Kortright Hills Public School Newsletter for April, 2013 From the Principal’s Desk

Kortright Hills Public School
23 Ptarmigan DriveGuelph, OntarioN1C 1B5(519)827-1601Fax (519)827-9251
Kirk Runciman, Principal
Julie Young, Vice Principal
Anne Bonnar, Office Co-Ordinator
Rosemary Coghlin, Administrative Assistant
Newsletter for April, 2013
From the Principal’s Desk
Only 60 school days until summer break! It is hard
to believe that March Break is just a memory. The
weather has been great and baseball fans know
spring is here!
The last few months of the school year are always
busy, and this year is no exception. We hope you
join your child in some of the activities and learning
opportunities between now and the end of the year.
This year, Kortright Public School has a focus on
improving our delivery of the mathematics
curriculum. Specifically, we are looking at using a
problem solving approach to math throughout the
school. During problem solving opportunities,
children are presented with problems that allow for
a range of solutions and go beyond the singular goal
of computational mastery into more complex
mathematical thinking. A problem solving
environment provides students with increased
opportunities to explain and justify their reasoning.
At the end of such lessons, students are asked to do
more than simply recount their procedures. They
are also asked to engage in the following higher
order thinking skills:
Explain their thinking and show their
thinking. Rephrase what another student has
2. Agree with another student and describe
their reason for agreeing or provide an
alternate explanation.
3. Disagree with another student and explain or
show how their thinking/solution differs.
4. Build on the thinking of another student
through explanation, example, or
5. Extend the ideas of other students by
generalizing or linking the idea to another
In this model, the math classroom functions as a
community where thinking, talking, agreeing, and
disagreeing are encouraged. The primary goal is to
extend one’s own thinking, as well as that of others
(Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, 2007).
K. Runciman
Building Self-Esteem
High self-esteem helps children cope with challenges
in school and beyond. You can’t bestow self-esteem
on your child, but you can nurture its three key
Acceptance. Tell your child you love him/her
all the time, not just when he/she is good or
successful. Compliment your child more and
criticize less. Help your child develop
friendships and social skills.
2. Confidence. Emphasize his/her strengths.
Accept, don’t dwell on weaknesses. Point out
the progress made and make him/her see
that their actions do make a difference.
3. A sense of purpose. Help your child set
attainable goals. Be positive about his/her
ability to succeed. Help your child see that
he/she can overcome difficulties. Provide
incentives and rewards.
Grade 3 and Grade 6 EQAO
Grade 3 and 6 EQAO test will be written from May
27th to June 6th. . Each grade level will be given a
five day window to write the assessment. The
specific dates for each grade’s assessment will be
determined shortly.
* avoid absences to the greatest extent possible
* reschedule appointments
* ensure your child gets lots of sleep
* provide healthy food and snacks
* eat a good breakfast
* give hugs and pats on the back
* be positive
World Autism Day – April 2, 2013
What can you do to support World Autism
Awareness Day?
Educate yourself about Autism;
Read books, magazine articles and blog posts about
Talk to parents of children with autism to find out
what their life is really like. Attend an information
session or seminar on autism.
Visit the websites of local or national autism
Autism Ontario – Wellington Chapter
Geneva Centre for Autism www.autism.net
Kerry’s Place Autism Services
A Warm Welcome from the Library
Forest of Reading programs will continue until late
April. Students who are participating in the Forest
of Reading programs are asked to please return
books as soon as they have finished reading them
so that other students have access to the books too.
We do have multiple copies of all of the novels, but
the program is very popular and we have over 130
students participating (Grades 3 - 8). If families
wish to read the books together (shared reading or
read aloud), that is absolutely encouraged!
To view the books for each program, please visit the
library website Forest of Reading page. Links to the
blogs are also posted on the library website (
http://goo.gl/sDTuU ) or can be accessed through
UG2GO (https:/www.ugdsb.on.ca/ug2go ).
Voting for Silver Birch Express, Silver Birch
(Fiction & Non-fiction) & Red Maple (Fiction &
Non-fiction) will take place on Thursday, April
25th. To be eligible to vote, students must have
read at least 5 out of the 10 books for each program
that they wish to vote for.
Blue Spruce Celebrations will be held for all
Kindergarten - Grade 2 students on April 11th
and 12th. Further information will come home with
students after Easter.
Are you interested in encouraging your child to learn
more about current events? Check out
http://www.teachingkidsnews.com It's an amazing
FREE web site created by a team of two teachers
and a journalist. Every day, one current news story
is written into an article appropriate for kids. A
wonderful resource for students, parents and
teachers; with great kid-friendly articles and
curriculum links discussion/reading/writing/grammar
prompts) at the bottom of every article.
The Scholastic Book Fair will be arriving on
May 2nd, with previews on May 3rd, and sales May
6th - 8th. More information will come home closer
to the date. The book fair is a fantastic fundraiser
for the library. We can earn up to 70% of all sales
as credit to purchase new books!
Our "Adopt-A-School" program will be continuing
throughout the year. To date, we have earned $872
in new books for our library! Adopting is free, so
please check out our site. Looking for a gift idea?
Every purchase of a $25 Chapters Gift Card through
our website earns our school library $10.
Thank you for your continued support,
Sheila Morgan
Teacher Librarian
Library website:
School Stuff
Bicycle Safety
Now that the warmer weather is approaching, please
remember if your child rides
his/her bike to school a helmet and
a lock are necessary.
Students must walk their bikes on
school property.
Safety, Safety, Safety!
The two parking lots at the school are
not to be used as drop off points for our
students, nor is the driveway to be used
as an opportunity to do a u-turn. This area of the
school is to be used only by staff and visitors to the
school during busy times of the day, between 8:30
a.m. and 8:50 a.m., and 3:15 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. As
well, please do not park along the end of neighboring
driveways while dropping off your children. We have
had community members call the school to voice
their displeasure with respect to trying to get out of
their homes in the morning, but are being blocked in
by cars along the end of their driveway. Please be
respectful of our community members.
Information Changes for September
To assist us with enrolment projections
for September, please inform the
office if you plan to move out of the
Kortright Hills attendance area.
Should you know of any families
moving into our area and who are
planning to attend school here in
September, please ask them to call the school at
(519) 827-1601.
Valuables / Electronic Devices
As our society becomes more and more
technologically advanced, we are noticing
that many students are bringing valuable
items to school. Students are highly
encouraged to leave iPods, game boys
and MP3 players at home for safe keeping. These
items are attractive and we cannot be responsible
for theft or loss of such items. Parents, you should
also check and hear what your child is recording to
determine whether language and content is
appropriate. We recommend that parents make
informed decisions with their child(ren) whether
expensive items should be brought to school.
Lost and Found
We have many, many items in the lost and found box.
If your child is missing any clothing
items, please remind him/her to
check the hall by the front entrance.
Parents are welcome to
check this area as
well. Items unclaimed will be
donated to a charitable organization.
Extra Socks, Dry Pants and Shoes
Students are reminded to bring extra socks,
mitts, rubber boots and rain pants to school
at this time of year. Although we always encourage
our students to stay out of the water, and
sometimes even change our play areas to
accommodate this need, the mud puddles
are just too inviting for some of our little ones. A
pair of indoor shoes is also a necessity for all
students, as the floors are often wet following
Morning Attendance
Please help your child to be at school when the bell
rings – 8:45 for Intermediates, 8:50 for JK - 6.
This minimizes disruption for classrooms during
learning time, and it places the value of time
management on students – a life-long skill.
Please also remember to have your child
check in at the office, if he/she is late. If
the announcements are on, he/she will need
to wait quietly in the front foyer until
announcements are finished to check in
and receive a late pass.
Healthy Breakfast Tips
Always include 3 of the 4 food groups in the
breakfast meal.
Eat leftovers from last night’s dinner. There
is nothing wrong with that, as long as it’s
quick and nutritious.
Prepare breakfast foods the night before,
cut up some fruit or slice up some cheese in
the evening so it’s ready to go in the morning.
Do some weekend baking with the kids. Lowfat baking is easy to freeze and even easier
to pull out for breakfast on a busy week-day
Let your kids get involved with breakfast
preparation, they will more likely eat what
they’ve helped create.
Spring Food Drive
Kortright Hills students have decided to
help fellow citizens of Guelph who are
less fortunate by sponsoring a Spring
food drive this year.
Collections for the Food Drive will be
from Tuesday, April 2nd to April 8th.
Most needed items are non perishable items. Also
required are diapers (size 4), pablum, baby formula,
pull-ups (4T & 5T), toiletries, toilet paper and paper
Items can be dropped off at the school (bins are
available in the front foyer).
Anything you can contribute will be greatly
to our
Exciting Visitor
*For more breakfast ideas go to
www.heartandstroke.on.ca and search
“healthy breakfast tips”.
From the Health Department
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health
1-800-265-7293 www.wdgpublichealth.ca
We are very excited to welcome to KHPS
rising country star
Ryan Laird
on Tuesday, April 9th, 2013.
Ryan is a country singer and song writer from
Belwood, Ontario who is currently living between
Nashville and Fergus.
Free Dental Care for Children Aged 17
and Under.
If you don’t have dental insurance and
can’t afford care, we have free
services for your children at Public
Health. At our dental clinics, we
help children prevent cavities and
disease. We also make sure that
children with urgent problems get
the treatment they need.
For more information about our dental services, call
our Dental Line at 1-800-265-7293 ext. 2661 or visit
Ryan will speak to and perform for our K-8 students.
Ryan discusses his experiences with bullying as a
teen, pursuing his dream and his career in the music
business. He will also perform some of his songs
including the song he wrote about his bully and his
top ten hit, ‘I’m Your Man’.
More information will be sent home closer to the
date. CD’s and pictures will be available for purchase
after the assembly. Ryan will meet and greet with
students who have made a purchase for an
We’re are looking forward to this special visit from
local talent.
School Council News
Helping Your Child Succeed
The School Council would like to let
you know that we will be once again
doing a Spring Flower fundraiser.
This will happen just in time for
Mother’s Day, so start planning
your gardens early. Get your Spring
planting done while also helping to raise money for
school programs!
An Hour More Sleep May Help Kids Learn
Children Learn Best When Getting Enough SleepStructured Bedtimes Help By Jeanie L. Davis
March 3, 2003
Kids beg, they whine: “Can we stay up
just a little longer?” There’s evidence
now that sleep deprivation brought
about by even one less hour of sleep
does make a difference in how well a
child learns the next day.
“Even minor changes in sleep can impair a kid’s
learning, memory, attention, concentration,”
researcher Avi Sadeh, DSc, director of the
Laboratory for Children’s Sleep and Arousal
Disorders at Tel Aviv University, tells WebMD. His
study appears in past issues of Child Development.
It points to the need for establishing a “sleep ritual”
for young children, says Glenn Isaacson, MD, chief
of pediatric ear, nose and throat service at Temple
Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia.
All too often, kids are too wired to sleep—they have
been drinking sodas, watching TV, playing video
games right up to bedtime. Isaacson tells WebMD
that, “It’s important to establish a pattern or ritual
in the evening that will help them quiet down and go
to sleep. Have an established bedtime and stick to it,
including weekends.”
The final installment for the Food Programs will be
deposited on April 2nd, 2013. As well, a reminder that
our school is participating in The Lunch Lady this
year. Parents can sign their children up online at any
time at www.thelunchlady.ca in order for them to
receive hot lunches once a week. Keep an eye out for
Special Event Lunch forms in your child’s backpack in
the near future.
School Council is continuing to run our Mabel’s Labels
fundraiser. Please visit our website at
http://kortrighthills.mabelslabels.com to find labels
that will work for school, camp and daycare.
If you haven’t already, please
take some time to visit the
KHPS library and look at the
Parent Resource Lending
Library. The School Council has
purchased books on many
subjects that parents may be interested in. All
Kortright parents are encouraged to peruse the
shelves and borrow some books.
Planning is well underway for this year’s
Ice Cream Social. There will be
entertainment and many new games, so
be sure to mark June 6th on your calendar.
The next meeting of the School Council is on
Monday, April 29th, 2013 in the school library. The
meeting starts at 7:00pm.
All are welcome to attend.
‘April 2013 Community News’
23 Ptarmigan Drive, Guelph, ON
519.837.0974 Email: khng@bellnet.ca or Website: www.khng.ca
Join us in the Community room for social/meetings 3rd Thursday of each month
PLEASE NOTE: KHNG next meeting Thursday April 18th, 2013 @ 7:00 pm.
KHNG Friday Movie Night in the Gym:
Feature Presentation: “KUNG FU PANDA”
Join Us Friday April 12, 2013 in the gym;
doors open at 7:00; movie to begin at 7:30 pm;
suggested donation of $1 per person would be appreciated;
bring your lawn chairs, blankets or sleeping bags; tell your friends,
families and neighbours, popcorn and refreshments available for a
small fee.
We are looking for volunteers to assist us with this event, if you are
interested Email: khng@bellnet.ca
KHNG Annual Clean and Green 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
9:00 AM — 11:30 AM
Meet at the Kortright Hills Community Room
(KHNG community room, side entrance of the school)
Join us for our 8th annual family clean-up of our public green spaces & parks.
Refreshments, gloves, maps and garbage bags will be provided.
Help keep the community beautiful.
FREE Volunteer Appreciation BBQ offered at 12 noon by the City of Guelph, at the Large Red Picnic Shelter River Side Park.
Get your FREE lunch tickets from Leone (KHNG Representative) Saturday April 20th.
For more information contact KHNG by phone: 519.837.0974 or email: khng@bellnet.ca or visit our www.khng.ca
KHNG Plant Swap Back by Popular Demand!!
SATURDAY MAY 4th – 9 AM to 2 PM
Drop off your plants Friday evening May 3 between 6 pm & 7 pm
Labeling materials will be available, come back Saturday morning to pick a new
plant for your gardens.
KHNG Community Room (side entrance of KHPS)
26th Guelph Compost Fundraiser, to raise money for Scouting youth & leaders to attend a Canadian Jamboree in
Alberta July 2013
Interested in joining BEAVERS, CUBS, SCOUTS, VENTURES…REGISTER NOW for the 2012/2013 Scouting year. Registration forms
are available on our website www.26thguelph.scouter.ca
The 26th Guelph Scouting Group sections meet at Kortright Hills Public School gym:
Mondays 6:30-7:30
Beaver Scouts
ages 5-7 meet
Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 Cub Scouts
ages 8-10 meet
Tuesdays 7:00-8:45
ages 11-14 meet
Mondays 7:00-9:00
Venture Scouts
ages 14-17 meets
For program details and further scouting information contact Paul or Leone 519-821-6948 or
Email 26thguelph@w.scouter.ca or visit our website www.26thguelph.scouter.ca
Consider getting involved with your neighbourhood group. Mark your calendars and join us for our next social/meeting date
Thursday April 18th, 2013 @ 7:00 pm in the Community Room (side entrance of KHPS) all are welcome to help plan our next
community events Friday Movie in the Gym Night (April), KHNG Clean and Green (Earth Day - April), Plant Swap/26th Guelph
Compost Fundraiser (May) and other upcoming recreational/family events planned for 2013.
KHNG Meeting – Thursday April 18th, 2013 – come out and help plan upcoming events, new members welcome
Movie in the Gym Night – April 12, 2013 – Kung Fu Panda – doors open at 7:00 pm, movie to begin at 7:30 pm.
Clean and Green (Earth Day) – April 20, 2013 – visit our website for details
Plant Swap/26th Guelph Compost Fundraiser – May 4, 2013 – visit our website for details
Community Garage Sale – May 12, 2013 – visit our website for details
KHNG Annual BBQ – end of June – details to be announced
KHNG Movie in the Park – mid August – details to be announced
Pre Order Pumpkin for Fundraiser – date and time to be announced
Pumpkin Fundraiser – dates and times to be announced
KHNG Booonanza – end of October 2013
KHNG Holiday Social – End of November or Early December 2013 (details to be announced)
Movie in the Gym Night – Late November or Early December 2013 (details to be announced)
KHNG LOOKING FOR USED TOYS: KASP (Kortright after School Program) is in need of some toys for games and sport activities. We are
reaching to you, the Kortright Hills Community to see if you could donate any used items that you no longer need. Balls (soccer, football,
basketball, tennis balls, dodge balls, volley ball), Badminton Racquets, Birdies, mini sticks, the balls for scoops and balls or similar balls,
Skipping Ropes, Frisbees, Hockey Sticks, Hockey Nets, Games, Lego, Toys/Toy sets, Sand Toys and any outdoor other toys. Email
khng@bellnet.ca if you can donate any of the listed items for our KASP children to play with during the program.
KHNG WEBSITE: Visit www.khng.ca to view our website Check it out!! Register and become a member. Our site offers, current
events, current programs, monthly calendar, discussion forum, quarterly newsletters and minutes of our meetings. Become a
member, register now!!
Join KHNG on Facebook - surf over to http://www.facebook.com/groups/304228836299974/ and join the group. It’s a great place
to share ideas, photos and link with other neighbours.
KHNG NEED VOLUNTEERS: We need volunteers to assist with KASP “Kortright After School Program” and planning of
social/events. Get involved and share your ideas and talents to help bring our community together. For further information
contact Leone our Neighbourhood Support Coordinator by email khng@bellnet.ca
KHNG ELECTRONIC MAILING LIST: Join KHNG mailing list to receive newsletters/posters of recreational and social events within
your neighbourhood. E-mail Leone, KHNG Outreach Coordinator to add your e-mail to our electronic list.
KHNG COMMUNITY ROOM: Are you looking for a place to hold a community meeting, start a club, provide a workshop, have an
idea for adult or children programs and would like to share your time/ideas with the neighbourhood? E mail KHNG to find out
more information and/or to book the use of our community room.
KHNG QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER: KHNG also sends a newsletter out four times a year, next issue July 2013. If you wish to
advertise your business (sponsorship fee will apply), share your favourite recipe with your neighbours, write an article of interest,
you are a student looking to offer your services (ie: babysitting, cutting/raking the lawn or garden work) and wish to put your ad
information in our newsletter E-mail khng@bellnet.ca. This is a great way for Kortright Hills Neighbourhood to come together by
sharing thoughts, talents and services available, neighbours helping neighbours.
Next KHNG newsletter is July 2013, deadline for e-mailed submissions June 15, 2013.
26th Scouting Group is looking for parent volunteers to assist our leadership team with Beavers, Cubs and Scouts sections.
If interested please contact Paul Schadenberg, 26th Guelph Commissioner for further information phone: 519-821-6948 or email:
26thguelph@wellington.on.scouts.ca. Join the adventure.
Are you interested in digital photography? The photo club is for you. We meet the first Monday evening of each month in the
community room @ 7 pm. Bring your talent and share your photos with our group.
Contact Gregg Parsons for more info 519-824-6107 or woodwatr@sentex.net and to also be put on our mailing list of meeting
events. NOTE: Next Photo Club Meeting April 1st, 2013
“KASP Spring Session – Children Everywhere”
Tuesday April 2nd to Thursday June 27th, 2013 (13 weeks)
KASP is offered Monday to Thursday from 3:20 pm to 5:30 pm in the community room of Kortright
Hills Public School. This themed program is offered to children in JK to Grade 6.
Join us for a fun-filled 2 hour session consisting of snack, themed educational activities, active
games and free play in the school gym or outside (weather permitting)!
JK and SK students will be escorted to the community room after school by a KASP staff member.
KASP Fall Session Sept to Dec 2013 pre-registration package will be available early June, watch
for details.
KHNG Neighbourhood Calendar
April 2013
1 Easter Monday
KHPS Mad Science
12:40 to 1:40 pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
Photo Club
7:00 to 9:00 pm
Bengali Cultural
11am to 2pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
Ventures Meet 7-9pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
Bengali Cultural
Rehearsal 8-11pm
KHNG Meeting
KHPS Mad Science
12:40 to 1:40 pm
Movie Night 7:30 pm
Kung Fu Panda
26th Scout Group
Committee Meeting 7pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
Bengali Cultural
Rehearsal 8-11pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KHPS Mad Science
12:40 to 1:40 pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
Ventures Meet 7-9pm
KHPS Mad Science
12:40 to 1:40 pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
Venture Meeting 7-9pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
Ventures Meet 7-9pm
9:00 am to
11:30 am