Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. Ii NO. 4 (1988) 735-742 735 MAXIMAL SUBALGEBRA OF DOUGLAS ALGEBRA CARROLL J. GULLORY Department of Mathematics University of Southwestern Louisiana Lafayette, Louisiana 70504 (Received April i, 1987) ABSTRACT. When q is an interpolating Blaschke product, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for a subalgebra B of H[q] to be a maximal subalgebra in terms of the nonanalytic points of the noninvertible interpolating Blaschke products in B. set M(B) N Z(q) Z(q), is not open in such that B is maximal in xistence of a factor q0 of q in H If the we also find a condition that guarantees the H[]. We also give conditions that show when two arbitrary Douglas algebras A and B, with A c B have property that A is maximal in B. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Maximal subalgebra, Douglas algebra, interpolating sequence, sparse sequence, Blaschke product, inner functions, open and closed subset, nonanalytic points, support set, Q-C level sets. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. 46J15, 46J20. INTRODUCTION. Let D be the open unit disk in the complex plane and T be its boundary. Let L be the space of essentially measurable functions on T with respect to the Lebesgue By H measure. we mean the fmmily of all bounded analytic functions in D. fication with boundary functions, H of L Via identi- can be considered as a uniformly closed subalgebra A uniformly closed subalgebra B between H and L is called a Douglas algebra. If we let C be the family of continuous functions on T, then it is well known that is the smallest Douglas algebra containing H properly. H+C For any Douglas algebra B, we denote by M(B) the space of nonzero multiplicative linear functionals on B, that is, the set of all maximal ideals in B. if B An algebra B 0 is said to be a maximal subalgebra of B, BI B0 B, then either B B 0 or B I B. is another algebra with the property that I An interpolating sequence {Zn}=l bounded sequence of complex numbers { for all n. D with the property that for any there exists f in H such that f(z n n is a sequence in n }n=l’ A well-known condition states that a sequence {Zn}n=l is interpolating if and only if inf H n nn m n -z z n m 0. (i.i) C.J. GUILLORY 736 A Blaschke product q(z) H n=l (1.2) Blaschke product if its zero set {Zn}n__1 is an interpolating 0). A sequence __(Zn}n= is said to be is called an interpolating sequence -,,([Zn[/Zn is understood whenever z n sparse if it is an interpolatin sequence and z lim n H nm n I. (1.3) z z n m H+C, For a function q in M(H+C). z m we let Z(q)= {m6M(H+C):qkm)= O} be the zero set of almost everywhere on H of modulus An # in T. We denote by H [b] the Douglas algebra generated by H and the complex conjugate of inner function is a function in the inner function b. M(L). Then X M(H), we denote by We put X point in support set for x" eM(H+C) and points of q. f e OC}. Qxo For a x x the the representing measure on X for x and by supp For a function q in L Blaschke product), we put x is the Shilow boundary for every Douglas algebra. H + C fl H + C an interpolating x N(q) the closure of the Isuppx HIsupp x" Set QC (in particular if q is such that union set of supp Roughly speaking, N(q) is the set of nonanalytic and for x is called the QC-level set for x 0 0 in X, let [9]. Qxo {xe X: f(x)=f(x O) for For an inner function q, K. Izuchi has shown the following [5, Theorem l(i)]. THEOREM i. If q is an inner function that is not a finite Blaschke product, then, N(q) U {Ox; x (1.4) Z(q)}. In particular, the right side of I..4 is a closed set. Now assume that q is an interpolating Blaschke product, and let B be a Douglas algebra contained in H[]. We will always assume that M(B) 8 Z(q) is not an open set in Z(q), for Izuchi has shown [6] that if B is a maximal subalgebra of H[], then M{B) fl Z(q) is not open in Z(q). We will give answers to the following two questions. H[] or when is there a factor qo of q in H When is B a maximal subalgebra of such that B is maximal in H[q-O]? These answers will be in terms of the nonanalytic points of q and the invertible inner functions of H[q] that are not invertible in B. x 6M(H+C)/M(B)}. For a Douglas algebra B, we denote by N(B) the closure of U {supp In particular N(H[]) N(). In general if A and B are Douglas algebras such that x; MAXIMAL SUBALGEBRA OF DOUGLAS ALGEBRA x: 737 M(A)/M(B)} and for any inner function M(A), i}. Ib(x)l hA(b) It is shown in [7, Corollary 2.5] that if B c H[], then N(B) c N(), and it is not hard to show that N(q)/N(B) 2 NB(q) (in a sense the set NB(q) is generated by the A B, we put hA(B) x: the closure of U {supp b, nonanalytic points 2. the closure of U {supp M(B)/M(H[]) e with b gH[q]}, C)/M(H[])) It shows how small H[q]. {bOg : and n(B) g M( H + OUR MAIN RESULT. We’ll need the following lemma. be a maximal subalgebra of x xg Let b M(B)/M(H[]) must be if B is to b is an interpolating Blaschke product {b B}. 0 LEMMA i. Let q be an interpolating Blaschke product and B be a Douglas algebra contained in H[]. Suppose for all bog (B), we have that NB(q) Then B NB(b0). H[q]. is a maximal subalgebra of H[q] Douglas algebra between B and M(H[q]) 5 M(H[q]) Then bl supp Um HIsupp M(B[b]) c qlsupp M(H[q]), m# M(H[]), __HIsupp m m Ib(m) Thus m" Hence the only that contains B properly is H [q]. M(H[q]). We show that M(B[B]) M(B[b]). It suffices to show that if m H[q]. It suffices to show that if be (B), then B[b] PROOF. m#M(B[]). NB(q) then and B is maximal in Let me M(B) such that NB(b), and since < 1 and we get m It is clear that {me M(B) Ib(m)l=l }. Now M(B[D]) M(B[D]). we have that This shows that H[q]. Using Theorem i above, it is not hard to show directly that N(B[b]) N(q). However, by Proposition 4.1 of [7], this condition is not sufficient We let E NB(q). This can be a very complicated set. For example, it can contain x where x belongs to a trivial Gleason part or a Gleason part where supp 0 on this part [see 3]. yet q So for B to be maximal in as possible. To see how simple, we set A(B) {ag (B): a A(B)}. {b n(B) N(b), E Now let E be A(B) E0 a 1 E in E. (B) such that NB(q) n N(a 0) see this, just note that both belong to B (B). a01supp Xl Obviously, B , Note that if E 0 H[q], B . B[a0] PROPOSITION i. LetB e 0 and NB(q) NB[0](q) N(q), N(a 1) DouNlas N(B) (iii) E0 E0 (iv) E0 NB(q). E; E and since a subalKebra of . H[q]; 0 and a Xlg N(B) such that H[q] unless E 0 algebra properly contained in N(q); B is a maximal e which implies that B[a Then the following statements are equivalent: (i) (ii) E B[a0] so B cannot be maximal in be a E0 then there are interpolating Blaschke products a and 0 c ’[q]. To a N(a Thus we get B 1) N(a NB(q) 0) Thus and A (B) N(b0), Since their intersection is empty, there is an HIsupp x i, but E must be as simple H[]} bog lql 0] H[q]. c We_now H[q], state. and suppose C.J. GUILLORY 738 We will show that NB(b) NB(q) N(B) U and : H’Isupp x -qlsupp NB(q) NB(b). implies that supp It is clear that E EIE 0e -x E0" B[b0]. It is clear by Theorem 1 that supp bog A(B), Since Ib0(x) that B[b0]. B So E Since supp Again this implies that E0 c E01E0 blsupp ye E 0. H A(B and b01supp x N N( 0) x 5 N(q) . , [H B0 Isupp H’[q] N(B0)). B0 (because N(B) H[ q], When is there a factor H[q0 (B 0 (B) q0e0 (B) B c_ B {q0 g 0 H[q0 ]. So q0 of q possible)? is not Set F and N(B which is a contradiction. &](B), then by (iv) H[q]. N(q). H N(q). Since IIQe HIQ]. N(B) , 0 Q By we Thus N(B) (E 0 is N(q). possible). such that B is a maximal subalgebra of To answer this question, let 0 H[q0 {q0:qq0 e H }, and in H Then H[q0]}. N(q0). q0 in E 0) . Suppose not. Put This implies that B is not a maximal sub- which is a contradiction Now suppose we have that E 0 5 E 0 y M(B) N(b). B[b] (since Thus we have that B there is a Q-C level set Q with N(B) N Q Proposition 4.1 of [7], we have B 0 algebra of have y I; I is an interpolating Blaschke product with le H [q] and also have B N(b0)’ we that B[b 0] Hence there is a y We are going to show that N(B) Finally, suppose (ii) holds. By Theorem x There is a b A(b) such that supp so by Lemma i, B is a maximal subalgebra of N(q). Consider the algebra This implies If (iv) holds and b is any interpolating Blaschke product in Then N(B) c Isupp x and and supp y N(q)/NB[](q)), NB(q) c_ NB(b Suppose not. is empty. H[q] (since supp B[b] (iii). E. This shows that (ii) So we get E 0 It is trivial that if (iii) holds, E 0 NB(q). b We must show that E. e H Again suppose not. is empty. 0 E, but supp by y H’Isupp x blsupp Thus E 0. 0 Now we show that E/E such that supp x 0 x N(q)/NB[0](q)" I, so we have supp which is a contradiction. Thus, if x e M(B) N(B[b]). NB(q) xN(B[b]) are empty sets. First we show that and 0 A (B) such that Then there is an xeM(B) and a b supp Let b e (B) and consider the N(q). Now N(q) N(B[b]) (ii). We have (i) Next suppose that (ii) holds. E01E0 Using Lemma i, hence N(B) so by the above equality we have that NB(q), such that H’[q], B[b] We have B Douglas algebra B[b]. for all b e (B). H[q]. this will prove that B is a maximal subalgebra of (i). (ii) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) We prove the following: PROOF. Suppose (i) holds. Suppose F N(q0) for some factor is our possible candidate. Blaschke product with c e H[q0]}, Next, let q0 of q q0 {c:c is an interpolating MAXIMAL SUBALGEBRA OF DOUGLAS ALGEBRA fl q0 (B) ri F0 E fl F0 F fl(B) f q0 N(qo), A q0 (B) riq0 E 0 N F, F F A* c q0 A * (B), q0(B) flq0 (B) A(B) (B) 739 (B) N(c), F 0 F n F 0, and finally N(q0) and assume F n F0 . We have the following. COROLLARY I. If any of the Let q0 be a factor of q i__qn H such that F followin (i) F conditions hold: F0 0 F0 NB(H0), (ii) F 0 where H N(q0) H 0 for some where fl0 (B) q0 [qo ]. qoEri(B) qo rio(B). H[q0 Then B is a maxima subalgebra of H 0 The fact that F 0 H[0 implies that H 0 and our corollary follows from Proposition i. We now consider this question for the genral Douglas algebras. Douglas algebras such that A c Let A and B be B and there is an inner function q with B It is well known that if B When this occurs we say that A is near B. L c A[q]. and A is any Douglas algebra properly contained in B, then A is not near B, that is, B S A[q] In fact L for any inner function q. algebra A [I0]. is not countably generated over any Douglas Sundberg [i0] any Douglas algebra B which is So by the results of C. countably generated over A is also near it. The following result comes from [2, Lemma 5] and gives equivalent conditions for two Douglas algebras to be near each other [see II, Theorem THEOREM 2. function. Le___!tA and B be (ii) # B ZA(q) PROOF. ZA(q Z(q) M(A). Assume (i) holds; we show that is in B. B c_ A. If x is in Let b be any interpolating ZA(b), ZA(q). ZA(b) c_ [A] we have b is in A. Now let f be any function in B. Theorem [1,8] there is a sequence of functions {hn} in H polating Blaschke products i {bn} we show that x is also in 0 implies that x is not in M(B), since b is in B. So by (i) we have that x must be in n be an inner U M(B) Now x is in M(A) and b(x) But h (b) B and A. c Blaschke product for which ZA(q). for a similar result]. A Then the following statements are equivalent. (i) M(A) where DouRlas alRebras with H +C with f belongs to A since b n bn s Thus ZA(q), of By the Chang Marshall and a sequence of inter- B for all n, such that in A for all n. and by Theorem hnbn f" This proves (ii) C.J. GUILLORY 740 Let x be in M(A) bat not in M(B). Assume (ii) holds. function b which is invertible in B such that n, the function f qn n Set (x) we get ZB(q) M(B) Then there is an inner For any positive integer =< [b(x)[ n. This proves (i). 0. ZA(q) 0 i. so [b(x)In[fn(X)[ [g(x)[ Letting n A, is in Ib(x)l ZA(q)/zB(q); ZB(q) and then M(A)/M(B) ,U Px, XeZB(q) since M(A) ZA(q). M(B) U As we have previously done, let (B,A) be the set of interpolating Blaschke products b such that b eB but bA and set W NA(b). We assume W # b(B,A) . Using Proposition 1, Theorem 2 and Lemma 1, we have the following result. Le__!tA PROPOSITION 2. and B be arbitrary Douglas algebras such that A is near B. Then the following statements are equivalent: NA(B (ii) A is a maximal subalgebra of B; (iii) PROOF. (B,A); (i) NA(b for all b NA(B)- W Assume that (i) holds. such that M(A) M(B) U Since A is near to B, there is an inner function If we set A P }. X U U xeZ XeZB(#) B (@) PX then it is immediate that NA(B) closure of U {supp Let b be any element in (B,A). Lemma 1 we have that A[b] B. Px: x A }. By (i) we have that NA(B) S NA(b)- As in proof of Thus is a maximal in B. Since A is near B, we have that M(A) Assume that (ii) holds, and let x eA B, which implies that if M(B) U A If b e fl(B,A), then by our hypothesis A[b] M(B)). i} {g M(A): Ib(g)l i, then y M(B) (since M(A[b]) y eM(A) and Ib(y) c c b n(B,A). for all Thus the H So, if supp NA(B) NA(b NA(B), x blsupp This implies that To show what NA(B) W W _c NA(B), NA(b) x let b e Isuppx (B,A). Hence bE B; therefore we have x; xM(A), Ib(x)l < i} {supp x; x e M(A)/M(B), Ib(x) {supp x; x eM(A)/M(B)} closure of U{supp closure of U c_ closure of U NA(B). i} MAXIMAL SUBALGEBRA OF DOUGLAS ALGEBRA Since this is true for any b e(B,A), we have NA(B) _D W Thus W 741 NA(B) if A is maximal in B. It is trivial that if (iii) holds, NA(B) c_ NA(b for all We are done. In Proposltion 4.1 of [7] Izuchi constructed a family of Douglas algebras B H’[q] with the property that N(B) N(). 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