Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. (1989) 47-60 NON ARCHIMEDEAN METRIC INDUCED FUZZY UNIFORM SPACES R. LOWEN A.K. SRIVASTAVA" P. WUYTS Wiskundige Analyse University of Antwerp, R.U.C.A. Groenenborgerlaan 171 2020 Antwerpen, BELGIUM (Received April 7, 1988) ABSTRACT. It is shown that the category of non-Archimedean metric spaces with l-Lip- schitz maps can be embedded as a coreflectlve non-bireflective subcategory in the cate- gory of fuzzy uniform spaces. f’orm Consequential characterizations of topological and uni- properties are derived. KEYWORDS AND PHRASES. Non-Archlmedean, coreflective, completion, fuzzy uniform space. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION. 54E15, 54A40, 46P05. I. INTRODUCTION. We show that the category NA(1) of non-Archimedean metric spaces with metric boundand with morphisms the non-expanslve maps is coreflectively embedded in the category FUS of fuzzy uniform spaces [4], [9] in an extremely simple and natural way. FNS [5] each space in NA(1) then moreover determines Through the forgetful functor FUS a non-topologically generated space in FNS, the topological modification (i.e. TOP-coreflection) of which is nothing else then the metric topology. This means that the dlaed by gram NA(1) ’emb’edd!ng > FUS forgetful v functor TOP <’ is commutative. coreflecion v forgetful functor FNS From a local point of view, an interesting aspect of this situation is that given (X,d) we can study this space first with the concepts available in FUS [4], [9] and with those available in FNS [5], [6] before going to the topological space permanent address Banaras Hindu University Department of Mathematics Varanasi 221005 INDIA R. LOWEN, A.K. SRIVASTAVA AND P. WUYTS 48 (X,T d) associated with (X,d). E.g. we can "forget" at intermediate stages. From a global point of view embedding NA(1) in FUS also seems natural. E.g. the functot NA(1) TOP does not preserve products. NA(1)., although being coreflectively embedded in FUS, is not bireflectively embedded, in particular the embedding does not preserve products, but it are precisely the products in FUS and in FNS which are mapped onto the topological product in TOP (TOP is both coreflectively and bireflectively embedded in FNS). Thus in order to have a more faithful relation with TOP it seems suitable to consider NA(1) as a subcategory of FUS. In particular we further study completeness of NA(1)-objects in FUS, and we also give a fairly complete account of the most important topological properties of NA(1)-obJects in FNS. 2. PRELIMINARIES. Most notions used are standard, we just recall some notations and some concepts specific to the context. As always R+ stands for the strictly positive real numbers, I := [0,I], 0 I 0 :ffi ]0,i] and I := [0,I[. If X is a set and A c X, stands for the characteristic function of A. and IXxX then I X is given by <A>(x) sup A(y) A (y,x). If XX is we simply put and obviously <x>(y) o 1A <> (x,y).Yiso <x> o (x,y) Further sup (x,z) ^ I IX If A l{x we given by (z,y). stands for the prefilter stands for the prefilter [{ sup If d is a pseudometric on X then we put T and U resp. the associated topology d d and uniformity. If d fulfils the strong (or ultrametrlc) triangle inequality we call it a nonArchimedean pseudometrlc. The functors U, i, t, ’ u are well-known [3], [4], [5] but we recall the functors UNIF determined by FUS U, and t T FTS where then t(]) stands for the fuzzy topology associated with ] and TOP where then T(U) stands for the topology associated with U. For a pre[3], we recall also that its characteristic value is given by FUS UNIF filter ] c() :ffi inf sup l(x) eF xX Ila inf{a }. X,]) IFUSI and C is a prefilter on X then it is called a hyper Cauchy prefilter [9] if it satisfies the conditions If (HCI) (HC2) (HC3) In c(C) i C v U e e I0 Pe C Pe Pe e v. 9] it was shown that for any hyper Cauchy prefilter C, there exists a unique minic C. Moreover, if B is a basis for C and M a basis for 0 mal hyper Cauchy prefilter C CATEGORY OF NON-ARCHIMEDEAN METRIC SPACES 49 then {<>I eW’ 0 ~. eB) A fuzzy uniform space (X,U) is called ultracomplete [9] if for each minimal hyper Cauchy prefilter C there exists x e X such that C U(x) where U(x) := which is equivalent to the fact that (X,I ()) is complete. u Finally, (X,) is called precompact [9] if it satisfies the condition (X) e e I0, ] y e 2 x e X, sup v<x> e, which is also equivalent to the fact xeY that (X,t (W)) is precompact. U 3. DEFINITIONS AND FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTIES. We first put together some elementary technical properties. LEMMA 3.1. If X is a set and d d := i- d X X d(X,X) x e X a. b. a non-Archlmedean pseudometric on X, then I has the following properties I; is symmetric; d d o d d’ c. or equivalently (x,y,z) 2 (x,x) X a. x b. is synetric c. o then 3 iXxX If conversely d := e X 3 d(X,Z) ^ (z,y/ d(x,y). has the properties 1 , 1- is a non-Archimedean pseudometric on X for which d I. If d .< I is a non-Archimedean pseudometrlc on X, and if we put D {(x y) Id(x,y) < r} B(x,r) {yld(x,y) < r}, then l(]r I]) PROOF. D -r’ (#d<X>)’l(]r,l]) B(x l-r) Straightforward. In the sequel, if no confusion can arise, we simply put resp. d. THEOREM 3.2. If d .< resp. d instead of . is a non-Archimedean pseudometric on a set d X, then {}, with := 1- d, is a basis for a fuzzy uniformity ](d) on X, where U(d) := {,}~ Conversely, if U is a fuzzy uniformity on X, having a singleton basis {}, then this function where d:= satisfies the conditions a, b, c in Lemma 3.1.2 1-@ is a non-Archimedean pseudometric. , and therefore U ](d) R. LOEN, A.K. SRIVASTAVA AND P. 50 The first part follows from Lemma 3.1.1 PROOF. [4] and an application of Lemma 3.1.2 nition of a basis of a fuzzy uniformity . and the second part from the defi- We now describe the general properties of U(d), where it is .always supposed that d is a non-Archimedean pseudometric such that d & I. PROPOSITION 3.3. for all U, 2 = c a basis for u, =(g(d)) is given by {D X, the neighborhoodfilter ]=,I]} as a basis; e u(U(d)) U = r Ire ]=,I]} and therefore Ud; for all (=,x) e I {B(x,r)Ir 3 I e =(g(d)) The following hold and so d T(tu(U(d))) N=(x) of x in t=(t(U(d))) has Td; (t((d))) T( =((d))); X e ! 5 for all of the closure in t((d)) are given by and the interior V (x) h d(y,x). (y) inf (y) (x) (y,x), sup yeX yeX of X by means of balls, i.e. a subset 6 A e t((d)) iff there exists a partition y c X and a function p Y Ox; 4 for all e I PA (t(U(d))) 7 is Hausdorff iff 8 (X,(d)) is WT 9 (X,(d)) is T 2 iff 2 3 4 5 6 = d(x,y) > for all x y; iff d is metric; 2 d(,y) for all x y, i.e. iff d is the discrete metric. . #-l(]l-r,l]) ((d)) and from PROOF. Immediate from the definition of and the fact that (X,U(d)) is a fuzzy neighborhood space. From Lma 3.i.3 and From u u,0 This is a know property of general fuzzy uniform spaces. Immediate from Proposition 2.4 in [5]. If A e t((d)), x e X, A(x) = and d(x,y) < =, it follows from A(y) that A(y) =. inf A(t)Vd(t,y) =< A(x) V d(x,y) However, we also have = hence A(y) A(y) D A(x) (x) inf A(t) V d(t,x) $ A(y) V d(x,y), reX =. A-l(=) D{B(x,=)IA(x) =}, and as each two of these balls are either y is a disjoint faX such that {(x,=)lx identical or disjoint, we can choose Y we are done. p := = iff x e y mily with A-l(=) as a union. Putting Y := U Y X e we have exists and if Conversely, if A e I is such that the described This means that c partition A which is clearly open in t(W(d)) I(]=,1]) U{B(X,Px)[X e O(t(U(d))). Since is maximal for its level topologies = If, ]=,I]}, (X,t((d))) is a fuzzy neighborhood space, [13], and therefore A e t(W(d)). 51 CATEGORY OF NON-ARCHIMEDEAN METRIC SPACES 7 9 is Hausdorff iff 0re]a,l Dr is X. the diagonal of X 8 , la(t(U(d)) This follows from the fact that, by This is nothing else than the definition of WT 2. (X,U(d)) is T iff (x,y) 0 for x y, so iff d(x,y) y. for x 2 and d’ REMARKS 3.4. I. If d are equivalent, the fuzzy uniformities (d) and U(d’) are nevertheless in general different. 2. In the foregoing it was always supposed that d metric d on X and E + R0, ," ( d) we can define d Starting from an arbitrary d, i. Indeed, given the non-Archimedean pseudo- we can define a family of fuzzy uniformities. (I- which is equivalent to d A and Even in this case the fuzzy U(d) E + are in general not equivalent to each other, (some interestuniformities (dE), where ing relations will be established in Propositions 3.5 and 4.), e.g. if X := then it is well known that d given by := consider where d .-’- V 0. 0’ E 0 d(x n )n (Yn)n) is a non-Archimedean metric on Yn := (min k x kyk x n =Yn otherwise X, and it is easily seen that (X,l(d)) and (X,(d E ,)) E ’. are not isomorphic if 3. It is evident that the properties of U(d) can be obtained from the corresponding B(d) by replacing everywhere d by d E So for instance, it follows from Proposition 3.4.1 that a basis for )) is given by {D’l=r < r} where D’r {(x,y) ld(x,y) < r}. Since this translation of properties of (d) into properties of (de) is a simple exerones of tu,a(O(d cise, while the formulation of the former is simpler, we shall continue to restrict ourselves mainly to the case d 4. From Proposition 3.3.6 i. it follows that all elements of converse however is not true. t(U(d)) are l-Lipschitz, the Consequently t(l) is strictly coarser than the structure A(1) of [7]. PROPOSITION 3.5. 2 ’inf+ (dE) c (dE,) U(d e) e0 3 => E {i}; sup+ (d) u(Ud). e0 PROOF. V For 3 e The following hold is evident, and for 2 d for all e eO. note that by Proposition 3.3.3 sup (d e) all e 0 we have 1D E e (de) ee+0 c u(Ud). inf+ U(d) it suffices to remark that if for all e + eO we have U(de c then u (Ud) i.e. The converse inclusion follows at once upon remarking that for and that {De[e is a basis for U d- 4. CONTINUITY AND CONVERGENCE PROPOSITION f (X,d) 4.1. A map f (X’,d’) (X,[d)) (X’,U(d’)) is uniformly continuous if and only is l-Lipschitz, i.e. non-expanslve. 52 R. LOWEN, A.K. SRIVASTAVA AND P. WUYTS (fxf)-l(’) Immediate from the fact that # -< PROOF. if and only if d’ o (fxf) <. d. Since in the case of the above result the local character of the Lipschitz condi- tion has disappeared we reformulate the foregoing result in the general case. With Remarks 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 in mind, the proof is obvious. (X’,U(d’) (X,U(d)) A map f ee’ (X’ d’) is e-locally --Lipschitz. COROLLARY 4.2. (X,d) f is uniformly continuous if and only if m For concepts and results concerning convergence we refer to [2], [3]. PROPOSITION. If F is a filter on X then F 4.3. <x> lim (F) in x in (X,T d) if and only if (X,t(W(d))). As Theorem 5.3 in [7]. PROOF. In spite of Remark 3.4.2 in special cases the spaces (X,(d)) and (X,(d ’)) can be isomorphic. If X is a non-Archimedean normed space then all PROPOSITION 4.4. (X,(de)), e e+0, are mutually isomorphic. As Theorem 5.2 in [7]. PROOF. 5. COMPACTNESS. For concepts and results on compactness and precompactness we refer to [6], [9]. THEOREM 5. I. 2 3 The following are equivalent (X,U(d)) is compact (X,(d)) is precompact (X,d) is totally bounded. PROOF. If Y c The implications 1 => => 2 3 <x> xeY our claim. REMARK 5.2. Since for any e e + 0 To show 3 => 1 let e I 0. U B(x,E) then we have inf d(x,t) < for xeY xeY > i which by Theorem 2.2 in [6] proves X is a finite subset such that X all t e X which is equivalent to sup are trivial. we have that de is totally bounded if and only if d is totally bounded, it follows from the foregoing result that either all spaces (X,(d)) are compact or none of them is. 6. COMPLETENESS. For concepts and results concerning completeness and completions we refer to [9]. The following result is an immediate consequence of Theorem 4.5 in [9] and Proposition 3.3.3 THEOREM 6.1. 2 The following are equivalent (X,d) is complete (X,W(d)) is ultracomplete. Given (X,d) I. (,) II. (,U()) III. (X we can now construct the following completions. the metric completion of U the ultracompletion of Ud)) (X,d) (X,(d)) the ultracompletlon of (X,u(Ud)) CATEGORY OF NON-ARCHIMKDEAN METRIC SPACES 53 Then we obtain the following collection of complete or ultracomplete spaces. (tu((d))) IV. The complete space V. The complete space (X VI. VII. The ultracomplete space (X,U()). The ultracomplete space (X,u(U)). U^ U (Ud))) Now it follows from [9] that (,u(U)) and (X,uiUd)) are isomorphic (,U), (,tue(d)) and (X*, u(uUd))) are 2 isomorphic (,U()) Using the methods of [9] it can be shown conceptually that the remaining spaces (,Ud)) and are isomorphic too. However, we prefer to explicitly describe the isomorphism which at the same time allows too. us to describe the points of space (X,d), its metric completion Given the non-Archimedean with the metric (,) defined by and representatives of can be considered nlim d(xn,yn ), where (Xn) n and (Yn)n are arbitrary respectively (,U[d)), where Ud) The ultracompletion [9] of (X,U(d)) is given by nimal hyper Cauchy prefilters on rated by (,) of all equivalence classes of equivalent Cauchy sequences in X, equipped as the set {}, (X,U(d)), and is the set of all ml- where is the fuzzy uniformity gene- this function being defined by (Cl,C 2) inf{El] EeC 1 O C 2 +}. U LEMMA 6.2. If (Xn) n is a Cauchy-sequence in (X,d), the sequence (<Xn>) n converges unit I X llm #(t,xn) which depends only on the equivalence formly to a mapping () of class a. sup (x)(t) , () <= () c. <y()> PROOF. (’) If e > and which has the following properties I, rex b. n- (Xn) n, y(). nlim d(t,Xn 0 and n 0 is independent of the choice of then for x e X, p >. 1- we know that is chosen such that p .> @(X,Xp) . (tn=t) n, (Xn) n e If t is the class of the constant sequence n o q no, q >. n o and then also either #(x,xq) proves the uniform convergence. (Xp,Xq) (X,Xp) < n o ffi> I- , I E, (X,Xq) (X,Xp), or l#(x,xp)-(X,Xq) e, which and then so in any case The property a follows by considering ()(Xn), and c follow by standard verification. It follows from the foregoing lemma, that the prefilter r() {()}~ minimal hyper Cauchy prefilter on (X,(d)), and so we obtain a mapping r LEMMA 6.3. quence (Xn) n . ’() and b is a If C is a hyper Cauchy prefllter on (X,U(d)) then there exists a Cauchy sein (X,d) such that R. LOWEN, A.K. SRIVASTAVA AND P. WUYTS 54 b. n e C; := sup k>.n converges uniformly to y() n elq a. (Yn)n n n <- n ]q c. <Xk> + C, where e where l im 0 n n Pn is the equivalence class of 0. It follows from (HC3) that we can find a non-increasing sequence elements of C such that for all n elN PROOF. n By (HCl) we can find a sequence 8n (Xn) n 2 Since (8n)n + <_ 2 (Sn) n -n of (1) e in X such that for all n -n-I & (Xn)n; (2) 8n(Xn)" is non-increasing it follows that 2 -n-2 <- 8n(Xn+l) and consequently 2 -n-1 <- n(Xn) ^ n(Xn+l) #(Xn,Xn+ I) (Xn) is a Cauchy sequence. n Further by (I) and (2) we have that for all n el and x e X which shows Bk(X) 2 -k .< <- .< Bk(X) A (1-2 "k-l) 2 -k-1 Bk(X) A Bk(Xk) 2 (Xk,k). -k-1 Thus it follows from (HC2) that for all n n Since (<Xn>) n := sup kZn converges uniformly to (HC2) we obtain that () C. #<Xk> () the same is true for (n)n and thus again by 6. Finally we still have that for all n and x,y X (Xk,X) V #(Xm,Y) -n-1 (Xk,X) ^ (Xm,Y) ^ ((Xk,Xm)+2 sup kn,m>-n fn(X) A -n(y) <* ]q sup kn,m>-n & (x,y) + 2 -n-l. We are now in a position to prove the isomorphism result. THEOREM 6.4. The map r (,u()) (,Ud)) is an isomorphism. To see that PROOF sentatives of all p,q n o and d(x P r is into respectively. ,yq) let x,y e X x and let Then there exists e which implies that for any p > (Xn) n 0 and n n o o and (Yn)n e such that for we have (9)(Xp) be repre- & - CATEGORY OF NON-ARCHIMEDEAN METRIC SPACES whereas lim ()(x n) To see that r I. Thus is onto, take C e r() It then follows that 6.3. r To show that ) r() , () c # () and therefore and consider C, and so () r() r() 55 # r(). by minimality. is an isomorphism it now suffices to show that d o (rr) we first have d(r(),r()) ((()v()) sup . as constructed in Lemmas 6.2 and Since (()v())(s,t)-,(s,t)). s, tX Using distributivity in (()vC))(s) the symmetry of , (()v())(t) ^ y() =< () and the fact that d(r(),r()) , we obtain (()(s)v()(t)-(s,t)) sup s, tX and from this it follows that in the end we have to show that for any pair of Cauchy sequences (x n)n and (yn)n in d(xn,Yn) lim (X,d) we have llm(d(s,t)-d(Xn,S)Vd(Yn,t)). sup SteX n From the ultrametric property we obtain llm(d(s, t)-d(xn,s)vd(yn, t) n-o .< lim(d(Xn, Yn)Vd(Xn, s)d(Yn, t)-d(Xn, s)d(Yn, t) lim(d(xn,Yn)-d(Xn,S)Vd(Yn,t)) V 0 n- lim d(x n ,yn I is continuous if I XxX is equipped with the uniform topology and I with the usual one, we have sup I xxX since sup while on the other hand lim(d(s,t)-d(Xn,S)Vd(Yn,t)) s,teX n lim sup n s,teX lim n d(xn,Yn). In order to describe the points of THEOREM 6.5. (d(s,t)-d(XnJS)Vd(Yn,t)) in more detail we have the next result. The following are equivalent is a minimal hyper Cauchy prefilter on 2 3 (X,U(d)) where 8 fulfils % , a. 8 b. <O> 8, c. sup O 1; is a prefilter with a basis {nln e} fulfilling R. LOWEN, A.K. SRIVASTAVA AND P. WUYTS 56 a. V n b. V n c. n d. V n q, 3 xn Yn(Xn) Yn Yn +pn where => 2 X $ PROOF. 3 < Yn+l Yn <yn > Yn I => Since l im Pn =0. was proved in Theorem 6.4 and 2 => are obvious, it is sufficient to prove 2 Lemma 6.2, while 2" => and 3 n 8 for all n I. The sequence We can repeat the construction in Lemma 6.3 with has the properties a, c and d by the construction in Lemma 6.3. As to b, this (n)n follows from <n>(X) where sup tX n(t) sup sup(k(t)^(t,x)) reX kn (t,x) V sup kn sup(k(t)A$(t,x)) rex sup kn Uk(X) sup kn <k>(X) n(X), n <Xn>" Since the minimal hyper Cauchy prefilter generated by {nln } is coarser than C it coincides with C. A characterization of minimal Cauchy filters, probably belonging to the REMARK 6.6. folklore of the subject, and with a standard proof which we leave to the reader, is ((X,d) is a pseudometric space) (X,U d) if and only if F is a filter having a basis given by the following on ing chain of open balls Bn B(x n,rn) with the F is a minimal Cauchy filter (Bn)nl property~~nlim rn which is a non-increas- 0. An alternative me- thod for proving the isomorphism of (,U[d)) Theorem 6.5. as the set of minimal Cauchy filters on Indeed, we consider and (X,U(d)) can be based on this and on (X,d), and the foregoing then allows a bijection between minimal hyper Cauchy prefilters on (X,U(d)) and minimal Cauchy filters on (X,d). 7. CONNECTEDNESS In [8] a number of connectedness concepts in G. Preuss’ sense have been introduced and studied. IFTSI We recall that a space (X A) does not exist a non-empty proper subset D-connected if and only if it is notations 2 {alA,alx\A} d(A,X\A) PROOF. c 2a-connected X such that for each a {alA,aIX\A} I 0. c a and is called For the meaning of the and D we refer to [8]. PROPOSITION 7.1. 2 is called 2 -connected if and only if there A > . For a e I 0 and A e 2X\{@,X} the following are equivalent t((d)) This follows by straightforward verification using e.g. Proposition 3.4.6. [8]. The following is an immediate consequence. 57 CATEGORY OF NON-ARCHIMFFJq METRIC SPACES THEOREM 7.2. 10 2 The following hold (X,t(U(d))) is 2 -connected if and only if there exists no non-empty proper subset A X such that d(A,X\A) ; (X,t(U(d))) is D-connected if and only if there exists no non-empty proper subset of A c X such that d(A,X\A) > 0. 8. CATEGORICAL CONSIDERATIONS Let NA(1) stand for the category of non-Archlmedean pseudometrlc spaces (X,d) where d <. and with morphisms l-Lipschltz or non-expanslve maps. We already know that the functor > FUS > (X,II(d)) NA( (X,d) which leaves morphisms unaltered is a full embedding. NA(1) to be a full subcategory of NA(1) PROOF. Obviously Given %o% IFUSI , put := inf v(x,y). hii(x,y) % d := 1 Since D % it is also immediately clear that (x,o) (x,o) i<x is uniformly continuous. %(x,x) I. Thus {%} generates x e X clearly is a non-Archimedean pseudometrlc, we is symmetric and Since U(). moreover have Now, given (Y,W) e INA(1)I we can choose a non-Archimedean pseudometric d $ 9 e d I) In [15] & o and it then fol- (fxf) which proves that (Y,W)--> (x,u) it was shown that for 0’ i’ Zl 0 (x’y) #d {d} m if also uniformly continuous, REMARKS 8.2. such that W (fxf) and thus also $ 9 o f separation functions and a uniformly continuous map (Y,W)--> (x,) f lows that for all FUS. is a bicoreflective subcategory of (X,I])e a fuzzy uniformity ] FUS. [I]). nice subcategory (see also THEOREM 8.1. Consequently we may consider We shall now prove that NA(1) actually is a very and 2 on (X,t()) Zl’(x,y) Zl (x’y) (X,) e IFUS the TO-, TI-, and T 2- are given by 2(x,y)= 1 inf v(x,y) Thus we simply have ZO 2) It is easily seen that i Zl =z2 d. NA(1) is not a reflective subcategory of FUS. is a non-finite collection in INA(1)I is the fuzzy uniformity generated by then their product is given by (Xj,l(dj))jej Xj,l]) where If N jeJ 58 R. LOWEN, A.K. SRIVASTAVA AND P. WUYTS {$KIK SK and where J, K finite) is defined by n x j)--> I SK:(n Xj) jeJ jJ ((xj)j,(yj)j)--> inf Sdk(Xk,Yk). Clearly, then NA(1) is however closed for finite products in FUS. 9. DETERMINATION OF U(d) BY ITS LEVEL UNIFORMITIES We recall [i0], [Ii] that a uniformity U on X is called non-Archimedean if there p pip e } is a basis for U. U exists a collection @ of partitions of X such that PeP In the sequel, if P is a partition of X, we shall write P(x) for the member of P that contains x e X. is a non-Archlmedean uniformity on X PROPOSITION 9.1. U =(U d) :-- {P where P := {B(x,r)Ix e X}. =}, > r r generated by Ir PROOF. Since {(y,x)Id(y,z)<r d(x,y)Vd(x,z)<r} U, e(Ud)__ B(x,r), we have P r (x) P r (x) Dr P r (x) {(y,z)13 x e X and it follows from Proposition 3.3.1 that is non-Archimedean. The rest of the theorem is a reformulation in this particular case of well-known relations r < [12] between diagonal and covering uniformities and the fact that P r < P s if s and P , P. An immediate consequence of this is the next result. PROPOSITION 9.2 There exists a family (P) = condition eI of partitions of X, satisfying the I <8">P <P and such that u,((d)) is generated by the family of coverings, i.e. such that u PIS P Pep is a basis for > } =(](d)). But we also have the converse If (P) THEOREM 9 3 = =eI is a family of partitions of a<8:> P then there is a non-Archimedean pseudometric d uniformity U CZ PROOF. generated by (Ps)B> X, satisfying the condition < P <. (I) on X, such that for each is the c,-level-uniformity U We first remark that by (i) Pa(x) We can therefore define d Pa(y) X X and a I by < 8 => Ps(x) Ps(y). ((d)) = e I of (d). the CATEGORY OF NON-ARCHIMEDEAN METRIC SPACES d(x,y) := Clearly d(x,x) 0). I, sup (with inf inf{alP=(x)=P=(y)} > then for all " we have P (z) so (x,y) sup{aIP(x)’Pa(y)} 0 and a" a’ d(x,y) d(y,x). d(x,y) Further, if d(x,z), Pa(y), Pa(x) 59 and therefore d(y,z) & a". So d u,=(U(d))" is a non-Archimedean pseudometric, and we only have to prove that U d < 8, we can take r such that a < r < 8. If then d(x,y) < r, we have First, if a Ps(x) Ps(y), e tion 9.2 it now follows that 8 > bitrariness of so t3 p p c pep (U(d)) c U . p, and p U pep8 U pep P P Conversely, if = < e therefore D r, we can take P(x) Ps(y) D r whence D r e p U c pep U whence a,u(U(d)) d(x,y) >. r => Ua r => (x,y) = < 8 < tJ = p. c From Proposiu, =((d)) by at- r and then p Again, by arbitrariness of r p, > =, we obtain and so we are done. 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