Heat and Energy Transport in the Atmosphere

Heat and Energy Transport
in the Atmosphere
RECAP: Energy, Temperature and Heat
• Energy
1 2
E K  mv
♦ Kinetic
E p  mgH
♦ Potential, e.g. gravitational
Temperature scales
♦ Absolute temperature: K
♦ Fahrenheit scale: F
♦ Celsius scale: C
♦ Freezing point: 273K<->0C<->32F
♦ Boiling point: 373K<->100C<->212F
Heat capacity and specific heat capacity
♦ Large heat capacity: the object requires more energy/heat
(and it takes longer) to warm up to a certain degree.
♦ Alternatively: given the same amount of heat, the object
with the largest heat capacity warms up to the lowest T
♦ C(water) > C(soil) > C(air)
Heat Capacity
• Heat
capacity: the amount of heat energy that is required to
change the temperature of a body by 1 K.
♦ Heat capacity= Heat energy/Temperature change
♦ It depends on the material and on the mass of the body
Specific heat capacity: the amount of energy that is required to
change the temperature of 1 gram of substance by 1 degree C.
m T
♦ It does not depend on the mass of the body.
♦ It depends only on the material of the body.
Table 2-1, p. 30
Thermal inertia
• Bodies
with a large heat
capacity cool and/or heat up
very slowly.
♦ Analogy with a heavy body
(a big truck)
♦ Water has a high heat
capacity (large thermal
inertia) 1cal/gram/degree
♦ Regions near large bodies
of water (rivers, lakes,
oceans) do not experience
sharp temperature changes.
Their climate is mild.
♦ Air and land have smaller
specific heats than water.
Figure 3.23
Phase Changes
Phase transitions
(1 gram of water)
Sensible heat
600 cal
Temperature C
Latent heat
100 cal
80 cal
Latent heat
• Latent
heat: the heat required to
change a substance from one state
to another (phase change)
♦ Evaporation/Melting (cools the
♦ Condensation/Freezing (heats
the environment)
The importance
of latent heat
Heat: Q
• from one object to another.
Heat is energy in the process of being transferred
The amount of heat is equal to the change of energy
that results from the process of energy transfer.
Processes of heat transfer:
♦ Conduction;
♦ Convection;
♦ Radiation.
Heat Conduction
• Description:
♦ Transfer of kinetic energy from
one molecule to another
♦ Objects are in physical contact
Necessary conditions:
♦ Heat is conducted whenever
there is a T difference.
♦ The energy flow is from the body
of higher T towards the body with lower T
Conducting materials:
♦ Good conductors: metals
♦ Insulators (poor conductors): water, air, wood.
Conduction is NOT an efficient way to transport energy in the
The heat transport through conduction near the ground is relevant
only for a thin layer a few cm thick.
Table 2-2, p. 33
• Description:
♦ Transfer of heat by mass movements of a fluid.
• Rising air cools and sinking air warms!!!
• Convection
is a very efficient way to transport energy in
fluids (gas, liquid).
• Advection: the horizontal movement of a parcel of fluid.
Development of a thermal
Fig. 2-6, p. 34
• Description:
♦ Energy carried by
♦ They are NOT
mechanical waves!!!
• Characteristics:
♦ Wavelength l: the
distance between
two adjacent
♦ Units: 1 mm
(micron)= 10-6 m
♦ May propagate
through vacuum
and “transparent”
♦ Visible: 0.4-0.7 mm
Radiation and Temperature
• All bodies with T>0K emit radiation (electromagnetic energy).
• The
origin of the emission is the transition of the atoms
(molecules) from one energy state to another.
• The
wavelength and the amount of energy emitted by the body
depend on its temperature.
• Higher
T -> larger internal energy -> atoms vibrate faster -> the
radiation has shorter wavelength and higher energy.
The Sun’s electromagnetic spectrum
Black body radiation
Black body: it emits and absorbs at all wavelengths.
Stefan-Boltzmann Law:
Wien’s Law:
E  T
Temperature and Emitted Energy
E  T 4
lmax 
E  T 4
The Sun emits ~(6000/288)4~188,000 times more energy than the Earth!!!
Sun/Earth radiation
♦ T=6000 K
♦ lmax=0.5 mm
♦ Maximum in visible
♦ T=288 K = 15 C
♦ lmax=10 mm
♦ Maximum in IR
The Sun emits (6000/288)4~188,000 times more
energy than the Earth!!!