Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 14 NO. 3 (1991) 587-594 587 A PROBLEM OF THERMAL SHOCK WITH THERMAL RELAXATION D. RAMAMURTHY and A.V. MANOHARA SHARMA Department of Mathematics University College of Science Osmanla University Hyderabad 500 007 A.P., India (Received May 12, 1988) ABSTRACT. plane The problem of a semi-infinite medium subjected to thermal shock on its boundary expressions is for solved using temperature, the strain generalized theory and are stress of thermoelastlclty. The The are presented. results exhibited graphically and compared with previous results. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Generalized theory, relaxation time, Lame’s elastic constants, diffusion equation, relaxation constant. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 73U. INTRODUCT ION. Thermoelastic problems are solved using the governing dynamical equations for the displacement and temperature. These equations are two partial differential equations. Equation of motion: Pui-- ( + ) uj,ij + (3k + Bui,jj (I.I) 2)aT,i. Equation of energy: k T,ll p CeT + (3 + 2) a To k" (1.2) The first equation is of wave typ and the other is of diffusion type. For an isotropic, homogeneous elastic body subjected to a shock, the latter equation shows that the disturbance will be felt instantaneously at distances far from its source. As the equations displacement. are coupled this effect will be felt in both temperature and Such a behavior is physically inadmissible and contradicts the existing theory of heat conduction. Baumlster and Many researchers, for example Morse and Feshbach [I], Boley [2], in the Hamill [3] have discussed this paradox and suggested some modifications of Lord and Shulman [4] proposed the Generalized theory governing equations wave-relaxation thermal of thermoelasticity, where the time lag needed for the onset 588 D. RAMAMURTHY AND A,V.M. SHARMA time is considered equation. Based on is this modified authors (Fox [5], Ignaczak Here the welt-known and as theory, [6], Sherief the modified coupled considerable work is [7], and Anwar heat conduction being done by many and Choudhurl and Sain [8]). problem of an isotropic, homogeneous half-space subjected Lo thermal shock on its plane boundary is solved using the Laplace transform technique. The equations concerning the generalized theory of thermoelasticlty are used to solve the said problem. a heating, The boundary condition for temperature more realistic situation. s in the form of exponential After effect[ng the Laplace inversion, the expressions for temperature, strain and stress are obtained. As a special case, the results due to Danilovskaya [9] for step-type boundary condftlons and that of Sternburg et al [I0] for ramp type boundary condition can be obta|ned. Further by setting relaxation constant zero, to the results due to Dalmaruya et al [I l] are obtalned. 2. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM. Consider an Isotropic homogeneous half space, subjected to a thermal disturbance - on its boundary. The governing equatlons of the generalized theory of thermoelastlclty for the one dimensional case, are k -Sx- axx T where k, O, C T (+ PC e (I + u 2U)---- _2T2) T + (31 + 2) 8t 32u 3u To ( + o 8xSt -) (31 + 2) o (T-T) o (2.2) 32 u T x2 (2.1) (2.3) t2 , T are thermal conductivity, density, specific heat, coefficient of e o linear thermal expansion and the relaxation time, respectively. I and are the well known Lame’s elastic constants. Here T, Oxx and u are temperature, stress and displacement, respectively. The inltal and boundary conditions are T(x,O) T u(x,0) 0 T(0 t) T u’(0,t) x o > 0 T (u__) 3t t--0’ (-) t=0 o 0 (2.4) [l-exp(-t/t o )] (31 + 2)aT o (I + 2) [I -exp (-t/to)]" (2.5) In the above, and t o are constants. The step type boundary condition is obtained when t i.e. 0, T(0,t) H(t), and the ramp type boundary condition is o obtained by expanding the exponential type and neglecting the higher order terms. Here H(t) is Heavlside unit step function. To, The regularity boundary conditions are T(x,t), u(x,t), xx (x,t) 0 as x . (2.6) THERMAL SHOCK WITH THERMAL RELAXATION 589 Introducing the following non-dimensional var[able.q 0 Ce 2)I/2 + z ( e ------,o p k S o O (2.1) e -k-- 0 (3 + ) a xx t, ro (-----) (3, + 2V)a T O k e_] u stress, and displacement respectlvely in equations temperature, time, (2.7) p C + 21a 3/2 [p for distance, p C T T U 2 %+ x, Y (2.3), we get e" e’ U" @’ (u’ + u’), B , (2.8abc) E=U’ where ’dot’ and ’dash’ denote differentiation with respect to y and z respectively and (3 +P 21J_) PCe TO’ -"’-- I Here B and e are respectively. a2 2 T (3 + 2U) O (X + 21) p C e " constant and In (2.8a), the strain acceleration term (") the thermoelastlc u (-)y=O U(z,O) .e) y=O’ --y 0 (2.9) -- exp(-y/’ O 9(z,y), U(z,y), r.(z,y) 0 where 3. is O U’(0,y) r’ O .B (2.6) reduce to exp (-y/T’) EKO,y) constant, can be ignored as the product Now our initial and boundary conditions (2.4) e(z,O) coupling in the intermediate and room temperature. or much less than relaxation X._+ 2p P Ce t as z- O SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM. In order to obtain the solutions for the temperature (e) and strains (U’), we U, from the first two equations of (2.8), namely first eliminate ..... ..... "- e (1 +) U (1 + ) U" (1 +g) e"+e+ (1 / ) U" / U / e =o (3.1) U (3.2) 0 Applying the Laplace transform to (3.1), (3.2) and (2.9), one obtafns 590 ..... ..... Here O, D. RAMAMURTHY AND A.V.M. SHARMA p[p(l+B) + (I+)] " + p2(p+Bp2) 0 p[p(I+B) + (1+)] " + p2(p+13p2) O. U are Laplace Lransforms (3.3) U of 0 and respectively and p Is the transform parameter, and e (0,p) ’/p O O ’(0,p) I/pp (z,0) (z,0) (3.4) 0. In the above, po ’ =p + I. O From (3.3) and (3.4), we get 0 A exp U BI exp (-a (-ct2z) lz) + A exp 2 (-a2z) + B (-a2z) exp 2 where al, 2 BI, 2 D[e --Po (a21_ a22) p-- + Bp 2 2 [(l+13)p + (1+) al,2 2 Z’o PP + p :1: a2,! /p] [((1+8)p + (1+-)) 2 4pp] 1/2 i- We consider a special case in which the relaxation constant (B) is expressed in For this value of B, we get terms of the coupling constant e, i.e. l+e 2 a p 2 + p/I3, a2 2 IBp 2 (3.6) and then the transformed temperature and strain become z,p) U’(z,p) N(p) [(-z N(p)[[e + + (I + where p)exp(-al z)-(p2"r’(o l-IB)+’Po)eXp(-a2z) p(l-B-z) p’op) exp BoZ’p (-a2z)] 2 exp (3.7) (-al z) (3.8) THERMAL SHOCK WITH THERMAL RELAXATION N(p) b2) + PPo (p 591 (l-B) and b 2 S) S(I Inverting (3.7) and (3.8), we get CII(O) (R) + C + 2 + C3 exp(-y/) l(I/z) C4 1 (l/z) + C exp(-b2y)l(b 2) l (b2) + C62(1/’) + C72(b 2) 5 and U’ ZlI() + K2I(I/z ) K3I(b 2) + + I (b2) + K6(I/z) + K5 (3.10) K4I(I/z) K72(b 2) + where Y z exp[(w- l(w) o S) S (I C C3 =-S(b2 Z’o C 5 -C3/DI, K D C + C K1 Cl’ K2 K DID2D3 b2 3 K b2 DID 2 DID2’ 6 D 2, b2(Z’o exp b2S D2D 3 exp 7 b2S D2D3/ 2 1/(1-b2"), [I F(z,) H(-z)d ) 5 l(W) )] C4 "-C2/DI C S) (-b2y)/ B)2, D 3 =-D3.D2/(I-B) 7 DID2 exp(-y/’) K D 6 B) --D2/(b2" (1 S) I/(144 S Ix(Z’/2S)/DIZ’ H(y-z) O, 0 1, y>z < y < D o Here I exp(-z/2S) 2) 2) 2(w) [! expI(/z z and Z’ 2 (l-B)2 + "o exp[(z-y)w]] H(y-z)lw, F(z,y) -b2(z’o , K4 (l-B), (-z/2B), (1 2 2 I/2 (y2-z) is the modified Bessel function of fi[t kiod. y)wll H(y-/z)/w R. RAMAMURTHY AND A.V.M. SHARMA 592 The Eor expression be can stress (2.8c), f-ore obtained (3.9) 0, 0, recovers the results due to Dan[tovskay.i [9] and seLLing recovers the results of Datmaruya Ill]. Taking 4. (3.10). and ’o RESULTS ND DISCUSSION. results The - temperature, for and strain numerically and exhibited graphically in figures relaxation constant (8) given by I/(l+). stress distributions ate evaluated to 3, for a particular value of the The transport of thermal energy In the process or a wave Like process depends on the It was observed that at low temperatures the magnitude of the relaxation constant. magnitude of the relaxation constant becomes signif[cant and the energy equal ion medium, predicts i.e. a either wave-type a diffusion The phenomenon. magnitudes of the coupling and relaxatlon constants were calculated over a range of Intermediale and high temperatures by Lord are smaller than unity for moat of the [|2]. The values of the coupling paramter materials. ller for the computation, the relaxation constant (8) was taken as 0.98 and 0.76 (the corresponding values of e are 0.I and 0.31 respectively) and the values 0.25, and 2 for the ’. The tlme-dependence of the non-dimensional temperature (0), 0.5 o strain (U’), and stress (Y.)are depleted as a function of non-dlmenslonal time y at 2 for the non-dlmenslonal distance z ’ o 0.5. As the relaxation constant increases the correspoading components of temperature, strain and stress decrease. The gap between these corresponding parameters increases, It may be due to the effect of relaxation time unlike that of coupled theory. coupled of case In entloned that a similar phenomena was observed by Dalmaruya Ill] theory. Moreover due to presence of Heavfslde unit step function, discontinuities can occur in temperature and stress at the wavefronts y the two z and y- z and the corresponding accouatlc velocity (v I) and thermal velocity (v 2) at and I/ respectively. Last but not least, the results obtained the wavefronts are here which including the effect of the relaxation time are more general. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. The second author wishes to thank the Councll of Scientific and Research, New Delhl, for the flnanclal assistance given for his work. Industrlal 593 THERMAL SHOCK WITH THERMAL RELAXATION 54.3 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 TIME Fig. Fig. I. Time dependence of temperature at z 2. Time dependence of strain at z 2. 2. I0 11 12 594 R. RAHAHURTHY AND A.V.M. SHARHA 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -0.37 -2.77 Fig. 3. Time dependence of stress at z 2. REFERENCES I. MORSE, P.M. and FESHBACH, H., Methods of Theoretical Physics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953. 2. 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