Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 3 (1989) 531-538 531 SOME PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS OF THE STUTTERING GENERALIZED WARING DISTRIBUTION J. PANARETOS School of Engineering Division of Applied Mathematics University of Patras P.O. Box 1325- Patras, GREECE (received July 27, 1987 and in revised form March 3, 1989) ABSTRACT The in connection urn that contains balls of two colours (black and Stuttering Generalized Waring Distribution arises with sampling from an white) and it can be thought of as an intermingling of generalized Waring streams (Panaretos Because would of and Xekalaki [4]). its be worthwhile. as a mixture of application In this the demonstrated that, in potential a study of its properties paper it is shown that it can to stuttering the Distribution, in the Poisson type or a as an approximation Waring distribution. generalized Keywords and Phrases: distribution sampling also is an urn scheme, increasing the number of balls type blnomial It generalized Poisson distribution. urn in an appropriate fashion one can end up with a negative be obtained Generalized aring Distribution, Generalized Poisson Mixtures of Distributions, Urn Models, Accident Theory, Hypergeormetric Function. AMS 1980 Subject Classification. Primary: 62E20, Secondary: 60E06, 60F99, 62EI0, 62P2S 1. With the aim much attention. INTRODUCTION of preventing In the framework accidents, accident theory has of some of the various received hypotheses J. PANARETOS 532 have that was obtained of as the distribution Xekalaki [S], [8], Xekalaki [4] introduced the [7]). distribution (GWD) the generalized Waring developed been (see accidents Generalizing this Irwin [2], e.g. Panaretos and distribution stuttering generalized Warlng distribution (SGWD) in the context of an un scheme of generalized Waring streams and is defined by is an intermingling This the probability function (p.f) k ’Zxt C(zm (m) (x P(X=x)= "+c+Yml k (Yx) X i:l ] J=l (1.1) where a)denotes The the ratio FC+)/F(a), >0, probability function generating R x=O,l,2,.. (p.g.f) of this distribution is given by C(Zm G(s)= F D(;m +c where F (1.2) s mk;+mi+c’s,s (Zm) denotes Lauricella’s hypergeometric series of D FD(CX; 1, 8 2, =- k; X+-i+’; S Sk 2, S k r =o k definition of For k. i=I this one obtains k=l distribution k k " (+Xi+)(Zr) r =o s s S type D defined by enhances the GWD. So the the application potential of the GWD as the underlying mechanism causing accidents as well as various other phenomena in many diverse areas ranging from linguistcs to inventory control. The reason lies in where single events, events can be k-variate GWD. of that the involving cars (1.1) can be employed in situations pairs of events, thought of as In the context that the SGWD would number the fact that triplets of events beeing jointly distibuted of car in accidents if the distibution this implies of the total is reasonable it joint distribution of the numbers one, two according to the accident statistics be expected to describe involved k-plets of X X 2, Xk to of k cars simultaneously is the k-variate GWD. assume accidents GENERALIZED WARING DISTRIBUTION The Poisson (case GWD ordinary k=l) cRn be obtained In particular, distribution. a distribution which is a through mixinE from a cn arise as a mixture of a it Poisson distribution whose parameter A is follows 533 itself a random variable that scale mixture of gamma distributions. Moreover, the GWD tends to a Polsson distribution for certain limiting values of its parameters. One would expect therefore that a similar connection exists between its generalization as given by (1.1) and the Polsson can be obtained as a mixture of generalized when the mixing distribution is a scale mixture In the next section Panaretos’s [3] as to a Finally, the distlbutions. and then some Specifically, it is generalized Poisson distribution as well distribution. gamma of shown that parameters the SGWD for certain limiting values of its SGWD can generalized Polsson distibutlons result is restated SGWD are examined. limiting cases of the of the Indeed it has been shown (Panaretos [3]) that Poisson distribution. SGWD or negative it is demonstrated in tends to a binomial type section 3 that the context of an accident proneness hypothesis. arise in the SOME PROPERTIES OF THE SGWD. "2. As is well known, a generalized Poisson distribution is a distribution whose p.g.f, can be put in the form g(s) is where G(s) that (2.1) G(s) A where =AE (I) can A exp U Z I=1 iZ! shown (Feller, can be [I], i(si-1) {+ m}, with p.291) be represented by alternatively (O)/i!, m variable (r.v.) It p.g.f.. a valid in (2.1) exp{A(g(s)-l)}, A>O G(s) (2.2) i.e. by the Z, Zl,Z2 p.g.f, of the random as independent Poisson (A) variables. Theorem integer is the m=k<+m (Panaretos 2.1 valued r.v. generalized Assume that whose Let [3]) XI(A )k k) on distribution contitional Poisson distribution with p.g.f, A 1, A., be a non-negative A k are A ,A2, ,Ak given by (2.2) for independent gsmma r.v. s J. PANARETOS 534 with probability density functions (p.d.f.) h m-1 CA f e-A lhi A (2.3) r(m where m > O, i=l 2 k and h is itself a. r v. with p d f. r(a+c) f(h) h a-* -(a+c) (l+h) a,c > 0 (2.4) r(a)r(c) Then the distribution of X is the SGWD given by (I.I). Theorem 2.2 The SGWD with parameters k a, m k the distribution of > Y 1’" where iY 1" m m 2 Y k a.nd c tends to independent k nega.t ive i=1 binomial r.v.’s with parameters so tha.t a/(a.+c)<+m. Proof: Let lim stand for limit H Then, using (1.2) we . limG(s) C(Zm . FD lim (a.+c) (a.;m mk;a.+m+c;s,s m2, (m) r ,...,r ]---[ [ C/ [ s k (Zm) Zm k 2 Ca+c) m (r r !...r (r k s Eir k k ] (m) i r! --o + (Jc)(l-s ) [a./ ] Ca.+c) (r (s l) r } ]-m (2. S) i=1 Hence the result. Theorem 2.3 The SGWD with parameters k, mx,mm,...,mk generalized Poisson distribution with p.g.f, given A =am /(c+a), i=1,2 am /(a.+C)<+m and Proof: Let lim k if stand a.->+m for m ->+m limit by and c tends to the (2.2) i=1,2 k as a+m m +m from (1.2) where m=k<+m, c->+m so that i=1,2 H’ J(a+c)->co, am /(a+c)<+m Then we obtain lim G(s) H’ k, GENERALIZED WARING DISTRIBUTION c()’:.m FD(a;ml,m2,... mk;a+Em +c;s,s H’ lira tim H’ (a+cl).:m) 2 535 s k k im .’ r a+c (a+c)(y.m) i" "I’’’’’" Observe that C(Em m lim .’ (a+c) (Zm) a+c H -m In(c/(a+c) lime H’ However, since m In -< -ml - follows that m Zm in lim a+c s a+c a+c H’ Hence E+c -Zm -1 -m a+c -m lim e a+c H which implies that lim G(s) e H H a+c rl...,r k =e -ami /(a+c) k If’ i=l exp {- Z ri=O aJa S ac |" m This establishes the proof of the theorem. ACCIDENT THEORY AND THE STI/ITERING GENERALIZED WARING 3. DI STRI BUTI ON. One of the various of accident accident exposure individual. arise as analysis the is the of hypotheses that have been is that of accident proneness-accident yield of factors that ceun individual to external risk the developed in risk: distribution of accidents An be attributed to chance, nd psychology In this context the ordinary CWD was shown (Irwin, the area incurred by of [2]) the to an accident prone J. PANARETOS 536 forms the concerning In particular parameters. the distribution of on arises it assumptions external risk on suitable exposed to varying population of proneness the risk and assumption that for a given the individual of proneness h the accident experience is Poisson with parameters (Alh) if Alh and Alh where and h refers to the effect of the individual risk exponure. from individual to vary a beta distribution arrived at therefore, It gamma GWD is becomes obvious, cun be put of theorem 2.1 results the the respectively, as the distribution of accidents. that to a individual according second kind of the Then in a similar perspective thus leading or a generalization of Irwin’s accident proneness hypothesis giving rise to the SGWD as an accident distribution Consider a population of individuals of accidents enviromental experienced risk effects Poisson differences in effected with p.d.f, exposure risk through beta differences distribution accidents of hazards. with from proneness defined h exposed to an A k )[h) p.f. X[(,h) that given by to multivariate (2.2) follows a and are individual gsauna that distribution Then for individuals of the same proneness h accidents is given in number (A[h)=((A 1’ A2 Assume individual an uncorrelated given by (2.3). be the may be considered to be reflecting the Ak distribution the distribution of that parameter vector (%1,2 of different types generalized X[(,h) by an individual of proneness indexed by a the paraeters where and let by by (2. S). If we further manifest themselves in the (2.4), then the final assume form of the distribution of will be the SGWD. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The work in this paper was partially supported by a grant from the Ministry of Research and Technology of Greece. GENERALIZED WARING DISTRIBUTION 537 REFERENCES I. FELLER, W. Applications, Vol.l, York, 1970. An Introduct ion (---ised printing to Probbl ty Theory and of the third edition).-Wily, Its New The Generalized Waring Distribution. IRWIN, J.O. J. Roy. Star. 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