483 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOLo 17 NO. 3 (1994) 483-488 SOME RESULTS ON INVARIANT APPROXIMATION ANTONIO CARBONE Dipartimento di Matematica Universiti della Calabria 87036 Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza) Italy (Received December 4, 1992 and in revised form May 10, 1993) ABSTRACT. In this paper results on Invariant approximations, extending and unifying earlier results are given. Several interesting results are derived as corollaries. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Nonexpansive map, set of best approximants, starshaped set, demiclosed, approximatively compact set. 1991 AMS MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. Primary 47H10, Secondary 54H25. 1. INTRODUCTION Several mathematicians have given results dealing with invariant approximation. The earlier results due to Meinardus [7] and Brosowski [1] have been the main source of inspiration for researchers in the field. The following is due to Brosowski. Let f be a contractive//near operator of a normed space X. Let Xo E X be an invariant point and C an invariant set under f I[ the set of best C-approximants to xo is nonempty compact and convex then it contains an f-invariaaat point. Recently Carbone [2], [3], Habiniak [5], Hicks and Humphries [6], Narang [8], Po and Mariadoss [9] Sahab, Khan and Sessa [10], K.L.Singh [11], Singh [12], [13] and Subrahmanyaan [15] gave extensions of the above theorem, and proved some further related results. The purpose of this paper is to extend and unify earlier results. We need the following preliminaries. If f: X X where X is a normed linear space, and Ilfx fYl[ x Yll for x, y E X, then f is called a nonexpansive map. We denote by F(f), the set of fixed points of f. If x0 fxo, and Ilfx- f011 < I1 x011 for all x 5 X then f is said to be quasi-nonexpansive. A quasi-nonexpansive map need not be continuous. Let C be a closed, convex subset of a normed linear space X. The set of best Capproximants to x consists of all y C such that <- Ilu 11 d(, C) inf{llz zll z e c}. set C is said to be star-shaped if there exists at least one point p C such that A)p C for all x E C and 0 < A < 1. In this case p is called the star-center of C. is said to be demiclosed if x, x weakly and fx, y strongly imply that y fx. The following result will be used in the proof of our theorem (see Subrahmanyam [15], Zhang [19]). A. CARBONE 484 L(’t Banach space" ad C o.mpt.r w(.,kly couq)act starshaped s,b,’t of X C is onexp,si’’ and I- .f is demiclosed then f has a fixed point X be If f C Note The f(0C) C a all,we theorem h; been als (, f pr(,ved when .f C X is nonexpansive al eith,’, is an inwar(l map. n.elllark X a nonexpansive ap witlt In case C s a cnnpact, convex sutset of X and f C (OC) C_ C, then f has a fixed point. This is valid even when C is star-shaped lint n,t 1. n.cessarily cmvex. -\ 2 If C is xveakly compact convex and I-f is demiclosed then a nonexpansive map f C with f(0C) C_ C has a fixed point. We can replace convexity by star-shaped condition withut changing the conclusion. normed linear space and M" is a subspace of X. and x0 E X, then d(.r0, M) ,,,/{llx0 yl] y e M} denotes the distance of x0 to the set M. PM(xo) {tl E M II’ro 11 d(xo,M)} is the set of best approximations of .r0 in M. It is well km,wn that the set P.u(x) is closed and convex for any subspace M of X (for details see [41). If X is a MAIN RESULTS Now we state our result. X is such that f(OC) C_ (’ Let X be a Banach space. Suppose f" X THEOREM to Zo, is eat,’ly compact of best set X. the C-approximants for and f xo I D, zo Zo 2. star-shaped and i) f is nonexpansive on iii) I- f is demiclosed then f has a D; on D txed point closest to PROOF First we show that Let y G D. Then f" D 3:o. D, i.e. f is a self-map on D. This implies that fy is also closest to x0 so fy co__ D. Let p be the star center of D. Define f,,.x k,,fx +(1-k,)p, where {k, } is a sequence of reals, 0 < k,, < 1 converging cx for x D. to 1 as n Each f, is contraction on D with contraction constant k, < 1, so ft:,.x,,. x,,, for n 1,2,. (see Subrahmanyam [15] for details). Since D is weakly compact therefore {xk.} has a convergent subsequence convergint :. weakly to : say. For the sake of convenience let x,, Now Ilxt, fx.,ll Ilft,x, Yx:,ll (k, 1)llfx,,ll + (1 k,)p 0 as is bounded). Since I- f is demiclosed so 0 (I- f):, i.e., 2 f’. Thus f has fx, a fixed point .r closest to x0. Note If we take D as a compact convex set and f D D continuous then we derive th," SOME RESULTS ON INVARIANT APPROXIMATION same conclusion f: DD. In our using Schauder fixed point theorem. In this case, we have to assume that theorem f is nonexpansive so f: DD follows. \Ve derive the fillwing rcsldts a. corollaries. Corollary 1. If C is cnnpact, cmvex then I- the esult (see 485 f dcmclsed is not needed and we [19]). Corollay 2. If C is weakly compact, convex and other conditions are the same tlwn the result. Recall that every convex set is starshaped. However, the converse is not true. we get In this section we discuss a result of Rao ad Mariadoss [9] given for approximatively compact sets. A set C C_ X is called approximatively compact if for each x G X and every sequence in C with lim,,_oo IIz z,, d(z, C), there exists a subsequence {x,, converging to element of C. A compact set is always approximatively compact but not conversely. A closed unit {x, an ball in infinite dimensional Hilbert space is approximatively compact but not compact. Let C be a nonempty approximatively compact subset of X and P" X 2 c a metric projection of X onto C defined by Pc(x) {g C [[x g[I d(x, C)}. Then Pc(x) 7 O, closed subset of C. In fact, Pc(x) is compact. The following is due to Rao and Mariadoss [9]. Let X be a Banach space and f X X a continuous map.Let C be an approximatively compact subset of X and an f-invariant set. Further, let f zo zo, zo X and f satisfy conditions: the following Ilfz fll < cl[ l[ / (11 fzll / II f[[) / (11 fy[[ / I1 fx[[) for or,/3, 3’ positive with a + 2/3 + 27 < 1, for all z, g X. If the set of best C-approximants to xo is nonempty starshaped then it has an point closest to zo. f-invariant Note x, It is easy to derive that f satisfies the condition Ilfm- fm0[[ II m0ll for 1 (fXo x0), since c + 2/3 + 27 < 1, and since C is approximatively compact so the set of =< best C-approximants to z is compact. Recently Carbone THEOREM C [3] proved the following: Let f" X X be a mapping on a Banach space X satisfying the following fll < 11 x ull + (ll x fxl[ / IlY fYll)/ 7(11 x fYl[ + IlY fzll) for a,/3, 7 positive with a, + 2/3 + 27 _< 1. condition: [Ifx Let fxo z0, for x0 G X and C a subset of X such that f(OC) G C. If the set D of best C-approximants to xo is dosed, strashaped and f(D) is compact with f continuous on D, then f has a fixed point closest to xo. We give the following to derive [91 as a special case of [31. Remarks 1. / need not be continuous on the whole space X. Continuity only on D serves the purpose. A. CARBONE 486 2. If C is approximatively compact then D is compact and f(D) is compact since a continuous inage of a compact set is compact. 3. C need not be f-invariant. Only f(c3C) C_ C is required. In this sectin results in a locally convex Hausdorff topological vector space E are given. L’t C be a nonempty subset of E and let p be a continuous seminorm on E. For .r E define d,,(z,C) inf {p(:r V) V C} and Pc() A mapping f C {, e c: p( u) a,(, c)}. C is said to be p-nonexpansive if for all z,// C p(fx-yy) <p(z-y), (P: fanily of continuous seminorms); f C such that n {k,} with k, pe P C is asymptotically nonexpansive if there exists p(f" z f" y) k,p(z V) for all z, It is assumed that k, d k, C, p P, n 1,2,. k,+ for n 1,2,. [17]. f is uniformly asymptotically regular if for each p P and > 0 there exists a N(p, ) (=N say) such that p(f"z- f"+z) < foall n > N and z C. Vijayaraju [18] proved the following: THEOREM V Let C be a nonempty subset of E.Let Zo E d f C C ymptoticMly nonexpsive, uNformly ymptoticM1y rel map. Suppose that the set D of best C-approximts to zo is nonempty, wely compact, stshaped d invt under f. further, I- f is demidosed then f h a ed point closest to zo. For further results on fixed points one should refer to [141, [161 We give the following in locally convex Hausdorff topological vector space E improving Theorem V. THEOREM 3 Let C be a subset of E, f xo E zo, :co E and f(OC) C_ C. Let f E be an asymptoticM1y nonexpansive uniformly asymptotically regular map. Assume that the set D of best C-approximants to xo is nonempty weakly compact, starshaped and invariant under f. If I- f is demiclosed then f has a tixed point closest to :co. Proof is on the same lines as in Note We do not need f" C C [18]. given in [18], only f(C) Further related results are also given in [12]. Acknowledgement: as is _ thank Professor S.P Singh for hts encouragement and C serves providing the purpose. the preprints/reprints SOME RESULTS ON INVARIANT APPROXIMATION 487 REFERENCES [1] Blosowu,<I. B." Fixi),mktsatz" i d(’r ApI)roxim;tti, ms theory, Mathemati(’a (CIj) 11 (1969) 195-220. [2] CARBONE, A." AI)plic,tio. of fl’xed imint. to Aplroximation Theory, Jnaabla 19 (1984) 63-67. [3] CABONE, A." Al,plications of fixed point theorems, .]nanabha 19 (1989) 149-155. [4] CIENEV. E, W." Applications of fixed point theory to Approximation theory, Pr,’. 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