43 Internat. J. Math. & Math Sci. VOL. ii NO. (1988) 43-46 RATIONAL CHOICE FUNCTION DERIVED FROM A FUZZY PREFERENCE JIN BAI KIM Department of Mathematics West Virginia University Morgantown, W. V. 26506 KERN O. KYMN Department of Economics West Virginia University Morganto, W. V. 26506 (Received September 7, 1984 and in revised form April 22, 1987) ABSTRACT. lar (see ftmctions We shall prove that every fuzzy rational choice function is fuzzy reguRichter [6, p. 36] ), count the total number of the fuzzy rational choice on a set. of four elements and consider a semigroup of all fuzzy ratlonal choice functions on a set. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. choice regular I. fuzzy function rational fuzzy preference fuzzy transitive choice function fuzzy 1985 AMS CLASSIFICATION .ER 03E72 semigroup. We INqT{ODUCTION. fuzzy binary relation Fuzzy relation have ntroduced a rational choice function derived from a preference (see [2], [3], [4]). We shall establish two theorems (Theoand 2) which are motivated from the following theorems: fuzzy rems THEOREM 4 (Richter [6]). There exists a total rational choice which is not [6]). There exists a rational choice which is not total transitive rational. THEOI 6 (Richter rational. We find that the number of all fuzzy rational choice functions on a set X c, d} of four elements is equal to 57751 (see [2]. We note that {a, b, We shall consider a semigroup. in [4] there is a beautiful counting formula of the total number of all final choice functions on a finite set,. 2. Let DEFINITIONS AND THEOREMS. X be a finite set with more than two elements. For definitions of a choice function on X and a fuzzy binary relation (R, r) on X, we refer to [2] and [3]. Let (R, r) be a fuzzy relation X and let a e X. p. 38]. 0| and R, (a)= {x R(a)" r(a,x) _-> X" aRx and rta,x) } We define function a for (0,1)]. h as follows" Let a A _c X. Then We add that ha(0)= O, the empty set. Note that h R a(a). h (A) iff A is in general, not a choice function. Let h be a choice function on X. If there exists a fuzzy relation (R, r) on X such that h,= h, then we shall say that h is [2, DEFINITION Define R(a)= Ix J.B. KIM and K.O. KYMN 44 fuzz. l’ational and (R, r)’attonalzes h. NOTATION I. We denoto by F(X) the set of all fuzzy binary relations on X. We and C(:<. Z denotes lh, s,l ,I" all -hoic,, fmctons h on X. I.et define Z 2 e use (x,)-I e R td x R .hen rl..,y) g O. I.1. h a t’lX, Z) (R, r) e F(X). a choice I’ction on X. DEFINITI {R, exists F(X) (R, r) s l.Faltsillx. (tol, reflexive). if (R,r} is reflexive, t}ta] tnd trsittve, uF(B) such that (R, if there exists {R, r) I,t h is fuzz)’ regular ion is fuzzy trsitive. a fuzzy ratiorml choice t’mction on X. h a (R,r) is t’eglar. r} We shall prove the followira theorem. DDI 1. Every f,,zzy rat ional :hoce fct PF. (R,r) rationalizes h}. e F(X}" {(R, r) ks said to Ix, fuzzy t[’ansitixe (Iol, reflexive} if there in aF(h) such that r) regular is t’ine F(h} h 2. Then F(h) is non- Supse that {R, r) is not trsi{r(x,y) O" x,ye X} for (R, r). We ea find a sitivie fine {r} tire. 1 {r i, where k is a sitive integer. We define such that % nr n+k a fuzzy relation IS, s) a follows" If r(x,t} # O, then we t s(x,yl:r{x,y}, empty d let r{x,y):O if relation on hs. en c ss {R, r) Then h= h,. F{h). then we put s(x,y}:%. X. We sho It is clear that {S,s} is a trsitive fuzzy h,:hs. that To sho this, that assm ue h We hs(A)=C. non-empty set % sh that B h 1 g B. Then {,x} S for all x A, s(a,x} >k d hence s{a,xl # In view of it} [ {r}, it is clear that e A, B. A a here a a B. is eontiets s(a,x}=r{a,x) for all x e b silu prmf for b C bris a tietion. efore B:C B there , h=hs =h. exists that e is proves a C d a e eorem (A) . 1. Every fuzzy mtiol choice fmetion h on X is fuzzy tol. 2. t h a fuzzy rtioI choice fraction on X. en there exists For x, y e X a x # y, it is clear that h {x,y}f{x,y}. smh that h=h. 1 m we Mve that either r{x,y) $1 or r{y,x) erefore {R,r) is toI. 2 is proves eor 2. F. r) Y foIlo fr Every 1. fuzzy mr mtiol choice fetion is reDIsr. e 2. A SI. We gin ith the followia definition. F(X) DIRIIS 3. t {R, r} 3. tol if r(a,b) # 0 e@letely 1 if r(b,al there , a fuzy relation. 0 fo 11 ,b exists (R,r) e X. {R, r} is elely A choi ftion h is fuzzy smh tt h,=h a F{X} (R, r} is h is fuzzy cpletely relar if em exists {R, r} smh t h=h is fuzzy eDl a fuzzy eapletely tol. We Mve coir a smgroup in [2] a [4]. We note by @{X} the set of 11 e@letely tol. empletely re, at hve hh c_h that fzy mtiol choice fetio on X. u , h,h e (X}. we By Mve 4-( i the folloia rem, 3. (X} fore a sgm er the bi omtion - 2 ], defin by if h e(X), then there exists (P,p) smh tt h=h (P, p) is epletely toni. F. It is clear that the bi omtion is ssmiative. It is aIso p clear tMt u@ R {or(R, r I} is regular a cpletely tol. ttia P U We note relar tht a RATIONAL CHOICE FUNCTION DERIVED FROM A FUZZY PREFERENCE , hlA s A that. hlA) s. m. Since hlA) x . t:o .t,’ Thi shows that a A. te defn ion of h. e fntion 1). e prove -. ror-empy, to asse that A md ],] part :! xt,t h l[lat 1 r(a,x) f] 1o: xplo s to shot. that: not a fuzzy chotc.e x on thoagt he tho I, for for all m ’lha I)t’ov’s The,,rem t-l. The rat onai ! and hnc’e pa,x) nvtA) From rla,xl=Inax Ipta,-., qta,?.l It lrll.)t:s A. e x a no-(ml)ly 45 th,-- r-om)s te sot fction, h, and Let IR, h0 are N)th fuzzy rational .hoees on X. Lt 1. X=la, ){O,q)=lqla,a}=q{b,b)-qlc,c}=l, l_. e Then we lst the for d is a in otto hlAI, qla,b)=qla,e)- a fuzzy relation IP, pl such that memr that n X..a necessary d sufficient con- t,t X s thai for every non-empty subset A such that rla,xl 1 -ondt,t tvlds for IR,ri. Let a tt such that ra,x hl,41 X. on such k eorem _a in a fotion choice proves s s a uzz3 fetal e supso that the PF. there not s a -hotoe ftmc’t,n r to h be a of X there exists at least that qlb,a)=q(’,al=qlo,bl-, qlb,cl-j-, there and 4 foIlo-’trN theorem. NODI 4. Let Ir, r dttion c rlb,al=rc,al=rle,bl 1 that prove c t, 1 rla,bt=rla,c’l=rlb,cl= ,4 s 1 r lrt=hor a . for alI x c # d asse Then A i definition of h. Thus all x A. X. Then for each A # Supse h s a ’t,te 1 a hr 14 Irom dc,h ;- obt, atn that ria,x} hl Is a 0 there This ]A 4. OK cHOICES ON la,h,c,dl. Let X a set of n ntr of all Iuzzy rar tol choice fcttons on X by hrx) In). In [2] we show that hr(x) t3) 93. In ths stion we oce that hrx) 4) 57751. shall prove this in a serrate r. A .)ustification of hr(x) (4) 57751 ne several ges. 4. We elents. iZZ$ ]iN denote the REFERIENCES [I] K. J. Arrow, Social Choice and Individml Value (Wiley, New York, 19631. [2] Jin 37-43. B. Kim, Fuzzy Rational Choice Functions, FVZZ SETS AND SSTEN I011983), [3] Jin B. Kim and Kern O. Kymn, Rational Choice and Gain Functions Derived From a Fuzzy Relation, ECONOMICS LEqUEIq 1311983), 113-116. [4] Jin B. Kim, Final Choice Functions, EICN LZTFERS 14(1984), 143-148. [5] Jin 519-522. B. Kim, A Certain Matrix Semigroup, Mathematics Japonica 22(1978), [6] M. K. Richter, Rational Choice, in" J. S. Chipman, L. Huvicz, M. K. Richter, and H. F. Sonnenschein, Eds., Preferences, Utility and Demand (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1971).