Document 10442749

Resolution on Salary Equity and Employee Education Assistance Program
(Resolution 2002-03.01)
September 11, 2002
WHEREAS, Dr. Guerrero has expressed a commitment to improving salary and benefits for
faculty and staff at Stephen F. Austin State University, and
WHEREAS, this commitment has led to the improvements in faculty salaries in relation to other
state universities in Texas, and
WHEREAS, this commitment has led to creation of the Employee Education Assistance Program,
WHEREAS, these improvements were the result of a collaborative effort among several university
committees and departments, then
BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the Faculty Senate wish to express their appreciation to
Dr. Guerrero, Vice President Ashley, Vice President Smith, Interim-Vice President Young, the
Salary Equity Committee, and the Board of Regents for their commitment and dedication to these
important issues.