TD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

United Nations
United Nations Conference
on Trade and Development
Distr.: General
14 April 2015
English/French/Spanish only
Trade and Development Board
Investment, Enterprise and Development Commission
Expert Meeting on the Transformation of the
International Investment Agreement Regime: The Path Ahead
Geneva, 25–27 February 2015
List of participants
GE.15-07772 (E)
Mr. Wafiullah Ahmadzai, President and Chief Executive Officer, Afghanistan Investment
Support Agency, Kabul
Mr. Ahmad Waleed Majidyar, Investment Promotion Manager, Afghanistan Investment
Support Agency, Kabul
Mr. Gert Kodra, First Secretary, Expert in International Investment Agreements, Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, Tirana
M. Ali Daiboun Sahel, Expert en investissement, Ministère de l’industrie et des mines,
Mme Arlette Concession, Juriste, Luanda
M. André Teka Kitoko, Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève
Mr. Héctor Marcelo Cima, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Pedro Fabian Negueloaetcheverry, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Manfred Schekulin, Deputy Director General, Trade Policy and European Integration,
Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Vienna
Ms. Brigitte Lüth, Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Afroza Khan, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Industries, Dhaka
Ms. Marion Williams, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission,
Ms. Anastasia Lyubchenko, Deputy Head, Department for State Policy on Foreign
Investment Promotion, Ministry of Economy, Minsk
Mr. Aleksandr Tselyuk, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Katty Demesmaeker, Expert, Trade Policy Committee Services and Investment,
Federal Public Service of Foreign Affairs, Brussels
M. Eloi Laourou, Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent adjoint, Mission permanente,
Mr. Karma Yeshey, Senior Legal Adviser, Registrar of Companies, Ministry of Economic
Affairs, Thimphu
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Sra. Natalia Pacheco Rodríguez, Segunda Secretaria, Misión Permanente, Ginebra
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ms. Ermina Salkicevic-Dizdarevic, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Relations, Sarajevo
Ms. Samira Sulejmanovic, Head of Unit, Bilateral Trade Relations, Ministry of Foreign
Trade and Economic Relations, Sarajevo
Mr. Sefik Fadzan, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Renato R. De Campos Souza, Deputy Director, International Negotiations, Ministry of
Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Brasilia
Ms. Luana Girard, Foreign Trade Analyst, Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign
Trade, Brasilia
Mr. Erivaldo Gomes, Deputy Subsecretary for Regional Integration and Trade, Ministry of
Finance, Brasilia
Mr. Starfort Edith Pedie, Head of Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, Ministry of Economy,
Planning and Regional Development, Yaoundé
Mr. Martin Yamkwa, General Inspector, Ministry of Mines and Industries, Yaoundé
Mr. Paul Batibonak, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. John O’Neill, Minister and Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission,
Ms. Yongjie Li, Director, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Commerce, Beijing
Ms. Lingyan Zhu, Director, Ministry of Commerce, Beijing
Mr. Yun Zhang, Official, Ministry of Commerce, Beijing
Mr. Yaohua Sun, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Qingjun Xu, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the World Trade Organization, Geneva
Ms. Catalina Barberi Torres, Economist, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, Bogota
Mr. Juan Camilo Saretzki-Forero, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Laura Perez Curieux, Intern, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Costa Rica
Mr. Luis Fernandez, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the World Trade
Organization, Geneva
Ms. Irena Alajbeg, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Zagreb
Sr. Carlos Fidel Martín Rodríguez, Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra
Czech Republic
Mr. David Seidl, Lawyer, Ministry of Finance, Prague
Mr. Ondrej Svoboda, International Economic Law Counsel, Ministry of Industry and Trade,
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Mme Thérèse Tshibola-Tshia-Kadiebue, Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève
Ms. Blanca Gomez de la Torre, Director of International Affairs and Arbitration, Attorney
General Office, Quito
Mr. Juan Carlos Sanchez Troya, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Eman Said, Undersecretary of State and Head of the International Cooperation
Department, General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, Nasr City
Ms. Heba Yousry, Economic Researcher, General Authority for Investment and Free
Zones, Nasr City
Mr. Maher Khaled, Researcher, General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, Nasr
Mr. Mohamed Mounir Zahran, Ambassador, Council for Foreign Affairs, Cairo
Mr. Ahmed Shehabeldin, Minister Plenipotentiary and Deputy Permanent Representative,
Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Hamed El Erreby, First Secretary (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Marwa Farghali, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Solomon Mamo Basha, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Mathieu Raux, Legal Adviser, Trade and Investment Policy, Directorate General of the
Treasury, Paris
Ms. Julie Chevallier, Senior Policy Adviser, Investment, Directorate General of the
Treasury, Paris
Ms. Kanni Touray, State Counsellor, Ministry of Justice, Banjul
Mr. Temuri Pipia, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Stormy-Annika Mildner, Head of Department, External Economic Policy, Federation
of German Industries, Berlin
Mr. Christoph Rodenhäuser, Deputy Head of Division, Ministry for Economic Affairs and
Energy, Berlin
Mr. Christoph Sprich, Senior Manager, Federation of German Industries, Berlin
Ms. Débora Ponce, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the World Trade Organization,
M. Alsény Sylla, Secrétaire général, Ministère de l’industrie, des petits et moyennes
entreprises et de la promotion du secteur privé, Conakry
M. Jean Pierre Condé, Conseiller juridique, Ministère de l’industrie, des petits et moyennes
entreprises et de la promotion du secteur privé, Conakry
M. Henry-Claude Fleury, Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève
Mr. Saurabh Garg, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi
Ms. Ishita Ganguli Tripathy, Director, Domestic Investment and International Investment
Agreements, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi
Mr. Sudhanshu Roy, Legal Adviser, International Investment Agreements, Ministry of
Finance, New Delhi
Mr. Anil Kumar Rai, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Abdulkadir Jailani, Director for Treaties and Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Jakarta
Mr. Alda Mayo Panadjam, Staff, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jakarta
Mr. Fritz Horas Silalahi, Director of Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation, Indonesia
Investment Coordinating Board, Jakarta
Mr. Nova Erlangga Masrie, Head, Section for United Nations Organizations, Indonesia
Investment Coordinating Board, Jakarta
Mr. Adi Winarso, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Erik Mangajaya Simatupang, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Elvie Indayani, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Muhammad Takdir, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Mr. Mirveisi Alireza, Senior Legal Expert, Organization for Investment, Economic and
Technical Assistance of Iran, Tehran
Mr. Asadpour Mehrdad, Senior Legal Expert, Organization for Investment, Economic and
Technical Assistance of Iran, Tehran
Mr. Saada Tmand Shahram, Senior Foreign Investment Promotion Expert, Organization for
Investment, Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran, Tehran
Mr. Pewan Zawitai, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Rodolfo Rivas, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the World Trade Organization,
Ms. Tiziana Zugliano, Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Ghadeer Elfayez, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Gaziz Seitzhanov, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Judith Langat, Legal and Policy Advocacy Officer, Investment Authority, Nairobi
Mr. Frederick Matwang’a, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Pauline Mcharo, Legal Expert, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Ms. Souphaphone Saignaleuth, Investment Officer, Investment Promotion Department,
Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vientiane
Mr. Vladimirs Plahovs, Counsellor, Permanent Representation to the European Union,
Mr. Emhemed Elderwish, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Richard Rakotoniaina, Head of Industries Environments and Improvement, Private
Sector Development, Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Industry, Antananarivo
Ms. Lantonirina Erika Ramananarivo, Director, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Budget,
Mr. Julien Rakotomalala, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Marweena Manan, Senior Principal Assistant Director, Ministry of International Trade
and Industry, Kuala Lumpur
Ms. Syuhada Adnan, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
M. Abou Diallo, Chef contrôle interne, Agence pour la promotion des investissements,
Mr. Gregory Camilleri, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Sr. Mario Chacón Carrillo, Embajador Titular de la Unidad de Promoción de Inversiones y
Negocios Internacionales, ProMéxico
Sr. Carlos Vejar, Director General de Consultoría jurídica de Comercio Internacional,
Secretaría de Economía
Sr. Miguel Ángel Padilla Acosta, Ministro, Asuntos Económicos, Misión Permanente,
Sra. Yara Fosdado, Consejera, Misión Permanente ante la Organización Mundial del
Comercio, Ginebra
Sr. Hugo Romero, Consejero Económico, Misión Permanente ante la Organización
Mundial del Comercio, Ginebra
Ms. Erdenejargal Amartuvshin, Financial Officer, Invest Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar
Ms. Soyol-Erdene Erdenetsogt, Policy Officer, Investment Policy and Assessment
Division, Invest Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar
Ms. Zorica Maric, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the
World Trade Organization, Geneva
Ms. Amina Ousmoi, Chief of Service, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Rabat
Mr. Samuel Forquilha, Senior Legal Adviser, Investment Promotion Centre, Maputo
Mr. Kyaw Nyunt Lwin, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Angela Dau-Pretorius, Deputy Director, Namibia Investment Centre, Ministry of Trade
and Industry, Windhoek
Mr. Rishi Raj Koirala, Joint Secretary (Technical), Ministry of Industry, Kathmandu
Mr. Marten van den Berg, Deputy Director General, Foreign Economic Relations, Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, The Hague
Ms. Selma Blank, Senior Policy Adviser, International Trade Policy and Economic
Governance Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague
Mr. Geert Holterman, Policy Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague
Sr. Silvio Zambrana, Ministro Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra
Ms. Omotese Eva, Assistant Director, Federal Ministry of Justice, Abuja
Ms. Margrethe Norum, Specialist Director, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, Oslo
Mr. Mohamed Al Mardhoof Al Saadi, First Secretary, Commercial Affairs, Permanent
Mission, Geneva
Mr. Zamir Akram, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission,
Mr. Muhammad Aamar Aftab Qureshi, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent
Mission, Geneva
Ms. Fareha Bugti, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Ahmad Irfan Aslam, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the World Trade Organization,
Sra. Krizia Matthews, Consejera Legal, Misión Permanente ante la Organización Mundial
del Comercio, Ginebra
Mr. Manuel Monteagudo, General Counsel, Central Reserve Bank of Peru, Lima
Mr. Raphael Hermoso, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Marivil Valles, Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Joanna Bek, Chief Expert, Ministry of Economy, Warsaw
Mr. Adam Orzechowski, Deputy Director, Department of Trade Policy, Ministry of
Economy, Warsaw
Mr. Pedro Ribeiro, Legal Expert, Ministry of Economy and Employment, Lisbon
Ms. Mai Eltigani, Adviser, Ministry of Justice, Doha
Mr. Nasser Lenqawi, Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Republic of Moldova
Mr. Marian Bunescu, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Aniela Balut, Director, European Law Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Mr. Bogdan Biris, Consultant, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bistrita
Mr. Emilian Carlogea, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Saudi Arabia
Mr. Mashhor Al Ali, Commercial Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Saleh Al Otaibi, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Jasmina Roskic, Head of Department, Ministry of Trade, Tourism and
Telecommunications, Belgrade
Mr. Tomas Jucha, Head, Bilateral Investment Treaty Negotiations and International
Investment Agreement Unit, Ministry of Finance, Bratislava
Mr. Martin Kokavec, Investment Expert, Ministry of Finance, Bratislava
South Africa
Mr. Muhammad De Gama, Director, International Trade and Investment, Department of
Trade and Industry, Pretoria
Mr. Matome Kgomommu, Deputy Director, Trade Negotiations, Department of Trade and
Industry, Pretoria
Ms. Tania Steenkamp, State Law Adviser (International Law), Department of International
Relations and Cooperation, Rietondale
Ms. Nosisi Potelwa, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Javier Peña, Assistant Deputy Director for International Trade in Services and
Investment, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Madrid
Ms. María Sancho, Investment Agreements Service, Ministry of Economy and
Competitiveness, Madrid
Ms. Remedios Romeo, Counsellor (Economic and Commercial Affairs), Permanent
Mission, Geneva
Sri Lanka
Ms. Champika Malalgoda, Director, Research and Policy Advocacy Department, Board of
Investment, Colombo
Ms. Maryann Tilani Ramona Silva, Assistant Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Mr. Nimal Karunatilake, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to
the World Trade Organization, Geneva
Mr. Rudy Paiman Sadi, Business Development, Central Bank, Barendrecht, Netherlands
Mr. Jonas Hallberg, Trade Policy Adviser, National Board of Trade, Stockholm
Mr. Lukas Siegenthaler, Head of Division, International Investment and Multinational
Enterprises, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Bern
Mr. Felix Imhof, Deputy Head, International Investment and Multinational Enterprises
Division, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Bern
Mr. Chutintorn Gongsakdi, Director General, Department of International Economic
Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok
Ms. Eksiri Pintaruchi, Director of International Economic Policy Division, Department of
International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok
Ms. Natsupang Poshayananda, First Secretary, Department of International Economic
Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok
Mr. Varapote Chensavasdijai, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Piyaporn Putanapan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Trinidad and Tobago
Ms. Merlana Henry, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Saloua Hsoumi, Chief, Negotiators Team, and Director, Ministry of Development,
Investment and International Cooperation, Tunis
Mr. Hasan Aslan Akpınar, Head of Department, Directorate General of Incentives and
Foreign Investment, Ministry of Economy, Ankara
Ms. Gamze Kahyaoğlu, Foreign Trade Expert, Ministry of Economy, Ankara
United Arab Emirates
Ms. Reem Al Shamsi, Agreement Negotiator, Ministry of Finance, Dubai
Ms. Rita Al Sayah, Coordinator, Permanent Mission to the World Trade Organization,
Ms. Khaula Al Shamsi, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York
United States of America
Ms. Ann Low, Deputy Director, International Organizations, Office of Investment Affairs,
Department of State, Washington, D.C.
Ms. Jaime Moody, Economic Officer, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Christopher S. Wilson, Deputy Chief, Permanent Mission to the World Trade
Organization, Geneva
Mr. Mohammed Yahya, Head of Investment Promotion and Policy Advocacy, General
Investment Authority, Sana’a
Mr. Wael Al Shairie, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Thabai Donald Dhliwayo, Director, Investment Facilitation, Ministry of Finance and
Economic Development
Intergovernmental organizations
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
Mr. Thierry Mutombo Kalonji, Director, Investment Promotion and Private Sector
Development, Lusaka
Ms. Heba Salama, Director, Cairo
European Free Trade Association
Ms. Tanja Dannevig, Senior Officer, Geneva
European Union
Mr. Colin Brown, Deputy Head of Unit, Dispute Settlement and Legal Aspects of Trade
Policy, Directorate General for Trade, Brussels
Mr. Andre von Walter, Legal Counsel, Directorate General for Trade, Brussels
Mr. Marco Uccelli, Legal Officer, Directorate General for Financial Stability, Financial
Services and Capital Markets, Brussels
Ms. Anca Radu, Policy Officer and Investment Negotiator, Brussels
Mr. Willem Steketee, Parliamentary Assistant, Brussels
Mr. Peter Sorensen, Ambassador, Head of the Permanent Delegation to the United Nations
Office and other international organizations in Geneva
Ms. Delphine Lida, First Counsellor, Permanent Delegation to the United Nations Office
and other international organizations in Geneva
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Ms. Ana Novik, Head, Investment Division, Paris
Mr. David Gaukrodger, Senior Legal Adviser, Investment Division, Paris
Organisation internationale de la francophonie
Ms. Pauline Druguet, Assistante de coopération pour les affaires économiques et de
développement, Genève
South Centre
Mr. Martin Khor, Executive Director, Geneva
Mr. Manuel Montes, Senior Adviser on Finance and Development, Geneva
Mr. Adriano Jose Timossi, Senior Programme Officer, Geneva
Ms. Mariama Williams, Senior Programme Officer, Geneva
Ms. Kinda Mohamadieh, Research Fellow, Geneva
Ms. Joan Martinez, Intern, Geneva
West African Economic and Monetary Union
M. Amadou Dieng, Observateur permanent, Genève
United Nations organs, bodies and programmes
United Nations Environment Programme
Mr. Ravi Sharma, Principal Officer, Implementation, Technical Support and Outreach
Activities, Convention on Biological Diversity, Montréal, Canada
United Nations Secretariat
Economic Commission for Africa
Mr. Stefan Csordas, Associate Economic Affairs Officer, Addis Ababa
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Ms. Jane Connors, Director, Research and Right to Development Division, Geneva
Ms. Birgit Kainz-Labbé, Human Rights Officer, Geneva
Ms. Susan Mathews, Human Rights Officer, Geneva
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
Ms. Corinne Montineri, Legal Officer, International Trade Law Division and Secretary,
Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation), Vienna
Specialized agencies and related organizations
World Bank Group
Ms. Aurelia Antonietti, Legal Counsel, International Centre for Settlement of Investment
Disputes, Washington, D.C.
World Trade Organization
Ms. Vasiliki Avgoustidi, Dispute Settlement Lawyer, Rules Division, Geneva
Ms. Claudia Locatelli, Economic Affairs Officer, Geneva
Non-governmental organizations (General category)
Ms. Ruth Kelly, Programme Policy Manager, London
Consumer Unity and Trust Society International
Mr. Pradeep Singh Mehta, Secretary-General, Jaipur, India
Mr. Julien Grollier, Assistant Programme Officer, Geneva
Ms. Tiantian Xiang, Intern, Geneva
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development
Mr. Ricardo Melendez-Ortiz, Chief Executive Officer, Geneva
Mr. Pedro Roffe, Senior Associate, Innovation, Technology and Intellectual Property,
Ms. Minna Sell, Executive Assistant to Chief Executive, Geneva
Mr. Puneeth Nagaraj, Research Assistant, Work Services Programme, Geneva
Ms. Rashmi Jose, Project Officer, E15 Initiative, Geneva
International Chamber of Commerce
Mr. James Penn, Policy Adviser, London
International Institute for Sustainable Development
Ms. Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder, Group Director, Economic Law and Policy
Mr. Xin Zhang, Law Adviser, Geneva
Ms. Marquita Davis, Legal Intern, Geneva
International Trade Union Confederation
Mr. Georgios Altintzis, Policy Adviser, Brussels
Public Services International
Mr. Daniel Bertossa, Director of Policy, Ferney-Voltaire, France
Third World Network
Ms. Sanya Reid Smith, Senior Researcher and Legal Adviser, Geneva
Non-governmental organizations (Special category)
Center of Concern
Mr. Aldo Caliari, Director, Rethinking Bretton Woods Project, Washington, D.C.
Ms. Catalina Barberi Torres, Economist, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, Bogota
Mr. Muhammad De Gama, Director, International Trade and Investment, Department of
Trade and Industry, Pretoria
Mr. Erivaldo Gomes, Deputy Subsecretary for Regional Integration and Trade, Ministry of
Finance, Brasilia
Mr. Chutintorn Gongsakdi, Director General, Department of International Economic
Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok
Ms. Saloua Hsoumi, Chief, Negotiators Team, and Director, Ministry of Development,
Investment and International Cooperation, Tunis
Ms. Afroza Khan, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Industries, Dhaka
Mr. Gert Kodra, First Secretary, Expert in International Investment Agreements, Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, Tirana
Ms. Yongjie Li, Director, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Commerce, Beijing
Ms. Brigitte Lüth, Attaché, Permanent Mission of Austria, Geneva
Ms. Champika Malalgoda, Director, Research and Policy Advocacy Department, Board of
Investment, Colombo
Ms. Stormy-Annika Mildner, Head of Department, External Economic Policy, Federation
of German Industries, Berlin
Mr. Manuel Monteagudo, General Counsel, Central Reserve Bank of Peru, Lima
Mr. John O’Neill, Minister and Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of
Canada, Geneva
Ms. Jasmina Roskic, Head of Department, Ministry of Trade, Tourism and
Telecommunications, Belgrade
Mr. Sudhanshu Roy, Legal Adviser, International Investment Agreements, Ministry of
Finance, New Delhi
Mr. Ahmed Shehabeldin, Minister Plenipotentiary and Deputy Permanent Representative,
Permanent Mission of Egypt, Geneva
Mr. Lukas Siegenthaler, Head of Division, International Investment and Multinational
Enterprises, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Bern
Mr. Renato R. De Campos Souza, Deputy Director, International Negotiations, Ministry of
Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Brasilia
Ms. Samira Sulejmanovic, Head of Unit, Bilateral Trade Relations, Ministry of Foreign
Trade and Economic Relations, Sarajevo
Ms. Ishita Ganguli Tripathy, Director, Domestic Investment and International Investment
Agreements, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi
Mr. Marten van den Berg, Deputy Director General, Foreign Economic Relations, Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, Netherlands
Mr. Christopher S. Wilson, Deputy Chief, Permanent Mission of the United States to the
World Trade Organization, Geneva
Ms. Aurelia Antonietti, Legal Counsel, International Centre for Settlement of Investment
Disputes, World Bank Group, Washington, D.C.
Ms. Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder, Group Director, Economic Law and Policy,
International Institute for Sustainable Development, Geneva
Mr. Colin Brown, Deputy Head of Unit, Dispute Settlement and Legal Aspects of Trade
Policy, Directorate General for Trade, European Union, Brussels
Ms. Jane Connors, Director, Research and Right to Development Division, Office of the
High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva
Ms. Corinne Montineri, Legal Officer, International Trade Law Division and Secretary,
Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation), United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law, Vienna
Ms. Anca Radu, Policy Officer and Investment Negotiator, European Union, Brussels
Ms. Sanya Reid Smith, Senior Researcher and Legal Adviser, Third World Network,
Mr. Peter Sorensen, Ambassador, Head of the Permanent Delegation of the European
Union to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva
Mr. Nicolas Jansen Calamita, Director, Investment Treaty Forum, and Senior Research
Fellow, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London
Mr. Lorenzo Cotula, Principal Researcher, Law and Sustainable Development, International
Institute for Environment and Development, London
Ms. Anna De Luca, Professor, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Mr. Shaun Donnelly, Vice-President, Investment and Financial Services, United States
Council for International Business, Washington, D.C.
Mr. Michael Ewing-Chow, Professor, National University of Singapore
Mr. Luis Gallegos, former Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Ecuador,
Ms. Lise Johnson, Head, Investment Law and Policy, Columbia Center on Sustainable
Investment, United States
Mr. Federico Ortino, Reader in International Economic Law, King’s College London
Mr. Jonathan Peel, Vice-President, International Relations Section, European Economic
and Social Committee, Brussels
Mr. Lauge Poulsen, Lecturer in International Political Economy, University College
Mr. Ilia Rachkov, Associate Professor, Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Ms. Luisa Santos, Director, International Affairs, BusinessEurope, Brussels
Mr. Stephan Schill, Professor, University of Amsterdam
Ms. Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer, Professor, University of Basel, Switzerland
Ms. Rebecca Varghese-Buchholz, Policy Adviser, Trade and Investment, Traidcraft,
Gateshead, United Kingdom