a point. As a result, ala2a 3 be any 2-simplex of T in F. ala2a3a4 and ala2a3a 5 such that HI0 Then h(a 3-slmplices is a double tetrahedron we shall retriangulate. slmpllces ala2a4a 5 a a2a3a4a 5 la3a4a 5 F i contains a disk component not 4) ala2a 3 a is the common face of The union of these slmpllces 5 The new triangulation consists of the and their faces. this new triangulation is h-invariant. It is easily checked that Let T be the triangulation of X obtained by replacing the former simplices of the double tetrahedron by the new ones. I-- IN((2)’ (2))I" I Hl, the edge Employing a4a5. the near each F i 2 clIX-H2) Modifications: < is homeomorphlc to H is also homeomorphlc to H The and Substitute plus a 3-handle whose core is plus a 3-handle of index one. 8modifications are repeated independently Let f be the number of 2-simpllces and p the number of vertices in the We assume that the original T was chosen so (and also of triangulation of that p one i Let for index The net result of this procedure is to add an h-lnvarlant edge to T which intersects F in H 0 F plus We replace plus a 3-handle of index one, the cocore of which cI(X-H I) is homeomorphic to lies in a disk bounded by to H homeomorph[c is h(elU e2). (elDe2) on F F). 2f for each fixed point component F i 42 R.B. NELSON CASE I. > p f. First apply p-f this out we ralst have that p-f -< f. (F i 3f both II + lfi when F and to F (or F S F.= i 2. Next, F consist H2 of In order to carry ala2a3eF disk p x(F i) (F apply, 0 and easily checked in the procedure a to and components one in F edge every Then homeomorphic component minus p disks. CASE 2. > f p. F consist of B f-p First apply procedure procedure a to remove all edges of T from H20 where But this is equivalent to the statement t1at e which is immediate when case remaining time,; F. + + F. times to sl.nplices in is that both H The res,lt disk components and one component ho,.eomorphic to F + Then use IO F and (or F less f disks. X IS NONVOID. 3. . In this section we make the adjustments necessary in the above proof for the case X * Notice that only tle initial choice of H F. First, it was noted that collection of disks. longer is will be a closed or[entable Such a surface also admits an involution o fixed point set consisting it that true reg,lar a that Downing’s construction of the handlebody H B., I, i closed a is this is surface less a with a separating the of neighborhood 3-manifold B. and klB and accordingly q l-skeleton of Rather, we must show can be carried out equivariantly. X’= X n be the boundary components of X and let where M. is the handlebody with M X’ gi , * simple closed curves and arcs. triangulation of X will have a homeo,norphic complement in X. Let If K is a ,nlosed, orientable surface. floweret, F no longer necessarily true. No was depeudent upon X having The modification procedures do not depend upon assumptions about X. empty boundary. mapping B has i classical a Uk(UMi) homeomorphically to 8M decomposition i into H{). By Downing [6; Lemma I], each X’ onto where j 1,2, are specially Nij= Ni (M. and N are respectively, just regular neighborhoods of positioned in H and H 2. the l-dimensional sets denoted Y and Y in Downlng’s proof.) It is then shown -(2N that X X’ and that H and are homeomorphic H{ homeomorphic handlebodies H and Ni H, is isotoped by G in Mi H! Ui Mi cl((X’ handlebodies with H 2 The that f(H M. f(N.) 2) cl(xH for all i. f(Hl)). and H We do dimensional fixed Bi Let M h’ point i A X’ such yields a homeomorphism f:X’ homeomorphic handlebodies such that that f(H how.ever, I) and f(H 2) are h- may, however, be assumed h-invar[ant as in section 2. of an involution on into M know, yet not involt[on constructed to commute with h’, then to -Ni2 2 -UNi) i (i) h can be extended to an To extend h H2 HI). moving each Mi to N f(H;) and f(H)_ are isotopy G of X’ invariant. to cl(X we need set) Mi. on ’ f(H1) :K’ and f(H only know M. is But if X’ and (ii) if the isotopy G can be 2) that will be h-invariant as needed. any equivalent Then attaching M[ (free or with l- involution by to X by kl--klB I where A is a 2-spher minus disks. kl i to the restriction allows h to be extended If h is a free involution 43 DECOMPOSITION INTO HOMEOMORPHIC HANDLEBODIES of BMi, then him given (m,t) is equivalent to i_ (s(m),t) where involution on A derived from the antipodal map on $ 2 a is the free by removing invariant pairs of disks. If has a l-dimensional fixed point set, hlBM i In this case closed curves. him i with arcs as fixed point components. is equivalent it will only consist of simple where s is an involution of A to If the fixed poit set separates, than s may be 2 by renoving invar[ant disks from derived from the reflection in a great circle of S the fixed point circle and invariant pairs of disks disjoint from the circle of fixed points. Suppose him i curves. Let M. m: S x S S x S loop. has a nonseparating fixed point set consisting of k simple closed E I where A is S given himi Again, by x S (s2, 1) Y(sl s2) here l,e Involution minus disks, s has one is derived from y by fixed nonseparating point removing k invariant disks from the nonseparatlng fixed point and an appropriate number of invar[ant pairs of disks disjoint rom the fixed point set. Let A x [-I,I] be embedded in X’ by j.such that locally defined product structure. [-1,3] extended to an embedding, also called j, of A x h’lJ(A j(A x {I}) h’lj(A x [-I,]) preserves the Using an invar[ant collar C on B 3]) B.i and so that x [-I Tollefson [7; Thin. B], where : Bix (b,t) Since J(A x {I}) is B. ,j(A x [I 3]) is an invariant subspace of h’IC ((h’IBi)(b),t). into X’, such fiber is [-1,3] + B C with h’lj(A in X, can be that By Kim and preserving. x [-1,3] is given by i an invarlant subspace of x [I 3]) fiber preserving. Replacing T x [-1,3] in the proof of Downing [6; lemma I] by A x [-1,3], the isotopy G t with support in J(A x [-1,3]), taking Mi to N i may be assumed to commute with h’. That is, we may assume that G preserves the fiber structure on J(A x [-1,3]). t In the case where the boundary component B is not h-invariant, such care in i choosing the isotopy G is unnecessary. Any isotopy G with support in a small neighborhood of M. i 4. t will suffice as long as h’G t t is applied near Mj hM i PROOF OF THEOREM 2. In this section we show that the equivalence That is, we show that the homeomorphism assumed to be the identity on H I- of Nelson [4, Theorem B] and Nelson f:Hl+ H hl}{i~ hlH 2 is in some sense natural. H establishing th[s equivalence may be 2 8H 2. This [3, Theorem 4.1]. we do by modifying the proofs The proof of the equivalence in the above referenced papers is by induction on the common genus of the handlebodles H (hlHi)-invarlant, nonseparating, D. lowers the genera of along the H’. Hi the N(Di )’ induction i and H properly Nelson [4; Lemma 2.1] provides 2 embedded disks D c H. such that cutting i F(hlHi) i I, 2. Let I, 2, be the handlebodies resulting from cuttlng along D i hypothesis, equivalences be established by the fixed point sets hlH hlH fl :HI and a nd hlN(D I) hlN(D2). f2:N(D + N(D2). By the also Let By these homogeneity of 44 R.B. NELSON the manifolds (Hi)* fm(HN N(D2)). N(DI)* and equivalence The hlHl1 hlH2 reconstructed from the homeomorphism fl established is f2 and lHl so that In order to modify the above argument so that f DlC H need only to be able to choose and this proof consists in showing that D Consider the disk [4 ;Theorem B]. Nelson p(D.)1 Then arcs, if D.i is where and a disk aic p(F(h Hi) can if B relative 2 H embedded be in icP(Hi). 2 isotoped onto p(H 2). We to DI- P(Di) D2. find which is we The remainder of i U , to such D p(F(hlH2)) and D 2 as provided by space orbit the be isotoped onto D relative i can 2 2 2 can be so chosen. H D can H is the identity on H N H F(hlH i) and onto D2c and D N(DI) f:H[+ by 2 properly embedded in H i and cutting Let p denote the projection onto the properly only isotoped (H N I, 2, one ny assume that i by un[on relar, lve and 2 the H of two to can F be following procedure. as a fixed loop on H and regard D Fix D D2cH find If and 2. 2 2 2 respectively, then we are done. H --cI(H 2 on H N(D2)) 2 2’ .,Note lower of Employ Nelson [4; Theorem B] to p(F(hlH2))onto and can be isotoped relative to If not, cut H along D 2 to get a handlebody 2 D may genus. still be that with this cut the bordered surfaces regarded p(FNH) and as a fixed p(H) loop which make and up (H ’) have lower genera than p(F N respectively. Now apply Nelson 2 Theorem B] again to H taking additional care that D misses the "s cars" of [4, 2 2 previous cuts (so that D may be regarded as properly embedded n H ). This can be 2 2 done because of the homogeneity of Repetition o this procedure must p(H2) ) (H)*. eventually yeild the desired disks D with both p(H;) and p(F and D 2 since the procedure eventually terminates H 2) being disks. REFERENCES I. ROURKE, 2. BING, C.P. and SANDERSON, B .J., Introduction Piecewlse-Linear to Topology, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1972. R.H., An Alternative Proof that 3-Manifolds can be Triangulated. Ann. of Math 69(1959), No. 2, 37-65. 3. 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