Sound, Mixtures, and Learning Dan Ellis <> Laboratory for Recognition and Organization of Speech and Audio (LabROSA) Electrical Engineering, Columbia University Outline 1 Auditory Scene Analysis 2 Speech Recognition & Mixtures 3 Fragment Recognition 4 Alarm Sound Detection 5 Future Work NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 1/34 Auditory Scene Analysis 1 4000 frq/Hz 3000 0 2000 -20 1000 -40 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 time/s -60 level / dB Analysis Voice (evil) Voice (pleasant) Stab Rumble Choir Strings • Auditory Scene Analysis: describing a complex sound in terms of high-level sources/events - ... like listeners do • Hearing is ecologically grounded - reflects ‘natural scene’ properties - subjective, not absolute NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 2/34 Sound, mixtures, and learning freq / kHz Speech Noise Speech + Noise 4 3 + 2 = 1 0 0 0.5 1 time / s 0 0.5 1 time / s 0 0.5 1 • Sound - carries useful information about the world - complements vision • Mixtures - .. are the rule, not the exception - medium is ‘transparent’, sources are many - must be handled! • Learning - the ‘speech recognition’ lesson: let the data do the work - like listeners NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 3/34 time / s The problem with recognizing mixtures “Imagine two narrow channels dug up from the edge of a lake, with handkerchiefs stretched across each one. Looking only at the motion of the handkerchiefs, you are to answer questions such as: How many boats are there on the lake and where are they?” (after Bregman’90) • Received waveform is a mixture - two sensors, N signals ... underconstrained • Disentangling mixtures as the primary goal? - perfect solution is not possible - need experience-based constraints NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 4/34 Human Auditory Scene Analysis (Bregman 1990) • People hear sounds as separate sources • How ? - break mixture into small elements (in time-freq) - elements are grouped in to sources using cues - sources have aggregate attributes • Grouping ‘rules’ (Darwin, Carlyon, ...): - cues: common onset/offset/modulation, harmonicity, spatial location, ... Onset map Frequency analysis Harmonicity map Grouping mechanism Position map (after Darwin, 1996) NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 5/34 Source properties Cues to simultaneous grouping freq / Hz • Elements + attributes 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 time / s • Common onset - simultaneous energy has common source • Periodicity - energy in different bands with same cycle • Other cues - spatial (ITD/IID), familiarity, ... NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 6/34 Context and Restoration • Context can create an ‘expectation’: i.e. a bias towards a particular interpretation - e.g. auditory ‘illusions’ = hearing what’s not there • The continuity illusion f/Hz ptshort 4000 2000 1000 0.0 • 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 time/s SWS f/Bark 15 80 60 S1− 10 5 40 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 - duplex perception • How to model these effects? NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 7/34 Computational Auditory Scene Analysis (CASA) CASA Object 1 description Object 2 description Object 3 description ... • Goal: Automatic sound organization ; Systems to ‘pick out’ sounds in a mixture - ... like people do • E.g. voice against a noisy background - to improve speech recognition • Approach: - psychoacoustics describes grouping ‘rules’ - ... just implement them? NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 8/34 The Representational Approach (Brown & Cooke 1993) • input mixture Implement psychoacoustic theory signal features Front end (maps) Object formation discrete objects Source groups Grouping rules freq onset time period frq.mod - ‘bottom-up’ processing - uses common onset & periodicity cues • frq/Hz Able to extract voiced speech: brn1h.aif frq/Hz 3000 3000 2000 1500 2000 1500 1000 1000 600 600 400 300 400 300 200 150 200 150 100 100 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 1.0 time/s 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 2002-11-04 - 9/34 1.0 time/s Adding top-down constraints Perception is not direct but a search for plausible hypotheses • Data-driven (bottom-up)... input mixture Front end signal features Object formation discrete objects Grouping rules Source groups - objects irresistibly appear vs. Prediction-driven (top-down) hypotheses Noise components Hypothesis management prediction errors input mixture Front end signal features Compare & reconcile Predict & combine Periodic components predicted features - match observations with parameters of a world-model - need world-model constraints... NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 10/34 Approaches to sound mixture recognition • Recognize combined signal - ‘multicondition training’ - combinatorics.. • Separate signals - e.g. CASA, ICA - nice, if you can do it • Segregate features into fragments - then missing-data recognition NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 11/34 Outline 1 Auditory Scene Analysis 2 Speech Recognition & Mixtures - standard ASR - approaches to speech + noise 3 Fragment Recognition 4 Alarm Sound Detection 5 Future Work NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 12/34 Speech recognition & mixtures 2 • Speech recognizers are the most successful and sophisticated acoustic recognizers to date sound Feature calculation D AT A feature vectors Acoustic model parameters Acoustic classifier Word models s ah t Language model p("sat"|"the","cat") p("saw"|"the","cat") • phone probabilities HMM decoder phone / word sequence Understanding/ application... ‘State of the art’ word-error rates (WERs): - 2% (dictation) - 30% (phone conv’ns) NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 13/34 Learning acoustic models • Goal: describe p ( X M ) with e.g. GMMs p(x|ω1) Labeled training examples {xn,ωxn} Sort according to class Estimate conditional pdf for class ω1 • Separate models for each class - generalization as blurring • Training data labels from: - manual annotation - ‘best path’ from earlier classifier (Viterbi) - EM: joint estimation of labels & pdfs NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 14/34 Speech + noise mixture recognition • Background noise Biggest problem for current ASR? • Feature invariance approach: Design features to reflect only speech - e.g. normalization, mean subtraction - one model for clean and noisy speech • Alternative: More complex models of the signal - separate models for speech and ‘noise’ NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 15/34 HMM decomposition (e.g. Varga & Moore 1991, Roweis 2000) • Total signal model has independent state sequences for 2+ component sources model 2 model 1 observations / time • New combined state space q' = {q1 q2} - new observation pdfs for each combination p ( X q 1, q 2 ) NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 16/34 Outline 1 Auditory Scene Analysis 2 Speech Recognition & Mixtures 3 Fragment Recognition - separating signals vs. separating features - missing data recognition - recognizing multiple sources 4 Alarm Sound Detection 5 Future Work NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 17/34 Fragment Recognition 3 (Jon Barker & Martin Cooke, Sheffield) • Signal separation is too hard! Instead: - segregate features into partially-observed sources - then classify • Made possible by ‘missing data’ recognition - integrate over uncertainty in observations for optimal posterior distribution • Goal: Relate clean speech models P(X|M) to speech-plus-noise mixture observations - .. and make it tractable NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 18/34 Comparing different segregations • Standard classification chooses between models M to match source features X P( M ) M ∗ = argmax P ( M X ) = argmax P ( X M ) ⋅ -------------P( X ) M M • Mixtures → observed features Y, segregation S, all related by P ( X Y , S ) Observation Y(f ) Source X(f ) Segregation S freq - spectral features allow clean relationship • Joint classification of model and segregation: P( X Y , S ) P ( M , S Y ) = P ( M ) P ( X M ) ⋅ ------------------------- dX ⋅ P ( S Y ) P( X ) ∫ - integral collapses in several cases... NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 19/34 Calculating fragment matches P( X Y , S ) P ( M , S Y ) = P ( M ) P ( X M ) ⋅ ------------------------- dX ⋅ P ( S Y ) P( X ) ∫ • P(X|M) - the clean-signal feature model • P(X|Y,S)/P(X) - is X ‘visible’ given segregation? • Integration collapses some channels... • P(S|Y) - segregation inferred from observation - just assume uniform, find S for most likely M - use extra information in Y to distinguish S’s e.g. harmonicity, onset grouping • Result: - probabilistically-correct relation between clean-source models P(X|M) and inferred contributory source P(M,S|Y) NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 20/34 Speech fragment decoder results • Simple P(S|Y) model forces contiguous regions to stay together - big efficiency gain when searching S space "1754" + noise 90 AURORA 2000 - Test Set A 80 WER / % 70 SNR mask 60 HTK clean training MD Soft SNR HTK multicondition 50 40 30 20 Fragments 10 0 -5 Fragment Decoder • 0 5 10 SNR / dB 15 "1754" Clean-models-based recognition rivals trained-in-noise recognition NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 21/34 20 clean Multi-source decoding • Search for more than one source q2(t) S2(t) Y(t) S1(t) q1(t) • Mutually-dependent data masks • Use e.g. CASA features to propose masks - locally coherent regions • Theoretical vs. practical limits NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 22/34 Outline 1 Auditory Scene Analysis 2 Speech Recognition & Mixtures 3 Fragment Recognition 4 Alarm Sound Detection - sound - mixtures - learning 5 Future Work NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 23/34 Alarm sound detection 4 • freq / kHz s0n6a8+20 4 Alarm sounds have particular structure - people ‘know them when they hear them’ - clear even at low SNRs hrn01 bfr02 buz01 20 3 0 2 -20 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 time / s • Why investigate alarm sounds? - they’re supposed to be easy - potential applications... • Contrast two systems: - standard, global features, P(X|M) - sinusoidal model, fragments, P(M,S|Y) NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 24/34 -40 level / dB freq / Hz Alarms: Sound (representation) • Standard system: Mel Cepstra - have to model alarms in noise context: each cepstral element depends on whole signal • Contrast system: Sinusoid groups - exploit sparse, stable nature of alarm sounds - 2D-filter spectrogram to enhance harmonics - simple magnitude threshold, track growing - form groups based on common onset 5000 5000 5000 4000 4000 4000 3000 3000 3000 2000 2000 2000 1000 1000 1000 0 • 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 1 1.5 2 time / sec 2.5 0 1 1 1.5 2 2.5 Sinusoid representation is already fragmentary - does not record non-peak energies NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 25/34 Alarms: Mixtures • Effect of varying SNR on representations: - sinusoid peaks have ~ invariant properties Sine track groups Cepstra (normalized) 10 dB SNR 60 dB SNR 2 10 1 5 0 2 3 10 1 5 0 1 3 0 dB SNR 2 5 4 0 0 5 10 15 20 NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 25 time / s 0 5 10 15 20 2002-11-04 - 26/34 25 -5 time / s Alarms: Learning • Standard: train MLP on noisy examples Feature extraction Sound mixture • PLP cepstra Neural net acoustic classifier Detected alarms Alarm14 non alarm 12 Magnitude SD 80 Spectral moment Alarm probability Alternate: learn distributions of group features - duration, frequency deviation, amp. modulation... 100 60 40 20 0 Median filtering 10 8 6 4 2 0 50 100 150 Spectral centroid 200 0 0 10 20 30 Inverse Frequency SD - underlying models are clean (isolated) - recognize in different contexts... NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 27/34 40 freq / kHz Alarms: Results Restaurant+ alarms (snr 0 ns 6 al 8) 4 3 2 1 0 MLP classifier output freq / kHz 0 Sound object classifier output 4 6 9 8 7 3 2 1 0 20 • 25 30 35 40 45 time/sec 50 Both systems commit many insertions at 0dB SNR, but in different circumstances: Noise Neural net system Del Ins Tot Sinusoid model system Del Ins Tot 1 (amb) 7 / 25 2 36% 14 / 25 1 60% 2 (bab) 5 / 25 63 272% 15 / 25 2 68% 3 (spe) 2 / 25 68 280% 12 / 25 9 84% 4 (mus) 8 / 25 37 180% 9 / 25 135 576% 170 192% 50 / 100 147 197% Overall 22 / 100 NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 28/34 Alarms: Summary • Sinusoid domain - feature components belong to 1 source - simple ‘segregation’ (grouping) model - alarm model as properties of group - robust to partial feature observation • Future improvements - more complex alarm class models - exploit repetitive structure of alarms NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 29/34 Outline 1 Auditory Scene Analysis 2 Speech Recognition & Mixtures 3 Fragment Recognition 4 Alarm Sound Detection 5 Future Work - generative models & inference - model acquisition - ambulatory audio NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 30/34 Future work 5 • CASA as generative model parameterization: Generation model Channel parameters Source models Source signals M1 Y1 C1 Received signals X1 C2 Model dependence Observations Θ M2 Y2 X2 O Analysis structure Observations O Fragment formation Mask allocation p(X|Mi,Ki) NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis {Ki} Model fitting {Mi} Likelihood evaluation 2002-11-04 - 31/34 Learning source models • The speech recognition lesson: Use the data as much as possible - what can we do with unlimited data feeds? • Data sources - clean data corpora - identify near-clean segments in real sound - build up ‘clean’ views from partial observations? • Model types - templates - parametric/constraint models - HMMs • Hierarchic classification vs. individual characterization... NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 32/34 Personal Audio Applications • Smart PDA records everything • Only useful if we have index, summaries - monitor for particular sounds - real-time description • Scenarios - personal listener → summary of your day - future prosthetic hearing device - autonomous robots • Meeting data, ambulatory audio NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 33/34 Summary • Sound - carries important information • Mixtures - need to segregate different source properties - fragment-based recognition • Learning - information extracted by classification - models guide segregation • Alarm sounds - simple example of fragment recognition • General sounds - recognize simultaneous components - acquire classes from training data - build index, summary of real-world sound NCARAI Seminar - Dan Ellis 2002-11-04 - 34/34