773 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 4 (1989) 773-780 TRANSLATIVITY OF ROGOSlNSKI SUMMABILITY METHODS OF DIFFERENT ORDERS AZMI K. AL-MADI Department of Mathematics U.A.E. Unlverslty AI-Ain United Arab Emlrates (Recelved June 15, 1988) ABSTRACT. methods The paper deals with the problem of translatlvlty of Rogoslnskl summability r),, (R, when r (Rh, O) is < of orders h, r; 0 [I 0, h e neither ,[], (Rh,0) translatlve to the I/2) (R neither is h 0 (0, I/2)’ (Rh,r) |/2,1], (R h results establish both, to the I right. The problem is ,r left with the conjecture that if In this is translatlve, and when translatlve to the neither is I/2 nor translatlve to the right nor to the left. paper we prove that when h-r e h-r e left (0, unsettled for the rest of the interval h e (0, It has been shown by the author [i] that (Z-I)), O, h e (0, h-r < I. is translatlve, and when r right nor to the These left. the open problem and its conjecture which have been given by the author [I]. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Translatlve, Rogoslnskl methods, (C,I) method, left and right translatlvlty, equivalent to convergence. Primary 40G05, Secondary 40D99. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. INTRODUCTION. + a +... of real or complex terms with its partial sums 0 + a +...+ a is said to be summable by the Rogoslnskl method 0 n );0 < h-r < I, if t +t, as n+% where The series a S a n (R h ,r n n t n and [ cos(k+r)Snak, (1.1) k=0 0 _-__! n 2(n+H)’ n 0,1,2 In the special case in which r Bernsteln method (R h) which has Agnew [2] and Petersen [3]). if M n t M as n thls method will reduce to the Rogoslnskl- The series is evaluable to t [I], (C,I) method, (see Ai-Madl the M by % where S M 0, been the subject of many papers n 0 +... +S n +S n + (.) 774 A. K. AL-MADI . For a summability method A summable A to s, then so is if A T Tiff (translat[ve to the left) if, whenever T Tr A an-’’1 . an is if the converse holds. A e T if, and only r Much work has already been done on translative summability methods (see AI-Madi [1,4,5], Chowdhury [6], and Kuttner [7-10]. I/2 ,i], The author [I] proved that if h e (Rh, O) then interval 2. T U (0, I/2 ). Tr. The author left (Rh, 0) e T, and if 0 problem unsettled the (0, He conjectured that when h I/2 ), < for (Rh, O) then < I/2(--I), h the T U of rest the Tr. OBJECT OF THE PAPER. The oF object then (R e T paper this (0, when h-r and prove to is I/2 ), then (R T that U T I/2 when h-r e second The I], result r h Dr h ,r establishes both the open problem and its conjecture which have been given in [I]. 3. MAIN RESULTS. In this section we will prove the following three main results: THEOREM 3.1. If h-r THEOREM 3.2. If h-r THEOREM 3.3. If h-r I/2 E I] i/2 g (0, then I/2 ), (R h ,r E T. (Rh,r) T. then (Rh,r) TIDTr. The following result will be used in the proof of Theorems 3.1 and 3.2. . (Agnew [II]) If THEOREM 3.4. n H n d k=O n (3.1) kSk is regular and llm inf n [Id n,n . n-I d n k I] > (3 2) 0 then the transformation given by (3.1) is equivalent to convergence. PROOF OF THEOREM 3.1. (C,I) are equivalent, We ill show that when h-r E (1_ I], then and the result follows from the fact that (C,I) T. (Rh,r) Observe that since a n it follows form (n+l)M n 2nM n-1 + (n-l)M n-2 n 0 1,2, M_I M _2 0 (3.3) (I.I) that tn =k=O An’ kMk’ and (3.4) TRANSLATIVITY OF ROGOSINSKI SUMMABILITY METHODS OF DIFFERENT ORDERS 775 w1e re A A A (3.5) (n+l)sin(h-r)O n,n n 1/20nCOS I/2 (2h-2r+l)On n[2sln n,n-1 -4(k+l)sin n,k 2 n] I/20cos(k+r+l)O n n sin(h-r)O (3.6) n-2 (3.7) 0 k and A n,k 0 > k (3.8) n. Using the same technique as Agnew [2; p. (Rh,r) (C,I). is equivalent to PROOF OF THEOREM translative summability to (R the in To prove 3.2. case method, in 544-545], the result, to show and which h-r =I h sequence method Q given by the transformation n Qn where Mn is 2n---l + n+l Mn-I we see that if h-r is in it that For this, enough is I], consider consider to method this we some equivalent is the sequence-to- (3.9) Mn’ Using (1.3) and (3.9) to obtain given by (1.3). (I/3 This completes the proof. Qn in terms Qn’ of the result is Qn+l 2n+____1_ 2n+3 Qn" (3.10) This implies that Q E T. Next A n,k put h-r =I -2(k+l)sec and write A n,k given in (3 7) in the form 1/20nsin 2 I/2 Ontcos(2k+2r+l) I/2 On+ and use (3.9) to obtain the transformation (Rh,)(Q) r cos(Zk+2r+3) I/2 On (3.11) -1 n t I n k=O where Bn, n 8n, k (3.12) nkQk (2n+l)cos -2(2k+l)sec (n+r)n, (3.13) I/20nsln 2 I/20nCOS(2k+2r+l) I/2 On 0 ( k n-l. (3.14) It is easily seen that the transformation given by (3.12) is regular. Hence applying Theorem 3.4 to the matrix given in (3.12), one can easily show that the transformation given by (3.12) is equivalent to convergence, and is equivalent to Q. This (Rh,r) completes the proof. A.K. AL-MADI 776 PROOF OF THEOREM 3.3. We will show first that If h-r For this we consider the sequence {V V S n + S 0 + n + S E (0, I/2 then (R h r T given by (3.15) n’ where an Vn 2Vn_l + Vn-2’ (V_k= 0 for positive integer k). (3.16) Using (3.16), it follows from (l.l) that n t =k =0 Cn kVk n where C sin(h+r) 8, nn C (3.17) (3.18) n sin(l+h+r)O- n,n-I (3 19) 2sin(h+r)On, n and C Let -4sin n,k (tn} {tn} terms of be 2 I/2 8_cos(k+r+l)8_ respectively the (0 (Rh,r) transforms (3 20) n-2) k {Sn }’ {Sn-l}" of Obtain tn in The result is n n (3.21) Fn,ktk+l n where n F and C of C n,v n,v is n,k given =v! C k (3.18) by (0 ,vDv+l ,k+l n (3.20), where D and (3.22) n) k is n,v the reciprocal matrix Write C Gn, v Cn+l v+l C n,______v_ _nn Cn+l, v+l _], (0 Cn+l, n+l n) v (3.23) and use the fact that n-I Dn+l,k+l to obtain from Cn+l,n+l n,n-j :u G =I We will show that if 0 1/2m j (3.24) (3.22) that F and n [ Cn+l,v+iDv+l,k+l, v=k n z F n, < (0 n-uDn-u+l ,n-j+l h-r <I/2 and 0 < z j <I/4, n). (3.25) then for sufficiently large n bounded. This implies that the transformation n,n-j given in (3.21) is not regular, and consequently, when h-r E (0, ), z To prove this, we will show that for sufficiently large n and 2 n the terms of is not I (Rh, r) Tr. 777 TRANSLATIVITY OF ROGOSINSKI SUMMABILITY METHODS OF DIFFERENT ORDERS the sum (3.25) alternate in sign, and then we will show tIat the limit of F is n,n-j unbounded. The inversion formula o[ (3.17) gives Cj+ 1,j Cj+!,j+I 0 0 0 Cj+2, Cj+2,j+ Cj+2,j+ 2 0 0 c n,j c n,n-1 D C Using (1.2) and (3.18) (3.20), (-1) u-j lira n+ C n,n n-l,n-l’’" D ,j (-I) n-j (3 26) Cj ,j we have from (3.26) that n-u,n-_ wU-J 2 n (h-r (3.27) f’ -h+r h-r where w (3.28) z, Next, we will show that when ( n u ( G O. This together with n ,n-u < (3.27) imply that the terms of the sum given in (3.25) alternate in sign for all sufficiently large n uniformly in 2 u n j Using (3.18) and (3.19), we have from (3.23) that z. Gn,n_l sin(h-r)@n[f(On f(%+l )1’ (3.29) where sin(l+h-r) 0 n f(6)) Differentiate, x in n and (%+I,%) (3.30) stn(h-r) O n use the mean value theorem to see that there Is some such that sin(h-r)O Gn n stn2(h_r)x [On_ On+l n-1 [sin(l+h-r)xeos(h-r)x-(l+h-r)sin] (3.31) sin(h-r)O n sin < 2 (h-r)x , n [8n On+l][sin(l+h-r)x (l+h-r)stnx] (3.32) (3.33) A.K. AL-MADI 778 where q is some positive constant. Next, u G n ,n-u (3.18) using Z n -4s n (3.19), and have we (3.23) from and (3.20) that t1en 2 I/2 O-n+ cos sin sin 2 2 n-u+r + n+l 1/2 9n cos(n-u+r+l)9n I/2 @n+ICOS(n-u+r+2) n+ sin(h-r)9 n -d(h-- r n+ o]. (3.34) Observe that the quantity inside the square brackets of (3.34) is greater than sin2 I/2 @n sin2 I/2 @n+l sin(h-r) 9 9 n n sinCh-r) 9 [__n__ I] %+I n+l n+ > 0 (3.35) Using (3.20) and (3.35), we have from (3.34) that G n,n-u This together with O Hence, < 0 2 u j Z < n u j n (3.36) (3.33), imply that n,n-u < 0 g (3.37) it follows from (3.27) and (3.37) that the terms of the sum (3.25) alternate in sign for sufficiently large n uniformly in 2 z when n n then u j n Finally we will show that 1/2z lim Using (3.18) IF n, . n-j (3.38) (3.20), and noting that sin O 3 9--.. + 95 ); 0), (9 (3.39) we have from (3.23) that 3 G (l+h-r) (l+2h-2r) n,n-I 24n 4 (3.40) and from (3.34) that 3 G n, n-u (u + h 4n r 1) (3.41) 779 TRANSLATIVITY OF ROGOSINSKI SUMMABILITY METHODS OF DIFFERENT ORDERS for sufficiently large n uniformly in 2 < u (J n z Using (3.27), (3.40) and (3.41), we have from (3.25) that 2 F n,n-j 2(h_r)n 3 [(_l)J-I [l+h-r][l+2h-2r] 6 j -u [ + (u +h-r- )w J wJ-I -u 3.42 u=2 w 2 [A + B] (3 43) say. 2(h-r)n Observe that for any x; (x # -I), we have (3.44) (j+h-r-l)k(x) -xk’(x), (with x instead of w), B where x + x 2- k(x) Observe that w + (h-r) -I. (3.45) x) that It follows from (3.44) and (3.45) (with w (-t)J-lwJ-l+ (-h-r) B x3+...+ (-l)J-2xj-2. jh- (3.46) Jr. Using thls, it follows from (3.43) that for all sufficiently large n and 2 2 F n, n-] 2 (h-r)n Hence, when h-r e (0, nl/2z ] n I/2); 3 [(-l)J-lwJ-I that is when w > [1-h+rl[l-2h+2r] + (h-r) ]. j 6 I, it follows from ] n z (3.47) (3.47) that when z n and (3.38) is satisfied. n ,n-J This completes the proof of the first part. part, we use (3.17) to obtain n in terms of t n For the second The result is n t--n+l k__[0 Hn,ktk’ where n H and where (3.48) n,k =v[ k Cn,k and C [cn, nCn+l nn Dn,k Cn+l v+lDv,k (0 (3 49) n) k are given in the proof of the first part. v+l Cn+l,n+lCn ,V Cn+l n+l C n,n G n,v’ Using the identity (3.50) A.K. AL-MADI 780 where G I,V is given by It Cn+ C n,n-] Observe that since D H (3.23), ,n+l Cn+ C g u=l n,n D n-u, n-j n,n-j we have from n.+ F (3.51) D n,n-u n-u ,n-j n-u+ I, n-j + I’ n,rl (3.24) and (3.4q) that we have from (3.25) and (3.51) that n,n-j is not Using (3. I8) and (3.47), it follows from (3.52) that when 0 < h-r < 1/2, H n n-j z Z This implies that the n bounded for all sufficiently large n and and n I’- transformation given by (3.48) is not regular; that is when h-r e (R h ,r T (0, I/2 This completes the proof of leorem 3. REFERENCES I. AL-MADI, A.., On Translativity of Rogosinski-Bernstein Trigonometric Summab[lity Methods, Internat. J. Maths. and Math. Sci. (to appear). 2. AGNEW, R.P., Rogosinski-Bernstein Trigonometric Summability Methods and Modified Arithmetic Means, Annals. of Maths. 56(3) (1952), 537-59. 3. PEFERSEN, G.M., A Note On Divergent Series, Can. J. of Maths. 4 (1952), 445-454. 4. 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