Kortright Hills Public School Newsletter for november, 2012 From the Principal’s Desk

Kortright Hills Public School
23 Ptarmigan DriveGuelph, OntarioN1C 1B5(519)827-1601Fax (519)827-9251
Kirk Runciman, Principal
Anne Bonnar, Office Co-Ordinator
Kim Kowch, Vice Principal
Rosemary Coghlin, Administrative Assistant
Newsletter for november, 2012
From the Principal’s Desk
It is with mixed emotions that we
say goodbye to Mrs. Kowch. Mrs.
Kowch has done an outstanding job in
her role as vice-principal for the last
three years and we will all miss her tremendously. We
wish her the best of luck on her move to Rockwood
Centennial Public School as vice-principal as well as
with her future endeavors.
Please join us in welcoming
Mrs. Julie Young to Kortright Hills
Public School as vice-principal.
New Staff Member
Please join me in welcoming Mrs. Amanda Marson to
Kortright Hills Public School. Mrs. Marson will be
replacing Mr. Keunen who will be on paternity leave
until the end of the school year.
This Isn't The Math I Remember!
How come the math my child brings home doesn't look
like the math I remember?
If you don't recognize the math in your child's
homework, think about how the world has changed
since you were in school. The math looks different
because the world is different.
Advances in science, technology, information
processing and communication, combined with the
changing workplace, make it necessary for all
students to learn more math.
The basics are changing. Arithmetic skills, although
important, are no longer enough. To succeed in
tomorrow's world, students must understand algebra,
geometry, statistics, and probability. Business and
industry demand workers who can;
solve real world problems
explain their thinking to others
identify and analyze trends from data, and
effectively utilize modern technology
Instead of worksheets, your child may bring home
problems to investigate that are related to real life
investigating salaries, life expectancy, and fair
decisions, for example. Giving students opportunities
to learn real math maximizes their future options.
After all, the future is closer than it may appear!
Lost and Found
Our lost-and-found box is nearly full and
we are only two months into the school
year! Please take a moment to check the
items in the box. You may be surprised at
what you find! Please put name labels in your
child’s clothing - it really helps!!
Kirk Runciman
A Warm Welcome from the Library
The library is a busy place! Book Clubs are busy
reading a variety of novels and training for Library
Helpers began last month. The library was
transformed into a one-room schoolhouse as part of
the Grade 3 Pioneer Day
activities and Michael Wade,
author of the "And Then It
Happened" series visited
with our Grade 3 - 7
students last week and had
us all laughing out loud!
The Scholastic Book Fair will
be arriving on December 6th and will be open for our
Family Fun Day on the 8th from 10 am – 1 pm. Come
and check out the great selection of books and
perhaps complete some Christmas shopping. If you
are available to help during the Family Fun Day or
during the following week (December 10th - 12th),
please send me an email.
I would like to invite you to "Adopt" our library as
part of the Chapters "Adopt-a-School" program.
Please visit the Chapters site and help us to earn free
books for our library. http://adoptaschool.indigo.ca/
Please visit the library website for more information
about the Book Fair, the "Adopt-a-School" program,
Book Clubs, and other upcoming events in the library.
A special thank you to our School Council for
continuing to support the worthwhile clubs, activities
and programs that we run in the library. As well, I
would like to thank all of the dedicated volunteers
who help in the library with various tasks and
activities. The students and staff all benefit from
your time and support.
Sheila Morgan
Teacher Librarian
Library website:
School Stuff
Blood Donor Clinic
Alysha, a grade 3 student at
Kortright Hills, needed 42
blood/plasma transfusions during
her treatment for leukemia.
Alysha and her family are hosting
a Blood Donor Clinic in honour of
Alysha, Thursday November 29th,
5-7pm, and Saturday December 1st, 9-12
Located at the Guelph Blood Donor Clinic,
130 Silvercreek Pkwy N. There are lots of others like
Alysha who need the gift of blood. Book an
appointment on Alysha's website at
www.operationalysha.com At Alysha's clinic you will
also have the opportunity to register for OneMatch The International Marrow and Stem Cell
Network...Swab to save a life!
Class Disruptions
A major goal for staff and students is to minimize
class disruptions during the school day.
To assist them with this goal, the
office will keep interruptions of all
kinds to a minimum. If parents are
bringing in something for their
child(ren), please bring these items to
the office with their name and grade on it. These
items will be distributed at recess breaks throughout
the day.
In light of the holiday season, the staff at Kortright
Hills has decided to continue their participation in
charitable giving. We have decided to participate in
the Adopt-a-Family project at Christmas time this
year. We are adopting 3 families and each division in
the school, primary, junior and intermediate will be
responsible for raising funds to purchase the gifts
and food vouchers for each family. As we learn more
about our families, the students will begin their fund
raising activities.
Many families like to show appreciation to their
children’s teachers and other staff members by giving
a gift. This year we are encouraging parents and
children to make a contribution to a worthy cause in
lieu of a gift. Watch for more information coming
home during November. Please keep this project in
mind as you and your children prepare for the holiday
An Important Reminder from the Guelph
Police Services
The Guelph Police School Safety Office has received
numerous concerns from school communities regarding
the safety of their students before and after school.
The primary problems are congestion of vehicles in
bus loading areas, areas that prohibit vehicle parking
and stopping and excessive speed in school zones.
Each school has a Safety Patrol Program. The
students who volunteer for this very important job
and assist students to cross safely are also at risk.
We ask that parents walking students to and from
school please cross with the Safety Patrollers and
wait for them to cross students. This will educate
younger students to cross with the Patrollers when
they start walking on their own.
“No Stopping” and “No Parking” signs are
posted in the areas that are
designated school crossings. If
vehicles are parked or stopped in
these areas, Patrollers cannot see
around them. This puts all students at risk. Please
park or stop in designated areas for drop off.
We ask that all parents and caregivers who drive or
walk their child/children to and from school, to please
make sure that all signs on the roadway and parking
lots are obeyed and to cross with the Safety
Patrollers. If we all work together, we will decrease
the odds of a child being seriously injured.
Traffic Facts
*Approximately 115 children are killed each year due
to pedestrian injuries.
*Approximately 1,800 children are hospitalized each
year due to pedestrian injuries.
*Most traffic injuries occur at non-intersection
locations, i.e. darting out into traffic.
Traffic Safety Tips
*Teach your children the rules of the road, starting
when they are young.
*Play act with toy cars - make the learning fun.
*Set a good example, i.e. cross at the crosswalk.
*Help your child to follow the patroller’s instructions.
*Drive cautiously in school areas.
*Participate in a carpool to reduce traffic in school
Terry Fox Run
We would like to thank everyone who came out or
supported the Terry Fox Run on September, 28th. It
was a special event, and the whole school participated.
Terry Fox’s remarkable determination
and his wonderful achievement were
highlighted as an inspiration for us all.
KHPS raised over $5,000.00.
Make Breakfast a Family Affair
at your House!
Childhood is the time we learn to
talk, walk ... and eat. In fact, the
kinds of food we eat as kids will
determine what we eat as adults. If we learn to eat a
balanced diet at a young age, then we are more likely
to do so for the rest of our lives, and this in turn will
influence the habits we instill in our own children.
So if you insist that your children start the day with
a healthy breakfast, make sure that you are leading
the way by doing the same. It’s hard for them to
accept your “eat oatmeal” pitch, if you chose instead
to breakfast on a coffee and donut from the drivethru.
A healthy tip from your Lunch Lady
Supply Lunch Supervisor Needed!
We currently have three paid lunch hour supervisors
who supervise a small cluster of classrooms for 20
minutes, and then move out to help supervise the
playground for 40 minutes, from 12:40
- 1:40 each day. If you are available
to come in on an "as needed" basis if
one of the supervisors is unable to
work, please call Mrs. Young at the school, extension
Taking Medicine at School
Please remember that student
medication must be stored and
administered from the school
office. It is important for the safety of the child
taking the medicine and other students in
the school. In order to give any
medication, the appropriate form must be
completed and signed by the student’s
parent or guardian. Please call the school
when you require these forms.
Inclement Weather
It is the parent’s responsibility to
determine whether or not it is safe
for his or her child to leave for school
in inclement or severe weather. A
parent must be aware of the following:
When a bus does not travel a route in the morning due
to fog, ice, or snow conditions, it will not travel that
route in the afternoon.
While we have an excellent transportation system,
buses may be delayed in the morning due to traffic,
poor road conditions, mechanical breakdowns, etc. To
ensure your child is not stranded at his/her pick-up
point, please make sure they know what to do and
where to go if their bus is more than 15 minutes late.
Remember to listen to CJOY 1460 AM or Magic 106.1
FM in the event of inclement weather. They will
broadcast bus cancellations or school closures.
Listen for messages for the City of Guelph -Yellow
Cold Days + Wet Weather = Extra Clothes
Please ensure that students come to school dressed
for the cold winter weather. Gloves, scarves, hats
and boots are a must to keep students warm and dry.
All students are expected to go out for recess to
take advantage of the fresh air and exercise.
Indoor shoes are essential to help keep our
classrooms clean and dry. It
is a good idea to send along
some extra clothes with
your child. An extra pair of dry socks
and mittens are always good things to
have tucked into the backpack.
Dropping Students at School
Recently a number of parents have been taking their
students to their classrooms after the morning bell
has rung. This is a reminder that: (1) late students
need to get a late slip from the office to assist us
with our Safe Arrival Program and (2) all adults must
first sign-in in the office before
proceeding into the building. Please
help us keep children safe.
Information Updates
Please help us to keep your records up-to-date. If
your telephone numbers change or your employer’s
telephone number changes, please contact the office.
Safe Arrival - Notifying the School of a
Student Absence
The rules of the Safe Arrival program state that the
school must know why a student is not present on any
particular day. This means that school secretaries
will continue to try to contact parents until one is
reached. Please assist us by notifying
the office, either by calling at 519827-1601 ext 200 or by sending a note.
It is important that the office is
notified if your child(ren) will be absent or late. The
office will then inform the teacher.
Report Cards
Term 1 progress reports will be sent
home on Friday, November 16th, 2012.
Interviews for the progress reports
will be held after school on Thursday,
November 22nd and during the PA Day
on Friday, November 23rd. We will be using a new online booking system for interviews this year. A note
will be sent home next week with more information.
Helping Your Child Succeed
“A healthy lunch and snacks provides
children with the energy and nutrients
they need to grow and learn and play at
school.” Eat Right Ontario
Cool lunches happen when kids get to plan and make
the foods they love to eat. Having children take
ownership of preparing lunches is a recipe for
Examples of “Cool Lunch Guide”
Starting with the grain
Bagel; Pita bread; Hamburger/ Hot
dog bun; Bread; Flatbread/ tortilla;
Pasta/ noodles; Rice; English muffin;
Muffins; Crackers; Breadsticks.
On top, in between, or on the side
Cheese (shredded, cubed, sliced); Cream
cheese; Cottage cheese;
Luncheon meat; Peanut
butter*; Hardboiled egg;
Leftover chicken or turkey;
canned fish (tuna, salmon…); Tofu; Hummus; Canned
Carrots; Celery; Lettuce; Peppers;
Cucumber; Apple; Pear; Strawberries;
Oranges; Bananas; Broccoli; Cauliflower;
Salsa; Pickles.
Thirst quenchers!
Water; Milk, white or chocolate milk;
100% fruit juice; Vegetable juice or
cocktail; Yogurt and fruit shakes.
Kid pleasing additions!
Yogurt – for eating or dipping fruit or vegetables;
Cereal bar; Pudding; Canned fruit; Snack size
chocolate bar; Squares (date, rice cereal…); Raisins;
Mini-cupcakes; Cookies (oatmeal, raisin…).
~ Dietitians of Canada (www.dietitians.ca/eatwell)
How To Get The Most Out of Reading
Reading time with your child can be much more
effective than simply reading out loud. In order to
encourage true reading comprehension, you must
discuss what you have just read. This
will encourage an increase in
vocabulary, critical thinking, and the
art of conversation and discussion.
Boost your child’s reading comprehension by
incorporating the following “high-impact” strategies:
activating prior knowledge, predicting, questioning,
drawing inferences, visualizing, evaluating, finding
important ideas, and summarizing as described below:
Before Reading
Activate prior knowledge by looking at the title or
cover picture and asking them to relate the topic to
what they already know or to a story they read
previously. Or, have them predict what the story may
be about or who the main character might be.
During reading
Stop and ask questions that will make your child think
about the story, e.g., “Why?”, “What next?”, “What
for?”, or “What does this mean?” Draw inferences by
asking about implied messages in the text, “Why do
you think the author chose to include a dragon in the
story?” Help them visualize and gain deeper
understanding by asking, “Create a picture in your
mind of what the castle looks like and
describe it for me.”
After reading
Evaluate the story; “How did you like the ending?
What would you change?” Find important ideas; “Why
did the boy climb the mountain?” Gauge their
understanding of the text by asking them to
summarize what you just read or a favourite portion
of the story.
KHPS Sports Teams
A huge thank you to Ms. MacLean and
Mrs Petersen, for coaching
the Intermediate cross
country team. Congratulations to all
students who were participants, and
who represented our school with
excellent team spirit and
Way to go, Cobras!
No Dogs on the Schoolyard
A reminder to parents and visitors that
dogs are not allowed on the school yard
during the school day. As much as we like
and trust our own dogs, when they are on
school property and encounter fast moving
and often unpredictable children, they can become
stressed and a dog’s natural reaction is to bite.
Please help us to safeguard our students by keeping
your dog(s) off school property during school hours.
Living with Coyotes
As a community full of rich green lands and river
corridors, Guelph is an ideal home to many different
species of wildlife. One of these animals is the
coyote, which has been coexisting in and around our
city for a very long time. Coyotes are primarily
nocturnal and are typically wary of humans, but they
are sometimes spotted in wooded areas near schools.
To learn more about safety precautions for children
and pets, visit www.guelph.ca/wildlife and click on the
link to "Coyotes".
Remembrance Day
This year, our Remembrance Day
services for students will be held
on Friday, November 9th at 11:00 am
in our school gymnasium. Poppies
will be handed out prior to the
assembly. Money donations for the
poppies may be handed in to home-room teachers on
Friday, November 9th and by Monday, November 12th.
Thank you for remembering our past and present
members of the Armed Forces and Peace Corps.
Safety Tips for Halloween
1. Wear costumes that are
bright and reflective.
2. If possible, wear make-up
instead of a mask.
3. Carry a flashlight with fresh
batteries to avoid tripping
and falling.
4. When trick or treating, go out with an adult or
in group of people.
5. Do not eat your candy until your parents have
checked it at home.
6. Say “please” and “thank you” when trick or
7. Older students should plan their route and
let an adult know where you will be.
8. If possible, bring a cell phone for
emergencies and wear a watch to keep track.
From School Council
The Kortright Hills School Council Fall Fundraiser was
a huge success. We are awaiting word from Norcard
as to when the order will be delivered. Once we have
confirmation of the date, we will send a notice home
with students advising parents of the date, time, and
location of pick up for their purchases.
We are also offering Mabel’s Labels as our ongoing
fundraising initiative. If you would like to purchase
labels as well as support your school, please visit our
website at www.kortrighthills.mabel.ca to place your
As part of the Ministry of Education’s PRO (Parents
Reaching Out) Grant program, Kortright Hills School
Council will be hosting a Wellness Fair on Wednesday,
November 14th from 6:30-8:30. There will be
interactive displays for parents and students that will
detail some of the many community groups and
services that Guelph has to offer. We have confirmed
attendance from over 15 organizations so far
including: the Guelph Fire Department, Guelph Public
Library, Canadian Red Cross, the YMCA, Block
Parents, Habitat for Humanity, Canadian Blood
Services, Guelph Hydro and the Heart & Stroke
Foundation along with many others.
We are also very excited to announce that London
2012 Gold Medal winner Brandon Wagner will be at
the Wellness Fair, along with fellow 2012 Olympian
Andrew Ford. Andrew is a Kortright Hills graduate, so
we are thrilled to welcome him back. Both Olympians
are looking forward to meeting the students of
Kortright Hills.
Please mark Wednesday, November 14th on your
calendar and be sure to come out for a fun evening of
door prizes, refreshments and community spirit!
The Family Fun Day will be held on Saturday,
December 8th from 10am-1pm. This year, proceeds
raised from our raffle table will go to support
KidsAbility. We are always looking for volunteers to
help out at these events, so please contact us if you
are interested in volunteering at the Family Fun Day.
We will be selling poinsettias again for the holiday
season, so please keep an eye out for an order form
this month!
Day 2
Day 2
11:00 AM
Mad Science
Day 5
Day 1
8:45 River Run Gr 5 & 6’s
(Treasa Levasseur)
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 1
9:00 Gr 7 & 8’s HPV Vac.
9:00 Traffic Safety – KB, KD
1A & 1B
9:00 Gr 2 Seat Belt/Air Bag
9:00 Kindergarten Hub Session
9:50 Gr 3&4 Computer Safety
9:50 Gr 5’s Bullying
12:40 Patrol Pizza Lunch
UG Cloud - Library
Mad Science
6:00 School Council
Wellness Fair
Day 3
Day 4
Mad Science
Day 5
Day 1
8:45 River Run Gr 7 & 8’s
Day 4
1:50 Traffic Safety
KA, KC & 1/2C
Mad Science
Day 3
Mad Science
Day 1
Day 2
Mad Science
Mad Science
Day 2
Day 3
Mad Science
Day 4
Day 5
Interview Day
Day 1
November 2012
What a good feeling!
Get Your Flu Shot
The flu is a respiratory illness that spreads quickly from person to person.
Common flu symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle pain, joint pain, and weakness.
The flu is more serious for the very young and elderly. They can get the flu from school aged children
who don’t seem sick but may have a mild case. Get your free flu shot. It protects everyone. Visit
www.wdgpublichealth.ca to find a flu clinic near you.
If you don’t like needles, there's an alternative called FluMist®. FluMist is a nasal spray available for
children and adults ages 2 to 59. FluMist® is not available at drop-in clinics – call 1-800-265-7293 to
make an appointment. Because FluMist isn’t publicly funded, there is a cost of $20.
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health
1-800-265-7293 | www.wdgpublichealth.ca
‘November 2012 Community News’
23 Ptarmigan Drive, Guelph, ON
519.837.0974 Email: khng@bellnet.ca or Website: www.khng.ca
Join us in the Community room for social/meetings 3rd Thursday of each month
PLEASE NOTE: KHNG next meeting Thursday November 15th, 2012 @ 7:00 pm.
KHNG Friday Movie Night in the Gym:
Feature Presentation: TBA
Join Us Friday December 14th, 2012 in the gym; doors open at 7:00; movie to begin at 7:30 pm;
suggested donation of $1 per person would be appreciated; bring your lawn chairs, blankets or
sleeping bags; tell your friends, families and neighbours, popcorn
and refreshments available for a small fee.
We are looking for volunteers to assist us with this event, if you are interested Email: khng@bellnet.ca
KHNG Annual Holiday Social:
Plan to attend this year’s KHNG Holiday Social at “Creekside Kitchen”. Our tentative date is
Tuesday December 4th with a buffet dinner starting at 6:30 pm. Watch for details.
26th Guelph Venture Group offer Movie Night:
The 26th Venture Group has offered to host a childrens movie night Tuesday December 4th at 6:30 pm.
This would be for those who wish to attend the KHNG Holiday Social for an evening out.
More details will be available soon for this as well.
Stay tuned.
Interested in joining BEAVERS, CUBS, SCOUTS, VENTURES…REGISTER NOW for the 2012/2013 Scouting year. All sections due to
begin the middle of September, contact us for dates. Registration forms are available on our website www.26thguelph.scouter.ca
The 26th Guelph Scouting Group sections meet at Kortright Hills Public School gym:
Mondays 6:30-7:30
Beaver Scouts
ages 5-7 meet
Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 Cub Scouts
ages 8-10 meet
Tuesdays 7:00-8:45
ages 11-14 meet
Mondays 7:00-9:00
Venture Scouts
ages 14-17 meets
For program details and further scouting information contact Paul or Leone 519-821-6948 or
Email 26thguelph@w.scouter.ca or visit our website www.26thguelph.scouter.ca
26th Guelph Scouting Group is happy to announce our 1st CRAFTER’S BAZAAR. One of a kind handmade crafts for sale like
knitting, quilting, jewelry, photos, pottery, paper crafts and much more. When: November 17th 2012 10am-3pm; Where: Kortright
Hills Public School 23 Ptarmigan Drive, Guelph, ON; Cost: FREE; Why: To help send our scouting youth to a Canadian Jamboree
in Calgary July 2013.
VENDORS are welcome to join us at the Crafter’s Bazaar. If you are interested in having a table at this event, please contact:
Barbara Yates 519-821-3299 or barbaramyates@gmail.com for further details.
KHNG Proudly Presents: KASP (Kortright After School Program) Fall Session
This fall September to December 2012 the KASP program is going to explore Social Science!
Programming is going to be based upon the many elements of Social Science and will incorporate educational,
creative and physical activities. We will make snacks, do crafts, and play games catered to our topic and
furthermore involve the relation to everyday life!
We also plan to take on some fun science activities during the semester to give the children optimal
experience and exposure to the topics.
We are compiling a waiting list
for KASP
Registration for the 2 session of KASP January to March 2013 will begin early December. Full details of the session and
To receive an introductory letter, program plan and registration form visit our website www.khng.ca
or email khng@bellent.ca and one can be sent to you.
registration package will be posted on our website, watch for full details.
Consider getting involved with your neighbourhood group. Mark your calendars and join us for our next social/meeting date
Thursday November 15th, 2012 @ 7:00 pm in the Community Room (side entrance of KHPS) all are welcome to help plan our next
community events Friday Movie in the Gym Night (December and January), KHNG Holiday Social and other upcoming
recreational/family events planned in the New Year.
 KHNG Holiday Social – December 4, 2012 - tentative date and details to be announced
 Movie in the Gym Night – December 14, 2012 - details to be announced
 Movie in the Gym Night – January 11, 2013 – details to be announced
KHNG Treasurer Position Available: KHNG Treasurer Position Available Immediately
As a member of the KHNG Executive Committee responsibilities include:
Oversee monthly and year end reporting
Prepare yearly budget and grant applications
Attend monthly meetings and present financial updates
Attend City of Guelph Neighbourhood Group meetings as required
Assist in planning and execution of KHNG events
If interested please email khng@bellnet.ca for more details.
KHNG LOOKING FOR USED TOYS: KASP (Kortright after School Program) is in need of some toys for games and sport activities. We are
reaching to you, the Kortright Hills Community to see if you could donate any used items that you no longer need. Balls (soccer, football,
basketball, tennis balls, dodge balls, volley ball), Badminton Raquets, Birdies, mini sticks, the balls for scoops and balls or similar balls,
Skipping Ropes, Frisbees, Hockey Sticks, Hockey Nets, Games, Lego, Toys/Toy sets, Sand Toys and any outdoor other toys. Email
khng@bellnet.ca if you can donate any of the listed items for our KASP children to play with during the program.
KHNG WEBSITE: Visit www.khng.ca to view our website Check it out!! Register and become a member. Our site offers, current
events, current programs, monthly calendar, discussion forum, quarterly newsletters and minutes of our meetings. Become a
member, register now!!
Join KHNG on Facebook - surf over to http://www.facebook.com/groups/304228836299974/ and join the group. It’s a great place
to share ideas, photos and link with other neighbours.
KHNG NEED VOLUNTEERS: We need volunteers to assist with KASP “Kortright After School Program” and planning of
social/events. Get involved and share your ideas and talents to help bring our community together. For further information
contact Leone our Neighbourhood Support Coordinator by email khng@bellnet.ca
KHNG Electronic Mailing List: Join KHNG mailing list to receive newsletters/posters of recreational and social events within your
neighbourhood. E-mail Leone, KHNG Outreach Coordinator to add your e-mail to our electronic list.
KHNG COMMUNITY ROOM: Are you looking for a place to hold a community meeting, start a club, provide a workshop, have an
idea for adult or children programs and would like to share your time/ideas with the neighbourhood? E mail KHNG to find out
more information and/or to book the use of our community room.
KHNG QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER: KHNG also sends a newsletter out four times a year, next issue March 2012. If you wish to
advertise your business (sponsorship fee will apply), share your favourite recipe with your neighbours, write an article of interest,
you are a student looking to offer your services (ie: babysitting, cutting/raking the lawn or garden work) and wish to put your ad
information in our newsletter E-mail khng@bellnet.ca. This is a great way for Kortright Hills Neighbourhood to come together by
sharing thoughts, talents and services available, neighbours helping neighbours.
Next KHNG newsletter is January 2013, deadline for e-mailed submissions December 15th, 2012.
26th Scouting Group is looking for parent volunteers to assist our leadership team with Beavers, Cubs and Scouts sections.
If interested please contact Paul Schadenberg, 26th Guelph Commissioner for further information phone: 519-821-6948 or email:
26thguelph@wellington.on.scouts.ca. Join the adventure.
Are you interested in digital photography? The photo club is for you. We meet the first Monday evening of each month in the
community room @ 7 pm. Bring your talent and share your photos with our group.
Contact Gregg Parsons for more info 519-824-6107 or woodwatr@sentex.net and to also be put on our mailing list of meeting
NOTE: Next Photo Club meeting November 5, 2012
“KASP Fall Session – KASP Super Science!” began Monday September 4th to Thursday December 20th, 2012 (16 weeks). KASP is
offered Monday to Thursday from 3:20 pm to 5:30 pm in the community room of Kortright Hills Public School. This themed
program is offered to children in JK to Grade 6. Join us for a fun-filled 2 hour session consisting of snack, themed educational
activities, active games and free play in the school gym or outside (weather permitting)!
JK and SK students will be escorted to the community room after school by a KASP staff member.
Next session January to March 2013 registration package for KASP will be available early December, watch our website for
further details.
If you are providing child care in your home in our neighbourhood, come to the community room on Wednesday mornings from
9:30-11:30 to meet with other caregivers and children. Call Carmel at 519.837.3351 for more information.
KHNG Neighbourhood Calendar
November 2012
17 26th Guelph Crafters
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
Remembrance Day
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
Photo Club 7pm—9pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KHPS Mad Science
Program 12:40—1:40pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
39 Ptarmigan Dr. WCC#80
Condo meeting AGM
6:30-8:30 pm
26th Guelph Committee
14 KHPS Mad Science
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
Vaccinations 8:30-1pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
60 Ptarmigan Dr. WCC#78
Condo meeting AGM
6:30-8:30 pm
Bazaar KHPS Gym
10am to 3pm
Funds raised help send
our Scout to a Canadian
Jamboree Calgary 2013
KHNG Meeting 7pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KHPS Mad Science
Program 12:40—1:40pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
Ventures Meet 7-9pm
15 KHPS Student
KHPS Mad Science
Program 12:40—1:40pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
Ventures Meet 7-9pm
Meeting 7-9pm
Program 12:40—1:40pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
Ventures Meet 7-9pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm
KASP 3:20 to 5:30pm