The faculty/staff leader role is one of significant importance. ... execution of the off-campus program to be successful it will...

The faculty/staff leader role is one of significant importance. In order for the coordination and
execution of the off-campus program to be successful it will be key that the program leader
understand and complete the following list of responsibilities.
… A faculty/staff leader will accompany all off-campus programs that include students.
… Collect and submit all necessary Risk and Responsibility forms as outlined to the
appropriate offices (see page 9-10).
… In advance of departure, conduct an appropriate orientation program for all
participants (see page 8).
… Contact the Health Center for a Travel Clinic tailored for your program’s location.
… Consult with the Health Center and/or Counseling and Psychological Services Office on
all medical and/or psychological conditions that impact students traveling with you.
… Meet and discuss with flagged students what you should know about their medical
conditions and have a written plan of action as needed.
… Carry copies of major medical cards, proof of immunizations and other important
documents away from the originals. For international programs, carry copies of the
front page of all passports and any necessary visas.
… Notify the College in the event of an itinerary change and/or emergency within the
group or location of program.
… Follow and use the Recommended Procedures for Emergency Notification.
As a participant in an off-campus study program the student must understand and complete
the following list of responsibilities.
… The student must complete all Risk and Responsibility forms.
o Eligibility to Participate to be completed before applying to the program.
o Assumption of Risk and Release
o Medical and Mental Health History Form
o Student Off-Campus Program Responsibilities
… Student is required to maintain good standing after a program accepts them. This
means that they must maintain good academic standing as well as good social standing.
… Student must obtain all required and recommended immunizations for travel, as
determined by the Health Center.
… Student must attend all required on-campus orientation session(s).
NOTE: The program leader has the authority to determine if a student’s behavior warrants
termination from the program at the student’s expense.