HOMECOMING RULEBOOK 2015 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Homecoming Committee 2015 University Union Board 2015-2016 3 3 Schedule of Events 4 Mandatory Informational Event Meetings 5 Homecoming General Rules Categories of Competition 6 6 Scoring 7 Royalty 8-9 Paint the Paws 10 Rock the Flag Paint the Town 10 11 Rocky’s Boat Regatta 12 Dec the Campus 13 Variety Show Yell Like Hell 14 15-16 Spirit Game 17 Parade Marshals 17 Parade General Rules 18 Parade Float Safety Standards Rocky’s Jail Break 19 20 Appeal Process 21 Appendix A—Score Sheets Homecoming 2015 22-27 Rule Book 3 HOMECOMING 2015 ROCKY’S ROAD TRIP: ALL ROADS LEAD TO WESTERN Homecoming Committee 2015 Homecoming Directors: Rachel Nelson, Alyssa Rangel Abbi Clevenger Ally Nutaut Danielle Fitzsimmons Veronica Arriola Caitlin Meyers Porfirio Gallegos Robert Barlow Holly Dysserink Secretary Publicity Special Events Special Events Royalty Boat Regatta Boat Regatta Jessica Girdler Jessica Burke Taylor Neff Kelli Murphy Amy Bevins Holly Stauffer Cody Woodman Sam Schwartz Advisors Nick Katz Brittany Royce Philanthropy Yell Like Hell Yell Like Hell Variety Show Variety Show Parade Parade George Theotokatos 2015 – 2016 University Union Board UUB serves as the largest and broadest programming unit of Western Illinois University by providing social, cultural, recreational, and educational activities for the campus community. UUB members are active in the conception, planning and implementation of these programs. Matt Davis Lon’ya Duncan Briana Hines Faith Rucker President Treasurer Membership & Recruitment Communications Briana McGee Secretary Ceres Cooksey Nick Andrews Live Performance Phebe Crane Raven Jackson Olicia Wynter Mariesa Errico Jessica Girdler Homecoming 2015 Erica Gordon Advisors Nick Katz Live Performance Cinema Showcase Traditions and External Collaborations Traditions and External Collaborations Late Night and Special Events Late Night and Special Events George Theotokatos Rule Book 4 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Paint the Paws* Friday, September 25th 1: 00 pm & 3:00 pm Western Ave. & University Dr. Variety Show* Tuesday, September 29 th 6:00 pm Western Hall Paint the Town* Saturday, September 26th 10:00 am Downtown Macomb Square Y ell Like Hell* Thursday, October 1st 7:00 pm Western Hall Rocky’s Boat Regatta* Sunday, September 27th 12:00 pm Everly Park Spirit Game, WIU Volleyball vs. Fort Wayne* Friday, October 2nd 7:00 pm Western Hall or Brophy Hall Dec the Campus* Sunday, September 27th 4:00 pm Union Mall (Behind University Union) Homecoming Parade* Saturday, October 3rd 10:30 am Macomb Square and WIU Campus Homecoming Kickoff Monday, September 28th 11:30 am – 2:30 pm Union Mall Area Football Game, WIU vs. Southern Illinois University Saturday, October 3rd 3:00 pm Hanson Field Dec the Office Monday, September 28th 1-4:30pm Around Campus Rock the Flag* All events throughout the week Ex cept Paint the Paws, Kickoff, Dec the Office, Parade, & Football game *POINT AWARDING EVENTS ARE DESIGNATED WITH AN ASTERISK * Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 5 MANDATORY HOMECOMING MEETINGS All Homecoming Entries Due Friday, September 11th 4:30 pm, Office of Student Activities General Rules Meeting Monday, September 14 th 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm, Union Sandburg Lounge At least two representatives from each team must attend. Any team not present will be disqualified from participating in Homecoming competitions. Boat Regatta Meeting Monday, September 21st 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm, Union Sandburg Lounge At least two representatives from your team must attend. Special Events Meeting (Paint the Town and Dec the Campus,) Monday, September 21 st 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm, Union Sandburg Lounge At least two representatives from your team must attend. Variety Show Meeting Monday, September 21st 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm, Union Chicago Room (Each team will be contacted with an individual appointment time) At least two representatives from your team must attend and bring an outline of the performance, a copy of your music, and props for your performance. Royalty Informational Meeting Monday, September 21st 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Board Room The King and Queen candidate(s) finalists must attend this meeting or will be disqualified. Homecoming 2015 Parade Float Meeting Tuesday, September 22nd 8:00 pm – 8:30 pm, Sandburg Theatre At least two representatives from your team must attend and bring sketches/plans for your float, a list of materials for your float, and your float’s location. Parade Marshal Meeting Tuesday, September 22nd 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm, Sandburg Theatre The three representatives who will serve as parade marshals for your team must be in attendance or your float will be disqualified from judging in the parade. Y ell Like Hell Meeting Tuesday, September 22nd 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm, Union Sandburg Lounge (Each team will be contacted with an individual appointment time) At least two representatives from your team must attend and bring an outline of the performance, a copy of your music, and props for your performance. Paint the Paws Meeting Wednesday, September 23rd 6:30 pm Alumni House At least one representative for each team must attend. Any team not present will not receive points for this event. Royalty Interviews Monday September 14 th, Tuesday September 15th, Wednesday Septembers 16 th 4:00pm-8:00pm, Union Dusable Room Sign up for a time in the Office of Student Activities when you submit your application. Rule Book 6 HOMECOMING GENERAL RULES Homecoming competitions are held to encourage students living in residence halls or students who are a part of student organizations to show their school spirit during Homecoming week. A trophy will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners in each individual competition and the overall category. Details: 1. Homecoming teams will be awarded points for participation. In addition, they will be awarded points for placing in any event ex cept Parade Marshals, Paint the Paws, and Kickoff. 2. All entry forms must be submitted to the Office of Student Activities by Friday, September 11th at 4:30pm. This includes your online submission of the parade float form. 3. Each Homecoming team must have one representative that will serve as the main point of contact. This individual is the only individual who is able to submit an appeal. 4. In addition to the Homecoming team representative, each organization on a team must have one individual to represent that organization. For ex ample, if three Greek organizations form a team, we need a representative for each organization in addition to the homecoming team representative. These individuals cannot submit appeals. 5. Any violation of the rules or regulations will result in the loss of points to the sponsoring team and possible disqualification from the event and/or remaining Homecoming events. Each event has specific rules for participation. Please read each event page carefully. 6. Points will be awarded to the team, not to each organization that comprises a team, if there is more than one organization on a team. 7. In the event of a tie both teams will receive the same amount of points and the nex t place team will be dropped. Please see the scoring breakdowns on page 7. 8. GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP IS EXPECTED. Inappropriate or derogatory comments made about other teams, the Homecoming committee members and/or judges may result in the DISQUALIFICAT ION of the team from the competition. 9. If entry forms are not received on time, the team cannot compete for points, but they may still participate as a non-competing team. 10. All student organizations participating must be registered with the Office of Student Activities via Purplepost. Any student organization that is not registered will not be allowed to participate. 11. There will be a five dollar entry fee to participate in any of the following events: Paint the Town, Rocky’s Boat Regatta, Variety Show, Dec the Campus, Yell Like Hell, and Parade. Fees are non-refundable and will be used for administrative costs associated with the event. For ex ample, if your team participates in Paint the Town and Variety Show you would pay a total of ten dollars. 12. Alcohol is strictly prohibited from all Homecoming events. Evidence of drinking including but not limited to: appearing intox icated, smelling of alcohol or empty alcohol bottles in assigned sections during cleanup will result in point deductions and may result in disqualification from the event and all remaining Homecoming events. CATEGORIES OF COMPETITION Residence Halls One team per residence hall complex . Greek Organizations Each team must be made up of all Greek organizations (can be social, business, multicultural, etc.) Each Greek team may consist of up to four (4) Greek organizations All organization names must appear on one ‘Homecoming Team Entry Form.’ General Student Organizations Each team must be made up of recognized student organizations through the Office of Student Activities Each team may be a combination of no more than four (4) student organization. Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 7 Scoring POINTS BREAKDOWN: Event 1st 2nd 3rd Participation Paint the Town 100 75 50 25 Rocky’s Boat Regatta* 100 75 50 25* Dec the Campus 100 75 50 25 Yell Like Hell 100 75 50 25 Variety Show 100 75 50 25 Parade Float 100 75 50 25 Rocky’s Jail Break 100 75 50 25 Royalty [See Royalty Rules on pages 8-9] Rock the Flag 5 points per event (excluding the Parade and Football Game) Paint the Paws 5 points per person with a maximum of 25 points Parade Marshals 5 points per person with a maximum of 15 points Spirit Game 1 point per person (maximum of 35 points) – Res Halls and Greek Orgs 5 points per person (maximum of 35 points) – General Student Orgs *25 additional points per category will be awarded for the fan favorite boat. These boats will be voted on through social media. Please see page 12 for more information. Please See Appendix A for all event scoring sheets. Ties: In the event of a tie both teams will receive the same amount of points and the next place will be dropped. This will be the protocol: First place tie: The two teams who tied for first place will both receive 100 points. Second place will be dropped and the third highest scoring team will get third place points (50) Second place tie: First place will receive 100 points. The two teams who tied for second place will both receive 75 points. Third place will be dropped. Third place tie: First place will receive 100 points. Second place will receive 75 points. The two teams who tied for third place will both receive 50 points. In this instance, no points will be dropped. Ties have no impact on participation scores! Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 8 ROYALTY Each year, five men and five women are selected to serve on Royalty Court. Candidates are nominated by the organizations and groups that compete in Homecoming. Three members from each team may apply for Homecoming court. One member must be male and one must be female. The third member may be either male or female. After candidates are nominated, they submit an application and essay and go through an interview process where five male candidates for King and five female candidates for Queen are chosen. During the interview process, the candidates are evaluated on the following criteria (in no order in particular): academic achievement, campus involvement, community service, essay and interview. Qualities such as poise, composure, attitude and enthusiasm are also taken into consideration. Finalists will be notified by the end of the day on September 18th. A campus wide election will take place on PurplePost September 25th-September 30th 2015. The King and Queen will then be chosen based on a combination of scores from the interview, the essay, number of votes received, and overall spirit/attitude throughout Homecoming week. Details Criteria for the King and Queen candidates are the following: 1. Candidates must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average 2. Candidates must be full-time undergraduate students at WIU with a minimum of 60 credit hours completed. Candidates must be in good judicial standing with the university. 3. All Royalty nominations must be turned in to the Office of Student Activities by Friday, September 11th by 4:30 pm. No late entries will be accepted. 4. Interviews will take place September 14 th, 15th, and 16 th in the Dusable room. Candidates must sign up for an interview time in the Office of Student Activities when they submit their entry. 5. All finalists must attend the mandatory Royalty informational meeting at 8-9:00 pm on Monday, September 21st in the Board Room. At this meeting, candidates will be given the requirements and ex pectations for royalty. Requirements for Royalty 1. Those individuals chosen for the court will be required to be present at ALL of the Homecoming events, including Paint the Paws, Spirit Day Volleyball Game, Paint the Town, Rocky’s Boat Regatta, Variety Show, Yell Like Hell, Parade and the Football Game in order to promote the events and the royalty court. Candidates’ attitudes and attendance at events will impact their scores for the spirit category. 2. The court must check in with the Royalty chair 20 minutes prior to each event time. The candidates will earn 5 ex tra points per event for wearing their royalty sash. 3. The court MAY compete or participate in ONE of the Homecoming events for their sponsoring organization. This is not required and will not impact scoring. 4. The candidates who are chosen to be on Royalty Court through the interview process must have their photo taken at the Visual Production Center. Royalty court members are responsible for scheduling their own appointments by contacting the Visual Production Office at 298-1358. Pictures must be taken to be a candidate on the court on or before September 23rd, 2015. Also, a short bio is due to the Royalty Chair on or before September 23rd. This bio should include: name, year, organization, and the candidate’s answer from the essay question, “Where do you see yourself going in life?” Interviews The Homecoming Royalty interviews will be held between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm (but hours may vary on the day) on Monday (September 14th), Tuesday (September 15th), and Wednesday (September 16th). Candidates will sign up for an interview upon turning in the application to the Office of Student Activities on or before September 11 th by 4:30 p.m. Campaigning 1. Sponsoring organizations may NOT campaign for their candidate. 2. Candidates MAY introduce themselves and/or give a short speech about themselves to their respective organizations, Residence Hall Governments, and/or at floor meetings. Candidates should not campaign or promote themselves outside of the above-mentioned venues. 3. Prohibited campaigning includes but is not limited to passing/posting flyers, sending e-mails, creating Facebook pages and groups, and writing messages on boards. Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 9 Royalty Points 1. Each team is allowed no more than 3 representatives; no more than 2 males or 2 females. 2. Each team will get an additional 10 points if their candidate is selected to be king or queen. Voting Voting will take place online through PurplePost from September 25th-September 30th, 2015. The King and Queen will be announced on Thursday, October 1st during Yell Like Hell. For questions, please contact Caitlin Meyers through the Homecoming Email, UUBHomeco ming@w iu.edu or call the office of Student Activities at (309)-298-3232 Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 10 Paint the Paws Paint the Paws is a time-honored tradition at WIU where the entire WIU community comes out and repaints more than 200 Leatherneck paws along University Drive and Western Avenue. Hosted by the Student Alumni Leadership Council (SALC) this wonderful event signifies the beginning of Homecoming as members of the community show alumni and friends the way to come back home to Western. Paint the Paws Details 1. All teams must check-in at the Homecoming table on the front lawn of Western Hall. 2. There will be two Paint the Paws shifts: the first one beginning at 1 pm and the second beginning at 3 pm. First-shift painters should check in at Western Hall by 12:45 pm and second-shift painters should check in by 2:45 pm. 3. Teams will receive their shift assignment at the mandatory meeting on Wednesday, September 24 th at 6:30 pm at the Alumni House. 4. Teams will be assigned a location on University Drive or Western Hall to paint their paw(s). SALC will provide supplies to all attendee and groups. 5. Teams will be given five (5) points per participant, with a max imum of twenty-five (25) points. 6. Team captains must meet at the Alumni House on Wednesday, September 23rd at 6:30 pm. 7. Team members must sign out at the Homecoming table after completing their painting. 8. Teams will not be given points for those members who do not sign out. 9. All entries must be turned in to the Office of Student Activities by Friday, September 11th at 4:30pm. No late entries will be accepted. For questions, please contact: Student Alumni Leadership Council 309-298-1914 saa@wiu.edu UUBhomecoming@wiu.edu OSA Office: 309-298-3232 ROCK THE FLAG Details 1. All entries must be turned in to the Office of Student Activities by Friday, September 11th at 4:30pm. No late entries will be accepted. 2. Each flag must be a twin bed sheet - 39”x 75” 3. The flag must be painted incorporating the homecoming theme, Western Illinois University spirit, and the student organization. Each flag is to be painted in good taste and must relate to the theme. 4. Teams must supply their own materials and supplies, which includes supplies to display the flag during each event. 5. Each flag must be displayed by the scheduled start time of homecoming events. The events where team flags must be present are: Rocky’s Boat Regatta, Dec the Campus, Variety Show, Yell like Hell, and Parade. 6. Each time the flag is present for the entire duration of the event, 5 points will be awarded to the respective teams. Each team can receive up to 30 points. 7. All flags will be checked prior to the first event. Any flags that contain inappropriate material will be removed and no points will be awarded. For questions, please contact the Homecoming secretary through the Homecoming email, UUBHomeco meing@wiu.edu or by calling the Office of Student Activities at (309)-298-3232. Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 11 PAINT THE TOWN The purpose of this event is to generate ex citement in the community for WIU’s Homecoming by painting the windows of businesses located on the Macomb square. This event allows the community to see the many talents the WIU campus brings to the community and helps showcase Western’s school spirit throughout Homecoming week. Details 1. All entries must be turned in to the Office of Student Activities by Friday, September 11 at 4:30 pm. No late entries will be accepted. 2. All Paint the Town rules and ex pectations will be discussed in detail Monday September 21 st in the Sandburg Lounge from 6:30-7:00pm. Two representatives from your team must attend. 3. The Homecoming Committee will assign each team to a merchant’s window on the Macomb Square. Each team will paint the window they are assigned with a design relating to the Homecoming theme. 4. Each team’s Paint the Town contact person will be contacted by a Homecoming representative with your window assignment. 5. The window must be painted in good taste and relate to the theme of Homecoming. 6. Teams must supply their own materials including, but not limited to paint, brushes, and drop cloth. 7. ONLY TEMPERA PAINTS CAN BE USED FOR THE WINDOW DESIGNS! NO GLITTER, GLITTER PAINTS, OR ANY GLITTER PRODUCTS CAN BE USED . 8. One representative from each team must report to the Citizens National Bank entrance on Saturday, September 26th, at 10:00 am where a sample of your paint will be inspected before you are allowed to begin painting. All decisions about paint made by the committee are final. Failure to check-in before painting will result in disqualification from the event. 9. Windows must be painted on Saturday, September 26th between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. The Homecoming Committee requires the use of a drop cloth to protect the storefront. Please do not let paint drip onto the storefront. 10. Each team will be responsible for having their window cleaned properly by 5:00 pm on Sunday, October 4 th. If the window is not cleaned properly by this deadline, the team responsible for cleaning the window will be charged a $ 250 fine, disqualified, and ineligible to participate in the following year’s homecoming events. 11. In the event of rain, the window will be judged based on a sketch design. 12. We cannot guarantee access to the inside of all of the buildings, so please plan accordingly. Judging Judging will be based on the following: Creative quality Originality Incorporation of WIU/Homeco ming theme Overall effect For questions, please contact our special event chairs by emailing UUBHomeco ming@w iu.edu or call the Office of Student Activities at (309)-298-3232. Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 12 ROCKY’S BOAT REGATTA In this event, each team builds a two-person powered corrugated cardboard boat capable of completing the race course. The boats then compete in timed races (heats) across the lake in Everly Park. Details 1. All entries must be turned in to the Office of Student Activities by Friday, September 11th at 4:30pm. No late entries will be accepted. 2. All rules for Rocky’s Boat Regatta will be discussed in detail at the rules meeting on Monday September 21 st from 6:00-6:30pm in the Sandburg Lounge. Each team must have at least two representatives. 3. The Rocky’s Boat Regatta will be held on Sunday, September 27th at 12:00pm at Everly Park (located at the Northeast corner of US 67 and University Drive, across from Café Aroma). 4. The number of teams will determine the race brackets. 5. The boat must be made entirely of corrugated cardboard and propelled by canoe paddles. Paddles and life jackets will be provided by the Homecoming Committee. 6. The only construction materials allowed are: corrugated cardboard, caulk, liquid nails, masking tape, paint, rubber cement, string and water sealant. Any materials other than those listed will result in automatic disqualification. *NO DUCT TAPE OR FOAM SPRAY INSULATION WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BOAT* 7. The boat must be free of sharp edges, pointed objects or anything that could cause potential damage to another boat. Problems called to your attention must be fix ed prior to racing. 8. Boats can be no more than ten (10) feet long. Boats longer than 10 feet will not be allowed to compete. 9. There must be two occupants in the boat, one male and one female. 10. To qualify as a finisher, both occupants must be inside of the boat when crossing the finish line. If occupants fall out of the boat, they must immediately get back in the boat and continue the race to the finish line. 11. Occupants in the boat must wear properly fastened life jackets (provided) and proper footwear, which includes water shoes or tennis shoes. Flip-flops and open-toed shoes are not allowed during the duration of the race. 12. Both occupants in the boat must be visible during the duration of the race. 13. Each heat will be timed and the teams will compete for the fastest finishing time. The teams with the fastest finishing time of the heats will advance to the nex t round. After each heat, teams will be allowed to make repairs using duct tape only. The team must supply their own duct tape. 14. Occupants will be required to leave their boat after racing, so the Homecoming Committee can inspect it. All decisions made by the Homecoming Committee regarding illegal materials used in construction of the boat are final. All boats become property of the Homecoming Committee. Teams are responsible for disposing of their boats after inspection. 15. A fan favorite boat will be selected in each category. This fan favorite will be awarded an additional 25 points. In the event of a tie both teams get the 25 points. During the event, a picture of each boat will be posted to the Homecoming Facebook page. Individuals can vote by liking their favorite boats in each category. Voting will close at 5pm the following day (Monday, September 28 th). The winners of this event will be posted on Social Media and announced at Variety Show. 16. Violation of any rules stated above will result in automatic disqualification. For questions, please contact the Boat Regatta Chairs through the Homecoming email at UUBHomeco ming@w iu.edu or call the Office of Student Activities at (309)-298-3232 Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 13 DEC THE CAMPUS The purpose of this event is to promote Homecoming spirit and create an atmosphere of celebration throughout the campus community. Each team helps decorate the campus by painting University building windows displaying their team and school spirit. Details 1. All entries must be turned in to the Office of Student Activities by Friday, September 11, by 4:30 pm. No late entries will be accepted. 2. Dec The Campus rules will be discussed in detail at the Special Event Rules meeting on Monday September 21 st from 6:30-7:00pm in the Sandburg Lounge. At least two representatives from your team must be present. 3. The Homecoming Committee will assign each team to a University building window. 4. Each window must incorporate Western Illinois University spirit and the student organization in the design on the window. 5. Windows are to be painted on September 27th between 4:00pm and 6:00pm. No late entries will be accepted 6. Each team’s representative will be contacted by a Homecoming Committee member with their window assignment. 7. The window must be painted in good taste. 8. ONLY TEMPERA PAINTS CAN BE USED FOR THE WINDOW DESIGNS! NO GLITTER, GLITTER PAINTS, OR ANY GLITTER PRODUCTS CAN BE USED . 9. A drop cloth should be provided by the team and must be used when painting the window. Please do not drip on sidewalks or grass. 10. One representative from each team must report to Union Mall (behind the Union) September 27th at 4:00 pm where a sample of your paint will be inspected before you are allowed to begin painting. All decisions about paint made by the committee are final. Failure to check-in before painting will result in disqualification from the event. 11. Each team will be responsible for properly cleaning their window by 5:00pm on Sunday, October 4 th.If the window is not properly cleaned by this deadline, the team will be responsible for cleaning the window, will be charged a $ 250 fine, disqualified, and ineligible to participate in the following year’s homecoming events.. 12. In the event of rain, the window will be judged based on a sketch design. 13. We cannot guarantee access to the inside of all of the buildings, so please plan accordingly. Judging Judging is based on the following: Creative quality Originality Western Illinois University spirit and incorporation of theme Overall effect For questions, please contact our Special Event Chairs through the Homecoming email, UUBHomeco ming@w iu.edu or call the Office of Student Activities at (309)-298-3232. Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 14 VARIETY SHOW Variety Show is an opportunity for teams to showcase their various talents. In this competition, each team performs a talent act that highlights and incorporates the theme of Homecoming. Details 1. All entries must be turned in to the Office of Student Activities by Friday, September 11th at 4:30pm. No late entries will be accepted. 2. Variety show rules will be discussed in detail on Monday, September 21, 2014 between 6:30 pm and 8:00 pm in the Chicago room. At this time Variety show acts will be reviewed. Please come prepared with music selections, and an outline of your routine. Two representatives of your team must be present. Each team will be contacted with an individual appointment time. 3. Each team is allowed one act. This act should consist of no more than thirty (30) people. Each act will be judged under the same criteria regardless of the number of participants. We encourage everyone to incorporate both individual and group activities into the organization’s single act. 4. Each act must showcase three unique talents. Ex amples of talents include, but are not limited to: singing, dancing, juggling, and playing an instrument. 5. Each act can be up to five minutes long. Points will be deducted if an act ex ceeds the time limit. Your performances should creatively incorporate the theme in some way. 6. Acts that contain degrading or offensive material will result in an immediate disqualification from the event. 7. Acts must contain no tumbling or any moves where the feet are above the head. 8. Any music in the routine can be from any artist but must be in good taste and will be approved by the Variety Show chairs. 9. Props are allowed but a detailed list must be brought to the mandatory meeting on Monday, September 21st for safety purposes. 10. Each team must provide the Homecoming committee with a typed list of participants the night of the event and present it at check-in. 11. Each participant must check-in with their valid WIU Student ID and be seated in their designated location. Be prompt. Check-in begins at 4:00pm. All participants must be seated by 5:45pm. This event will begin promptly at 6:00pm. 12. Everyone in the act must be a current WIU student and a member of the performing team’s organization. 13. If your act requires music, you must bring your selection to the Variety Show meeting on Monday, September 21st. All music included in the act must be on the CD unless it is a live performance. 14. Audience and participant behavior is an integral aspect of this competition. Booing and/or any other derogatory or abrasive comments are strongly prohibited. Every act should be shown the same courtesy that you want shown to your team during your performance. Any inappropriate behavior observed from a group will result in a verbal warning. If the behavior continues, there may be a point deduction from the total points your group receives and/or disqualification from the event. 15. Alcohol is strictly prohibited at this and all Homecoming events. Evidence of drinking including but not limited to: appearing intox icated, smelling of alcohol, or empty alcohol bottles in assigned sections during cleanup will result in point deductions and may result in disqualification from the event and all remaining Homecoming events. 16. Each group using music is required to have one member not participating in the performance to assist WESTEC in cueing the music. Additional information for this member will be distributed at the mandatory meeting. Judging Entries will be judged on the following: Creative quality/uniqueness of talents Western Illinois University spirit/ Incorporation of Homecoming Theme Use of 3 talents Overall effect (use of props, stage, flow of Originality performance, enthusiasm and attitude etc.) For questions, please contact the Variety Show Chairs through the Homecoming email, UUBHomeco ming@w iu.edu or call the Office of Student Activities at (309)-298-3232. Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 15 YELL LIKE HELL Yell Like Hell is Western Illinois University’s annual Homecoming pep rally event that sparks ex citement for the WIU Leatherneck football team, WIU sporting events, and the campus as a whole. Details 1. All entries must be turned in to the Office of Student Activities by Friday, September 11th at 4:30pm. No late entries will be accepted. 2. Time slots will be assigned after all of the entry forms have been received. 3. Yell Like Hell rules will be discussed in detail on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 between 6:30 pm and 8:00 pm in the Sandburg Lounge. At this time Yell Like Hell acts will be reviewed. Please come prepared with music selections, and an outline of your routine. Two representatives of your team must be present. Each team will be contacted with an individual appointment time. 4. Routines must be cheer-based and include more than one cheer. Cheers must reflect WIU spirit and focus on supporting the University. 5. All routines must be in good taste and can be no longer than four (4) minutes in length. Any performances longer than 4 minutes will result in a deduction of points. 6. Remember that this is a CHEER COMPETITION. There is no minimum number of participants, however only 40 participants are allowed on the mat at one time. 7. Music must be on a CD. A copy of all music must be turned in at the mandatory meeting on Tuesday, September 22nd.. 8. In case of technical difficulties, please bring a backup copy of the CD to the meeting and the event on Tuesday night. 9. Tosses (i.e. basket tosses and free falling moves) are not allowed. Any toss or free fall that is performed will result in disqualification. Any participant that is lifted off the ground MUST have four people spotting them (front spot, back spot, and two side bases) for the duration o f the lift. In case of shoulder sits, 2 spotters are required. Failure to have a sufficient amount of spotters will also result in disqualification. 10. Each team must use a minimum of three signs within their performance to promote crowd involvement. These signs should promote Western Illinois University, not the individual organizations. 11. No Glitter is allowed on any part of the sign or on any participants or their clothing. Items with glitter or participants wearing glitter will not be allowed on the mats. 12. All participants need to wear athletic shoes. Shoes will be checked before performance. 13. Each team must provide the Homecoming committee with a typed list of participants the night of the event and present it at check-in. 14. Each participant must check-in with a valid WIU student ID and be seated in their designated location. 15. Everyone in the act must be a current WIU student and a member of the performing team’s organization 16. Be prompt. Participant check-in begins at 5:30pm. A time for tumbling warm-ups will be given upon request, which can be done at the Tuesday, September 22nd meeting. All participants and spectators must be seated by 6:45pm. This event will begin promptly at 7:00pm. 17. Please remain seated and be courteous to all of the groups performing. 18. Participants may not walk in front of, beside or behind the judges to move into performing positions. Points will be deducted if this happens. 19. Alcohol is strictly prohibited at this and all Homecoming events. Evidence of drinking including but not limited to: appearing intox icated, smelling of alcohol or empty alcohol bottles in assigned sections during cleanup will result in point deductions and may result in disqualification from the event and all remaining Homecoming events. 20. Each group using music is required to have one member not participating in the performance to assist WESTEC in cueing the music. Additional information for this member will be distributed at the mandatory meeting. NOTE: Originality is the key to Y ell Like Hell. Please keep this in mind when creating your performance. Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 16 Judging Judging will be based on the following: Cheer/Chant o Creativity o Clarity o Volume o School Spirit Audience Engagement o Level to which the performers engage with and involve the audience Dance Routine o Creativity o Group Involvement o Synchronization o Visually appealing signs Spirit o Enthusiasm o Attitude o Smiling Overall Appearance o Put together o Presentable o Related to performance theme Signs o Teams will receive full points as long as they have 3 signs. Visual appeal of signs will be considered in Dance routine scoring. For questions, please contact the Yell like Hell chairs through the Homecoming email, UUBHomeco ming@wiu.edu or call the Office of Student Activities at (309)-298-3232. Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 17 SPIRIT GAME This year’s Spirit Game will be the Volleyball Game on Friday, October Hall. An announcement will be made in the coming weeks with a final for our Volleyball team, we will be having a PURPLE OUT. This means with people wearing purple. The spirit game is another opportunity to Athletics. 2nd at 7:00 pm in Western Hall or Brophy location. In order to showcase our support that our goal is to have Western Hall filled show support for our Leatherneck Spirit Day Volleyball Game Details 1. Each team must have the members of their team check-in and check-out at the Homecoming check-in table. Check-in will begin at 6:30pm and check-out will take place after the entire game is over. 2. Points will be given based on participation and attendance. Residence Halls and Greek Organizations will be given 1 point for every person that attends (35 points max ). General Student Organizations will receive 5 points for every person that attends (35 points max ). Team members will not be allowed to sign out until the end of the game. Teams will not be given points for those team members who do not sign out. 3. Individuals can only sign in for 1 team. Individuals will not be allowed to sign in for multiple teams. 4. We encourage Western apparel! PURPLE OUT! For questions, please contact our Philanthropy chair through the Homecoming email, UUBhomecoming@wiu.edu or call the office of student activities at (309)-298-3232. PARADE MARSHALS Parade Marshals assist the Homecoming Committee and ensure that the parade runs smoothly along its route through the community and campus. Details 1. All entries must be turned in to the Office of Student Activities by Friday, September 11th at 4:30pm. No late entries will be accepted. 2. Each team is required to provide 3 people to be Parade Marshals (the same for all categories). Each organization will be given five points for each parade marshal. 3. Parade Marshals will be required to walk the parade route in an assigned spot between parade entries helping in any way possible (keeping spectators off the street, making sure entries stay on route, police the route, etc.). 4. The three marshals from each team must attend a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, September 22nd at 7:30 pm in the Sandburg Theatre. In order to receive participation points the marshals must attend the meeting and be present on the day of the parade. No points will be awarded without full participation. 5. Parade marshals will sign in at the beginning of the parade and sign out at the end of the parade. 6. Marshals must report for duty on Saturday, October 3rd at 9:30 am at the designated meeting location. For questions, please contact the Parade chairs through the Homecoming email, UUBHomeco ming@wiu.edu or call the Office of Student Activities at (309)-298-3232. Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 18 PARADE The Homecoming Parade is a time when the Macomb community, WIU students, and WIU alumni can all come together to celebrate Western spirit! All teams are strongly encouraged to enter a float in the parade. Details 1. All entries must be turned in to the Office of Student Activities by Friday, September 11th at 4:30pm. No late entries will be accepted. You also need to fill out the online entry sheet found on the Homecoming website, www.wiu.edu/uubhomecoming 2. At least two representatives from each team must attend a mandatory meeting on Tuesday September 22nd at 8:00pm in the Sandburg Theater. At that time, a parade chair will schedule a float inspection time with you. Line-up information, safety information, and an overview of the rules will be discussed at the meeting. Each team must provide a sketch of the float, a list of construction materials and the location of the float to the meeting. 3. Float chairpersons must adhere to specific safety regulations when building their float. Float safety guidelines are located on the nex t page. Failure to adhere to these details may result in disqualification. 4. The Homecoming Committee will be inspecting the floats the night before the parade to ensure that the safety requirements are met. A second follow-up inspection will be performed at check-in on the day of the parade. 5. In case of bad weather, your contact person will be called between 4:00-8:00 am on October 3rd, announcing any changes to the start time. Please make sure your parade contact person provides the proper contact information. 6. Floats must be in their starting line-up locations by the start of the parade or they will be disqualified. 7. No alcohol or illegal substances will be allowed on the float or vehicle during the parade or before the parade in the lineup. Parade participants that are noticeably intox icated may be removed from the parade line-up. 8. Inappropriate behavior, comments and/or attire during the parade may result in disqualific ation. 9. Throwing items to the crowd during the parade is strictly prohibited. Prohibited items include but are not limited to: beads, small toys, and/or flyers. Entrants may have members of their organizations walk beside their float and handout giveaway items. Throwing items may result in disqualification. 10. All floats must pass inspection by the Homecoming Committee. Time slots for inspection will be assigned by the parade chair. 11. If you are caught drinking and driving, you will be subject to punishment by the university and Macomb Policy department. Judging Floats will be judged in front of the Alumni House during the parade. All floats must pause in front of the Alumni House so that the judges can accurately judge the float. Judging is based on the following: Creative quality Quality of lettering or images on float Western Illinois University spirit and Incorporation of Homecoming theme Overall Effect For questions, please contact the Parade chair(s) through the Homecoming email, UUBHomeco ming@w iu.edu or call the Office of Student Activities at (309)-298-3232. Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 19 FLOAT SAFETY STANDARDS Construction and Materials 1. Floats, displays, and decorations should be structurally sound and designed to withstand adverse weather conditions and collapse. 2. Areas where individuals will be riding on floats shall be of substantial construction to support the weight of the riders. Areas for riders must allow for the rider to ride in a natural position without undo chance of injury. Riders are not allowed to lean off or hang off the sides of a float. Riders who are standing must have some type of support mechanism to hold them in place or brace themselves. 3. No devices employing flames or heating devices (i.e. candles, kerosene or gasoline lanterns, torches, space heaters, heat blowers, etc.) will be permitted on floats. 4. There shall be no open contacts, ex posed wires or unprotected, ex posed bulbs on the float. 5. No decoration, deck or display shall be erected or stored in such a manner that it will block or impede any ex it from a building, hall, etc. 6. Float height may not ex ceed 13 feet, as measured from the ground/street to the highest point on the float. Fire Safety 1. A fully charged, all purpose ABC fire ex tinguisher (5 lb. minimum) is required on each Homecoming parade float. At least one float passenger must be responsible for and familiar with the proper operation of the ex tinguisher. 2. When choosing materials for and constructing a float, we suggest: a. Using materials that are flame resistant or flame retardant whenever possible and available. b. Using non-flammable finishes such as latex and watercolor paints. Oil based paints, lacquers, and enamels are much more flammable. c. Using tag board or poster board instead of materials containing inner voids such as corrugated cardboard, cornstalks and straw. 3. No part of the float should drag or touch the ground or street which could result in items getting entangled in the wheels and/or potential fire hazards. All parts of the float should be a reasonable and safe distance from the ground, wheels, and/or any other part of the float that could entangle them. Towing Unit 1. Float height and the height of the towing vehicle must not ex ceed 13 feet as measured from the ground to the highest point on the float and/or towing vehicle. 2. The float unit must be securely hitched to the towing unit; the attachment will include an approved hitch or safety pin which is to be secured to assure that it cannot fall out or become loose. 3. Ball hitches should be secured by at least 2 welded link safety chains and attached in a manner that will prevent its accidental release. 4. Pin hitches should be secured by the pin and a retaining clip to prevent its accidental release. 5. No one is permitted to stand or ride on the float tongue, tractor bars or hitch assembly. 6. Windshields of any vehicle being used as a towing unit must be clear and unobstructed. 7. The driver of the towing unit must have a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance coverage at the time of float inspection on the day of the parade. Float inspection 1. Inspection of the floats will be conducted the night before the parade and immediately prior to the parade. Any float not meeting the safety requirements or deemed unsafe will not be permitted to participate in the parade until and unless requirements are met. 2. If there are any questions regarding these standards, contact the Office of Student Activities at (309)-298-3232. Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 20 Rocky’s Jail Break Details: 1. We will be donating all proceeds from Rocky’s Jail Break to The National Travel Patient Center. 2. Rocky’s Jail Break will be at the following events: a. Boat Regatta b. Kick-Off Event c. Variety Show d. Yell Like Hell 3. A warrant for an individual’s arrest may be filled out at the Jail prior to the even that you want them to be in the jail at. (There will be time the Friday before and an hour before boat to do sign ups.) You will need a “reason for arrest”, the individuals name, what team they are on, and how much time they sit in jail. 4. The individual that is arrested must stay in jail for the amount of time stated on the warrant or until the current member is bailed out of jail by raising enough money to reach the amount posted for bail. (Ex : If a team member is put in for 1 min which equals $ 1, someone would have to put $ 1 in to bail them out of Jail, this bail money will also go towards team totals of money raised. 5. Each member can only spend a max imum time of 30 minutes on Jail. 6. No individual can be forced to go to jail or may be bribed with money or by other means to enter the jail. 7. An individual can pay ex tra money to have the person in jail change into a funny costume (provided by the Homecoming Committee) while being in jail. ($ 2 ex tra) 8. While in Jail no member can “break out” unless their time in jail is up or they are bailed out with the correct monetary amount paid by fellow teammates. 9. Team members of the individuals in jail can pay the remaining time left on their teammate’s sentence and release them from jail. 10. The ‘Reason for Arrest’ must be in good taste. If a member of the Homecoming committee deems the ‘Reason for Arrest’ to be inappropriate or in poor sportsmanship the warrant will not be filled and a refund will not be provided. 11. Entire organizations or groups cannot be sent to jail. One warrant is to be filled out for each individual. 12. The pricing of the Jail is as follows: a. $ 1—1 Minute per individual b. $ 5—6 Minutes per individual 13. Each team that participates will receive 25 points. 14. The three teams in each category that raise the most money will receive additional points. a. 1st place—100 points b. 2nd place—75 points c. 3rd place—50 points For questions please contact the Philanthropy chair through the Homecoming email, UUBHomeco ming@wiu.edu or call the Office of Student Activities at (309)-298-3232. Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 21 Appeal Process In order to file an appeal with the committee a specific process must be followed in order to ensure consistency for each organization and each event. Please read the following information carefully. Details: 1. Events that teams may submit an appeal for are: a. Paint the Town b. Rocky’s Boat Regatta c. Deck the Campus d. Variety Show e. Yell like Hell 2. The Undergraduate Student Representative designated by each team in their registration packet is the only individual allowed to submit an appeal. 3. Appeals must be submitted within 24 hours of the end of the event. Due to the busy nature of Homecoming week, this deadline will be strictly adhered to. 4. Appeals will only be considered if they meet at least one of the following criteria: a. New evidence that would impact scoring i. You may not appeal based on a judge’s interpretation of performance. b. Potential bias of a judge which affected scoring. 5. Appeals must indicate the team appealing, which criteria the appeal meets, a brief (no more than 100 words) ex planation of the situation and any additional or supporting evidence. 6. In order to ensure that each appeal is addressed promptly, any appeals must be submitted by email to ALL of the following email addresses: a. Nicholas Katz (NB-Katz@wiu.edu) b. Holly Dysserinck (HR-Dysserinck@wiu.edu) c. Jessica Girdler (JL-Girdler@w iu.edu) d. George Theotokatos (GN-Theotokatos@wiu.edu) e. Brittany Royce (B-Royce@wiu.edu) f. Alyssa Rangel (AB-Rangel@wiu.edu) g. Rachel Nelson (RD-Nelson@wiu.edu) h. Homecoming Email (UUBHomecoming@w iu.edu) i. Failure to include any of these email addresses in your appeal may result in automatic dismissal of your appeal. 7. You may submit a max imum of 2 appeals throughout the entire homecoming week. 8. Only one appeal per event may be submitted. 9. The Homecoming Co-Directors and Advisors will review all appeals and render a decision via email within the following business day. Their decision is final and cannot be re-visited after a determination is made. Failure to adhere to any of the above criteria will result in immediate dismissal of the appeal. Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 22 Appendix A Table of Contents: Paint the Town Score Sheet 23 Dec the Campus Score Sheet 24 Variety Show Score Sheet 25 Yell Like Hell Score Sheet 26 Parade Float Score Sheet 27 Remember: Rocky’s Boat Regatta will be a fan vote and will not have a score sheet. Every event is worth the same point value in the overall scoring. o 1st place, 100 points o 2nd place, 75 points o 3rd place, 50 points Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 23 Paint the Town Score Sheet Category Creative Quality Points Possible (Use of colors, images, words, etc.) 10 Originality 10 INCORPORATION OF WIU/HOMECOMING THEME 25 OVERALL EFFECT 30 TOTAL 75 (Novelty, original, unique) Points Earned Comments (SCHOOL SPIRIT, PURPLE AND GOLD) Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 24 Dec the Campus Score Sheet Category Points Possible Creative Quality 15 Originality 15 (Use of colors, images, words, etc.) (Novelty, original, unique) INCORPORATION OF WIU/HOMECOMING THEME Points Earned Comments 25 (SCHOOL SPIRIT, PURPLE AND GOLD) OVERALL EFFECT 15 TOTAL 70 Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 25 Variety Show Score Sheet Category Points Possible Uniqueness talents (Musical talent, dancing, singing, juggling, etc.) 20 ORIGINALITY OF PERFORMANCE 10 INCORPORATION OF WIU/HOMECOMING THEME 20 OVERALL EFFECT (Includes enthusiasm and attitude) Comments 20 3 DIFFERENT TALENTS (YES OR NO) 20 TOTAL 90 Homecoming 2015 Points Earned Rule Book 26 Yell Like Hell Scoring Sheet Category Cheer/Chant Points Possible (Creativity, Clarity, Volume, School Spirit, more than one cheer/chant) 30 Audience Engagement 20 (How well do the performers engage with and involve the audience) Points Earned Comments DANCE ROUTINE (CREATIVITY, GROUP INVOLVEMENT AND SYNCHRONIZATION, VISUALLY APPEALING SIGNS) 30 SPIRIT 10 OVERALL APPEARANCE 5 (ENTHUSIASM, ATTITUDE, SMILES) (PUT TOGETHER, PRESENTABLE, OUTFITS RELATED TO PERFORMANCE THEME) 3 SIGNS 5 TOTAL 100 Homecoming 2015 Rule Book 27 Parade Float Scoring Sheet Category Points Possible Creative Quality (Going beyond traditional float ideas) 20 Quality of Lettering/images on Float (clear, easy to see) 20 INCORPORATION OF WIU/HOMECOMING THEME 20 OVERALL EFFECT 20 TOTAL 80 Homecoming 2015 Points Earned Comments Rule Book