Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. ii NO. 2 (1988) 267-274 267 OPTIMALITY AND EXISTENCE FOR LIPSCHITZ EQUATIONS JOHNNY HENDERSON Del)act,ent of Igebra, Combtnatoc[cs, & Analysis Auburn University Auburn, labama 36849 (Received January 5, 1987 and in revised form July 28, 1987) ABSTRACT: Solutions of certain boundary value problems are shown to eIst for the nth order dI.ferantlal equation Y Rn and tIauois oa a slab (a,b) Optimal length subintervals of (n)__ f(t,y,y’,...,y fn-l) ), where f is con- atlsfles a Lipschltz cond[tkon on the slab. f are deter:nlned, [ tems of the Lipschitz (a,b) coefficients, on which there e[st u[que solutions. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: Ordinary dlffereattal equation, boundary value problem, LlpsehItz condition, optimal let, gth interval, ualqueness Imples etstence. 1980 MS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION: 34BI0, 34B[5. l. INTRODUCTION. We will be concerned with the existence of solutions of boundary value problems for the nth order differential equation y(n) where f is continuous on a slab f(t,y,y’ ,...,y (a,b) R n (n-l) (1.) ), and satisfies a Lipschitz condition, on the slab. A number of papers have appeared in which optimal length sublntervals of (a,b) < i< n, on which are determined, in terms of the Lipsch[tz coefficients kl, solutions of certain oundary value problems for (l.l) are unique; see, for example [I-15]. Of motivational importance in this work are the papers by Jackson [I0-11] in which he applied methods from control theory in establishing optimal length subintervals, in terms of the Lipschltz coefficients, on which solutions of conjugate boundary value problems and right focal point boundary value problems for (I.I) are unique. It then follows from uniqueness implies exlstence results due to Hartman [16-17] and (laasen [18] in the conjugate case and Henderson [19] in the right focal point case, that unique solutions exist on the optimal intervals given in 268 J. HENDERSON la [7-8], we adapted-ackso,l’s coatr,)l theory arguments, [q c,)nj,1ct[on wth u[qaees- [,pl[e e[.tece (a,b) teals of e,It, ad determined optimal length on h[ch thee et m[que sol.t[os of seerl classes of boundary value pobl.e.,s ..) third an fo,Jth order ordinary differential equat[o sat[sfylag L[pschItz cond[tIons. In a recent ork [9], we followed the pattera of [7-, i0-[I], by applying the Po,tryg[a Mx[mu Pr[,l.zIple to a llnearIzt[on o6 (I.I), and determined opt[,,al le,gth s,,b[ntervals of (.,b), In terms o k[, on which ol.]t[ons are unique for boundary value problens for Y(1)(tl) < .,< h lq _<... <_%_ thls work, .at now <b, 0_<k<.<_., the prob!e,n ad|res k Yn-h+(I+l)’ o. ([.1) sat[sfyIng . _< I h-l, ,, t_< existence of solutions of (1.9) on the optI,,al Intervsls for U,l[.Iseness .!-%[e,l In [9]. o some , Then l Section subintervals of length less tha the optimal certaln values of k and k h,[ons of and oP’rlMAL[TY AND we are able to prove that on !enth ([.I), (l.) given s h, the e.[tence result so:,e n 2 and for For It, Is restricted gect[o exist. sense analogous to the [16-19]. iqueness lmpl[es existence results In 2. We ste In Section 2 t1e results concerning optimality and ualqeness obtalned [n [9] which are pert[,ent to the argument here. set f i<_ UNIQ!JENESB. In this sectlon, we state a Theorem and a Corollary from [9, Thm. 3 & the Cot. I, In hlch optimal length subintervals of (a,b) In terms of the Lipschltz coefflcIents ki, I n, are deteralned on which solutions of ([.), ([.3) are [,lue THEOREM 1. Let O k < h n be given afld let mtnfTlk y Is the ’,alle.t positive nu=.ber such that there exists a solut[on bounda value problem x (n) (-l)h-[klx + x ,,I) (O) (t) O, O o (’ with x(t) > O k < a h, ff < t{ < te (a,b), on y(t) -.. <_ (O,)o or + Y. zt) and < b, ], x i i < n-h+-l, < t < h-t, If no such solution exists. - For any are d[stlnct solutions of (l.l) such tl,at (1)(t,) z()(t), o < y(i)(t I) z(t)(tt), < k < h}, where x(t) of the an,] .nd thls is best possible !..,’: or th_ i t{ < < n h + _< i < h- , ,, y, It follows that y(t) the class of all dlffereattal equations .satisfying the T0[psch[tz condition (1.2). z(t) on OPTIMALITY AND EXISTENCE FOR LIPSCHITZ EQUATIONS REMARK. ;Io.,,; Jacks,,. [] for the case when ?.-)cod Theorem ’,.; of length less th:,.=: r:’. ,a -.,Iblatervals y ,:t;nt 269 h O. k and n in Theorem 1, it f3llows from Rolle’s Theorem that solutions of a number of other h,,..-.,-y alue . (1.I) are unique. For exa.ple, we can state the following. ,c .ay k < COROLLARY 2. Let y be as [a Th.,r., < h and probi..,q for ! y(t) h, if are solutions of (l.l) such that z(t) and , y(1),tl,) z(1)(t I’), O _< _< n-h + -I, y(i+J-h)(t i) y(i+J-h)(tl), < < h-l, i i a < t < t. S (a,b), 3. <_ th_ < b, an,’,. ;V y(t) Y .t ollows that :i :h-I z(t) on and this is best EKISTENCE OF :t,t.".l.eness implies existence results proved by Hartman [16-17], Klaasen [18], and Henderso 19], we gve a proof [n this section ti:, ,,t the optimal sublnterals for unlquene:.’ J-,.t,::":...t.! [a Section 2 and for a restricted Analogous.:: :;,:’.’: ,,f t., values of h g.l:e .,.rr,hlems k, the boundary and (I.I), (1.3) have unique ttons. For the proof, we use somewhat standard shooting method: ’,l.q .!".1 zive the proof only for two-polnt problems, wtth the p,.’.? f:-,r multlpolnt problems being ;,i sinilar. THEOREM 3. function). Then the Let bounda Let in/2] k 0 < < h be .given, ([.] denotes th.,. j,r,.;-.::t-, integer n min{y[ y and let (t, y, y’, y[)(t) Yt < ’ t h} < < J i J n, < g b, 0 be as defta.! [.q ’?h)em provtde t 2 t < (n-) ), t’ t a unique solutto, ?,r ..’..ignment of Furthermore, thls eIt y. [s best possible for the class of all differential equations which satisfy th :," .t. (.2). )OF. give. Let I. n-h+t-[, i ’n-h+(i+t)’ s h, y Yi+’ o S (2) Y" a <t< value problem (n) where 0 a We prove the < < t 2 ,xthace < b, with t 2 t < y, and j J n, be of solutions for a much larger family of boundary vale problems than those in the statement of the theorem In fact, we prove the existence of solutions of the two-point problems which bel)g prohle’., la Corollary 2. ’ Yi For induction pltl)oq; J, , tha :lass of :ctange these problems in a lower triangular array, (I,I) ’:’" l.) (2 2) (h,l) (h,2) where the bo,.aa’y ,,,:.flue problem for (I) associated with the (,v)-posltlon, 270 < J. HENDERSON < < u h, satisfies y(i)(tl) y(t)(t2 Yi+l, O _< i < n-v-l, Yn-+(i+l)’ -v <_ t Under this arrangement, the boundary value problems for (1.1) along the principal diagonal (u,u), u h, are e.onJuga_t_e type problems, whereas the boundary value problems In the statement of this theorem are assoelated Ith the entries along the (h,v), < v < h. By Corollary 2, solutions of all the problems In th[ array are unique on bottom row subintervals of length less than . Moreover, by the constraints on and h k, It follows that solutions of all conjugate type boundary value problems for (I.I) are unique. Then it follows from the uniqueness i,aplIes existence result of Hartman [16-17] and Klaasen [18] that the c,>,ljigate boundary value problems, and in parti- cular those associated with the e,tctes on the maln diagonal, have unique solutions. (This is the reason for the constraints on h and k.) For existence of solutions of the remaining problems associated with the array, we will use the shooting method coupled wlth an Induction along the subdiagonals on the array. In that direction, choose any boundary value problem for (I) associated with the first subdlagonal (,u-l), 2 where < < h; that Is, e are concerned with solutions of (I) satisfying Y(i)(t2) <_ I < Yn-B+(i+l)’ -I. In applying the sho,->t[,xg method, let z(t) be the solution of (I) satisfying conditions associated with the (u,u)-positfon, z(1)(t) z(t2) z(t)(t2 y(n-)(tl)lY(t) S and define z(1)(tl ), O _< z(n-u)(tl) S, n-u-l, and i e yi+, o <_ _< O, <- i <- u-t, Yn-u+(i+)’ is a solution of y(i)(t2) y(i)(t I) (I) satisfying z(f)(t2 ), < i < -I. S and since solutions of the problems corresponding to since $ (B,-I)- position are unique, it follows from a standard application of the Brouwer Invariance of Domain Theorem that We claim that S S (see [20-211 is open, for a typical argument). is also a closed subset of false, It follows that there is a limit point strictly monotone sequence out .loss of generality that rj) S of (I) given by the definition of S 0 Assuming the claim to be e S \S. Hence, there exists a of numbers converging to r O. We may assume with- J > I, denote the solution For each rj/rO. r R. satisfying, let yj(t) OPTIMALITY AND EXISTENCE FOR LIPSCHITZ EQUATIONS "(t 1) y J(n-) "(tL) z .vj(1)(t2 z(f)(t2 ), Futeote oc ! ! 1 yj(t) < Yj+l(t) I, each (tl,t2]. on satLsLes the LlpschLtz codLtLon (2) t follos that a o (L) Is satisfied, (see [I0]); f slice <i< O J tl Fro Corolla 2, it follows that, 271 , compactness eodtLo on sequences of solutLons ts compactness coudtLon d the fct that rO (a,b), uuformly bou.lT .a ch compact subLnterval of n aud Ls ot {yj(t)} h.e tlat s prtLcular, not [tl,t2]. uufoly bounded above o each eo,npact subtrql of ow let (t) be the soltLo of the proble for (l) assocLated wth the (u-l,u-l)-pos{t[on, u(i>(t) y[+, o i I u(n-’)(tl) u(t2) 0’ O, u(i)(t2 It follows that, or and either (I) (-I) [s odd, or (l) I+I Yl ([) (t) (t) < =() (t) (-[) [+lu([) (t) on < (-1)[ u ([) (t) (-l)[Yl()(t) We will assume that is even. < -u u lntesect Ok+t I. (n-u) (t) or (t) Yl . point at a po[nt o o k e n-, when $) + $) , (t and t I) nd + ate . I, yj k (n-u)(t) Ok+t and the first points where these intersections occur. {yjk(t)}, (-l)l+lyl({)(t) [F there [s an lnfln[te subsequence, which we relabel as YJk (n-P)(o k) yl(n-u)(Ok ), e have that, for each k, < (-)[+t ([)(t) < (-t)[+ u ({) (t) on (Ok’ tl)’ O YJk case l[m yjk ([)(o k) yl([)(tl), O < I < n-. But, it k+ YJk(l)(t 2) < n- such that, for each k (tl’ tl e I (t[ 2 i n-u, when O t {yjk(t)} Pk t (tt-, t[), is odd and also that at O I + ), (tl, on By choos[ng successive subsequences and telabel[ng, we may assume that tl- < k < tl< k < tl Now, u(-u)(t) [tesects U-2. (tl-$, tI), on It follows that there eElsts a subsequence y k (a-u)(t) <_ i ! Yn-,,+(+[)’ O, y soe ! n--t, y ({)(t 2) < I < u-I n-u. such that In thls [s also the case that and so fmom the continuous dependence o solutions 272 J. HENDERSON (u,J-l)-pos[t[on, tt follows on boundac/ conditions of proble:s ass.oc[at.d with the t <t) tlla 0 < n-. < l[)(t) converge. Jn[f.or.,ly t. (a,b), on compact sb[ntevIs of This [s [,,p,,l’le, Jk Jk In the cse that there Yjk(t)’ yjk(n-)(Ok u(n-)(Ok such th:t follos that, for each (ak’ t]) Yl ([)(t) < Jk ([)’t) and yjk(n-u+l)(k (n-u+l)<Yk) u () (t I), O ! ! n-u, ([) (-l)[+ly k, soe Yk k+ YJk ([)(t 2) u([)(t2 ), case that e (tl,0k) on (ak’k)" ! ,-2. gu,ent similar to the one and the fact that t 2 (t use. < ) [n the ! ! u (n-u+l) (tl); 0 t follows that ,(n-u)(tl) Thus, q yjk(1)(a k [t [s .iso the (u-l, u-2)-pos[t[on coupled with th[ latter type of problem for u{[)(t) [t follows that on compact subintervals of (a,b), u(U-1)(t2 In partteulr, 1, llm k proof of the first theorem of [13, Thin. I] y, solutions of cosverges un[o=ml to on n-u, and ([) are unique and thus depend cont[uously upon boundary conditions; ([)(t)) It From un[q,eness of solutions of boundary value problems for (I) corresponding to the , O (-l)i+lu([)(t) < It follows that yjk(n-u+l) (k l[m and that ([)(t) [+I. ,,(1)(t) f yjk(n-)(0k) u(n-)(0k)’ a,d e 3; again, a contradiction. r 0 S is qlso ,losed and hence R. Choosing Yn-u e S, e corresponding solution of (I) satisfies the (,,,-l)-pos[t[on. subdtagonal, bounda value problem corresponding to the Hence, boundary value problems for (t) associated with the first (,u-l), 2 < u < h, have unique solutions. ? < I < h and that, for each For the induction, assume o th the bodnda (,u-. )), < s < m, value problems for (I) associated with the subdtagonals < u < h, ve unique solutions m+l, we n rgue that bou,da value problems for (I) corresponding to the subd[agonal (u,u-m), where I < u < h, have unique solut[ons. Choosing any snch (u,-), we are concernel ;.t’ o],,t[ons of (I) stisfy[ng For s s Y () (t2) For the shooting schedule here, let z(t) Yn-u+(i+l)’ m < < u-l. be the solution of (1) corresponding to the OPTIMALITY AND EXISTENCE FOR LIPSCHITZ EQUATIONS (., U-(m-I )-pos Ion z(1)(tl z(m-l)(t2 :,." In ths eas, dfta tl) , manner analogo , Is bsth solution of (I) < < i -., ,,:, < < u+m-2, O, " :n-u+(1+l)’ z I It aaa be argued that R. (t) satisfying is a y(1)(t2) n-,-2, and S ’l- (t2) m < i < In a u-l}. R which Is a aonempty subset of Yn- SI’ Choosing the :orespoadlng Heace, bounda valde problems for (I) h, have unique solutions. (,-m), I for (I) ..,<-,ted wlth each problems value nductlo, bounda the :,:[,?,-d olut[o. ll.goaal Therefore, by n ,,’,t2" O Yi+l’ cY(n--l)(tl)lY(t) $1 O [) I ,losed, so that assocl:t.,1 entry 273 -. I t’e coacluson of the t1e trlaagular array have ualqe sol,t,, theorem holds f=om the c :,-,-?qspoad[ag to the bottom row (h,), < < h. 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