Operators are available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week Campus Safety will contact the appropriate college personnel to assist you. For international travelers: United States Department of State – 202-501-4444 1. Share faculty/staff leader contact phone numbers with students. 2. Create an emergency plan. 3. Choose a designated student to know the emergency plan in case you are not available. 4. Convey the local emergency number(s). 5. Obtain student cell phone numbers. 6. Create a communication tree for students. 7. Implement the buddy system. 8. Advise students to never leave their residence without ID or money. 9. Designate a primary meeting place. 10. Designate a secondary meeting place. Course of Action 1. The Hope faculty/staff leader or on-site coordinator (or designated student, in case of incapacity of the faculty/staff leader or on-site coordinator) contacts the appropriate local authorities (police, U.S. Embassy, medical personnel) to begin the location action necessary to handle the situation. 2. The Hope faculty/staff leader or on-site coordinator (or student) contacts Hope College Campus Safety to report the incident: 616-395-7770. Campus Safety then contacts the appropriate college personnel. 3. The Hope faculty/staff leader or on-site coordinator (or student) should keep a written record of the incident(s), noting the date, time, place, and other details including witnesses and response. 7KHLQFLGHQWUHFRUGIRUPFDQEHIRXQGRQWKH55ZHEVLWH Specific Emergency Situations: Seriously Ill or Injured Student or Faculty/Staff Leader 1. The College will contact the student’s or faculty/staff leader’s designated emergency contact(s). 2. Appropriate college personnel will be contacted. 3. Necessary actions will be taken, including provision for essential medical care incountry, emergency evacuation, etc. 4. The college will, if necessary, make funds available to cover emergency costs. Such expenses are the responsibility of the student or faculty/staff leader, but the college will advance funds as needed to assure a timely solution of the situation. 5. If necessary, the college will make funds and staff available to ensure adequate group supervision and continuation of the program. 25 Death of Student or Faculty/Staff Leader 1. The college will contact the student’s or faculty/staff leaders’ designated emergency contact(s). 2. Appropriate college personnel will be contacted, as well as the college’s legal counsel. 3. Counseling and psychological Services will be notified to provide counseling for other members of the group. Student or Faculty/Staff leader with Emotional or Psychological Problems 1. The college will contact the student’s or faculty/staff leader’s designated emergency contact(s). 2. Counseling and Psychological Services will be in touch with the student, faculty/staff leader or on-site coordinator to evaluate the situation and make necessary recommendations. 3. Appropriate college personnel will be involved as necessary. Student or Faculty/Staff Leader is a Victim of a Crime or is Accused of Committing a Crime 1. The college will contact the student’s or faculty/staff leader’s designated emergency contact(s). 2. Appropriate college personnel will be contacted. 3. If a sexual incident is between two student members of the group or a student member and a faculty/staff leader, the chair of the Sexual Harassment Policy Advocates will be notified and college policy will apply. 4. If the incident is between a member of a group and an outside party, action taken will depend on legal requirements of the host country and the wished of the group member. 5. The college’s legal counsel will be contacted, if necessary, for appropriate advice. 6. If necessary, the college will contact local on-site authorities for appropriate action. Situation that Causes Serious Concern (Political Uprising or Natural Disaster) 1. The college will contact the faculty/staff leader or on-site coordinator for preliminary assessment. 2. The college will contact the U.S. Department of State to receive the latest public announcements or travel warnings. 3. The college will take necessary action based on advice from the U.S. Department of State and on-site coordinators. This could be evacuation, moving to an embassy compound, remaining on-site and maintaining low profile or quarantine. 4. When the status of the group has been accurately determined, the college, in cooperation with the on-site coordinator or faculty/staff leader will disseminate the information to appropriate parties. 26