MATH 366-503 — Structure of Mathematics II – Spring 2016

MATH 366-503 — Structure of Mathematics II – Spring 2016
Times/Rooms: TR 11:10 am–12:25 pm / Blocker 149
Instructor: Dr. R. A. Gustafson
Office: Blocker 223D
Office Hours TR 12:30 –2:00 pm, and by appointment.
Email & Web page:∼robert.gustafson
Phone: Math dept phone: 845-3261
Course Home Page:∼robert.gustafson/16s/m366/index.html
Course Description: Geometry, measurement and coordinate geometry.
Designed primarily for elementary mathematics teacher certification.
Others must have the consent of the instructor.
Required Text:Billstein, Libeskind, & Lott, A Problem Solving Approach
to Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, 11th Ed. (Pearson
2013). Students will also need a straightedge and a compass (one with
a mechanism controlled by a screw rather than tension is preferable).
Prerequisites: MATH 365 or equivalent with a grade of C or better.
Calculators: No calculators will be allowed on quizzes or exams.
Learning Objectives:
• Students will be able to solve geometry problems, using a core
set of problem solving strategies, including find a pattern, make
a table, work backwards, guess and check, draw a picture, make
a list, write an equation.
• Students will use logical reasoning to solve problems including
perimeter, area, and volume of two-dimensional and three-dimensional
geometric figures.
• Students will gain greater depth of knowledge about underlying
geometric concepts and use that knowledge to explain and prove
• Students will be able to integrate various mathematical content,
solution methods, and strategies, especially geometric constructions, to solve problems.
• Students will connect mathematics, mathematical ideas and concepts, and applications, through connecting concrete activities to
abstract mathematical notation. Examples include transformations of geometric figures and formulas invoving linear, area, and
volume measure.
Grade Weights
Three In-Class Exams
Cumulative Final Exam
Geometer’s Sketchpad work
220 points each
260 points
40 points
40 points
90 ≤ A≤ 100%
80 ≤ B≤ 89%
70 ≤ C≤ 79%
60 ≤ D≤ 69%
0 ≤ F≤ 59%
Exams: There will be three in-class exams given during the semester (tentative dates below), as well as a comprehensive final exam given at the
regularly scheduled exam time. You must bring a picture id (student
id or driver’s license) to the exams.
Exam I: Thursday, Feb. 18
Exam II: Thursday, Mar. 24
Exam III: Thursday, Apr. 21
Final Exam: Thursday, May. 5, 3:00–5:00 pm
Homework: Homework problems will be assigned regularly, and we will
spend as much time as possible in class working on them in small
groups and discussing the problems. They will NOT be collected or
graded, but it is your responsibility to work all the assigned problems.
If you have trouble with or questions about the problems or other
course content, please see me after class or during office hours.
Attendance: A record of daily attendance will be maintained through a
sign-up sheet at the beginning and at the end of each period. You must
be present when roll is taken or you will be counted absent. After the
first four unexcused absences (note that two absences can accrue per
class period), five points will be deducted from the attendance portion of the grade for each unexcused absence. DO NOT get behind in
this course! NOTE: students absent through illness should follow the procedures outlined at
Doctor-verified illness will be counted as excused; any other
illness will count as your dropped lowest grade (first absence
only) before make-ups are authorized.
Make-Up Policy: No make-ups will be given without written evidence of
an official University excused absence (see University Student Rules).
In addition, you must notify me NO LATER than the end of the second
working day after the missed assignment:
... the student must notify his or her instructor in writing (acknowledged e-mail message is acceptable) prior to
the date of absence if such notification is feasible. In cases
where advance notification is not feasible (e.g. accident or
emergency) the student must provide notification by the end
of the second working day after the absence. This notification should include an explanation of why notice could not
be sent prior to the class. (Section 7.3 of the University
Student Rules)
If no such notice is given, you forfeit your rights to a make-up.
I will not accept the Explanatory Statement for Absence from Class
form as sufficient written documentation of an excused absence. If
you miss due to illness, then you will need a note with date and time
(with permission to verify) from a medical professional stating that
you should not be in class that day. For non-medical absences, ask me
what proof is required.
Electronic Device Policy: Unless given permission otherwise by me, all
electronic devices must be
Tentative Syllabus:
Jan. 19 Introduction, Section 11-1
Jan. 21 Section 11-1
Jan. 26 Section 11-2
Jan. 28 Section 11-3
Feb. 2 Section 11-4
Feb. 4 Section 12-1
Feb. 9 Geometer’s Sketchpad Lab HORT 119
Feb. 11 Section 12-2
Feb. 16 Test I Review
Feb. 18 Test I (covers Sections 11-1 – 12-2)
Feb. 23 Section 12-3
Feb. 25 Section 12-4
Mar. 1 Geom. Sketch. Lab HORT 119
Mar. 3 Section 13-1
Mar. 8 Section 13-2
Mar. 10 Section 13-3
Mar. 22 Test II review
Mar. 24 Test II (covers Sections 12-3 –13-3)
Mar. 29 Geom. Sketch. Lab HORT 119
Mar. 31 Section 14-1
Apr. 5 Section 14-2
Apr. 7 Section 14-3
Apr. 12 Section 14.4
Apr. 14 Section 14-5, Networks
Apr. 19 Test III Review
Apr. 21 Test III (covers Sections 14-1 – 14-5 and networks)
Apr. 26 Review, Geometer’s Sketchpad projects due
Apr. 28 Review
Final exam Thursday, May 5 3:00-5:00 pm
Academic Integrity Statement: “An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal
or tolerate those who do “. I further refer the student to the Honor
Council Rules and Procedures on the web at
Students with Disabilities: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive
civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things,
this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability
requiring an accommodation, please contact Disability Services, in
Cain Hall, Room B118, or call 845-1637. For more information, visit
Copyright Information: Please note that all written and web materials
for this course have an implied copyright. In particular, you can xerox
(or download) for your own use, but you may not reproduce them for