Detecting Additional Polarization Modes with eLISA L. Philippoz, P. Jetzer Summary Within the frame of Einstein’s General Relativity, gravitational waves are expected to possess two tensorial polarizations, namely the well-known h+ and h× modes. Other metric theories of gravity however allow the existence of additional modes (two vector and/or two scalar modes), and the (non-)observation of those additional polarizations could put constraints on the validity of all existing theories, which would consequently provide a further test for General Relativity. In its 2-arm-planned-configuration, eLISA only consists of one detector orbiting around the Sun, and we therefore investigate if there is a possibility to still detect and separate additional modes of a given gravitational wave signal. Polarization modes Sensitivity to additional modes Perturbed metric corresponding to a propagating gravitational wave: • Time-delay interferometric combinations, hij (ωt − k · x) = X hA(ωt − k · 2-arm configuration (4 beams) x)eA ij • Noise power spectrum : SX (f ) A with A = ×, +, b, l, x, y the six possible polarization modes and the following tensors (tensor, scalar and vector modes) y x 1 10 XRMS(f)/H z x −1 10 −2 (d) y Vector Scalar T Scalar L 10 −24 10 −4 −3 10 −2 10 f(Hz) −1 10 0 10 10 −4 10 −3 10 −2 10 f(Hz) −1 10 0 10 more sensitive to (longitudinal) scalar modes) z z • XRMS(f ) and the sensitivity are given for LISA (similar results expected with shorter arms; to be confirmed) (f) Stochastic GW background : single detector [7] • GW stochastic background in the low frequency limit Z ∞ XZ h(t, x) = dΩ̂ df h̃A(f, Ω̂)e2πif (t−Ω̂x/c)FA(Ω̂) S2 • If the output data of the single detector is written as h(t) + n(t), with n(t) the noise, the autocorrelation of the signal reads −∞ 1 hh̃(f )h̃ (f )i = δ(f − f 0)Sh(|f |) 2 ∗ with A = +, ×, x, y, b, l all possible polarizations, FA the antenna pattern function. • Overlap reduction function (how much degree of correlation is preserved between detectors) 1 ij J kj ˆ ˆ ij kl ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ M M i M ρM (α)D D + ρ (α)D D γIJ (f ) = 2 d d + ρ (α)D 1 ij 2 I,k J i j 3 I I DJ didj dk dl sin χ x 2πf |x| ˆ = f (j0(α), j2(α), j4(α)), di = ,α= , M = T, V, S |x| c • GW background energy density −22 10 • Similar behaviour between LISA and eLISA in the high-frequency regime (where they are Stochastic GW background : network of detectors [1] ΩTgw Tensor −3 −4 (e) with f Hz 1 −23 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 y exij = 0 0 0 eij 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 ρM i 0.1 10 A 0.01 −21 10 x 0.001 10 10 (c) 10-42 Scalar L 0 y 1 0 0 0 0 0 ebij = 0 1 0 elij 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Tensor Vector Scalar T (b) y eLISA x (a) LISA 10-40 B : 1 cycle/year, SNR=5 0 1 0 1 0 0 × e+ = e 0 −1 0 ij 1 0 0 ij 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-38 10-44 10-4 X Sensitivity y • Root-mean squared GW response : XRMS(f ) p • Sensitivity : SNR · SX (f )B/XRMS(f ) Noise power spectrumHz ¹ 10-36 = Ω+gw + Ω× gw (similar for ΩVgw and ΩSgw), related to the 0 with Sh(|f |) the one-sided power spectral density; one can define Sn in a similar way for the noise. • The maximum SNR given by this process is Z ∞ 2 T S (|f |) h SN R2 = df 2 −∞ [Sh(|f |) + Sn(|f |)]2 ⇒ Also valid in the high-frequency limit, for a single detector, but for an unpolarized GWB 3 A (f ) ∝ f Sh (f ) one-sided power spectral density S(|f |) ∝ hh̃∗A(f, Ω̂)h̃A0 (f 0, Ω̂0)i by ΩM gw • The tensor, vector and scalar modes can then be separately detected via #(1/2) Z ∞ " M 2 (Ω (f )) det F(f ) gw M SN R ∝ df 6F (f ) f M 0 Possible solutions for eLISA • Cross-correlating the TDI combinations of a LISA-like single detector also correlates the noise • The separation of all modes however requires a network of detectors 0 X where the elements of the (3 × 3)-matrix F are given by FM M 0 = det pairs M γIJ (t, f )γiM (t, f ) dt PI (f )PJ (f ) • Work in progress – Letting eLISA evolve on its orbit and correlating the signals at different time ⇒ Valid for a network of independant detectors in space (3 LISA-like detectors would be suffi- – Correlating eLISA signal with future earth-based detectors around 1Hz cient), in the low frequency limit, and for a full polarized GWB ⇒ “Static” system (the relative position of the detectors in the network doesn’t change) References [1] Nishizawa A., Taruya A., Kawamura S., Phys. Rev. D 81, 104043 (2010) [5] Tinto M., Alves M.E., Phys. Rev. D 82, 122003 (2010) [2] Nishizawa A. et al., Phys. Rev. D 79, 082002 (2009) [6] Estabrook F.B., Tinto M., Armstrong J.W., Phys. Rev. D 62, 042002 (2000) [3] Seto N., Phys. Rev. L 97, 151101 (2006) [7] Tinto M., Armstrong J.W., arXiv:1205.4620v1 [gr-qc] [4] Seto N., Taruya A., Phys. Rev. D 77, 103001 (2008) [8] Will C., Living Rev Relativity 9, (2006), 3.