Research & Publications MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR STUDENTS, FACULTY, THE STATE AND THE NATION The University of Delaware’s Center for Political Communication has created a considerable body of work to the knowledge literature in its first five years, with 18 publications and one book attributable to CPC-affiliated faculty and students. These interdisciplinary projects have engaged twelve authors, including six faculty members, three graduate students and three undergraduates. Publications Resulting from CPC-Funded Projects Names of CPC Affiliated Faculty in Bold Names of University of Delaware Students Underlined ★ Young, Dannagal G. and Jonathan Gray (Editors). 2013. Breaking Boundaries in Poli0cal Entertainment Studies. Los Angeles: USC Annenberg Press. ★ Brewer, Paul R. 2013. “Science: What’s It Up To? The Daily Show and the Social ConstrucJon of Science.” Interna0onal Journal of Communica0on 7:452-­‐470. ★ Brewer, Paul R., Dannagal G. Young, and Philip Edward Jones. 2013. “Campaign News Genres, Audience CharacterisJcs, and Media PercepJons: A Field Experiment.” Electronic News 7(4):189-­‐203. ★ Brewer, Paul R., Dannagal G. Young, and Michelle Morreale. 2013. “ The Impact of Real News about ‘Fake News’: Intertextual Processes and PoliJcal SaJre.” Interna0onal Journal of Public Opinion Research 25(3):323-­‐343. ★ Hoffman, Lindsay H. 2013. “PoliJcal Interviews: Examining Perceived Media Bias and Effects across TV Entertainment Formats.” Interna0onal Journal of Communica0on 7: 471-­‐488. ★ Hoffman, Lindsay H., Philip Edward Jones, and Dannagal G. Young. 2013. “Does My Comment Count? PercepJons of PoliJcal ParJcipaJon in an Online Environment.” Computers in Human Behavior 29(6): 2248 -­‐2256. ★ Jones, Philip Edward, Lindsay H. Hoffman, and Dannagal G. Young. 2013. “Online EmoJonal Appeals and PoliJcal ParJcipaJon: The Effect of Candidate Affect on Mass Behavior.” New Media & Society 15(7):1132-­‐1150. ★ Wilson, David C. and Paul R. Brewer. 2013. “ The FoundaJons of Public Opinion on Voter ID Laws: PoliJcal PredisposiJons, Racial Resentment, and InformaJon Effects.” Public Opinion Quarterly 77(4): 962-­‐984. ★ Young, Dannagal G. 2013. “PoliJcal SaJre and Occupy Wall Street: How Comics Co-­‐opted Strategies of the Protest Paradigm to LegiJmize a Movement.” Interna0onal Journal of Communica0on 7:371-­‐393. ★ Brewer, Paul R., Lindsay H. Hoffman, Ruby Harrington, Philip Edward Jones, and Jennifer L. Lambe. 2014. “Public PercepJons Regarding the AuthenJcity of the 2012 PresidenJal Candidates.” Presiden0al Studies Quarterly 44(4):742-­‐757. ★ Hoffman, Lindsay H., and Hui Fang. 2014. “QuanJfying PoliJcal Behavior on Mobile Devices over Time: A User EvaluaJon Study.” Journal of Informa0on Technology & Poli0cs 11(4), 435-­‐445. ★ Jones, Philip Edward. 2014. “RevisiJng Stereotypes of Non-­‐White PoliJcians’ Ideological and ParJsan OrientaJons.” American Poli0cs Research 42(2): 283–310. ★ Wilson, David C., Paul R. Brewer, and Phoebe Theodora Rosenbluth. 2014. “Racial Imagery and Support for Voter ID Laws.” Race and Social Problems 6(4):365-­‐371. ★ Brewer, Paul R., Ralph J. Begleiter, Katherine Anderson, and Meredith Isaacs. 2015. “Using Tablet Devices and Social Media in a Course about the 2012 U.S. ElecJon Campaign.” PS: Poli0cal Science & Poli0cs 48(1):171-­‐175. ★ Brewer, Paul R., Michael Habegger, Ruby Harrington, Lindsay H. Hoffman, Philip Edward Jones, and Jennifer L. Lambe. “InteracJvity between Candidates and CiJzens on a Social Networking Site: Effects on PercepJons and Vote IntenJons.” Journal of Experimental Poli0cal Science (forthcoming). ★ Brewer, Paul R., David C. Wilson, and Michael Habegger. “Wedding Imagery and Public Support for Gay Marriage.” Journal of Homosexuality (forthcoming). ★ Jones, Philip Edward. “ConsJtuents’ Responses to DescripJve and SubstanJve RepresentaJon in Congress.” Social Science Quarterly (forthcoming). ★ Jones, Philip Edward, Dannagal G. Young, and Paul R. Brewer. “ The Effects of TradiJonal News, ParJsan Talk, and PoliJcal SaJre Programs on PercepJons of PresidenJal Candidate Viability and Electability.” Atlan0c Journal of Communica0on (forthcoming). ★ Leiy, Tyler, Paul R. Brewer, and Michael Habegger. “ Tweets on Television News: The Nature and Effects of Campaign Coverage of Twijer.” Electronic News (forthcoming). RESEARCH SUMMARY CPC RESEARCH EXPENDITURES 2010-2015 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES $466,000 GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS $63,000 UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS $25,000 TOTAL RESEARCH (5 YEARS) (rounded) $554,000 NOTES: ★ Includes all research activities (surveys, focus groups, research equipment, symposia, panel development) ★ Graduate research fellowships, undergrad research scholarships (excludes merit scholarships) ★ Most are inter-disciplinary (COMM and POSC), benefitting faculty and students from both departments ★ Excludes CPC Laboratory equipment and facilities