Document 10441067

525 Grange Road, Guelph, Ontario N1E 7C4
Tel. 519.836.4545 Fax 519.836.9612
Principal: S. Marquis; VP: T. Drohan
Office Coordinator: L. Smith
It is hard to believe December is here and the holiday break is a few weeks away!
Lots of fun and wonderful activities are being planned as the holiday season
approaches such as some visits from Scientists in School, primary classes going
to the River Run Centre, Room 103 attending the annual Kiwanis Luncheon,
Grade 8’s will visit CHSS and the Kindergarten Holiday concert.
Your will receive your child’s Progress Report on December 11th and have
hopefully chatted with teachers about your child(ren)’s progress and discussed
strategies for their success. Communication between home and school is
essential to a child’s success!
The school has purchased 35 chrome books to help increase technology available
to classes and replace some of the ones that that have broken. To be able to continue to add and replace
broken technology in the school we are doing a FundScrip fundraiser to assist us with this. Please see details
for the fundraiser below. As always thank you for supporting our fundraising initiative.
As we approach the holiday season, we want to wish you all a wonderful time with your family whatever and
however you celebrate. Enjoy the spirit of the season and we look forward to an exciting New Year.
Saskia Marquis and Trisha Drohan
The Ken Danby School Website has monthly newsletters, events, School Council minutes and Board
School Calendar (which is continually updated) is on the School Website with ongoing school events.
We will continue to send Aizan phone messages home to inform parents of upcoming events.
We are also sharing our daily and weekly learning, events and activities on twitter.
You are welcome to call your call your child’s teacher or office if you have any questions or concerns.
We are excited to offer our community this gift card fundraiser for a brief time. Check your child’s backpack for
an order form and more information. This fundraiser is on until December 9 only so we have time to distribute
gift cards to you before the holiday break begins. Please let us know if you like this fundraiser. If we receive
some positive feedback we might be able to offer it all school year. Thanks for your ongoing support. It is
greatly appreciated!
We will have a lost and found table out in the hall during the week before the Holiday Break.
The teachers will bring classes down so students can check to see if any items belong to
them. Parents are welcome to stop by and check the Lost and Found table as well.
We are having another food drive for the Guelph Food Bank before the holidays. Let’s try and fill up those
three containers again. If everyone brings two items each we will have 1,000 items. Guelph Food Bank is in
need of: canned meats, peanut butter, cheese spread, canned fruit, canned vegetables, stew and soups, mac
and cheese, canned tomatoes, pasta sauce, cereal, dry pasta, rice, juices coffee, tea, toiletries, baby formula,
baby food, pull-ups. Thank you for support the Food Drive
We are looking for you! If you are interested in participating in School Council please join us on
Thursday, Jan. 7th at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to attend. If you are interested in helping out “behind the
scenes” by volunteering during fundraising events, write proposals, donating items to our silent auction or with
any other skills or talent you possess please contact us at
Thank you to the community for supporting the School Council Fresh from the Farm fundraiser.
We now have a new Twitter Account. Please check us out @KenDanbySC
Please call the office (519.836.4545 ext.100) before 8:15 am if your child is going to
be absent or late. The voice mail can take your messages 24 hours a day. Please
supply us with the student name(s), teacher’s name(s) and reason(s) for absence/late
The Ministry’s Safe Arrival Program mandates that we call parents of absent students
if we have not been informed, by a parent, of the reason for the absence. If we cannot
reach you at home or at work, we will attempt to call your emergency contact person.
Late students must report to the office for a late slip before going to class, so the attendance register can be
Board Policy on Safe Arrival reads: It is the responsibility of parents to provide current telephone contacts
such as: home phone number, work number of both parents, number of caregiver, number of safe arrival
contact, and emergency contact numbers on the student admission form update the information during the
school year; communicate with the school, prior to the start of school in the morning or afternoon, when the
child will be absent or late for any reason; provide written permission for their child to leave the school during
the day; and inform the school when their child will be returning after an absence of more than 1 day.
The parking lot is for Kindergarten parents only – both before and after school.
Kindergarten parents are issued a Light Purple Kindergarten pass that they need to
show in order to enter the parking lot area. The side Kindergarten "drop off" area is
not meant for more than a two minute drop off. If you need more time, please park in
the parking lot. This is to assist us in keeping the parking lot safe for all.
As you know, Ken Danby P.S. is almost entirely a walking school and therefore bus cancellations do not affect
our daily instructional practices. When buses are cancelled, school continues as normal and students are
expected to be in attendance.
If you feel it is unsafe for your child to get to school, please call the school to report your child’s absence. This
will save the office many hours of trying to call parents to comply with our Ministry mandated Safe Arrival
program. If your child is absent, we will get them caught up on the work they missed when they return.
The Upper Grand and Wellington Catholic District School Boards operate a joint transportation system.
Inclement weather cancellations and delays will affect students attending both Boards’ schools.
A decision to cancel transportation or close schools is made by the Board by 6:00 a.m. in order to give all
parents - and drivers - sufficient notice. The decision is based on a number of factors, including the actual
weather and road conditions, as checked first-hand by designated bus operators in each area, and weather
predictions made by Environment Canada. When you hear the radio announce that “South Wellington or City
of Guelph” school transportation is cancelled – this means that buses are cancelled but Ken Danby P.S. IS
OPEN TO STUDENTS. The only time the school would be closed is during extreme severe weather when the
radio announcements would be that ALL schools are closed.
During times of inclement weather, please listen to 1460 AM CJOY, 106.1 Magic FM, 900 AM CHML, 105.3
KOOL FM, News talk 570 AM, or 96.7 FM CHYM for school transportation cancellations or school closures.
Current information will be posted on the Board website starting at 6:00 a.m.:
(Please note that Ken Danby P.S. is included in the yellow bus card area.)
It is chilly out and all kinds of weather will come our way! Please remember to
assist your child in wearing the proper clothing to school. This includes a warm
jacket, hat, mitts and waterproof, footwear. Thanks for sending extra socks in your
child’s backpack just in case! All students are expected to participate in outdoor
recess, as this important, active break aids concentration and success in the
Attention Grade 7 & 8 Students
and their Parents/Guardians:
You Are Invited to
College Heights Secondary School
Open House
Wednesday, January 13th, 2016
6:30 pm 8
Attention Grade 8 Students
and their Parents/Guardians:
You Are Invited to
John F Ross
Open House
Thursday, January 14th, 2016
6:00 pm
The Upper Grand District School Board is committed to providing safe learning environments for all students,
staff, school visitors, and community members. When a student behaves inappropriately, Principals use
progressive discipline to help a student take responsibility for their actions, change their behaviour, and learn
from their mistakes.
When safety is threatened by the potentially violent or dangerous behaviour of a student, which places either
the student or others at risk, school staff follow specific protocols for the protection of all. It is important that you
and your children are aware of these protocols.
For more information, please visit the board’s website:
Congratulations to Keiryn H. in grade 6 who placed third in the art category of the My Healthy Mind Poster
contest. Well done!
31 Days of Taking Care of Ourselves
In December, as the days get shorter and colder, we all need to take some time to do something good for
ourselves. Taking a little time each day to take care of ourselves makes so much difference to keeping in good
mental health. You may choose to do some activities on your own or with your family or with a friend. Try one
or a few or try them all. Enjoy!
December 1 : One Minute – Take deep breaths, in and out, for one minute.
December 2 : Two Minutes – Smile at yourself in the mirror.
December 3 : Three Minutes – Listen to a favourite song.
December 4 : Four Minutes – Eat some fresh fruit.
December 5 : Five Minutes – Light a candle and quietly watch the flame.
December 6 : Six Minutes – Sit quietly for six minutes.
December 7 : Seven Minutes – Enjoy the taste of a holiday snack.
December 8 : Eight Minutes – Spend fun time with someone who a person or pet .
December 9 : Nine Minutes – Think of the best things that happened this week.
December 10 : Ten Minutes – Take some time out with a cup of tea. Sip slowly and enjoy.
December 11 : Eleven Minutes – Sing along with your favourite songs.
December 12 : Twelve Minutes – Send an email to a friend setting up a time to meet up during the holidays.
December 13 : Thirteen Minutes – Draw, paint or doodle.
December 14 : Fourteen Minutes – Go outside and breathe in the cool, crisp air.
December 15 : Fifteen Minutes – Read a favourite story.
December 16 : Sixteen Minutes – Call or skype with someone.
December 17 : Seventeen Minutes – Do something active: dance, walk, run, skip, play.
December 18 : Eighteen Minutes – Make a cup of hot chocolate and pay attention to the flavor and warmth as
you sip– add marshmallows if desired.
December 19 : Nineteen Minutes – Help someone else out who needs some extra help in the holidays.
December 20 : Twenty Minutes –Watch the sunset on the shortest day of the year.
December 21 : Twenty One Minutes – Enjoy the holiday decorations in your neighbourhood.
December 22 : Twenty Two Minutes – Reflect on traditions you have enjoyed or currently enjoy.
December 23 : Twenty Three Minutes –Make your favourite meal and enjoy every bite.
December 24 : Twenty Four Minutes – Enjoy a bubble bath or extra long shower.
December 25: Twenty Five Minutes – Take a walk to appreciate nature and being outside.
December 26: Twenty Six Minutes – Take a nap, lie down and take a rest.
December 27: Twenty Seven Minutes - Watch your favourite TV show that makes you laugh.
December 28: Twenty Eight Minutes – Spend time with friends or family.
December 29: Twenty Nine Minutes – Go to the library and take out a new book, CD or DVD.
December 30: Thirty Minutes – Take some time to do a hobby or something you enjoy that you have not done
for a while.
December 31: Thirty One Minutes – Make a list of all the things you were grateful for this year.
Dr. Lynn Woodford, Psychologist, is the Mental Health and Addiction Lead for Upper Grand District School
Follow me on twitter: @drlynnwoodford
Water might seem like an endless resource. It covers more than 75% of our planet, but only 1% of the
water on planet Earth is fresh, usable, and drinkable. The rest is either saltwater or frozen. And now the
1% that is drinkable is being threatened by pollution because of humans.
We need to conserve the water that exists on planet Earth. Did you know that almost 1 billion people do
not have access to clean water? That is really hard for us to understand because Canada's most
valuable natural resource by far is freshwater. While we have only 0.5% of the world’s population we
have approximately 20% of the world’s fresh water resources. But unfortunately Canada is also one of
the highest fresh water users in the world. Of 29 nations studied, only the United States uses more
water than Canada on a per capita basis. Canada’s consumption is an alarming 65 per cent above the
What are some of the ways we can reduce water pollution? At home, purchase environmentally
friendly, non-toxic cleaning products. Or clean with baking soda, lemon or vinegar. Conserve fresh
water by collecting rainwater in barrels. Use it to water your lawn and garden or even indoor plants.
Don’t pour chemicals or paint or oil down the drain, and especially not into the storm drains on the
street, as it goes directly back to our rivers and lakes. Using natural products that are biodegradable, for
example, is a great way to go. Most importantly, don’t waste the clean water that we have. Turn off the
taps when you brush your teeth, take shorter showers, and know that lawn watering is now no longer
Slogan of the month: Conserve our water - it's all we have!
In recent years, there has been a call to action to strengthen FSL programming. The belief that all students can
learn in a Core French, French Immersion and Extended French program is embedded all through this plan.
While this may sound like a trendy statement, holding on-to this belief can be the most essential ingredient to
breaking down barriers and making school work for all students.
Finding solutions is critical when working with students who experience challenges. Understanding what they
can learn, when they can learn it and how they learn best is key. Also important is the direct in-volvement of
parents in their education. This can no doubt be overwhelming for some. Know-ing how to support their child,
especially when there are struggles, is not always evident. Studies show, however, that when schools and
families work together to support learn-ing, students do better.
Tips for Parents to Support Student Learning
- become familiar with your child’s FSL program
- show your child that you value the learning of French
- maintain consistent communication with the teacher
- share what you have observed about your child’s learning with the teacher and inquire about the observations
made at school
- inquire about the supports provided to your child
- learn which strategies can be used to support your child’s learning at home
- read all information shared about your child’s classroom program (teacher’s newsletters, blogs, websites,
- ask that any new learning be shared with you and celebrate your child’s progress
The Upper Grand District School Board now has Chromebooks for student use in all 25 public libraries across
the district.
The program first launched in April at three pilot sites within the Wellington County library system and has
grown to include all 25 public library branches that serve our region.
Each branch has been outfitted with five Chromebooks that are available exclusively for Upper Grand students
to access and complete their homework and assignments.
For more information, visit the board website at
News from the Library
Thank you to all of you who attended the Book Fair. We made approximately $1400 profit, which will
go towards purchasing resources for the Library!
It is so exciting to see so many students already inquiring about the reading programs that will begin
at Ken Danby early January! These programs are voluntary for Grades 3 to 8 students. If you would
like to encourage your child to get a head start on reading by signing them out from the Guelph Public
Library or purchasing them, you can find the book titles and a synopsis of each by going to the
Ontario Library Association Website at:
Click on “Forest of Reading” on the left and then select “Nominated Lists” on the left column. The
reading programs we will be running are listed below:
Silver Birch Express (Gr. 3-4 reading level), Silver Birch Fiction (Gr. 5-6), Silver Birch Non- Fiction
(Grade 5-6), Red Maple Fiction (Gr. 7-8).
Have you checked out the Ken Danby Library Wiki? There is a link to it on our school website.
Students can enter requests for books to add to our library; read online stories; find links to creative
online tools (e.g. create digital stories with beautiful artwork using Storybird); create a Bibliography,
view student projects; and so much more!
Feel free to call me if you have any questions.
Carolyn Forde
Teacher Librarian (Ext. 225)