697 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 14 NO. 4 (1991) 697-704 LUCAS NUMBERS OF THE FORM PX2, WHERE P IS PRIME NEVILLE ROBBINS Mat hemat ics Dept. San Francisco State University USA San F[ancisco, CA 94132 (Received Februaly I, 1989 and in revised form February 8, 1990) th Lucas number, where n is a natural number. Let L denote the n n 2 px Using elementary techniques, we find all solutions of the equation: Ln ABSTRACT. where p is prime and p (i000. KEY Wi’RDS AND PHRASES. Lucas number IIB39 1985 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 1. NTRODUCT ION _ th Lucas number, that is, Let L denote the n n all Lucas nmers found n_ Cohn J.H.E. [1], for 3. In Ln_l+Ln_ 2 L1=1, L2=3, of Cohn [2], it paper of late a a result a square. As which are square or t.wlce is known that for each integer c 3, there is at. most one Lucas number of the form cx Uslnq [3], Definition 2, and (9) below, we see that there are 111 Let. n denote a natural number. Ln 2. primes, p, such that (i) 2 < p. 1000, p[Ln and (ii) there exists n such that In this paper, we find all solutions of the equation: px 2 L n (*) where the prime p satisfies conditions (i) and (ii) above. We find that only 8 The results aze summarized in Table 3 such values of p yield solutions of (*). The larger problem of finding all solutions to |*) appears more difficult; its solution would yield all Lucas numbers which ace prime. on the last page. 2. PRELIMINARIES Let n denote a natural number. Let p denote a p[ime, not necessarily satisfying conditions (i) and (ii) above. th Definition i -Let Fn denote the n Fibonacci number, that is, F + for n_ 3 F n k_l and Definition 2 Let z(n) F 2 I, Fn-I Fn-2 Mink: Definition 3 Let y(n) 1/2z(n) if nlFk} 21z(n). For each integer c _3, the equation L n If q is prin,e, then y(q) =n and Ln= cx 2 has at most one solution. y(q2) =qn. (i) (2) No ROBBINS 698 if n-=2 (rood 4) otherwise (Ln’L3n/Ln) Ln 2 x (3) ff n:] o 3 n(L2n-3(-1)n) (5) L L3n rolLn If m is odd and m_3, lhen (L n) =1 n (6) is an odd in[ege iff (7) L5n/L (Ln,lkn/Ln) Ik. I[ k is odd, then plLn If p is an odd pzlme, then (8) 2n iff -6) (9) is an odd integez. L2n-2(-1)n L2n LnlLkn iff k Lmn/Ln (10) (-1) 1/2 (m-l) (n+l) + ate ..- 1/2(m-l) (-1) (j-l) (n+l) 1 3 then 2 .y(p)_ 1/2(p+l). pln If p is odd and If p and m (11) is odd or n=l. pm, odd, and ph ILn then L(m+1_23)n (12) if m is odd. (13) ph+k IL k mnp (14) for all k_0. L n -:3 (rood 4) for all nl. 2 (15) 2 (rood 3) for all n_ 1. (16) Lsn I. (17) L(m,n (18) If p is a prime such that y(p) exists, then (p,y(p)) If m/(m,n) and n/(m,n) are both odd, then If y (p2 Remarks: py(p), then y( k-I pk p (Lm,Ln) (19) y(p) for all k_-1. in [i]; (I) follows fzom Theorem 11 in [2] with a=]; (4) is Theorem (8) follows from Theorem 4 in [5]; (12) follows from (44) in [4]; (14) follows from Theo[em XI in [6]; (19) follows from (14). The other identities ale elementazy. THE MAIN RESULTS 3. If p is a prime such that y(p) exists and L Y(P) 2 2 (*) has the unique solution: n u y(p), x PROOF: This follows from hypothesis and (i). TOREM 1 THEOREM 2 solution with n 2 then If pe|3,7,11,19,29,47,199,521,2207,9349}, then (*) has a 2 2,4,5,9,7,8,11,13,16,19 respectively; if p=19, then x =4; x2=l. in each othe case, PROOF: pu This follows from (2) and Theorem i, since L2=3, L4=7, L5=]], L9=19"4, L7;29, L8-47, Ll1=199, L13=521, L16;2207, L19=9349, and y(19)-9 THEOREM 3 PROOF: Now suppose x2=9, L3k d=l, so (i) it,plies If k=l, then x2=4. 2. px 2 iff either (i) k=p=2, or (ii) k=3, p=19, 2 Sufficiency is readily shown, since L6=18=2(3) and L9=76=19(2) 2 px Let d (Lk,L3k/Lk). If k 2 (rood 4), then (3) implies L3k L3/L1 Lk=U2, L3k/Lk 4 pv 2 pv 2 for some u,v. an impossibility. If k=3 Now (4) implies k=l or 3. then L9/L3 19 pv 2 699 LUCAS NUMBERS 2 If k-=2 (rood 4), then 13) implies d=3, so 2 2 2 3v for some 3pu or (it) L 3pv either (i) L k k k 2 wlich px 18 L u,v. If (i) holds, then Theorem 2 implies k=2, so 6 2 2 Since 31L 3v If (it) holds, then (5) implies implies p=2 and k 2 we get (rood 9), so v -1 (rood 3), an impossibility. 2 px is impossible. TIOREM 4 If p>19 and 31y(p), then L n 2 so (6) implies ylp)In. Now hypothesis then px PROOF: If L n implies 3In, so n=3k for some k. The conclusion now follows from hypothesis so p=19 and x L9/19 4. 3u 2, L3k/L k L3k/L L3k x2=9. L3k-3 3v2-3 PlLn and Theorem 3. (*) has no solution if p/ 5 TI|EOREM {23, 31 79 83 107 167 181 211 227 229 241’271’349’379’383’409’431’439’443’467’499’503’541’571’587’601’631’647’683’691’ 739,751,769,811,827,859,863,887,919,947,983,991. "7"his follows PR(’f)F: from hypothesis and Theorem 4, since in each case, p>19 and according to [31, 2 TI1F/3RFM 6 px Lsk 31y(p). ff k x 2 and p=ll. 11"12. Now suppose 11 PROOF: Sufficiency is readily shown, since L 5 2 and Theorem 2 of [11 implies p is odd. Now (7), (1) hypothesis px Lsk u2 L5k/Lk Ls/L ii, imply Lk then pv 1364/4 2 pv 2 for some u v so p=ll and x 2 Now (4) implies k;1 L5/11 p=ll If k=l 3 I k=3, then pv I. 11"31, an impossibility. 2 If L px and 51ylp), then n=5 341 TIIEOREM 7 ot 2 L15/L3 x2=l. llypohess and (6) imply ylp)In. Therefore hypothesis implies that is, n=5k for some k, so t-he conclusion follows ftom Theorem 6. PX)F: 51n, THEORFM 8 (*) has no solution if pet41,71,101,131,151,191,251,311,331, 401,491,641,911,941,971 This follows from Theorem 7, since in each case, p)11, and PROOF: according to [31, THEORt 9 Let p be an odd prime such that y(p) exists and is odd, and such that- for every prime divisor, q, of y(p), z(q) then n y(p). PROOF: n implies If L n px 2 t-hen (6) implies n dly(p). dl that qld. Therefore qlL m such that is, " 2 (rood ’4). my(p) for odd m. If L n px 2, Now (8) If d.l, then there exists an odd prime, q, so (9) implies 2m is an odd integer; since -) m is odd, this implies z(q)---2 (rood 4), contrary to hypothesis. Therefore d=l. Now !13) implies y(p) 1 so m<n. Therefore hypothesis and (1) imply L u2 2 pv for some u,v. Now (4 implies m=l or 3. If m=3, then m n so Theorem 3 implies n=9, p=19. But. L # 3. Theren fore m=l so n y(p). Ln/L p(2v)2, then)-) TItEOREM 10 PROOF: (’1 has no solution if p {139,179,239,461,509,599,619,659}. This follows from hypothesis and Theorem 9, since in each case, according to [3] and 7], p fulfills the hypothesis of Theorem 9, yet px 2. Ly(p) N. ROBBINS 700 In the ,Drk which follows, we will need the following lemmas: 2(-1) L2 then (10) ]nplies L L231 L21In L2kn_-" 2_2(-I) LEMMA 3 1/2(m-l)+ n- 2 (-I) 4 Lpn/pLn n _-" 2 (-I) I hypothesis implies n 2J-It 2 E 4 (rood I_, t) lined L21n -2 If k is odd, hen Illl k=2Jt If with j .1 and odd Ij.l. n Now 111) implies ). so _ L) 1/2(m-i)_ + r. (I 2 (rood L2n Hypothesis and Lemma 2 imply 9 (mod 1/2(m-l) Lmn/Ln Ther efo, e L mn (,nl) (-I) plLn /L n 1/2 (m-1) and m(-I 2In, 1/2 (m-I) 2 (rood Ln ). hen (rood p). Lpn/Ln (mod p2), Hylx3thesis and Lemma 3 imply PROOF: k 2 L). Lmn/Ln:_ m(-l) 0 (mod 2), then If p is an odd prime, _= (-I) 1/2 p-I 2 (mod 11 Bu! L -2. j-I 2 (mod (_I)J-IL (m+l-2j) n 1/2 (m/ l-2j 1/2(m-1) 9=1 :(m-i) / 2 1.2nl. Lt2n (rood Hypothesis and (12) imply 1/2(m-l) - If j_ 2, holds for j=l. L2)’n m-i_: 9 (-i) k (rood If PROOF: L (I,/|-29) L2kn 21 iply 1.2kn so k --_ 4-2 then L2kn --2 21-1) implies L2kn L2 J+ir n then I_emma 5 2 ttypothesis and I101 PROOF: (-1) 2In, and If k: iemma j-I Therefore g by induct ion hypothesis. 2 2J_1 t 2 if j.2 Lt.) (I0) implies -2 l-l) if j=l 2 (rood 2 2) (mod L 2 (Induction on j) PROOF: implies t/l Lpn/Un p(-l) 1/2(p-I) p(-l) 1/2(p-l) (rood L2n). Now from which lhe conclusion immediately fol lows. 5 PROOF: p is prime, and p---3 (rood 4), then If 21n, plL # s n n (rood p). Also, hypoHypothesis and Lemma 4 imply Lpn/PL Lpn/PLn-=-] thesis implies s LEMMA 6 Let d (Lm, 2. 2 Let Ln Ln/Lm). -I (rood p), so Lpn/PLn 2 px where p and y(p) # s2 ate odd. Let .n mly(p Then d=l iff m=l. that is dll, so d=l. Convezsely, if d=], If m=l, then diL 1 then since hypothesis and (13) imply m (n, hypothesis and (I) imply L u m 2 pv some for Now or 3. then u,v. (4) If implies m=l m=3, hypothesis m and Theorem 3 imply p=19, n=9=y(19), so mll, an impossibility. Therefore m=l. PROOF: 2, Ln/L 701 LUCAS NUMBERS (Lm,Ln/Lm) , l. iff 2, p and y(p) are odd, ml and ml-),n then This follows from hypothesis and Le,ma 6. PROOF: ]/3VgA px If L n IF_MMA 7 Let p, q be odd primes such that 8 2hlly(q), pq[Ln fox some n. Then 2hi where h_0. Hypothesis and (6) imply n PROOF: ky(q) with j, k odd. jy(p) he conclusion now follows. 2hlIy(P) for some hl px 2 where p is an odd prime Let Ln 2 p=q, x =I, or (ii) n= q is prime. Then either (i) n=2 2 2 2 x IqtI for some t_l. THEOREM II and L 2 p h 2hq h, L2hq/Iqtl PROOF: Hypothesis and (15) imply q---3 (mod 4), so q is odd. h that is, is odd, so (Ii) imilies L2hlLy(p .implies y(p)/2 thesis and (6) imply n/y(p) is an odd integer, so (II) Hypothesis Hypo- qlLy(p). implies Ly(p)ILn, hence h, x2=l. If pq, then hypoIf p=q, then hypothesis and (1) imply n=2 2 2 2 2 for odd m. my’(q Now (6) implies n We have so and n (2) mqy(q). qy(q), imply [.lypothesis qlLn. 2) thesis implies y(q2) qlLmy(q ). Let qJllLmy(q) Then (14) implies qj+l llLmqy(q) x/q, we oblain so qIl(Lmav(q)/Lmv(q)).= Therefore qld, so d:q. Let-ring 2 (Lmv(q)/q) (Lmav(q)/qLmv(q) )= pt where the factors on he lef side of the 2 pu equaIion are relatively prime. Therefore either (a) Lmy(q)/q dlq {6) implies or tb} L_. /q u,v. L. h so Lemma 5 implies (a) is mpossible. 2 hypothesis and (2) imply y(q) 2 u Therefore (b) must hold. Now (i), (2) and hypothesis imply m l, n qy(q) x=qt. Now p(qv)2 p(qt)2 __Lv(q 2hq 2hl If p is an odd prime and IY(P) where 1- h (-4, hen the only solutions of (*) are given by Table i below. THEOREM 12 Table n 2 4 8 16 28 PROOF: 7 47 2207 14503 1 1 49 This follows from hypothesis and Theorem Ii, since 2 (all primes); also Note that 14503 7 L8=47 L16=2207 but not odd.) 1553729 2 IIL35312 . L28 According to [7], and L7&/472 L35312/1553729072 pt t 2. 2. L2=3 L4=7 2 L6/3 2 (prime According to the referee, N. ROBBINS 702 {*) has no solution if TIIEOREM 13 p{43,67,103,163,223,263,281,283,307, 347,367,449,463,487,523,547,563,569,607,643,727,743,787,823,881,883,907,929,967 This follows f[om hypothesis and Theozem 12, since in each case, acco[ding to [3], p satisfies the hypothesis of Theo[em ]2 but does not appea[ PROOF: above. in Table 2 2 LII k px iff k x PROOF: Sufficiency is [eadily shcwn, suppose Lll k px2. Let d (Lk,Lllk/Lk). TIHEOREM 14 I and p=199. since 199"12. 199 L]I Now dlll. If d=ll, then and Theozem 6 then hypothesis But so since y(ll)=5, (6) implies 51k, 5111k. 2 pv imply llk=5, an impossibility. If d=l, then (I0) implies k fol some u,v. Now (4) implies k=l o[ 3. Theo[em 3 implies k3, so k=l, hence (8) implies Lk=U2, L]lk/L p=199, x2=1. x2=l. 2 If L PX and llly(p), then n=ll, p=199, n Hypothesis and (6) imply llln, so the conclusion follows fom T!{EOREM 15 PROOF: Theoz em 14. 2 419x is impossible. L n 209- 11"19. According to [31, y1419) THEORIM 16 P: The conciusion now follows fzom Theo[em 15. THEO 17 L n 127x Suppose L n thesis and (16) now imply is impossible. 2 Since y(127)=64 (6) implies 127x PROOF: mOREM 18 2 x2_ 641n }lypo- 2 (mod 3), an impossibility. If p and y (p) =q aze pz imes, q 3, ) q2Ly (q) p2Lq 2 qs and the equation L m (considezed as an equation in m) either (A) has no solution oz (B) has the solution m=y(q) but theze exists a pzime, t, such that tllL /P) and y(q), q 2 then L px is impossible. n 2 px PROOF: Suppose L Hypothesis and (6) imply n=mq, m odd, m > 1. n Let d (Lm,Ln/Lm). (8) implies dlq. Lamina 7 implies d)I, so d=q. Theze- Lq # ps 2 and eithe (I) 21y(q) oz (II) 2y(q) qlLn. If (I) holds, then we get a contradiction via Lamina 8, since pqlLnpqu 2 pqv2 oI (i) L qu2 If (If) holds, then either (i) L m m m 2 Ln /Lm qv foz some u,v. If (i) holds, then (I) and hypothesis imply m=y(q). and ty(q). If Now (B) implies thee exists a pzime, t, such that ill t=p, hen pll(L/p), so contrazy to hypothesis. If t#p, %hen t 2 2 so (14) an impossibility is, tllpx so tllx ), and y(q) Im, so If (ii) holds instead, then (6) implies y(p) foIe Ln/L (Lq/p) p21L, impliestllLav(q ,that LCM(y(p) ,y(q) Ira, qy(q)Is. Since so Im Im. But (17) implies I_CM(q,y(q) )=qy(q), so (14) implies by hypothesis, we have ql that is, LCM(q,y(q) q2Lv(q)__ ILo ILy(q), y (q2) =qy (q), hence y(q2)im" Thezefoze hypothesis and (6) mply q21Lm so Now (19) and (6) imply q2y(q) that qlu 2, which implies q21u2, hence q31L m so m=qk, qy(q)Ik. Let d Now implies d lq- Thezefoe (8) (Lk,Lm/Lk). I ca 2, wheze c I, p, q, or pq. Since km <n, (I) implies c#p, c#pq. Lk If c=l, then (4) implies k=l oz 3, violating qy(q) and (I) imply k=y(q), again violating qy(q) Ik. If c=q, hen hypothesis 703 LUCAS NUMBERS {*) has no solution if p(,59,359,479,709,719,809,839j. THEOREM 19 PROOF: In each case, according to [3] and |7], p satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem 18, from which the conclusion follws. Table 2 below gives the det-ails. Table 2 P q (q) relevant section of Theo em 18 59 359 479 709 719 809 839 29 179 239 59 359 7 89 119 29 179 50 209 liB, t=19489 i01 419 IIA IIA IIA IIA I I IA Theorem I0 above) theorem i0 above) first entry in Table 2) second entry in Table 2) (see (see (see (see (see Theor em 16 above) Table 3 below, which contains all solutions We summarize our results in of (*) with 2<p(1000. Table 3 p 3 7 ii 19 29 47 199 n 2 4 5 9 7 8 x 2 1 1 4 1 11 1 13 The elated results of M. Goldman [8] follow i,mediately from (I). 521 Remark: I wish to thank the referee for his numerous helpful suggestions, as well as for his assistance in obtaining a partial factorization ACKNOWLF.DGMqT. of L35312. REDES COHN, J.H.E. 1. 109-113 Square Fibonacci numbers, etc., Fibonacci Quart. v2 n2 91964) COHN, J.H.E. (1972) 631-646 Squares in so,e recurrent sequences, Pacific J. Math. v41 n3 2. 3. ALFRED, Brother U. 1965 Tables of Fibonacci entry points, Fibonacci Association, 4. 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