Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. (1989) 15-28 15 GROWTH OF ENTIRE FUNCTIONS WITH SOME UNIVALENT GELFOND-LEONTEV DERIVATIVES G.P. KAPOOR, O.P. JUNEJA and J. PATEL Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Kanpur, 208016, India (Received December 2, 1985 and in revised form July 21, 1986) I. INTRODUCTION. In= 0 anZ f(z) Let {d sequence of positive numbers n be analytic in z < R. For a non-decreasing the Gelfond-Leontev (G-L) derivative of f is n n=l defined as [I] Z Df(z) Dkf, The kth iterate k=1,2,..., of D is given by Dkf(z) En=kdn...dn_k+lanz e En= k n-k e f(z) 0 anZ n Lf(z) into n-k (1.2) n-k n e--(dld r.n= a z n e =I and ...d 2 o n n derivative of f; whereas, if d n where, (I.I) d a z n n n=l -I =- If d =-n, Df is the ordinary n-l,2, n I, D is the shift operator L which transforms r..n=lanz n-I Let, (z) and have radius of convergence R o (1.3) ln=oe n lim n d n R o From the monotonicity of {d n n=l we have sup {d }. n nl (z). Thus, (z) bears the same relationship to the operator D that the function exp(z) bears to the ordinary differentiation. For an entire function f, Nachbin used the function (z) as a comparison r. Thus, the function for measuring the growth of maximum modulus of f on Clearly, (0) and D(z) Izl G.P. KAPOOR, O, P. JUNEJA AND J. PATEL 16 -type of f is defined as the Inflmum of the positive numbers growth parameter such that, for sufflclently large If(z) where, z(f). r, M(r) (1.4) (z) is entire and M is a positive constant. It is known [2,p.6] that -type of f as We denote a n n / d n, the -type of an entire function f reduces to its classical exponential n type and the formula (1.5) gives its well known coefficient characterlsatlon [3, p. For 11]. (z) can also be used to define a measure of growth The comparison function analogous to classlcal order [3, p.8] of an entire function. Thus, for an entire -order p(f) of f be defined as the inflmu of positive numbers p such that, for sufflclently large r, function f, let the K(r p) If(z)l (z) where is entire and K is a positive constant. [4,5] showed that Shah and Trimble classical (1.6) f(np derivatives (n increasing sequence are if f is entire then, the assumption that the unlvalent A- {z: in [z[ < I} for a sultable of positive integers affects the growth of the maximum p n instead, we asse that the G-L derivatives D Pf of an entire function f are unlvalent in A, then it is natural to enquire in what way the modulus of f. -type and If -order of f are influenced. The present paper is an attempt In this n In Theorem 1, we find that if f is entire, sup (rip-rip_ I) < ", then the -type direction. lira p/ , -=, n if f is entire, D (f) then f need not be of finite Pf are univalent in P(f) lim sup p/= It is clear that if n between this D Pf nature 0 and the exists. Pf are univalent in and of f must satisfy 2(d(l+1).,.d(2)) ’(f) Further, if D p(f) A and n p -type. n p+l is as p , then ioE d(np-np_ I) log d(n p 1, then the above inequality gives no relationship -order of an entire function f. This Our Theorem 2 shows that illustrated in Theorem In fact, no such relation of 3, wherein for any given GROWTH OF ENTIRE FUNCTIONS ITH UNIVALENT DERIVATIVES p, 0 4 I, and any given increasing sequence P [np}p. of positive integers, we n O-order p, such that construct an entire function h, of and only if -TYPE AND d n Let En= 0 a n z f(z) n sequence Suppose of positive integers. , (np-np_ I) sup llm P satisfies 2(dC+l)...d(2)) T#Cf) Le___t < D Pf ". Pf(z) }.I be an be analytic and univalent in Then_____, th___e -type T (f) o__f f (2.1) Zk= 0 d(n?k)...d(k+l)a(np+k)z a. are univalent in Since, for any function d la(np+k) 4 k d d p, we get, for p 2 2 and ) d la(np+k)] Ak k) k.. .dl U’, U’ and inducting upon i=2 (ni-ni-l+l)d(ni-ni-l+l)’’’d(2) (2.3) Hence, for sufficiently large p, l/(np+k) (I+o(I))(dk...d (d k=np+l-n/l p .d A=d(nl+l)...d(2)la(nl+l) I. a (2.2) np+l-np+l k dk+n" ..1.dl k. univalent in P P [e(n(np+P+k)] d(np+l)...d(2)la(np+l) In particular, putting for k=l,2,.., and p=2,3, bo+blZ+b2z+... get k. .d k+n k G(z) Ibnl ’ A ,it is known [6] that (np+l-np) p 1/ n D Since, {n By the hypothesis, PROOF. where . as n be an entire function and n A is univalent in EXPONENTS OF UNIVALENT G-L DERIVATIVES. THEOREM I. Increasing Ph n=n P In the sequel, we shall assume throughout that 2. D > 1/(n +k) P i=2 1/(np+k) 1/(np+k) p {(nl-ni_1+l) d(ni-ni_l+l) d(2) is an increasing function of k, and U, for sufficiently large p, I/(n +k) (dk...dl) P (d(np+l_np+l)...d(1)) I/np+ I= (I+(I)) 18 G.P. KAPOOR, O.P. JUNEJA AND J. Further [7], for 2 p P II PATEL I/(np+2) (ni-ni_l+l) p/n n (I+ p-) P 2 inequallty in (2.4), we get for sufflclently large p, Using (2.5) and the preceding - 1/(n +k) P a(n_+k) p 2(I+I)) Now, if O, aj tj 0, r. tj > l[ (d(nl-ni_l +I)...d(2) 0 and max IJN-I () N Further, log(d(J+l)...d(2))/J is an increasing function of j Thus, if 1,2, J , , Suppose P for nj+l-n j J Ji" J I/(rip+k) (2.6) then clearly, (2.7) for .log(d(+l)...d(2)) log(d(J+l)...d(2)) Let (2.5) tT (2.8) is the number of Ji’s in [po,p] such that Then, by (2.7)and (2.8), P .z .d(2)) Po11og(d(nj_nj_l+l). r. Po+l t 7___’1 p (nj-nj_ 7 r. y 7=I (log(d(7+l) d(2) log(d(+I.)....d(j2) U t7 The above inequality implles that p II I=2 (d(nl-n i-I+ I/(np+k) l)...d(2)) P exp I_Z2 log(d(ni-nil+l)...d(2) (2.9) np P exp {o(I)+ Pol log(d(n -ni-I +l)...d(2))-} i p Po +Z1 (nl-ni- !og(d.(.U+1)...d(2).)} exp(o(1)+ Using the estimate (2.9) in (2.6) and proceeding to llmlts a lim k/(R) sup I/k k J-k ,a(n +k) 1/(rip+k) {le (np+k)l p 2(d(+l)...d(2)) 1/. llm sup This completes the proof of the theorem. 2 k np+ l-np+l, p 2) GROWTH OF ENTIRE FUNCTIONS WITH UNIVALENT DERIVATIVES In Theorem I, it is sufficle.nt to take the function f to be analytic in in the definition of G-L if the sequence [d R, for some R, 0 < R < n REMARK I. Izl < 19 , n= derivative of f satisfies the condition m ((r-t_ 2 ltm logd(1) )/m) -. In fact for an n , sup (n -n p p-I < m El= 2 lira ", and log d(1) To see this, we use (2.5) and holds, then f is necessarily entire. (d k. ..d I) 1/(n +k) p I+o(I) for sufficiently large p in (2.3) to get a(np+k) 1/(np+k) (2.10) n )exp [1_._ n 2( 1+o( p p i2 lg(d(ni-ni-I +l)...d(2)) n +k P E log d(i)] i-2 p for sufficiently large p. But since, for sufficiently large n +k p,(np-np_ n 0 as p iZ2_ log(d(ai-ni_l+l)...d(2)) P Thus, by (2.10) and the condition ltm sup k/ lakl llm I/k lira sup ((r.= 2 1ogd(i))/m) {[a(np+k)l,, I/(n/k) 2 k ’ np+l-n p+1 P 2} 0. REMARK 2. The inequality (2.1) can be improved by imposing suitable additional {d restrictions on the sequence n }n-i" For example, let the sequence {dn}: be such that {d(n+2)}n 3 n+l), d(n+l)...d(2) Note that (2.11) is satisfied for d n n-1,2,3 =na,a I. Because of (2.11), the function s(J) defined by s(j) log(d(J+l)...d(2))+log(J+1) is an increasing function of J J and so for j=1,2,...; V=I,2... (2.11) G.P. KAPOOR, O.P. JUNEJA AND J. PATEL 20 log(d(+1),, ,d(2))+1og(/1_)_ 1og(.d(.J+1),, .d(2).)+log(J+l) j Let ty be the same as in the proof of Theorem 1. p II {(ni-nl_l+l)d(nl-ni_l+1)...d(2)} i=2 Using (2.7) and (2.12), we get 1[ (n +k) P P exp {o(I) + Pol {log(d(nl-ni_ l+l)...d(2)) The above inequality, when employed in a I/(rip+k) l(n(np+k) +k) p (2.12) U + log(nl-ni_l+1)} (2.4), gives p (I+O(I)) lI {(nl-nl_l+l)d(ni-nl_l+l)...d(2)) i-2 I/(n +k) P (+1)11(d(N+1)...d(2)) I/. Now, on proceeding to limits, we get (+1) x(f) lip It is clear that the bound on REMARK 3. proved in [8]. By taking shoes that if Theorem in (2.13) is better than that in (2.1). gives =I, Theorem 2d(2), a result recently x(f) x(f) (np+l-n p) + is of finite sup(np-np_ I) , -type. then f need not be of Let {n be an increasing sequence of positive integers such that p p=l 2 for all p. Further, assume that the sequence {d }m is such that n n=l =- and log d(n) (i) d (ll) n p o(n P =O(nplog (ill) lim P -type. EXAMPLE. 0(I), then f (np-np_ I) We now give an example to show that if finite (2. t3) (d(+1)...d(2)) p d(n )) P log n as n GROWTH OF ENTIRE FUNCTIONS WITH UNIVALENT DERIVATIVES n where, Let r-= P +1)...d(Z) ), log(d(ni-ni_ 2 21 (nl)-(n2) be a non-decreasing step function such that exp (n) (n P 2 q(x) (n and 2 p p-I n p p < n p+l. x Let (j) d(J+l)...d(2) (J-n +1) J-np if P for some p gJ+l 0 otherwise. Define g(z) Zj=og j z j We have We first show that g is an entire function. suplgkl I/k= lira k (n [d(nl lira sup p / exp(n /n lira sup[ p I/n +I p )...d( P P P (d(np+l)...d(2)) I/np+l n +I n lira sup [exp p/(R) Since log (p p n +I P log d(1))] iE-2 using the condition (ill), we get from the above d(n) ~log n as n inequality that imsup Hence g is entire, ’lgkl z/" 0. It is easily seen that g is of order 1, But, by the condition (li), llk 9(n_) lira sup lira sup p+ k+(R) l im sup Thus, f is not of finite n D are univalent in Pg(z) A @-type (e( n,,+, )dlnI;-t"l)-..-. d(2) )l/n P -I-1 exp(n_Inp) P 2 It remains to see that Zk= d(np+k+l)-..d(np+k-np+2)a(np+k+l)z To this end, it is enough to prove that d(np+k+l .d 2 1(rip+k-rip+l) Zk. d(np+k-n/1)...d(2)- np+k-np+l 22 G.P. KAPOOR, O.P. JUNEJA AND J. PATEL d(n p /l)...d(2),,la(np/l)l or, equivalently to show that (n p+k Zk-I d(np+k-np+l).., d(2) $(np). the last inequality reads as Using the definition of exp(p+k-p) (2.14) I. Zk= 2-- d(np+k_np+1)...d(2 Now, an induction on k, gives, for k=1,2,3,... p+k (p+k-np) pl d(ni-ni-1 +l)...d(2) d(np+k-np+l)....d(2) exp Hence, (2.14) is clearly satisfied. Y-ORDER AND EXPONENTS OF UNIVALENT G-L DERIVATIVES. 3. A function S(x), continuous on for every positive number c > 0, [1,’), is said to be Slowly Oscillating (S.O.) if S(cx) S(x) lim A function H(n) is said to be the restriction of a Slowly Oscillating function S(x) if S(n) H(n) for every positive integer n. It is known [9] that, as k z ki-l H(1) THEOREM 2. {n Let k(k). Z f(z) n a z be an entire function of be a strictly increasing sequence of positive integers. p A, such analytic and univalent in n p - d(np-np_ l-llmp (R)sup [log d(np) order O and n Let D Pf be If log d(n) 18 the as p / p+l-restriction of a slowly oscillating function on integers, then that (3 1) n (3.2) log -] / We need the following lemmas. LEMMA I. Let be defined by (1.3). Then, n(l Yn PROOF. n Since n-k n n eked e d n n {d) n --) en_aa ). Let Y n =mln xY0 (xa)x -n a > 0 (3.3) n--I is increasing, we note that for any pair of integers k and Thus, GROWTH OF ENTIRE FUNCTIONS WITH UNIVALENT DERIVATIVES *(x a) Let 0 < ak ak x endnn kO d-k n ! < w -k 0 e kx Setting x =w nl’a we get W -n w --) (x:)x:n en dn(1 n ( Choosing 23 w- (n/n+a) I/a to mlnlmle the lht-hand ide ol the above inelallt2, we have Yn LE 2. 4 n 0<I t f(z) where the sequnce {d(n)} n(1 ,(xC)x;n En.Df0 a sz i ( 1 e d n n (+a),) be an entire function of such that log d(n) s -order the restriction o slowly oscillating function oposltlve integers. n log _O(nl llm sup" log lan p,(f) PROOF. (3.4) By Cauchy’s inequality, we get Since f is of -order p#(f) =- > O, p, for any M#(rP+). If(z) So that Using Lemma I, we have n(1 I%1 ’ " endn +) e(n+p+) (-’(’P+)-" (3.5) But, since log d(n) is the restriction of a S.O. function, by (3.1), log d(1) =. n log d(n) as n + .up n !0g d(n) Thus, it follows from (3.5) ’ To prove that equallty holds in (3.4), suppose that lim sup n Then, there exist for Izl P n. log d(n) log < p such that iani < P. lanl < I/P e n for n > n o It now follows that, r, n (3.6) (0(I) + n +I e n O I/Pt r n 4 G.P. KAPOOR, O.P. JUNEJA AND J. PATEL Choo8 e lo r N(r) It is easily seen that -n en < ekdt + =. as r + Since for all values of k and n, we have Zn.0 I/Pl e r n n ( 1/P Zn-O k-n/P d ek lip dk r k lJo ek n (’ d Let k be chosen I/01 < (r/d k such that "--o I/Pl " e k (d k I. Then, .k+I/p. a n ;iO )n" I/p, k (3.7) r) k Since the left hand side of (3.7) is independent of k, letting 1/1 En=0 e n r n < k / ", we get 1. us En-N(r) Since, en1101 rnfo(l), ), @(r exp (N(r)log r) r as r / it nov follows from N(r) I/Pl rn+ (3.6) o(1) o 0(1) t(r Pl ). Since p < p and p is definition of -order. the -order of f, n sufficiently large p and (I + 1/(np+ o(I))(- dk" Further, we have dk+n p above inequality Thus, equality must hold in (3.4). PROOF OF THEOREM 2. a(np+ k)) the Since D 2knp+l-np Pf are univalent in contradicts This proves the lemua. A, from (2.2), we get for + I. k) .d d the (3.8> 1/(np+k) P l=2{(nl-ni_l+l)d(ni-nl_l+l)--.d(2) 1/(np+k) GROrH OF ENTIRE FUNCTIONS WITH UNIVALENT DERIVATIVES ll(n +k) P (d (dk...d 25 11 np+ (np+1 -rip+ I) ...d and "(dnP +k...d I)-I/(rip+k) (d(n +2)..,d(1)) P (3.8), Using these inequalities, (2.5) and a -I/(rip+2). it follows that, for sufficiently large p, 1/(np+k) (np+k) (3.9) p+l -nl-ni-1 )/n P i=2 (d(nl-ni-1 +I) 2(1+o(I)) I/n p d(n )...d(1)) P M Since log {log d( nl-ni_ +I ): max P d(n) is the restriction of a slowly oscillating function on integers, by (3.1) p+l i2 d(nl-n i-I +I) (nl-nl_)/n p (d(np)...d(1)) 1/np log n p+l _InP [iZ=2 n P (ni-ni-I) d(nl-ni_ log +) og d(1) -iz= Mp+l -log d(np) Consequently, for sufficiently large p, (n +k) log d(n _p. P log +k) og -ogl.Cnp+k) d(np+1+1) n d(np) Again, from the definition of S.O. function P log Mp+l -log d(np) log 2 d(np+ as p+(R). l-lent e, lira (3.t0) M sup__ p,, p + log d(n P M is bounded, there is nothing to prove. p For p > 2, let, If A So, let M p as log d(n -np-I +1) p p and iog d(n p M B But as M P "---P p d(np) d(nl-ni_1+l): log max {log 2lp}, for each p ) 2, there is some 26 qp’ qp B KAPOOR G.P. A P qp qp- 1+1). -n 8ence qp Taking qp log d(n M p p such that O.P. JUNEJA AND J. PATEL llm sup A P B lira sup p/(R) P p+ Now (3.2) follows from (3.10). COROLLARY. Suppose the conditions of Theorem 2 are satisfied. d(np-np_ I) log Le__t THEOREM 3. Dnh is univalent in PROOF. Suppose I. p 0 non-negatlve integers. o(log > Le__t {dn}n. 0 and p / ", d(np)) {np}v. I_ be a strictly increasing sequence of Then, there is an entire function h of A if and only if n-n_ for some p. p If as V-order p such that is an increasing sequence of positive numbers such that log d(n) is the restriction of a slowly oscillatlng function on integers and dl=l. Let, 2Pd(np+l)...d(2) hi+l= if (J-n +1 J=nP 0 Define, h(z)= Zj. 0 o(h) k / otherwise. Then, h(z) is an entire function and h z lira sup for some p P k log log (n +I) log d(n +I) P P llm sup p p log 2 + log(d(n_+l).,,d(2)) To show that D nph " given by n D Ph(z) is univalent in Zk=0 (np+k-np+l) A, P d(n_., + )...d 2 .d(2) d(np+-np+l)P’r" it is enough to prove that d(np+k+1) ...d(2) r’kf1(np+k-np+l) d(np+k-np+1).. *d(2) [h(np+k+1)l d(np+l)...d(2)lh(np+1)[. h(np+k+l)z np+k-np+ GROWTH OF ENTIRE FUNCTIONS WITH UNIVALENT DERIVATIVES Since 27 I, p d r’k. (np+k-np+ 1) (np+k+l) .d( 2 d(np+k-n/1)...d(2 Ih(np+k+l)l (d(np+k+l)...d(2)) d(np+ k- n P+l)...d(2) < _I 2p Id(np+1) .d(2)) k=1 2- d(np+l)...d(2) h(np+l) I. 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