Eligibility to Participate program. Form.

All off-campus programs require all applicants to complete the Eligibility to Participate
Form. This form will be used to determine the student’s eligibility to apply to a
x Each program leader is responsible for submitting a list of student in each of the three
categories to the Dean of Students:
o Never been on disciplinary probation
o History of having been on disciplinary probation
o Currently on disciplinary probation
This is to confirm the accuracy of student’s statements and to determine student’s
eligibility, based on behavior, to have their program applications reviewed for
x Completed forms should be sent to the Dean of Students office. The program leader
is also responsible for noting his/her own name and program name on the list of
results from the Eligibility to Participate Form so the Dean of Students will know to
whom to return the results.
x In turn, the following policy will be followed with respect to accepting student on all
off-campus programs:
o A student not currently on disciplinary probation, but who has a past history of
being on probation may be accepted to an off-campus program at the discretion
of the program’s director, but may be required to sign an Off-Campus Study Social
Conduct & Behavior Contract.
o A student currently on disciplinary probation at the time of application is subject
to a review by the Dean of Student’s. Depending on the circumstances of the
probation, the student may still be given permission to apply.
Note: Students on Level I probation may be given permission to apply at the discretion of the Dean of
Students and in conversation with the program leader. Students on Level II probation or Withheld
Suspension will generally not be given permission to apply to an off-campus program while on disciplinary
probation (this is detailed in the online Student Handbook).
o The principal concern being addressed in this process is student behavior
relating to alcohol, drugs, lack of respect for others, including, but not limited
to, disorderly conduct, sexual harassment, violations of the law and assault.
o If the program leader, Dean of Students or other members of the Hope College
community becomes aware of any infractions prior to the program’s departure,
the student’s permission to participate may be revoked.
All students participating in an off-campus program are required to sign this form. A
parent must sign as well if the student is under 18 years of age.
Completed forms need to be returned to either Liz Steenwyk in the Registrar’s Office
for Academic Programs or to Julie Dalman in the Student Development Office for
student groups. Please see the Risk and Responsibility Website at
http://www.hope.edu/admin/randr/materials.html for the proper Assumption of Risk
and Release form.
If the program is two or more nights, the program leader must provide a complete
itinerary with contact phone numbers. An itinerary template can be found on the Risk
and Responsibility Webpage http://www.hope.edu/admin/randr/materials.html
All students participating in an off-campus program are required to accurately
complete this form. A parent must sign as well if the student is under 18 years of age.
A photocopy of the front and back of all major medical cards from each participating
student is also required.
Advise students to purchase the International Student ID card or iNext travel Card for
international programs. These cards include medical insurance that is valid worldwide.
There forms should be carefully reviewed with the individual students prior to leaving
for the trip.
The program leader should take the original forms along on the program. Copies of
the forms should be left with the department secretary in a sealed envelope.
All students participating in an off-campus program are required to sign this form.
The program leader should keep completed forms and take them along on the
program. Send copies to the Dean of Students.
This form is to be filled out at the discretion of the program leader and the Dean of
Students. It encourages students to take responsibility for their actions. The program
leader must also sign the form.
The program leader should keep completed forms and take them along on the
program. Send copies to the Dean of Students.
This card should be completed by the student and kept in their wallet throughout the
program in case of emergency.
Cards are available in the Registrar’s and/or the Student Development Office.
The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service provided by the U.S.
Government to U.S. citizens who are traveling to, or living in a foreign country. STEP
allows you to enter information about your upcoming trip abroad so that the Department of
State can better assist you in an emergency. When registering your trip, you will first be
asked to create an account. The account type you need to select is “Organizational
Account”, as this is intended for colleges and universities that will be creating trips for a
number of individuals.
For More Information, please go to https://step.state.gov/step/