405 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 15 NO. 2 (1992) 405-408 A NOTE ON THE SUPPORT OF RIGHT INVARIANT MEASURES N.A. TSERPES Department of Mathematics University of Patra Patra, Greece (Received June 6, 1990) ABSTRACT. A regular measure p on a locally compact topological semigroup is called (K) for every compact K and x in its support. It is right invariant if (Kx) shown that this condition implies a property reminiscent of the right cancellation law. This is used to generalize a theorem of A. MukherJea and the author (with a new ’proof) to the effect that the support of an r*-lnvariant measure is a left group the measure is right invariant on its support. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Topological semigroup, left group, rlght tnvarlant (Borel) measure, r*-invartant measure, support of a Borel measure, locally compact semtgroup. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 22A15, 22A20, 43AOfi, 28C10. 1. INTRODUCTION. S In what follows will denote a T 2 .locally a positive regular (Radon) measure on the (Jointly continuous multiplication) and Borel o-algebra of S with support in [1] and [2 F {s We shall use the notation denoting the right continuous translation ant on S if (Bx -1) compact topological semigroup S; for every open V s, v(V) > 0 }, as -1 {s B}, t x S; sx Bx s tl(B) sx The measure is called r*-invari- for all Borel B and x in S. Such measures received (B) considerable attention in the past in connection with the (still unsolved) conjec- ture of L.N. Argabright (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 17 (1966), 377-382) port is a left group i.e., (Kx) In [lJ is called p(K) (Fx =F that their sup- for all x in F) and right if it is left simple and contains an ldempotent element). cancellative (equivalently The measure F is left simple Fight invariant on its suppor t if F and every x for every compact K (1.1) F A. MukherJea and the author proved the "rather tight" result The support of an r-invariant measure on S is a left group THEOREM 1. iff the measure is right invariant on its support. Professor Mukherjea in a meeting at University of South Florida asked the questions (i) some whether the "intriguing" condition (1.1) (introduced by himself) implies sort of right cancellation on F (1.1) plus that the tx’S x in view of the fact proven by Rigelhof F, are open maps, imply [3] that right cancellation on F. hether Theorem 1 (above) can be substantially generalized. In this note we show: As for question (i) indeed there is a generalized" right cancellation on S (See _ 406 N.A. TSERPES cannot substantially be general- Lemma 1, below) but as for question (ii), Theorem 1 -1 _> izcd except that we may only assume that (Bx for every Bore1 B (B) and every x c F. (Unlike condition (1.1), no extra generality is obtained whether we F ). Moreover, our proof (although patented on that of S or B assume B [1]) [I] does not use the functlonal analytlc apparatus of of since it uses a version cancellation from the intrinsic properties of the measure. 2. S We begin by showing in what sense LEMMA 1. right cancellable mod F, fl’ f2’ f3 for If F for every f ff3 ffl then flf2 f3f2 F. satisfies (1.1)). Then be right invariant on its support (i.e., Let (i) pre- is that is, we can cancel on the right by premultiplying by any element of the support. If (ii) F is also a right ideal of S, then for s3f Slf tion 3 2 I 2 and n particular for any Idempotent element PROOF. We shall argue by contradiction as in U that we can find disjoint compact neighborhoods W neighborhood of the form C K v u,lf slf 2 s3f 2 V 175 p. but fs We prove I fs so 3 respectlvely of these two 1 must contain a compact FF ), i.e., F (f for some 1 ,oh (Ks I) + (Ks 3) (K) + (Z) [3, uslf Vs ). Now closure(FF) F. e and F, the equa- f2 FF f which in turn must contain a right translate of some compact f of F- f some point in distinct points (with neighborhood S, 3 Rigelhof Assume (ii): (The proof of (i) is dre slmilarly). s Sl for all fs fs implies (Zs 1U (K L/ Ks3)f 2) K)Slf 2) (K), which is a contradiction. satisfy (1.1). Then Let COROLLARY 1. For any pair of idempotents (ii) For any Idempotent (iil) If zyx yzyx e for F, el, eF e is right cancellable. F, x,y,z by the above Lemma. e I ele 2 ele2e2 and use the fact that e I (ii): First cancel by premultlplylng by z and obtain x zy then (i): It l’ollows since ROOF. by premultiplying by zy is idempotent. and by Lemma I THEOREM 2. Suppose (Bf F zyzy and f 2 and then cancel zy as follows: satisfies -1 > (B) is a left group B e (ii):Similarly y by premultiplying by for every Borel B and every p iff F so that we have Also (2.1) implles that Ff F f F (2.1) satisfies (1.1). PROOF. Clearly (1.1) plus inner regularlty of Borel we ,r.ay c,cel is idempotent. Nc, we are ready to give the generalization of Theorem 1 Thea so that e F, we have ele 2 I 2 the idempotex ts in F form a left-zero subsemlgroup of F. (i) for all (Bf f -I) imply p(B) F. p(Bf for every -1 f < p(B) F for all and Borel B. In the proof of Theorem I in [1], SUPPORT OF RIGHT INVARIANT MEASURES e we produced an idempotent so F Fa all for F a Fa, for in [l,p. (cf. F, a 407 so that Fe Fe Fa F and 974). Now, the same proof goes through with- out any difficulty except that instead of the right cacellatton on F, we use Fa, a Corollary 1 (iii) above. We give next a result summarizing certain important conditions on that are equivalent to COROLLARY 2. F F and being a left group. For a locally compact second countable semtgroup S admitting an r*-in- variant measure , F (1) these are equivalent: is right cancellable is right invariant on its support, i.e., satisfies (1.1)) (ii) S is pre- right cancellative with respect to F, i.e., (iii) F, Sl,S2,S 3 fs I implies fs 3 (iv) F is a left group. (v) F has the right translations (vi) F has the right translations open and REMARK. It is not tf closed for all p SlS 2 with s3s 2 F. for all f F. f satisfies (1.1). known to our knowledge if (v) and (iv) are equivalent in the absence of second countability. Most of these follow from Theorem 1 or PROOF. cellation implies that tf are one-to-one Theorem 2. K, and for compact Note that right can- Kxx that right invariance on its support follows from r*-invariance, so (tii) => (iv) (cf. Theorem 2). [4] Kx ,so F (i) => (ii) => Since F is metrizable being regular the technique in for producing an idempotent in By the result of Rigelhof, -1 Fx F applies and thus (i).([3]p. (vt) implies becomes a left group. 175). For (iii), see our Lemma 2, below. REARK. The following will show the "tightness" of the conditions of Theorem 2. It is well kvown that a property that "melds" naturally (at first sight) with condi-1 tion (1 1) is that of lower r-.-invariance, i.e., that V(Bx (B) for all Borel B C S [5, x and S, for and (1.1) are equivalent to the condition (cf.[2J and 92]) p. (K) (Kx) for all compact K S g x and K and x this inequality becoming equality whenever (2.2) with are in F. This condition (2.2) implies that F is a right ideal and tent [0 e ) Fe F for very idempoS, but these are not enough to make Theorem 2 valid, for the example of with addition and Lebesgue measure does not satisfy (2.1) is not r*-invariant (it shows that of Theorem 2). However this S is pre- right cancellative as the following Lemma generally indicates. LEMMA 2. S. all Suppose fs Then f 1 satisfies (2.2) fs 3 for all f FF and suppose that If moreover SlS 2 SlS 2 F, then for fs Sl,S2,S 3 1 fs 3 for F. PROOF. Suppose first that Ltmma 1 (ii) with SlS 2 F. Then the second equality in the proof of becomes less or equal replaced by s 2 equality and thus a contradiction obtains. Next assume that F. s3s 2 f2 and the last remains SlS 2 s3s 2 and SlS 2 Again, as before(See proof of Lemma 1) there are disjoint compact neighborhoods N.A. TSERPES 408 -1 -1 and Vs respectively, such that the intersection of Us 3 I 3 contain a compact neighborhood W of f (we use W f F instead of W). Then we have U, V of fs fs I again the inequality (W) + (W) < (Ws 1) + (Ws 3) < (Ws I (,} again a contradiction. RARK. F Ws3)s 2) (W V W)SlS 2) (W), The most difficult part in problems involving the nature of the support Fx is producing an idempotent element in or in F itself. For this, it would be inteSting to have a "survey paper" giving all known methods for producing an idempo- tent in the presence of measure and/or haviffg some compact subsemigroup or topological invarlance conditions. a compact fiber xx -I version of (2.2) and a subsemigroup of positive finite inner measure, the technique in d Kalisch [1] which is in some (Canad. J. of Math. 4 is onto t x (1952), 396-4J), x and the technique of ? [4] which are closed mappings, can the "onto- ) f(xs) on f(x) s the that to prove suffice (that will L2(S, be used to prove that the operator in the non-second countable case we know only :nse an adoptatlon of a method of Gelbaum needs metrlzabillty !. (For example, when the t hess" of the Apart for or a two-slded support of an r*-Invariant measure is a left group when the tx’S are closed). REFERENCES 1. compact semigroups, 2. TSERPES, N.A. and on semigroups, 3. A problem on r-invariant measures on locally Indiana Univ. Math. J 21 (1972), 973-977. 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