GeoDaze 2011 Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona Thursday, March 31 to Saturday, April 2 Student Union Memorial Center, North Ballroom And surrounding terrain… GeoDaze 2011 Committees Co-­‐Chairs……………………..……………………….Russ Edge and Devon Orme Outreach and Registration ………………..Mark Trees and Molly Dendas Audio/Video…………………….…..Brendon Johnson and Drew Laskowski Publications…………………………….……….Sarah Dasher and Kate Metcalf Treasurer……………………………………………………………………….Ryan Porter Slideshow………………………….……..Melissa McMillan and Clare Tochilin Fieldtrip……………..…………………………….Phil Nickerson and Kevin Ward Refreshments………………………………..Meg Blome and Roxana Safipour Webmaster……………………………………………………………………..Phil Stokes Awards……………………………………………………….……………….Esther Posner Fundraising…………………………………………………………….……..Caitlin Orem Correspondence…………….…………………Clare Tochilin and Kate Metcalf P a g e | 1 Thank you to the following organizations and individuals! Their generous contributions made GeoDaze 2010 possible. Corporate Individuals Thomas Biggs Barbara Bohn Edwin and Liza Butler Anthony Ching Gary Colgan Raj Daniel Terrence Gerlach James Hardy Richard Jones Leeann Kelly Susan Kidwell Charles Kluth Pete Kresan Joseph Lysonski John Matis Scott McBride Edgar McCullough Norman Meader Sally Meader-­‐Roberts Nancy Naeser Robert Peterson Miles Shaw Spence and Helen Titley Frank Wagner P a g e | 2 Donations received after March 4, 2011 will be acknowledged on-­‐line at P a g e | 3 Table of Contents GeoDaze 2011 Organizers…............................................................................................................1 GeoDaze 2011 Benefactors……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………2 Co-­‐Chairs Welcome……………………………….……..……………………………………………………………..……………5 Schedule of Events.........................................................................................................................6 Thursday, March 30...............................................................................................................6 Friday, March 31..................................................................................................................10 Maps and Directions....................................................................................................................15 Field Trip Guide............................................................................................................................17 Download a complete version of the GeoDaze 2011 Program with Abstracts: P a g e | 4 Co-­‐Chairs’ Welcome Welcome to GeoDaze 2011, the 39th Annual Geosciences Symposium at the University of Arizona! GeoDaze is run by the graduate students in the Department of Geosciences of the University of Arizona, and is funded by the generosity of private donations. GeoDaze gives students an extremely valuable opportunity to share their research with a broad audience and receive feedback from faculty, industry and government representatives, and their peers. We are proud to offer a program at this year’s symposium that features over 70 presentations that will showcase the diverse research interests of earth science graduate and undergraduate students at the University of Arizona. GeoDaze is part of Earth Week, a series of earth science related symposiums sponsored by the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (SEES). We are excited to be a part of this tradition and welcome students and faculty from the other SEES departments to our seminar. Student presentations will occur on Thursday, March 31st and Friday, April 1st, and cover a wide variety of topics, including: economic geology, structural geology, seismology, geodesy, planetary geology, paleoclimatology, biogeochemistry, geomorphology, archaeological geology, geochemistry, geochronology, and tectonics. We would like to extend a very special welcome to Dr. Peter Molnar, this year’s keynote speaker. Dr. Molnar is a Professor of Geological Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder and a Fellow at the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences. His research focuses on understanding how mountain ranges form and continental lithosphere deforms, as well as the relationships between the tectonic evolution of the Earth and climate change. Dr. Molnar will speak at 3:15 PM on Friday, April 1st. His talk is entitled Mantle Dynamics and the Rise and Fall of Mountain Belts. On Friday, April 1st we will honor several individuals with special recognition, announce the student awards, and, of course, view the (in)famous annual GeoDaze slide show. Friday evening, we encourage everyone to attend the annual GeoDaze party, which will be held at the residence of Dr. Susan Beck and Dr. George Zandt. On Saturday morning, we will depart for the Santa Rita Mountains on a field trip led and designed by Dr. Charles Ferguson from the AZGS. This year’s fieldtrip will focus on the volcanology near Mt. Wrightson, but will also discuss implications to regional and structural geology. The trip departs from the loading dock on the North side of the Gould-­‐Simpson Building at 8:00 AM. GeoDaze is an important tradition for our department, and we would like to thank everyone who has contributed to making it a success. GeoDaze would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of the faculty, students and staff in the Department of Geosciences and the generous financial support of the department’s alumni, friends, and corporate sponsors. We are honored to be part of such a wonderful community of people who engage in and support geoscience research. Thank you for attending this year’s GeoDaze Symposium, and we hope to see you in the years to come! Devon Orme and Russ Edge Co-­‐Chairs, 2011 GeoDaze Symposium P a g e | 5 Thursday, March 31, 2011 8:00 Coffee 8:15 GeoDaze Welcome from Dr. Karl Flessa Scientific Program 8:30-­‐10:00 Session I: Economic Geology 8:30 Alteration and Mineralization in the Santo Domingo Sur Iron-­‐Oxide (-­‐Cu-­‐Au) Deposit: Preliminary Results Giancarlo Daroch 8:45 Reworking of Cu-­‐Co Ores in the Near-­‐Surface Environment, Tenke-­‐Fungurume, D.R. Congo Isabel Fay 9:00 Geology, Alteration, and Mineralization of the Elder Creek Porphyry System, Battle Mountain, Nevada Caleb King 9:15 Petrographic analysis and U/Pb dating of the Ox Frame Andesite and Biotite Quartz Diorite of the Sierrita Porphyry Cu-­‐Mo Deposit, Green Valley, Arizona. Jennifer La Sure 9:30 Buffalo Valley Gold Deposit, Battle Mountain Mining District, Nevada: Structural Setting and Alteration and Metal Zoning Kathryn Sechrist and Spencer Titley 9:45 Jurassic magmatism and Iron-­‐oxide(-­‐Cu-­‐Au) (“IOCG”) systems in the southern Palen Mountains, Mojave Desert, Ca James D. Girardi, Mark D. Barton, and Douglas C. Kreiner 10:00-­‐10:15 Coffee Break P a g e | 6 10:15-­‐12:00 Session II: Paleoclimate I – Lakes and Surface Processes 10:15 A Century of Blowing Dust in Southwestern Tibet Jessica L. Conroy, Jonathan T. Overpeck, Kam-­‐Biu Liu, Mihai N. Ducea, and Luo Wang 10:30 Exploration of lake Malawi sediments through x-­‐radiographic imagery Erin Abel, Andrew Cohen, Erik Brown 10:45 Exploring the use of ostracode trace metal geochemistry for paleoenvironmental reconstructions in Lake Tanganyika, Africa Jeanine Ash, Andrew Cohen, Peter Reiners, and David Dettman 11:00 Lacustrine sedimentation and paleolimnology in an Early Cretaceous backbulge-­‐basin lake Mark Trees, Andrew Cohen, Michael McGlue 11:15 A Radiocarbon-­‐Based Assessment of Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dates on Carrizo Wash Alluvium, West-­‐Central New Mexico Jill Onken 11:30 Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rate Scaling: High Altitude Calibration at the Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru Adam M. Hudson, Nathaniel A. Lifton, A. J. Timothy Jull 11:45 Transient slope lineae: possible briny flow on Mars Lujendra Ojha, Alfred McEwen, James Wray, Colin Dundas, Sarah Mattson, Shane Byrne 12:00-­‐1:00 Lunch 1:00-­‐2:00 Session III: Posters Economic Geology Iron-­‐oxide(-­‐Cu-­‐Au) (“IOCG”) vein systems near Copiapó, Chile Douglas C. Kreiner and Mark D. Barton Evidence for Shallow Emplacement of the Chilean Coastal Batholith and Formation of Iron-­‐Rich (“IOCG”) Hydrothermal Systems in the Uppermost Crust Logan Hill, Mark Barton, James Girardi, Frank Mazdab, and Douglas Kreiner P a g e | 7 Synthesis of Selected Ore Deposits in Southeastern Arizona and Comparison with the Resolution Porphyry Copper Deposit, Superior Mining District, Arizona Michael J. McCarrel Hypogene Alteration, Sulfide Mineralogy, and Metal Distribution at the Cerro Yanacocha High-­‐ Sulfidation Epithermal Deposit, Northern Perú Richard Pilco Paleoclimate Ostracode Paleoecology of Lake Malawi Core 1B: Evidence of Hyper-­‐Aridity ~505-­‐514ka? Margaret Whiting Blome, Andrew S. Cohen Sr/Ca-­‐derived SST records in slow-­‐growing Siderastrea siderea and Linkages with tropical storms, drought, and rainfall Lauren Ferrigni, Heidi Barnett, and Julia Cole Dendrogeomorphic and climatic constraints to parabolic dune movements at the Walking Dune Field, Napeague, N.Y. James D. Girardi, J. Tyler Blank, and Paul Sheppard Tropical vegetation and high-­‐amplitude climate variability: the Last Interglacial at Lake Malawi, southeast Africa Sarah Ivory, Anne-­‐Marie Lézine, Annie Vincens, and Andrew Cohen Sedimentological Interpretation and Analysis of Littoral Surface Sediments: Southern Lake Malawi Matthew J. Lopez, Margaret Whiting Blome, Andrew S. Cohen Climate Variability at Ngamring Co, South-­‐Central Tibet Chelsea Powers, Jessica L. Conroy, and Jonathan T. Overpeck Reconstructing Climate of the Eastern Tropical Pacific: Modern Calibration and Challenges from the Galapagos Islands Diane Thompson, Jessica Conroy, Heidi Barnett, Julia Cole, Jonathan Overpeck, Sandy Tudhope, and Mark Bush An Assessment of the influence of the Southern Annular Mode on Antarctic Sea Ice Variability in the IPCC AR4 Models Hannah Zanowski, Joellen Russell, Paul Goodman P a g e | 8 Surface Processes Crater-­‐Exposed Intact Stratigraphy Blocks and Volcanogenic Origin C. Caudill, L. Tornabene, A. McEwen, J. Wray The role of hydrologic variability in long-­‐term sediment transport rates Todd Engelder and Jon Pelletier Causes of Flooding in Louisiana vs. Arizona: Similarities and Differences Natashia Henderson, Katie Hirschboeck, and the CLIMAS Team Biogeochemistry Size does matter: Predator/prey interactions on San Salvador Island, Bahamas Jeanine Ash and Yurena Yanes Iodine-­‐129 time series records from the Pacific Ocean as recorded in modern corals Ching-­‐Chih Chang, George S. Burr, A. J. Timothy Jull, and Dana L. Biddulph A Study of the Causes of the Decline in Fish Catch at Lake Tanganyika Andrew Cohen, Elizabeth Gergurich, Catherine M. O’Reilly, Simone R. Alin, Pierre-­‐Denis Plisnier, and Brent A. McKee Assessment of Anthropogenic Impact on crassostrea virginica reefs in southeastern North Carolina using Live-­‐dead anaylsis Leanndra Romero, Gregory P. Dietl, Patricia H. Kelley, Jessica G. Lambert, and Christy C. Visaggi 2:00-­‐3:45 Session IV: Paleoclimate II—Caves, Oceans and Modeling 2:00 Monte-­‐Carlo Age-­‐model Families for Analysis and Interpretation (MAFIA): New tools for paleoclimate studies Toby R. Ault, Ali Kimbrough, Nick McKay, Sarah Truebe, and Julia Cole 2:15 Drought in the Peruvian Amazon Sarah White, Jonathan Overpeck, Scott Saleska, Mark Bush 2:30 Holocene climate variability in Southern Arizona: a new speleothem record from Cave of the Bells Sarah Truebe, Julia Cole, Toby Ault, Heidi Barnett, and Gideon Henderson P a g e | 9 2:45 Indonesian cave formations: Indicators of precipitation variability over the past 2000 years Ali Kimbrough, Toby R. Ault, Michael Griffiths, Julia Cole, Michael Gagan, and Heidi Barnett 3:00 The Role of Thermal Expansion in Last Interglacial Sea Level Rise Nicholas P. McKay, Jonathan T. Overpeck, Bette L. Otto-­‐Bliesner 3:15 A Megadrought Showdown: Has the Medieval Period Met its Match? Cody Routson, Connie Woodhouse, Jonathan Overpeck 3:30 Investigating the Relationship of Modeled Topography and Seasonal Precipitation Sarah Dasher, Joellen Russell, Paul Goodman 4:00 Earth Week Plenary Speaker: Jorge Cham, Creator of Ph.D. Comics Friday, April 1, 2011 8:00 Coffee 8:15 Announcements: Field Trip Information Scientific Program 8:30-­‐10:00 Session V: Geophysics 8:30 Global Positioning System measurements of present day crustal deformation in the Southern Balkans Buble, G.; Bennett, R. A. 8:45 Coseismic Displacements and Deep Aseismic Slip Associated with the April 4, 2010, Mw7.2 El Mayor-­‐Cucapah Earthquake, Baja California, Mexico Joshua Spinler and Richard Bennett 9:00 Seismic reflection imaging of the Catalina Detachment fault across the Tortolita and Suizo Mountains and Durham Hills, SE Arizona Russ Edge, Roy Johnson, and James Broemann 9:15 Analysis of Shear Wave Splitting Beneath Wyoming Justin D. Wood, C. Berk Biryol, Susan L. Beck, and George Zandt P a g e | 10 9:30 Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of the Pampean Flat Slab region from Rayleigh Wave Tomography Ryan Porter, George Zandt, Susan Beck, Hersh Gilbert, and Linda Warren 9:45 Lithospheric Structure of the Chile-­‐Argentina Flat Slab Region from Double-­‐Difference Tomography Lepolt Linkimer, Susan Beck, George Zandt, Patricia Alvarado, Megan Anderson, Hersh Gilbert 10:00-­‐10:15 Coffee 10:15-­‐12:00 Session VI: Geochronology/Geochemistry 10:15 High Mantle Magma Fluxes in the Jurassic-­‐Cretaceous coastal batholith, northern Chile James D. Girardi, and Mark D. Barton 10:30 Molybdenite Mineral Evolution: A Study of Trace Elements Through Time Melissa M. McMillan, Robert T. Downs, Holly J. Stein, Aaron Zimmerman, Bailey Beitscher, Dimitri A. Sverjensky, Dominic Papineau, John Armstrong, and Robert M. Hazen 10:45 Resolving the timing of Martian volcanism: A diffusion kinetic study of hafnium in clinopyroxene and its geochronological implications Elias Bloch and Jibamitra Ganguly 11:00 Apatite (U-­‐Th)/He Thermochronology from the Henry Mountains Laccolith Complex, Colorado Plateau, USA Kendra Murray and Peter Reiners 11:15 Effects of External Parent Nuclides on Apatite Helium Dates Devon A. Orme and Peter W. Reiners 11:30 The Evolution of the Pamir: Applications of Multi-­‐Geochronology to modern rivers draining the eastern Pamir. Fariq Shazanee Mustapha, Barbara Carrapa, Lindsay Schoenbhom, and Ed Sobel 11:45-­‐12:45 Lunch P a g e | 11 12:45-­‐1:45 Session VII: Posters Geophysics Reflection Seismology Data From Sulphur Springs Valley and Swisshelm Mountains, Southeast Arizona James Broermann, Roy A Johnson, Russell Edge The Tucson Mountains caldera: using gravity and magnetic anomalies to test trapdoor subsidence and locate subsurface plutonic bodies Leandra X. Marshall, Mark E. Gettings, Russ D. Edge, Philip J. Stokes Geochronology/ Geochemistry U-­‐Pb Geochronology of the Scherrer Formation Amanda Alfing, Cassie Fausel U-­‐Pb Geochronology of the Jelly Bean Conglomerate in the Earp Formation Amanda Alfing, Carlos Cantero Jr., Ben Dicken, Edward F. James, Ann Nguyen, and Justin Templin Uncharted Waters: Volcanic Glass Paleoaltimetry and the Central Andes Matthew P. Dettinger, Jay Quade, Glynis Jehle U-­‐ Pb Geochronology of the Rain Valley Formation in Southern Arizona Cassie Fausel and Amanda Alfing U-­‐Pb Geochronology of the Martin Formation in Southern Arizona Erik Anderson, Cassie Fausel, Adam Karczynski, and Matt Swatzell A Petrological and Experimental Study: CR2 Carbonaceous Chondrites Renazzo and GRA 06100 Courtney C. King, Kathryn G. Gardner-­‐Vandy, Dante S. Lauretta Enigmatic Cooling and Erosional History of the Huachuca Mountains: Implications for the Provenance of Quaternary Sediments in the San Pedro River Valley, Southeast Arizona Courtney C. King, Devon A. Orme, Peter W. Reiners, and Abir Biswas Re-­‐Os geochronology of the Barnette black shales Fariq Shazanee Mustapha and Jason Donald Kirk P a g e | 12 Understanding orogenesis and crustal genesis through river sands of South America Martin Pepper, George E. Gehrels, Mark Pecha Stratigraphy and Geochronology of La Playa Archeological Site, Sonora, Mexico Audrey Copeland, Jay Quade, James Watson, Brett McLaurin, Elisa Villalpando Tectonics From the lakeshores of Tibet: The history of changing lake levels across the Tibetan Plateau Adam M. Hudson, Jay Quade, Lei Guoliang Multidisciplinary Investigation of Continental Suturing: Exploring the Himalayan-­‐Tibetan Orogenic System Andrew Laskowski, Devon Orme, Ross Waldrip, Matt Dettinger, Kate Metcalf, Ryan Leary, and Brendon Johnson Lithospheric Structure and Active Deformation of the Northern Chilean Forearc: Implications for Geodynamics and Seismic Hazards Kathryn Metcalf and Paul Kapp Geoscience Education Encouraging Careers in Earth Science: The Saturday Academy Outreach Program Roxana Safipour and Mariel Schottenfeld Digging for the Next Generation of Geologists: the Effectiveness of Saturday Science Academy Elysse N. Hernandez, Philip J. Stokes, Roger Levine, Miriam Fuhrman, Karl W. Flessa, Manny Leon, Sarah Truebe, Kendra Murray, Nicole Conway 1:45-­‐3:00 Session VIII: Tectonics/Sedimentology/Structure 1:45 Tectonically Controlled Footwall Exhumation in the Santa Catalina Metamorphic Core Complex: New Constraints from Rb/Sr Dating of Synkinematic Mica Brendon Johnson, Andrew Laskowski, and Mihai Ducea 2:00 Tectonic controls on the deposition of the Ericson Sandstone, Southwestern Wyoming Ryan J. Leary and Peter DeCelles P a g e | 13 2:15 Footwall constraints on metamorphic core complex formation, Pinaleño Mountains, AZ Phillip Nickerson 2:30 The Birth, Death, and Reincarnation of Faults within Contraction Bends in a Claybox Mariel Schottenfeld and Michele Cooke 2:45 Kinematic Analysis of the Marlborough Fault Zone, New Zealand since the Early Miocene Kevin M. Ward and Kevin P. Furlong 3:15 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Peter Molnar, “ Mantle Dynamics and the Rise and Fall of Mountain Belts” 4:15: Awards Ceremony 4:45 Tectonic Petrameter: A Spoken-­‐Word Journey through Earth History and Alternative Method of Teaching the Geologic Time Scale – Esther Posner 5:00 Slide Show 5:15 Closing Remarks P a g e | 14 Student Union Memorial Center -­‐ Level 3 Directions: From Speedway Blvd., turn south on N. Park Ave and west on E. 2nd St. Complimentary parking is available 0.1 miles west on E. 2nd Street in the Main Gate Garage. P a g e | 15 North Grand Ballroom (Talks) Catalina Room (Posters) Diamond Atrium (Registration Desk) P a g e | 16 Field Trip Guide Sponsored by a generous donation from ConocoPhillips Title: What’s Wrong with Wrightson? Leader: Dr. Charles Ferguson of the Arizona Geological Survey Pre-­‐trip Info Session: 8:15AM Friday, April 1 Registration Deadline: 5:00PM Monday, March 28 Field Trip: 8:00AM – 4:30PM, Saturday, April 2. Meet at 8:00AM. Leaving from the Gould-­‐Simpson loading dock. Box lunch provided. Participants should bring ample sunscreen and water. Description: This year’s trip will travel to the Sawmill Canyon fault zone at the western base of the Santa Rita Mountains. We will examine key relationships there to evaluate 1) the nature of the contact; 2) the age of Mount Wrightson Formation; 3) the origin of the Mount Wrightson Formation. New results of mapping by the AZGS will be presented, which will hopefully generate some lively discussion surrounding Mount Wrightson and the regional geology of SE Arizona. P a g e | 17