Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO 2 (1989) 291-296 291 A CONSTRUCTION OF A BASE FOR THE M FOLD TENSOR PRODUCT OF A BRANCH SPACE ROHAN HEMASINHA The University of West Florlda Pensacola, Florida 32514 (Received August 3, 1987) Let E denote the Let E be a Banach space with Schauder base (x) (1 n n completion of the m fold tensor product with respect to a reasonable cross norm a. We ABSTRACT. show {x that the set i positive integer k, the first k x x i mE for i m with i l,...,i KEYWORDS AND PHRASES. xi. x:ter3mS (Xn)n m of the form are precisely all the elements {l,...,k} m can be enumerated so that for each and the set so arranged is a Schauder base m fold tensor product, projective, fnJectlve and reasonable cross norms, Schauder bases. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 46B15, 46M05. I. INTRODUCTION. Given a Banach space E and by E, we will denote by (xn (R) i > x i e x m (Xn) (Xn)n’ (Yn)n n n is a Schauder m}. J 2 the projective (inJectlve) tensor norm on 2 this norm will be denoted by In [I], (x) If will denote the set {x If m . the m fold algebraic tensor product its completion with respect to reasonable norm base for E then For m E mE will be denoted by m(%). T(1). [4] it is shown that if EI,E 2 then for any reasonable norm , are Banach spaces with Schauder bases the space E E 2 has a Schauder base (z) with the following properties. n (I) (2) k (Zn) n is obtained by enumerating the set (Xn)n (Yn)n; the enumeration is such that for any positive integer k, 2 terms are preclsely all elements of the form x, y, 2 i l,i 2 e {l,...,k}. the first 292 R. HEMAS INHA m In this paper we show that for any positive integer m, the space ,oE has a m in such a way that for any positive Schauder base obtained by enumerating n m integer k, the first k terms are precisely all elements of the form -(Xn) x. x m with il, (R) {l,...,k}. ’ira Our proof is via an induction argument and in a forthcoming paper we utilize this to derive some properties of the symmetric tensor algebra of a Banach construction E of the 3, iteration to (E" E) that even for the case m Note space. [I] will not yield a base with the above mentioned enumerating scheme described in properties. For definitions and terminology regarding Schauder bases, products and tensor [4], [3], and [2]. We denote the following property (*) of the projective tensor norm. It can easily be shown that let u be an element of tesnor norms we refer the reader to For m > 2 mE v (u) v(u) (*) where with 7(u) is the projective norm of u when u is considered as an element of F E E being endowed with the norm Xm-l" We shall make use of this fact F subsequent ly. We now state our theorem. Let (x n, THEOREM. E fn Xn fn be a reasonable norm on Let e a Schauder base for E. m E a biorthogonal system (z ,gn As sets [z n (I) [gn: the x c_ x i of. (3) The sequence (m "m enumeration of Thus (fn) n Suppose with i such that for each positive integer k is all precisely are any i I (Zn)n m e{l of the form norm . Also tensors the k}. [2] of - m for any reasonable m-(Xn) togetherm n yields a biorthogonal system for m .)n oE. is a Schauder base for m enumeration dense in Ym E and OE. we with the corresponding It is easily shown that shall first establish the m 2 the base constructed in [I] has the stated properties. thatm a E.blorthogonal constructed for (fn)n" (Zn,gn) is the linear span of o(x n assertions of the theorem for Now for m oE. Then there exists for o(x n) n terms It is known that E)’ is i m f. PROOF. moE, k first (Xn) n m n e N} m m with the following properties. n s N} (2) The enumeration of E’ be biorthogonal system such that E Ym system (Zn,g n) with the stated properties can be CONSTRUCTION OF A BASE OF THE TENSOR PRODUCT OF A BANACH SPACE 293 m+l figure. (Wn)n E defined by the scheme in the accompanying For each positive integer k, the terms Consider the sequence wkm+l+l, wkm+l+2 in W(k+l)m+l are described by the tensor beneath each term. Figure k, a positive integer; an < 0 integer k wkm+l +I wkm+ I+2 W(k+ I) re+kin(k- I) x x x zkm+l zkm+2 (R) Z(k+l)m W(k+1)m+km(k-1)+1, W(k+ I) m+km(k- I)+2, W2(k+ I) m+km(k-2) x x x 2 zkm+l zkm+2 2 Z(k+l)m 2 w (k+l)m+km(k_)+i w(+ I) (k+ I) m+km(k_ + x+l zkm+l X+l W(k_1) (k+1)m+km+ Wk(k+l)m x x k k zkm+l Wk(k+ re+l, z Xk+l In (k+l) m exhibited The the k m preceding entries. m k((k+l) sequence W(k+ m+ Xk+le z2 Xk+l tableau k m) + (k+l) {gp fqlgp (gn), fp (fn) Z(k+l)m Wk(k+ I) m+2, each The last row has (h) n Z(k+l)m m-- is (k+l) Z(k+l) m of m the k entries. first k rows contains (k+l) m+l obtained entries, and so altogether we have m+l by enume rating according to the same scheme. the set R. HEMAS INHA 294 (Wh,h n) In view of the inductive hypothesis the system Xil with l,...,Im+ i (x systems n Since e f (R) I ira+ respectively denote the n,gn (Xn)’ (Zn) are fn (w and M’, n bases n th partial sun operators of the hn). the sequences (T n) are bounded in operator (in), (w) is a base it thus suffices to show that To show that norm by some constant M. for some positive f im+ I, n M’ for all n([4], p. 25). W n Now, given a positive integer n the defining scheme for that W n is a biorthogonal system terms are all of the form {l,...,k}. Tn’ Wn(z Sn, Let x (R) m+l k with the property that the first (wj) (see fig. I) shows can be expressed as sums of tensor products of the operators S T m and f m Indeed, let us consider the three possible cases. Case I. If km+l n for some positive integer k then m+l W OSk, n Case 2. If wn =m+.1 Sk Case 3. If wn In u (k+l) m + n ( r ((k+l) + (T(k+1)m n =. Sk is in S the m+l fold tensor product of m k m Tkm) k(k+l)m + + km(k-) < + r, with 0 S + r with (Tkm+r Tkm) r < (k+l) m (2) (3) Ym+l(m+elSk(U)) Sk + Tr "fk+l E then property (*) together with the [Sk m+l Vm+1(u) Ym+1((T(k+1)m- Tkm)(R) S (u)) < HT(k+1)mTkm f+l then reasonable yields the following inequalities (i) k and then (T(k+1)m- Tkm) m+l k. S Ym+l (u) Ym+l ((Tkm+r Tkm) " f+1(u)) llTkm+r- Tkm llf+iHYm+l(U). fact that Ym+l is CONSTRUCTION OF A BASE OF THE TENSOR PRODUCT OF A BANACH SPACE We utilized (*) in deriving (2) and (3). Ym+1(Wn(U)) all in three (II W + 2M 2 + (Mm+1 It follows now To complete g a g Y m the let proof Furthermore, Consequently for all such , 2M2)ym+l(u) from the uniform principle that reasonable norm then boundedness This means that us E is recall that the the system if completion (z ,gn is of a mE with respect to a. is a complete btorthogonal system n is pointwise bounded and hence bounded in operator n m (z) is a Schauder base for 8 a E. n n whose sequence of partial sums norm. Hence, is bounded. n m cases. ( 295 T CONCLUDING REMARKS. It would be interesting to find out whether the base iteration of the process in [I] for mYm E obtained is equivalent to the base described in tnls paper. by We hope to investigate this problem in a future paper. REFERENCE S I. 2. 3. 4. GELBAUM, B.R. and GIL DE LA MADRID, J. Bases for Tensor Products of Banach Spaces, Pacific J. Math. II (1961), pp. 1281-1286. CIGLER, J. LOSERT, V. and MICHOR, P. 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