DREXEL UNIVERSITY LANDSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES JULY 2008 Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects, Inc. 230 S. Broad Street - Suite 604 • Philadelphia, PA. 19102 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 CAMPUS USE ZONES 8 DESIGN GUIDELINES 15 SECTION 1: PAVING 17 18 21 25 26 28 29 Paving Patterns Paving Details Curb Paving Materials Vehicular Intersection Pedestrian Crosswalk SECTION 2: PLANTING 31 Use Zone Planting Street Trees Canopy Trees Ornamental Trees Ornamental Plants Container Plants 32 37 38 39 40 41 SECTION 3: SITE FURNISHINGS Bench Table and Chairs Lighting Bollards Trash and Recycle Receptacles Ash Urn Service Screening Parking Edge Honor Box Corral Bicycle Rack Grill Planters Skateboard Deterrent 43 44 46 47 49 51 52 53 54 56 57 59 60 61 Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 3 4 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects INTRODUCTION Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 5 Introduction Background Drexel University has major plans to expand the physical facilities, research capabilities and student enrollment of its campus in West Philadelphia over the next five years and beyond. As outlined in Drexel University's West Philadelphia Campus Master Plan prepared by Burt Hill in 2007 (Master Plan), these changes are building upon the University's ongoing renaissance since 1995. The Master Plan proposes the construction of new campus buildings and open spaces between 2007 and 2012. Additional projects are proposed for development beyond 2012. The Master Plan recognizes the importance of promoting the urban character of the Drexel campus by siting buildings close to the street and walkways to define the public streets and interior walkways. The Master Plan recommends strengthening pedestrian connections and links among the residential, athletic, academic and commercial areas of the campus. The Master Plan also emphasizes the importance of developing a unique identity to unify the campus and distinguish it from the surrounding neighborhood. Purpose In support of the recommendations in the Master Plan, Drexel University's Planning Design and Construction (PDC) engaged Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects to develop the campus-wide Landscape Design Guidelines represented in this document. These Guidelines will provide the structure necessary to establish consistency, quality and identity of Drexel's public realm as part of the design and construction of future projects. The effort to create a distinct identity and character for Drexel's campus focused on the selection of standards for elements typically found in the public realm; the spaces and places between buildings encountered by students, staff and visitors as they move about the campus. A campus composed of a series of thoughtfully designed outdoor spaces will present an attractive and inviting environment for the Drexel community as well as for visitors and prospective students. The following Design Principles informed the development of the Guidelines: • Distinguish Drexel from the surrounding neighborhood businesses and other universities by creating a consistent statement about the campus environment. • Create an attractive campus environment. • Focus on comfort and quality. • Consider ease of maintenance, material replacement and overall costs. • Incorporate environmentally sustainable materials and strategies where possible. • Select native plants, where possible • Privilege pedestrians over vehicles. 6 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects To facilitate the on-going implementation of these Guidelines as new projects are constructed, existing outdoor spaces have been categorized into seven distinct campus use zones according to their different functions and daily use. • Building Entry • Usable Green Space • Landscape Setting • Social Gathering Space • Identity Intersection • Campus Walkway • Pedestrian Streetscape The planners and architects of future additions to the campus will be able to incorporate these Guidelines for site improvements into their designs by; 1) identifying the use zone(s) that the new construction will create, and 2) adopting the recommendations for each zone detailed herein. The site improvement requirements for materials, furnishing configurations, plant selection and location are tailored to each Campus Use Zone. The information provided is intended to direct the selection of materials, manufacturers and construction techniques. Implementation Refer to the Campus Use Zones depicted on Diagrams 1 and 2 (pp. 8 and 12) to understand how a new project will fit into Drexel's campus. Further definition of each Use Zone with a list of required and optional elements is located on pp. 9-11, 13. Each element includes a page number where the specific guideline can be found as well as supplemental drawings illustrating desired material and spacing details or design intent. All new campus projects are required to adhere to the Landscape Design Guidelines outlined in this book as part of PDC's review and approval process. These Guidelines are not specifications. Design professionals are responsible for developing and submitting details based on these Guidelines for each new project as individual site conditions may vary. Reevaluation These Guidelines are not meant to be a static document. Therefore, periodic internal reviews by PDC and future consultants will be necessary to determine whether desired goals are being met, manufacturer's information and materials are current, and to address conditions that are unknown at the time of this writing. Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 7 Campus Use Zones STR EET REE T ING T ST 31S BAR 32N POW ON ELT N AVE TRE T REE D ST RL S PEA ET UE EET STR TER WIN NAT RON A ST REE EET STR MER SUM T STR RACE EET ST 35TH REET LA ARCH STREET NC AS TE RA VE NU E TW 78.5 TR EE T FILBERT STREET 33RD STREET NS 32ND STREET CUTHBERT STREET RE 34TH STREET WA R LUDLOW STREET 31 ST STREET 32ND STREET MALL MARKET STREET CHESTNUT STREET DIAGRAM 1 8 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects Campus Use Zones The Campus Use Zones defined below support distinct campus activities and require the provision of specific types and arrangements of site improvements. Refer to the stated guidelines for each use zone for every new project. BUILDING ENTRY: Outside areas adjacent to building entrances. The Landscape Design Guidelines see Building Entry as more than a space to pass through. A Building Entry is an opportunity to promote informal interactions among students, faculty and staff and offers a place to meet and wait for others. The materials, planting and site furnishings in these areas support these activities and complement the building entrances by defining a place. Required Elements: • Paving materials (pp. 26 - 27) • Use zone planting (Figure 15, p. 32) • Benches (pp. 44 - 45) • Lighting: post lights and building mounted or illuminated bollards (pp. 47 - 49) • Trash and recycling receptacles (p. 51) • Ash urns (p. 52) • Bicycle racks (p. 57 - 58) • Building identification signs - must be clearly legible (refer to Drexel's Planning, Design and Construction (PDC) standard) USABLE GREEN SPACE: Lawn areas providing space for informal student recreation, such as hanging out with friends, picnicking, frisbee throwing, sunbathing, people watching or reading. Usable Green Spaces are the heart of the campus and are strategically located throughout the residential, commercial, athletic, academic and commercial areas. The organization of these spaces is clearly visible and contributes to the campus atmosphere. Similar to Harvard Yard or the Lawn at the University of Virginia, the Usable Green Space is a signature space for the campus and contributes to the identity of Drexel University. The materials and site furnishings invite lounging and landscape grades are easy to access. Planting and site furnishings are located at the edge of the space. Visibility of the space from the sidewalk is critical as is visibility of the sidewalk from within the space to facilitate sociability as well as safety. Required Elements: • Use zone planting (Figure 20, p. 36) • Seating options in shade and sun – benches and bench configuration (pp. 44 - 45) OR – built in seating such as seat height walls • Trash and recycling receptacles (p. 51) • Lighting (pp. 47 - 48) Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 9 Campus Use Zones LANDSCAPE SETTING: Areas adjacent to buildings and throughout the campus that feed into or support the campus buildings and environment. These areas are not occupied spaces. They are planted and are meant to provide an aesthetic accent. Lawn with trees are standard. Where additional planting is desired and can be maintained, plants should be chosen with special consideration given to varied seasonal interest, mix of textures, hardiness and native species. Required Elements: • Use zone planting (Figure 16, p. 33) SOCIAL GATHERING SPACE: Paved areas located primarily near student dormitories, athletic facilities and the student center. These areas provide space for formal group events such as those sponsored by student organizations as well as informal socializing. These are comfortable public spaces that invite student use and are, preferably, near to places where students can purchase food. These spaces are near to campus areas with high pedestrian traffic and provide a place for posting information about university wide activities. If located at Identity Intersections or other strategic places, confer with PDC for signage requirements. Required Elements: • Paving materials (pp. 26 - 27) • Use zone planting (Figure 17, p. 34) • Seating options in shade and sun – benches and bench configuration (pp. 44 - 45) OR – tables and chairs (p. 46) • Lighting: post lights and/or illuminated bollards (pp. 47 - 49) • Trash and recycling receptacles (p. 51) • Ash urns (p. 52) • Bicycle racks (p. 57) Optional Elements: • Grills (p. 59) 10 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects Campus Use Zones IDENTITY INTERSECTION: Intersections located at key gateways into or within the Drexel campus and define the campus visually and spatially. Many of these intersections are at the center of high vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Special preference is given to pedestrians with specially marked pedestrian crosswalks. Primary intersections are marked with a distinctive Drexel logo at the center of the vehicular intersection. Materials and site furnishings are highly visible, provide directional and University activity information and create a sense of identity for the campus. As depicted on Diagram 1, the intersections are categorized as primary or secondary based on their proximity to the campus core. Required Elements: Primary Intersections • Vehicular intersection (p. 28) • Signage (confer with PDC for requirements) Secondary Intersections • Pedestrian crosswalks across all streets (p. 29) • Signage (confer with PDC for requirements) Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 11 Campus Use Zones STR EET T ING REE T ST 31S BAR 32N POW ON ELT N AVE TRE T REE D ST RL S PEA ET UE EET STR TER WIN NAT RON A ST REE EET STR MER SUM T STR RACE EET ST 35TH REET LA ARCH STREET NC AS TE RA VE NU E TW 78.5 TR EE T FILBERT STREET 33RD STREET NS 32ND STREET CUTHBERT STREET RE 34TH STREET WA R LUDLOW STREET 31 ST STREET 32ND STREET MALL MARKET STREET CHESTNUT STREET DIAGRAM 2 12 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects Campus Use Zones CAMPUS WALKWAY: Pedestrian walkways internal to and used by students, faculty and staff to traverse the campus. These walkways provide a sense of continuity and identity throughout the diverse urban fabric of the campus. Primary Walkways are the most heavily used, connecting the academic buildings, residences, gym, dining and social facilities. Secondary Walkways are fewer in number and traverse shorter distances. Tertiary Walkways, too numerous to identify, are all other internal campus paths which serve as connectors to Primary or Secondary Walkways and receive the least amount of regular foot traffic. Paving patterns, materials and site furnishings differ slightly according to the walkway category. Required Elements: • Primary, secondary or tertiary walkway paving pattern (pp. 18 - 19) • Lighting: post lights and/or illuminated bollards (pp. 47 - 49) • Non illuminated bollards (p. 50) • Trash and recycling receptacles (p. 51) • Bench options in shade and sun (pp. 44 - 45) PEDESTRIAN STREETSCAPE: Public streets that run within and border the campus. Although these streets and sidewalks are not internal to the campus, they are heavily used by Drexel students and contribute greatly to the campus environment. These streetscapes are also used by motorists and pedestrians passing through the campus and play a role in creating an impression on the general public. The use of consistent materials and site furnishings along these streetscapes will create a more distinct image and identity for Drexel's campus and distinguish it from the surrounding area. Preference is given to crossing pedestrians at street intersections (see Identity Intersections, p. 11). Required Elements: • Paving pattern (p. 20) • Use zone planting (Figure 18 and 19, p. 35) • Lighting (p.47 - 48) for smaller streets • Philadelphia City standard brown round light for larger streets • Trash and recycling receptacles (p. 51) Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 13 14 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects DESIGN GUIDELINES Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 15 16 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects SECTION 1: PAVING Paving is the primary element used to connect campus walkways, social gathering spaces and building entries within the campus as well as to distinguish these areas from the non-university realm. The paving materials and patterns selected for use define these prominent campus areas with a special character and quality. Providing a consistent paving pattern and material on the walkways will make the campus more attractive to the pedestrian. Establishing guidelines for walkway widths that respond to the hierarchy of campus walkways will make circulation clear for faculty, students, staff and visitors to the campus. Using consistent materials (pp. 26-27) for the Campus Walkway, Building Entry and Social Gathering Space will help establish a distinct campus identity and simplify area maintenance. Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 17 1: Paving Patterns Campus Walkways To help unify the campus and make it more attractive to pedestrians, consistent paving pattern and materials have been chosen for all Campus Walkways. All Primary and Secondary Campus Walkways shall be made of a field of pouredin-place concrete and a band of concrete unit pavers. All Tertiary Campus Walkways shall be constructed of reinforced poured-in-place concrete. A hierarchy of walkway widths has been established to help create a clearer circulation system for the campus. PRIMARY WALKWAY PAVING PATTERN Width: 16'-20' wide Pattern: Poured-in-place concrete field with control joints every 4' and expansion joints every 24'. Concrete unit paver band in herringbone pattern shall be 4' wide, centered between two string courses and at 45 degrees as shown in Figure 1. Material: Poured-in-place concrete and concrete unit paver in Natural Finish Charcoal Color, p. 26. Detail: Concrete for vehicular use, Figure 8, p. 22. Unit paver for vehicular use, Figure 6, p. 21. Edge: Flushed or raised concrete curb, p. 25. 20'-0" 4'-0" 12'-0" FIG. 1: PRIMARY WALKWAY PAVING PATTERN 18 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 4" 1: Paving Patterns 15'-0" 4" 9'-0" 3'-0" SECONDARY WALKWAY PAVING PATTERN Width: 12'-15' wide Pattern: Poured-in-place concrete field with control joints every 4'-6" and expansion joints every 24' to 30'. Concrete unit paver band in herringbone pattern shall be 3' wide, centered between two string courses and at 45 degrees as shown in Figure 2. Material: Poured-in-place concrete and concrete unit paver in Natural Finish Charcoal Color, p. 26. Detail: Concrete and unit paver for pedestrian or vehicular use (Figures 7/8, p. 22 and Figures 5/6, p. 21) depending on location and possibility of vehicular use by DU Facilities. Edge: Flushed or raised concrete curb, p. 25. FIGURE 2: SECONDARY WALKWAY PAVING PATTERN 9'-0" TERTIARY WALKWAY PAVING PATTERN Width: 9' wide Pattern: Poured-in-place concrete field with control joints every 4'-6" and expansion joints every 27' as shown in Figure 2. Material: Poured-in-place concrete, p. 27. Detail: Concrete and unit paver for pedestrian use, Figures 7, p. 22 and Figures 5, p. 21. Edge: Curb not required. FIGURE 3: TERTIARY WALKWAY PAVING PATTERN Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 19 1: Paving Patterns Pedestrian Streetscapes Pedestrian Streetscapes with street tree planting provide a distinct visual rhythm along streets for pedestrians and motorists. Street trees are under a great deal of stress when planted in an urban environment. The use of a continuous planting trench allows for greater soil volume which will increase the potential root health of the tree. This will reduce the stress on the tree, allowing for a higher rate of growth and longer life. Space trees every 15’ minimum to 20’ maximum in groups of two to three. Consider sidewalk width, underground and above ground utilities and sight lines when determining where to locate trees. Refer to p. 37 for Street Tree list. Tree Trench Width: 6' wide - Primary, 4' wide - Secondary and Tertiary Pattern: Poured-in-place concrete with 4' min. - 6' max. control joints and expansion joints at 24' min. - 30' max. Material: Poured-in-place concrete and tumbled 6" x 9" concrete unit paver in Gettysburg Gray, p. 27. Detail: Poured-in-place concrete, Figure 7, p. 22 and tree trench details, Figures 9 and 10, p. 23. 4’-0” OR 6’-0” 4’-0” OR 6’-0” MULCH METAL EDGING BOTH SIDES OF TREE PIT FIGURE 4: TREE TRENCH WITH UNIT PAVERS AND CONCRETE SIDEWALK 20 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 1: Unit Paver Detail 2 3/8” THICK CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS ADJACENT PAVING/CURB SAND SETTING BED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB AGGREGATE BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE FIGURE 5: CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS ON CONCRETE SLAB FOR PEDESTRIAN USE 3” THICK CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS BITUMINOUS SETTING BED REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB ADJACENT PAVING/CURB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPACTED SUBGRADE . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AGGREGATE BASE FIGURE 6: CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS ON CONCRETE SLAB FOR VEHICULAR USE Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 21 1: Concrete Detail . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB 6" . . 5" . . . . . . .. . . . The figures below show required depths for concrete and aggregate base for both pedestrian and vehicular use. The Design Principles advocate incorporating environmentally sustainable strategies where possible. To facilitate this goal, the use of porous concrete that allows water infiltration to the soil below is recommended. This option is not only sensitive to the environment, it can also help the project meet Philadelphia Water Department stormwater management requirements. AGGREGATE BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE . .. . . . . . . .. . . 8" . . . . 8" . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. FIGURE 7: CONCRETE WALKWAY FOR PEDESTRIAN USE ONLY REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB AGGREGATE BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE FIGURE 8: CONCRETE WALKWAY FOR VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN USE 22 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 1: Tree Trench Detail CONCRETE SLAB WITH DRAINAGE HOLES UNIT PAVER FILTER FABRIC CRUSHED STONE ROADWAY . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 4’-0” OR 6’-0” COMPACTED PLANTING SOIL FIGURE 9: TREE TRENCH - BETWEEN THE TREES CONCRETE SIDEWALK MULCH 4’-0” OR 6’-0” ROADWAY UNCOMPACTED PLANTING SOIL SAND CRUSHED STONE FIGURE 10: TREE TRENCH - AT TREES Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 23 1: Stone Fines Paving Detail STONE FINES PAVING may be used in Social Gathering Spaces in picnic/ eating areas with grills or in bicycle parking areas. Stones Fines are an environmentally friendly alternative to concrete since they allow stormwater to permeate into the soil. Refer to p. 27 for color and manufacturer. LAWN COMPACTED ORNAMENTAL STONE FILTER FABRIC . ADJACENT PAVING AGGREGATE BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE FIGURE 11: STONE FINES PAVING DETAIL 24 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 1: Curb Campus Walkways CAMPUS WALKWAY CURBS shall be constructed of poured-in-place concrete. The dimensions shall be 4" wide x 12" or 18" deep with 0" or 4" reveal. PEDESTRIAN STREETSCAPE CURBS along public streets shall be constructed of poured-in-place concrete and shall meet City of Philadelphia Department of Streets standards. CONCRETE CURB WITH 1/2" CHAMFER 4" ADJACENT LAWN OR PAVEMENT . .. . . . 0” OR 4” ADJACENT PAVEMENT . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . FIGURE 12: PEDESTRIAN CONCRETE CURB SECTION Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 25 1: Paving Materials PAVING MATERIALS shall be selected from the following options: Concrete Unit Pavers, Poured-In-Place Concrete, or Stone Fines. Follow standard Campus Walkway and Pedestrian Streetscape paving patterns (pp. 18 - 20). Paving patterns for Building Entries and Social Gathering Spaces may be any combination of the materials listed. MANUFACTURER Unit Pavers: Hanover Architectural Products, Inc. 240 Bender Road Hanover, PA 17331 www.hanoverpavers.com Natural finish, charcoal color brick paver shall be used as the band in primary and secondary Campus Walkways. This paver may also be used in paving patterns at Building Entries and Social Gathering Spaces. Traditional Prest Brick Paver Finish: Natural Color: Charcoal Size: 4" x 8" or 8" x 8" Tudor finish, charcoal color brick paver may be used in paving patterns at Building Entries and Social Gathering Spaces. Traditional Prest Brick Paver Finish: Tudor Color: Charcoal Size: 4" x 8" or 8" x 8" Natural finish, salmon/charcoal color brick paver may be used in paving patterns at Building Entries and Social Gathering Spaces. Traditional Prest Brick Paver Finish: Natural Color: Salmon/Charcoal Blend Size: 4" x 8" or 8" x 8" 26 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 1: Paving Materials MANUFACTURER Unit Pavers: Hanover Architectural Products, Inc. 240 Bender Road Hanover, PA 17331 www.hanoverpavers.com Gettysburg Gray color tumbled brick paver shall be used in tree trenches along Pedestrian Streetscapes. Tumbled Prest Brick Paver Color: Gettysburg Gray Size: 6" x 9" MANUFACTURER Stone Fines: Stabilizer, Inc. 4832 East Indian Lane Phoenix, AZ 85018 Telephone: 800.336.2468 Stone Fines Paving may be used in Social Gathering Spaces in picnic / eating areas with grills or in bicycle parking areas. Stone Fines are an environmentally friendly alternative to concrete since they allow stormwater to permeate into the soil. Stone Fines Paving Color: Gray Gradation as recommended by the manufacturer. Poured-in-Place Concrete Finish: Broom Finish Detail, p. 22 Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 27 1: Vehicular Intersection INTERSECTIONS AND PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS at Primary Identity Intersections shall be marked with the Drexel logo at the center of the intersection. Primary Identity Intersections are located at key gateways into or within the Drexel campus and define the campus visually and spatially. Materials are highly visible and create a sense of identity for the campus. Special preference is given to pedestrians, with specially marked crosswalks. The design and maintenance of these intersections and crosswalks will be determined by Drexel University's PDC in cooperation with the City of Philadelphia Streets Department, PennDOT and other public agencies. A design concept for the Primary Identity Intersection is shown in Figure 13. The final design may be modified based upon the chosen manufacturer and the manufacturers' specifications for product design and installation. MANUFACTURER Thermoplastic Process: Traffic Calming, USA 11 Larkspur Lane Freedon, NJ 07860 phone: 973.940.0674 web: www.trafficcalmingusa.com MANUFACTURER Thermoplastic Process: Flint Trading, Inc. P.O. Box 160 Thomasville, NC 27361 phone: 336.475.6600 fax: 336.475.7900 web: www.flinttrading.com FIGURE 13: INTERSECTION PLAN 28 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects MANUFACTURER Duratherm Process: Integrated Paving Concepts Inc. PMB 48 936 Peace Portal Drive Blaine, WA 98230 phone: 484.556.4737 (Regional Office) fax: 800.978.8513 web: www.integratedpaving.com 1: Pedestrian Crosswalk PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS at Secondary Identity Intersections shall be marked with the Drexel logo. Secondary Identity Intersections are located further away from the campus core, but are still considered important intra-campus pedestrian connections. Specially marked crosswalks at these Secondary Identity Intersections give preference to pedestrians over motorists. The design and maintenance of these intersections and crosswalks will be determined by Drexel University's PDC in cooperation with the City of Philadelphia Streets Department, PennDOT and other public agencies. A design concept for the Primary Identity Intersection is shown in Figure 14. The final design may be modified based upon the chosen manufacturer and the manufacturers' specifications for product design and installation. Pedestrian crosswalks at all non Identity Intersections shall be in compliance with City of Philadelphia standards and maintained by the City of Philadelphia. MANUFACTURER Thermoplastic Process: Traffic Calming, USA 11 Larkspur Lane Freedon, NJ 07860 phone: 973.940.0674 web: www.trafficcalmingusa.com MANUFACTURER Duratherm Process: Integrated Paving Concepts Inc. PMB 48 936 Peace Portal Drive Blaine, WA 98230 phone: 484.556.4737 (Regional Office) fax: 800.978.8513 web: www.integratedpaving.com MANUFACTURER Thermoplastic Process: Flint Trading, Inc. P.O. Box 160 Thomasville, NC 27361 phone: 336.475.6600 fax: 336.475.7900 web: www.flinttrading.com FIGURE 14: CROSSWALK PLAN Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 29 30 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects SECTION 2: PLANTING Trees, shrubs and groundcover add to the outdoor aesthetic and temperate environment of the Drexel campus. The selection of a consistent palette and setting for plant materials adds to a distinct campus identity. In addition to the ornamental color and texture trees, shrubs and flowering perennials bring to the outdoors, trees provide shade and lower the overall area temperature by several degrees. Consideration for planting design throughout the campus should include placement and details for the installation of canopy, ornamental trees and shrubs in the ground or in planters as well as the overall choice of plant species. The Design Principles advocate incorporating environmentally sustainable strategies and using native plants where possible. To facilitate these goals, native plants are marked with an asterisk " * " on the lists that follow. These plant lists are not exhaustive and may be added to as required by specific project conditions. Some Campus Use Zones require special considerations for planting. Refer to figures on pp. 32-36 for planting diagrams for Building Entry, Landscape Setting, Usable Green Spaces and Pedestrian Campus Use Zones. Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 31 2: Use Zone Planting BUILDING ENTRY PLANTING, where space permits, shall include Street Trees (p. 37) or Canopy Trees (p. 38), Ornamental Trees (p. 39) and Ornamental Plants (p. 40). Container Plants (p. 41) may be located out of the primary circulation route. FIGURE 15: BUILDING ENTRY PLANTING 32 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 2: Use Zone Planting LANDSCAPE SETTING PLANTING shall include lawn with Canopy Trees (p. 38) and/or Ornamental Trees (p. 39) as the standard. If desired, Ornamental Plants (p. 40) may be used with approval from Drexel University's Planning, Design and Construction. FIGURE 16: LANDSCAPE SETTING PLANTING Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 33 2: Use Zone Planting SOCIAL GATHERING SPACE PLANTING, where space permits, shall include Street Trees (p. 37) or Canopy Trees (p. 38), Ornamental Trees (p. 39) and Ornamental Plants (p. 40). FIGURE 17: SOCIAL GATHERING SPACE PLANTING 34 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 2: Use Zone Planting PEDESTRIAN STREETSCAPE PLANTING shall include Street Trees (p. 37). 15' - 30' TREES IN GROUPS OF 2 OR 3 CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS CONCRETE PAVING FIGURE 18: PEDESTRIAN STREETSCAPE PLANTING PLAN ROADWAY 4' OR 6' WIDE CONCRETE PAVING FIGURE 19: PEDESTRIAN STREETSCAPE PLANTING SECTION Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 35 2: Use Zone Planting USABLE GREEN SPACE PLANTING shall be either lawn with a grove of Canopy Trees (p. 38) or lawn edged with Canopy Trees, Ornamental Trees (p. 39) and/or Ornamental Plants (p.40) as shown. FIGURE 18: USABLE GREEN SPACE PLANTING 36 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 2: Street Trees STREET TREES shall be used along the Pedestrian Streetscape to help distinguish and identify Drexel from the surrounding neighborhood. Trees shall be planted in a tree trench (p. 20 and 23). PLANT CHARACTER: Deciduous, long-lived canopy trees that grow at least 45' tall. SPACING/GROUPING: Plant in rows adjacent to the curb. The spacing between trees should be even at 15' min. to 20' max. SIZE: 3-1/2" to 4" caliper minimum. APPROVED SPECIES: • Acer rubrum – Red Maple * • Gleditsia triacanthos var. Inermis– Thornless Honey Locust • Nyssa sylvatica – Black Gum * • Platanus x acerifolia – London Planetree • Quercus alba – White Oak * • Quercus palustris – Pin Oak * • Quercus rubra – Red Oak • TIlia cordata – Littleleaf Linden • TIlia tomentosa – Silver Linden • Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase'– Zelkova Zelkova allee on Arch Street Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 37 2: Canopy Trees CANOPY TREES shall be used at Building Entries and Landscape Settings to provide shade in Usable Green Spaces, Social Gathering Spaces and along the Campus Walkways. PLANT CHARACTER: Medium to large deciduous canopy trees. SPACING/GROUPING: Plant in allées or groves in lawn areas. SIZE: 3-1/2" to 4" caliper minimum. APPROVED SPECIES: Medium Trees – (mature height 30'-0" to 40'-0") • Carpinus betulus – European Hornbeam • Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata'– Upright European Hornbeam • Cladrastis kentukea – Yellowwood • Ostrya virginiana – Hop Hornbeam * Large Trees – (mature height over 45'-0") • Acer saccharinum – Silver Maple * • Acer saccharum – Sugar Maple * • Celtis occidentalis – Common Hackberry * • Cercidiphyllum japonicum – Katsuratree • Fagus grandifolia – American Beech * • Gingko biloba (male only) – Maidenhair Tree • Gymnocladus dioicus – Kentucky Coffeetree • Liquidambar styraciflua – Sweetgum • Liriodendron tulipifera – Tuliptree * • Platanus x acerifolia 'Bloodgood' – Bloodgood London Planetree • Quercus imbricaria – Shingle Oak • Ulmus parvifolia 'Dynasty' – Lacebark Elm Liriodendron tulipifera 38 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 2: Ornamental Trees ORNAMENTAL TREES shall be used to augment the canopy trees at Building Entries, Landscape Settings, Usable Green Spaces, Social Gathering Spaces, and Campus Walkways by adding density and seasonal interest to the plant pallette. PLANT CHARACTER: Small to medium height flowering or specimen trees. SPACING/GROUPING: Plant asymmetrically without rows, except where the trees relate directly to the building or walkway. SIZE: 10' to 12' high or 2-1/2" to 3" caliper minimum. APPROVED SPECIES: Small Trees – (mature height under 30'-0") • Acer campestre – Hedge Maple • Acer griseum – Paperbark Maple • Amelanchier canadensis – Shadblow Serviceberry * • Amelanchier x grandiflora – Serviceberry • Carpinus caroliniana – American Hornbeam * • Cercis canadensis – Eastern Red Bud • Chionanthus virginicus (tree form) – Fringetree * • Cornus florida – Flowering Dogwood • Crataegus crusgalli var. inermis – Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn * • Oxydendrum arboreum – Sourwood • Prunus subhirtilla 'Autumnalis' – Autumn Flowering Cherry • Prunus subhirtilla 'Rosy Cloud' – Rosy Cloud Cherry • Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk' – Japanese Tree Lilac • Syringa reticulata 'Summer Snow' – Japanese Tree Lilac Medium Trees – (mature height 30'-0" to 40'-0") • Koelreuteria paniculata – Golden Rain Tree • Prunus x yedoensis – Yoshino Cherry • Prunus sargentii – Sargent Cherry Evergreen Trees • Abies concolor – White Fir • Abies fraseri – Fraser Fir • Chamacyparis nootkatensis – Falsecypress • Ilex opaca – American Holly * • Juniperus virginiana - Eastern Redcedar * • Picea pungens - Colorado Spruce Amelanchier x grandiflora Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 39 2: Ornamental Plants ORNAMENTAL PLANTS shall be used at Building Entries, in Usable Green Spaces, Social Gathering Spaces, Parking Edge Planting and Service Area Screening. PLANT CHARACTER: Four-season interest with heavy emphasis on foliage and ornamental grasses to carry the display, punctuated by periodic bloom of bulbs, shrubs, and perennials. APPROVED SPECIES: Medium to Large Shrubs (mature height greater than 48") Deciduous • Aronia arbutifolia – Red Chokeberry * • Callicarpa dichotoma – Beautyberry • Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' – Dwarf Summersweet Clethra * • Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' – Smooth Hydrangea * • Ilex verticillata - Common Winterberry * • Itea virginica 'Sprich' – Little Henry Virginia Sweetspire • Rhododendron nudiflorum – Pinxterbloom Azalea * • Syringa meyeri 'Palibin' – Meyer Lilac • Viburnum carlesii 'Compactum' – Compact Korean Spice Viburnum • Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Conoy' – Burkwood Viburnum Evergreen • Kalmia latifolia – Mountain Laurel • Viburnum ryhtidophyllum – Leatherleaf Viburnum Small Shrubs (mature height less than 48") Deciduous • Abelia x grandiflora 'Dwarf Purple' - Glossy Abelia • Aronia melanocarpa 'Morton' – Black Chokecherry * • Caryopteris x clandonensis 'First Choice'- Bluebeard, Blue-Mist Shrub • Ceanothus americanus – New Jersey Tea * • Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko'– Slender Deutzia • Fothergilla gardenii 'Jane Platt'– Dwarf Fothergilla Evergreen • Berberis candidula - Paleleaf Barberry • Buxus sempervirens 'Vardar Valley' – Boxwood 40 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects Evergreen cont. • Buxus microphylla – Littleleaf Box/ Boxwood • Daphne cneorum 'Eximia'- Rose Daphne • Ilex glabra 'Shamrock' - Inkberry Holly • Ilex crenata 'Helleri' or 'Compacta' – Japanese Holly Grasses • Calamagrostis acutiflora – Feather Reed Grass • Miscanthus sinensis – Japanese Silver Grass • Pennisetum alopecuroides – Fountain Grass • Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' – Deep Purple Fountain Grass Groundcover • Arctostaphylos uva-ursi – Bearberry • Hedera helix – English Ivy • Liriope spicata – Creeping Lilyturf • Juniperis horizontalis – Creeping Juniper • Microbiota decussata– Russian Arborvitae • Pachysandra terminalis – Pachysandra • Vinca minor – Periwinkle Climbing Vines • Aristolochia durior - Dutchmans Pipe* • Campsis radicans - Trumpetcreeper * • Clematis, many varieties • Jasminum - Jasmine * • Lonicera - Honeysuckle * • Parthenocissus quinquefolia - Virginia Creeper * • Rosa ‘Cecile Brunner’ and various climbing roses 2: Container Plants CONTAINER PLANTS shall be used at Building Entries and Social Gathering Spaces where in-ground planting is not possible. Refer to p. 60 for planter requirements. PLANT CHARACTER: Four-season interest. APPROVED SPECIES: Large containers, Summer • Canna ‘Pretoria', C. 'Conestoga', C.'Grande', C. ‘President', C. 'Intrigue' • Alocasia esculenta, A. plumbea 'Gloss Black' • Colocasia 'Jet Black Wonder' • Xanthosoma 'Chartruesse Giant', X. sagittifolium • Coleus ‘Glennis', C. 'Black Beauty', C. 'Harlequin', C. 'Kong Scarlet', C. 'Garnet Robe', C. 'Fatigue', C. 'Fiesta', C. 'Indian Frills', C. 'Alabama Sunset', C. 'Iridescent Glow', C. 'Inky Fingers' • Lantana 'Samantha', L. 'Patroit Red', L. 'Honey Love', L. 'Confetti' • Plectranthus madagascariensis, Tradescatia 'Purple Hart', Strobilanthes dyeranus, Begonia 'Red Dragon Wing', Agastache 'Tutti Frutti' or 'Honey Bee Blue', Petunia integrifolia • Ipomea 'Margarita', I. 'Blackie', I. 'Ace of Spades' Large containers, Winter • Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red' & 'Winter Gold', Ilex 'China Girl', Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch' • Salix alba 'Britzensis', Salix integra 'Alba Maculata' • Cornus 'Bud's Yellow' • Pinus mugo, Pinus palustris • Chamaecyparis 'Filicoides', Chamaecyparis 'Boulevard' • Thuja plicata, Thuja occidentalis 'Nigra' • Juniperus virginiana 'Grey owl', J. chinensis, J. horizontalis, J. conferta • Euonymus 'Emerald Gaiety', E. japonicus 'Aureo-marginatus', E. 'Moonshadow', E. 'Silver King' • Pansies & daffodils Hyssop-Anise (Agastache 'Honey Bee Blue') Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 41 42 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects SECTION 3: SITE FURNISHINGS Site Furnishings contribute to the sense of place within the Drexel campus. They help define an accessible, comfortable and safe environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors. Site Furnishings also contribute to an overall aesthetic and character and invite people to make appropriate use of spaces. Site Furnishings have been chosen with attention to style, comfort, cost and maintenance. The Design Principles advocate incorporating environmentally sustainable strategies where possible. To facilitate this goal, information about the Site Furnishings recycled material content or other environmentally responsible information has been included. Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 43 3: Bench BENCHES throughout the campus shall be the Landscape Forms "Stay Bench" with back and seat divisions. The embedded support style shall be used in concrete paving and the paver support style shall be used with unit paving. Landscape Forms makes use of recycled materials in the manufacture of its products and the majority of its steel and extruded aluminum is supplied within 150 miles of its facilities. The Stay Bench is manufactured with 60 percent recycled materials. MODEL Landscape Forms "Stay Bench" Material: Steel and Aluminum. Perforated Metal. Color: Bronze Length: 69" Back/Arms: Backed bench with seat divisions, no arms MANUFACTURER Landscape Forms 431 Lawndale Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49048 phone: 800.430.6209 fax: 269.381.3455 Perforated Metal "Stay Bench" with Seat Dividers 44 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 3: Bench Configuration Benches shall be located on both sides of lights along Primary Campus Walkways. Benches and lights shall be located on the Primary Walkway, centered within the herringbone band, to maintain uninterrupted circulation, Figure 21. Benches shall be located at right angles to one another in Social Gathering Spaces to encourage interaction, Figure 22. EQ. EQ. 30' - 50' O.C. LIGHT VARIES BY SITE CONDITIONS FIGURE 21: BENCH CONFIGURATION ALONG PRIMARY CAMPUS WALKWAYS FIGURE 22: BENCH CONFIGURATION IN SOCIAL GATHERING SPACES Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 45 3: Table and Chairs TABLES AND CHAIRS throughout the campus shall be Landscape Forms "Mingle". Tabletop shall be "Catena". Seats are backed or backless and tables are with or without umbrellas. The "Mingle" Table and Chairs contains 66 percent recycled materials. The Catena Tabletop contains 88 percent and the Shade Umbrella contains 55 percent recycled materials. MODEL Landscape Forms "Mingle" Table and Chairs Material: Steel Color: Bronze Seats: Two, three, four, five or six seats. Perforated Metal. Table: "Catena" Tabletop - 42" or 30" (2 seat only) Umbrella: "Shade". Perforated Metal. MANUFACTURER Landscape Forms 431 Lawndale Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49048 phone: 800.430.6209 fax: 269.381.3455 "Mingle" Table and Chairs with Shade Umbrella 46 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 3: Lighting LIGHTING throughout the campus shall be the Louis Poulsen "Kipp" post light. All light poles shall be 12' high. Placement shall range from 30' to 50' on center depending upon site conditions. Lights shall be located off of the walkway to maintain uninterrupted circulation and assist with snow removal. Refer to p. 48 for Light Post Footing. Cutoff distribution has been chosen to eliminate light pollution. MODEL Louis Poulsen "Kipp" Post Light Material: Die Cast Aluminum Frame Color/Finish: Black Wattage: 85W/QL Optic System: QL Induction Optic System Distribution: Cutoff Mount: Post Top Mount on Round Straight Pole MANUFACTURER Louis Poulsen Lighting 3260 Meridian Parkway Fort Lauderdale, FL phone: 954.349.2525 fax: 954.349.2550 Louis Poulsen “Kipp” Post Light Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 47 3: Light Post Footing For lights in paving, hold top of concrete footing below finish grade to allow full depth of paving to extend under the light pole base cover. For lights adjacent to walkway or in lawn, extend concrete footing as shown below to allow for a maintenance mow/edger strip. EDGE OF WALKWAY 2'-0" 2'-0" LIGHT POLE LIGHT POLE BASE COVER EXTENDED FOOTING MOW STRIP FIGURE 23: PLAN FOR LIGHTS ADJACENT TO WALKWAY 2'-0" LIGHT POLE LIGHT POLE BASE COVER EXTENDED FOOTING MOW STRIP FIGURE 24: PLAN FOR LIGHTS IN LAWN 48 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 3: Bollard ILLUMINATED BOLLARDS shall be either Landscape Forms "Annapolis" or Bega 8212MH bollard as required by project conditions. The solar powered Landscape Forms bollard is an environmentally sustainable option. It has a self contained unit that integrates solar powered lighting and light-emitting diode (LED) technology. No outside wiring is required. The unit is energy efficient and in case of power outages, the light will continue to function for up to 150 hours - with a fully charged battery. The bollard contains 79 percent recycled content. However, special consideration must be given to the placement of the Landscape Forms bollard in areas with at least three hours of sun per day year round since it will not function if it is in the shade for most of the day. MODEL Landscape Forms "Annapolis" Bollard Material: Steel Color/Finish: Bronze Watts: 16 Solar Powered LEDs Height: 33" MODEL Bega 8212MH Material: Steel Finish: #4 Brushed Stainless Steel Watts: 39W-T6-MH or 70W-T6-MH Height: 38" (8212) MANUFACTURER Landscape Forms 431 Lawndale Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49048 phone: 800.430.6209 fax: 269.381.3455 MANUFACTURER Bega/US 1000 Bega Way Carpinteria , CA 93013 phone: 805.684.0533 fax: 805.684.6682 Landscape Forms "Annapolis" Bollard Bega 8212MH Bollard Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 49 3: Bollard NON ILLUMINATED BOLLARDS shall be the Fairweather Site Furnishings B4-A. All non Illuminated bollards shall have a removable mount. Bollards shall be located along walkways and in areas that require regulating vehicular traffic to provide a safe pedestrian environment. MODEL Fairweather Site Furnishings B4-A Bollard Material: Steel Color/Finish: Mineral Bronze Diameter: 6" Height: Install at 30" height MANUFACTURER Fairweather Site Furnishings 1525 Vivian Court Port Orchard, WA 98367-6400 phone: 800.323.1798 fax: 360.895.1284 50 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 3: Trash and Recycling Receptacles TRASH AND RECYCLING RECEPTACLES shall be the Landscape Forms "Chase Park" and shall be used throughout all areas of the Drexel campus. Locate receptacles with attention to pedestrian and vehicular circulation regarding trash and snow removal. All receptacles shall have a side door with lock to facilitate trash removal. All recycling receptacles shall have a top opening for disposal with one compartment for co-mingled recyclables. All trash receptacles shall have a side opening for litter disposal. All receptacles shall have inner liners and be surface mounted. The Chase Park litter receptacle contains 61 percent recycled content. TRASH RECEPTACLE MODEL Landscape Forms "Chase Park" Litter Receptacle Material: Steel Color/Finish: Black Size: 36 gallon AND RECYCLING RECEPTACLE MODEL Landscape Forms "Chase Park" Recycling Receptacle Material: Steel Color/Finish: Black Size: 40 gallon MANUFACTURER Landscape Forms 431 Lawndale Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49048 phone: 800.430.6209 fax: 269.381.3455 "Chase Park "Trash Receptacle "Chase Park" Recycling Receptacle Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 51 3: Ash Urn ASH URNS shall be the No Butts Bin Company model TBHO4. Ash Urns shall be used at Building Entries (minimum 15' from doors) and at Social Gathering Spaces as necessary. Ash Urns shall have a pyramid top and be surface mounted. MODEL No Butts Tower Bin-TBHO4 Material: Steel Color/Finish: Black with Silver Vein Size: 33" x 8" x 8" (H x W x D) MANUFACTURER No Butts Bin Company, Inc. 32 Court Street, Suite 2101 Brooklyn, NY 11201 phone: 888.662.8887 fax: 888.496.7119 52 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 3: Service Screening SERVICE SCREENING throughout the campus shall be provided by a freestanding Greenscreen or ornamental planting. Where access to service facilities is not locked, ornamental shrub heights shall not exceed 30". For approved plants refer to the list of Climbing Vines and Shrubs (p. 40). OPTION 1 Ornamental Planting Ornamental Trees, p. 39. Ornamental Plants, p. 40. OR OPTION 2 Greenscreen "Freestanding" or "Crimp to Curve" Screen Screen Material: Steel Color/Finish: Black Matt Finish Plant Material: Refer to list of recommended climbing vines, p. 40. Sizes: Freestanding: 48" width, 6'-14' height; Curved: 4' wide panel with standard radius 4' to 12', length 7' to 12'. Custom sizes also available. MANUFACTURER Greenscreen 1743 S. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035-4650 phone: 800.450.3494 fax: 310.837.0523 "Freestanding" Greenscreen Ornamental Planting Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 53 3: Parking Edge PARKING EDGE screening throughout the campus shall be provided by a freestanding Greenscreen or a planting edge with Street Trees (p.37) and Small Shrubs or Groundcovers (p. 40). Ornamental shrub heights shall not exceed 30". OPTION 1 Parking Edge Planting Street Trees, p. 37. Ornamental Plants (Small Shrubs and/or Groundcover), p. 40. OR OPTION 2 Greenscreen "Freestanding" or "Crimp to Curve" Screen Screen Material: Steel Color/Finish: Black Matt Finish Plant Material: Refer to list of recommended Climbing Vines, p. 40 Sizes: Freestanding: 48" width, 6'-14' height; Curved: 4' wide panel with standard radius 4' to 12', length 7' to 12' Custom sizes also available. MANUFACTURER Greenscreen 1743 S. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035-4650 phone: 800.450.3494 fax: 310.837.0523 Ornamental Planting 54 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects "Freestanding" Greenscreen 3: Parking Edge PARKING EDGE planting shall separate parking lots from the Pedestrian Streetscape. The planting strip shall consist of Street Trees (p. 37) and/or Ornamental Plants (p. 40) as shown. FIGURE 25: PARKING EDGE SECTION Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 55 3: Honor Box Corral HONOR BOXES throughout the campus shall be arranged within a custom designed corral system for securing newspaper boxes in designated locations. The custom corral shall be located on Pedestrian Streetscapes at intersections and shall be painted black. MODEL Philadelphia Center City District Corral Material: Steel Color/Finish: Black Size: 3'-3" h x field adjustable length Mount: Custom Designed MANUFACTURER Forms+Surfaces 30 Pine Street Pittsburgh, PA 15233 phone: 412.781.9003 56 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 3: Bicycle Rack BICYCLE RACKS shall be the approved Bicycle Parking Project "Bicycle Hitch 2". Multiple bicycle racks shall be placed near all dormitories, student centers, classrooms and social gathering spaces. The racks shall be located out of the primary circulation route and shall be installed 2'- 9" on center from one another (Figure 26, p. 58). MODEL Bicycle Parking Project "Bicycle Hitch 2" Material: Steel Color/Finish: Black Size: 34" h, 7'-0" l (with two parked bicycles) Mount: Embedded (Figure 25, p. 58) MANUFACTURER Bicycle Parking Project P.O. Box 7342 Philadelphia, PA 19101 phone: 215.990.7832 Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34" 3: Bicycle Rack Footing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 26: BICYCLE RACK FOOTING 2'- 0" 2'- 9" MAXIMUM PROJECTION OF BICYCLES FIGURE 27: BICYCLE RACK PLAN 58 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 2'- 4" 2'- 4" WALL 2'- 4" WALL 3: Grill GRILLS shall be the approved LA Steelcraft "Double BBQ Pedestal Grill". Multiple grills shall be placed in consultation with PDC in areas near dormitories, student centers and Social Gathering Spaces. Install per manufacturer's instructions. Hold top of footing below finish grade of paving. MODEL LA Steelcraft "Double BBQ Pedestal Grill" Material: Gauge Steel Color/Finish: Black Size: Stove Size: 20" wide x 15" deep x 10" high, Installed Height: 34" above grade to top. Mount: Embedded MANUFACTURER LA Steelcraft P.O. Box 90365, Pasadena, CA 91109 phone: 626.798.7401 fax: 626.798.1482 Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 59 3: Planter PLANTERS shall be the approved Forms+Surfaces "Bonded Metal" Planters. Planters shall be placed in consultation with PDC in areas near dormitories, academic buildings, student centers and Social Gathering Spaces. All planters shall have a stand alone irrigation system insert made by Tournesol Siteworks, called the AutoFill Automatic Container Irrigation System. The exact size of the insert shall be identified by Forms+Surfaces based on selected planter size. MODEL Forms+Surfaces "Bonded Metal" Planters Material: Bonded Bronze or Copper Color/Finish: Bonded Bronze with Dark patina, Cyprus pattern OR Bonded Copper with Verdigris patina, Cyprus pattern Size: 60" dia. x 16" high (large); 32" dia. x 22" high (medium) Insert: Autofill automatic container irrigation system inserts must be specified separately. Inserts are made by Tournesol Site Works. MANUFACTURERS Forms+Surfaces 30 Pine Street Pittsburgh, PA 15233 phone: 412.781.9003 Tournesol Siteworks, Inc. 42326 Albrae St. Fremont, CA 94538 phone: 800.542.2282 fax: a510.471.6243 60 • Lager Raabe Skafte Landscape Architects 3: Skateboard Deterrent SKATEBOARD DETERRENTS shall be installed throughout the campus on low walls and curbs to discourage skateboarder activity. MODEL SkateStoppers "F2 Radius" (for concrete) and "Mallory" (for stone) Material: Cast Bronze Color/Finish: Silicone Bronze (brown patina) or White Tombasil (white brass) Size: Blade thickness below surface is 1/4", then expands to blunted 1/2" for safety. Part requires 2" vertical and 10" horizontal clearance. MANUFACTURER SkateStoppers 1444 Pioneer Way, Ste.13, El Cajon, CA 92020-1640 phone: 619-447-6374 fax: 619-447-6396 "Mallory" Insert for Stone Surfaces Drexel University I Landscape Design Guidelines • 61