A Burst Scheduling Access Reordering Mechanism Jun Shao and Brian T. Davis Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Michigan Technological University {jshao, btdavis}@mtu.edu Abstract Utilizing the nonuniform latencies of SDRAM devices, access reordering mechanisms alter the sequence of main memory access streams to reduce the observed access latency. Using a revised M5 simulator with an accurate SDRAM module, the burst scheduling access reordering mechanism is proposed and compared to conventional in order memory scheduling as well as existing academic and industrial access reordering mechanisms. With burst scheduling, memory accesses to the same rows of the same banks are clustered into bursts to maximize bus utilization of the SDRAM device. Subject to a static threshold, memory reads are allowed to preempt ongoing writes for reduced read latency, while qualified writes are piggybacked at the end of bursts to exploit row locality in writes and prevent write queue saturation. Performance improvements contributed by read preemption and write piggybacking are identified. Simulation results show that burst scheduling reduces the average execution time of selected SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks by 21% over conventional bank in order memory scheduling. Burst scheduling also outperforms Intel’s patented out of order memory scheduling and the row hit access reordering mechanism by 11% and 6% respectively. 1. Introduction Memory performance can be measured in two ways: bandwidth and latency. Memory bandwidth can be largely addressed by increasing resources, using increased frequency, wider busses, dual or qual channels. However, reducing memory latency often requires reducing the device size. Although caches can hide the long main memory latency, cache misses may require hundreds of CPU cycles and cause pipeline stalls. Therefore main memory access latency remains a factor limiting system perform [21]. Due to the 3-D (bank, row, column) structure, modern SDRAM devices have nonuniform access latencies [3, 4]. The access latency depends upon the location of requested data and the state of SDRAM device. Two adjacent memory accesses directed to the same row of the same bank can be completed faster than two accesses directed to different rows because the accessed row data can be maintained in an active row for faster access to following same row accesses. In addition, accesses to unique banks can be pipelined, thus two accesses directed to unique banks may have shorter latency than two accesses directed to the same bank. With aggressive out of order execution processors and non-blocking caches, multiple main memory accesses can be issued and outstanding while the main memory is serving the previous access. Compared with conventional in order access scheduling, memory access reordering mechanisms execute these outstanding memory accesses in an order which attempts to reduce execution time. Through exploiting SDRAM row locality and bank parallelism, access reordering mechanisms significantly reduce observed main memory access latency and improve the effective memory bandwidth. Access reordering mechanisms do not require a large amount of chip area and only need modifications to the memory controller. This paper makes the following contributions: • Studies and identifies performance contributions made by access reordering mechanisms. • Introduces burst scheduling which creates bursts by clustering accesses directed to the same rows of the same banks to achieve a high data bus utilization. Reads are allowed to preempt ongoing writes while qualified writes are piggybacked at the end of bursts. • Compares burst scheduling with conventional bank in order memory scheduling as well as existing access reordering mechanisms, including published academic and industrial out of order scheduling. • Explores the design space of burst scheduling by using a static threshold to control read preemption and write piggybacking. Determines the threshold that yields the shortest execution time by experiments. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the background of modern SDRAM devices, memory access scheduling and related work. Section 3 introduces burst scheduling. Section 4 and Section 5 present experimental environment and simulation results. Conclusions are explored in Section 6 based on the results. Section 7 briefly discusses future work. 2. Background Modern SDRAM devices store data in arrays (banks) which can be indexed by row address and column address [3, 4]. An access to the SDRAM device may require three transactions besides the data transfer: bank precharge, row activate and column access [10]. A bank precharge charges and prepares the bank. A row activate copies an entire row data from the array to the sense amplifiers which function like a cache. Then one or more column accesses can access the row data. Depending on the state of the SDRAM device, a memory access could be a row hit, row conflict or row empty and experiences different latencies [14]. A row hit occurs when the bank is open and an access is directed to the same row as the last access to the same bank. A row conflict occurs when an access goes to a different row than the last access to the same bank. If the bank is closed (precharged) then a row empty occurs. Row hits only require column accesses while all three transactions are required for row conflicts therefore row hits have shorter latencies than row conflicts. After completing a memory access, the bank can be left open or closed by a bank precharge, subject to the memory controller policy. One of two static controller policies, Open Page (OP) and Close Page Autoprecharge (CPA), typically makes this decision [20]. Table 1 summarizes possible SDRAM access latencies given SDRAM busses are idle, where tRP , tRCD and tCL are the timing constraints associated with bank precharge, row activate and column access respectively [10]. Table 1. Possible SDRAM access latencies Controller policy Row hit Row empty Row conflict OP tCL tRCD +tCL tRP +tRCD +tCL CPA N/A tRCD +tCL N/A Multiple internal banks allow accesses to unique banks to be executed in parallel. A set of SDRAM devices concatenated to populate the system memory bus is known as a rank, which shares address bus and data bus with other ranks. For systems that support dual channels, different channels have unique busses. Therefore parallelism exists in the memory subsystem between banks and/or channels. Main memory access streams are comprised of cache misses from the lowest level cache and have been shown to have significant spatial and temporal locality even after being filtered by cache(s) [16]. These characteristics of the main memory create a design space where parallelism and locality can be exploited by access reordering mechanisms to reduce the main memory access latency. Throughout the rest of this paper, the term access refers to a memory read or write issued by the lowest level cache. An access may require several transactions depending upon the state of the SDRAM devices. 2.1. Memory Access Scheduling The memory controller, usually located on the north bridge or on the CPU die, generates the required transactions for each access and schedules them on the SDRAM busses. SDRAM busses are split transaction busses therefore transactions belonging to different accesses can be interleaved. Access0 to bank0 row0 R C Access1 to bank1 row0 R C D0 Access2 to bank0 row1 P R C D1 Access3 to bank0 row0 P R C D2 D3 28 cycles (a) In order scheduling without interleaving R C R C C D0 P D3 R D1 C D2 16 cycles (b) Out of order scheduling with interleaving P Bank precharge R Row activate C Column access Dx Data Figure 1. Memory access scheduling How the memory controller schedules transactions of accesses impacts the performance, as illustrated in Figure 1. In this example four accesses are to be scheduled. Access0 and access1 are row empties; access2 and access3 are row conflicts. The SDRAM device has timing constraints of 22-2 (tCL -tRCD -tRP ) and a burst length of 4 (2 cycles with double data rate). In figure 1(a), the controller performs these accesses strictly in order and does not interleave any transactions. It takes 28 memory cycles to complete four accesses. While in order scheduling is easy to implement, it is inefficient because of the low bus utilization. In Figure 1(b), the same four accesses are scheduled out of order. Access3 is scheduled prior to access1, which turns access3 from a row conflict into a row hit. The transactions of different accesses are also interleaved to maximize SDRAM bus utilization. As a result, only 16 memory cycles are needed to complete the same four accesses. It is possible that some accesses result in increased latency due to access reordering, however the average access latency should be reduced. 2.2. Related Work SDRAM transactions to devices Other access reordering mechanisms exist. They are usually designed for special applications or hardware. Scott Rixner et al. exploited the features of Virtual Channel SDRAM devices [11] and proposed various access reordering policies to achieve a high memory bandwidth and low memory latency for modern web servers [12]. Proposed by Ibrahim Hur et al., the adaptive history-based memory scheduler tracks the access pattern of recently scheduled accesses and selects memory accesses matching the program’s mixture of reads and writes [7]. Zhichun Zhu et al. proposed fine-grain priority scheduling, which splits and maps memory accesses into different channels and returns critical data first, to fully utilize the available bandwidth and concurrency provided by Direct Rambus DRAM systems [24]. Sally McKee et al. described a Stream Memory Controller system for streaming computations, which combines compile-time detection of streams with executiontime access reordering [9]. SDRAM access reordering and prefetching were also proposed by Jahangir Hasan et al. to increase row locality and reduce row conflict penalty for network processors [6]. Other SDRAM related techniques such as SDRAM address mapping change the distribution of memory blocks in the SDRAM address space to exploit the parallelism [19, 5, 23, 16]. A dynamic SDRAM controller policy predictor proposed by Ying Xu reduces main memory access latency by using a history based predictor similar to branch predictors to make the decision whether or not to leave the accessed row open for each access [22]. 3. Burst Scheduling In a packet switching network, large packets can improve network throughput because the fraction of bandwidth used to transfer packet heads (overhead) is reduced. Consider these three transactions as the overhead and the data transfer as the payload, the same idea could be used in access scheduling to improve bus utilization. P0 R0 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 Access0 Access1 Access2 Access3 Access4 Overhead Burst (payload) Figure 2. Burst scheduling As illustrated in Figure 2, the proposed burst scheduling clusters outstanding accesses directed to the same rows of the same banks into bursts. Accesses within a burst, except SDRAM Transaction Scheduler Bank0 Arbiter Bank1 Arbiter BankN Arbiter Shared write data pool Shared access pool Memory accesses Read Write Write data Figure 3. Structure of burst scheduling for the first one, are row hits and only require column access transactions. Data transfers of these accesses can be performed back to back on the data bus, resulting in a large payload therefore improving data bus utilization. Increasing the row hit rate and maximizing the memory data bus utilization are the major design goals of burst scheduling. Figure 3 shows the structure of burst scheduling. Outstanding accesses are stored in unique read queues and write queues based on their target banks. The read and write queues share a global access pool. A write data pool is used to store the data associated with writes. The queues can be implemented as linked lists. Depending upon the row index of the access address, new reads will join existing bursts, or new bursts containing single access will be created and appended at the end of the read queues. Bank arbiters select an ongoing access from the read or write queue for each bank. At each memory cycle a global transaction scheduler selects an ongoing access from all bank arbiters and schedules the next transactions of the access. Newly arrived accesses can join existing bursts when bursts are being scheduled. Bursts within a bank are sorted based on the arrival time of the first access to prevent starvation to single access bursts or small bursts in the same bank. However a large or an increasing burst can still delay small bursts from other banks. Therefore burst scheduling interleaves bursts from different banks to give relatively equal opportunity to all bursts. High data bus utilization can be maintained during burst interleaving. However consideration must be taken to avoid bubble cycles due to certain SDRAM timing constrains, i.e. rank to rank turnaround cycles introduced by DDR2 devices [8]. The following sections present the three subroutines of the algorithm used in burst scheduling, which can be transformed into finite state machine for incorporation into the SDRAM controller. 3.1. Access Enter Queue Subroutine Figure 4 shows the access enter queue subroutine, which is called when new accesses enter the queues. Because the write queue serves as a write buffer, all reads must search the write queue for possible hits, although write queue hits happen infrequently due to the small queue size. When a write queue hit occurs, a read is requesting the data at the same location as a preceding write. The data from the latest write (if there are multiple) will be forwarded to the read such that the read can complete immediately. Missed reads enter the read queue. If a read is directed to the same row as an existing burst, the read will be appended to that burst. Otherwise, a new burst composed of the read will be created and appended to the read queue. All writes enter the write queue in order and are completed from the view of the CPU. subroutine AccessEnterQueue(access) 1: if access is a read then 2: if hit in the write queue then 3: forward the latest write data to access 4: send response to access 5: else if found an existing burst in read queue then 6: append access to that burst else 7: create a new burst 8: append the new burst to read queue end if else 9: append access to the write queue 10: send response to access end if Figure 4. Access enter queue subroutine 3.2. Bank Arbiter Subroutine Each bank has one ongoing access, which is the access for which transactions are currently being scheduled, but have not yet been completed. The bank arbiter selects the ongoing access from either the read queue or the write queue, generally prioritizing reads over writes. Writes are selected only when there are no outstanding reads in the read queue, when the write queue is full or when doing write piggybacking. The algorithm is given in Figure 5. Two options, read preemption and write piggybacking, are available to the bank arbiter. Read preemption allows a newly arrived read to interrupt an ongoing write. The read becomes the ongoing access and starts immediately, therefore reducing the latency to the read. Read preemption will not affect the correctness of execution; the preempted write will restart later. subroutine BankArbiter(ongoing access) 1: if ongoing access == NULL then 2: if write queue is full then 3: ongoing access = oldest write in write queue 4: else if write queue length > threshold and last access was an end of burst and any row hit in write queue then 5: ongoing access = oldest row hit write 6: else if write queue is not empty and read queue is empty then 7: ongoing access = oldest write in write queue else 8: ongoing access = first read in next burst end if 9: else if ongoing access is a write and read queue is not empty and write queues length < threshold then 10: reset ongoing access 11: ongoing access = first read in next burst end if Figure 5. Bank arbiter subroutine The major functionality of the write queue, besides hiding the write latency and reducing write traffic [17], is to allow reads to bypass writes. When the write queue reaches its capacity, the main memory can not accept any new access, causing a possible CPU pipeline stall. Write piggybacking is designed to speed up write process by appending qualified writes at the end of bursts. The writes being appended must be directed to the same row as the burst, so that they will not disturb the continuous row hits created by the burst. If there are no qualified writes available, the next burst will start. Write piggybacking reduces the probability of write queue saturation and exploits the locality of row hits from writes as well. Read preemption and write piggybacking may conflict with each other, i.e. a piggybacked write may be preempted by a new read. A threshold is introduced to allow the bank arbiter to switch dynamically between read preemption and write piggybacking. When the write queue occupancy is less than the threshold, read preemption is enabled. Otherwise, write piggybacking is enabled. Section 5.4 will have a detailed study of the threshold. 3.3. Transaction Scheduler Subroutine A transaction is considered as unblocked when all required timing constraints are met. At each memory cycle the transaction scheduler selects from all banks one ongoing access for which the next transaction is unblocked and schedules that transaction. A static priority, as shown in Table 2, is used to select the ongoing access containing the next unblocked transaction to Table 2. Transactions priority table (1: the highest, 8: the lowest) Read Write Bank precharge Row activate Column access Bank precharge Row activate Column access Same bank 5 5 1 6 6 3 Same rank 5 5 2 6 6 4 Other ranks 5 5 7 6 6 8 be scheduled. Among all unblocked transactions, column accesses within the same rank as the last access scheduled have the highest priorities. Column accesses from different banks but within the same ranks are interleaved, so that bursts from different banks are equally served. The high data bus utilization is maintained because interleaved accesses are still row hits. Bank precharge and row activate have the next highest priorities as they do not require data bus resources, and therefore can be overlapped with column access transactions. The scheduler has priorities set to finish all bursts within a rank before switching to another rank to avoid rank-to-rank turnaround cycles required by DDR2 device [8]. Column accesses from different ranks thus have the lowest priority. Within each category, read transactions always have higher priorities than write transactions. An oldest first policy is used to break ties. Based on the scheduling priority in Table 2, the subroutine of the transaction scheduler is shown in Figure 6. When there are no unblocked transactions from any accesses, the scheduler will switch to the bank which has the oldest accesses and initiates an access from that bank in the next memory cycle. The priority table and transaction scheduler are the core of burst scheduling, which maintain the structure of bursts created by bank arbiters, meanwhile maximizing the data bus utilization by aggressively interleaving transactions between accesses. 3.4. Validation Burst scheduling will not affect program correctness. Reads are checked in the write queues for hits before entering the read queues. If a read hits in the write queue, the latest data will be forwarded from the write to the read, so read after write (RAW) hazards are avoided. Within bursts, writes are always piggybacked after reads which have previously checked the write queue for hits, avoiding write after read (WAR) hazards. When performing write piggybacking, the oldest qualified write will be selected first. Writes are scheduled in program order within the same rows, therefore write after write (WAW) hazards are also avoided. subroutine TransactionScheduler(last bank, last rank) 1: if last bank has unblocked col access then 2: schedule the unblocked col access 3: else if any unblocked col access in last rank then 4: schedule the oldest unblocked col access 5: else if any unblocked precharge or row activate then 6: schedule the oldest precharge or row activate 7: else if any unblocked col access in other ranks then 8: schedule the oldest unblocked col access end if 9: if access scheduled then 10: if scheduled access has completed then 11: send response to that access end if 12: last bank = scheduled access’s target bank 13: last rank = scheduled access’s target rank else 14: last bank = the bank having the oldest access 15: last rank = the rank having the oldest access end if Figure 6. Transaction scheduler subroutine 4. Experimental Environment A revised M5 simulator [1] and SPEC CPU2000 benchmark suite [18] are used in the studies of access reordering mechanisms. The M5 simulator is selected mainly because it supports a nondeterministic memory access latency. The revisions made to the M5 simulator include a detailed DDR2 SDRAM module, a parameterized memory controller as well as the addition of the access reordering mechanisms described in this paper. 4.1. Benchmarks and Baseline Machine Due to the page limitation, results from 16 of 26 SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks are shown in Section 5 using the criterion that the benchmark selected exhibits more than 2% performance difference between in order scheduling and any out of order access reordering mechanisms studied in this paper. While excluding non-memory intensive benchmarks provides a better illustration of impacts contributed by access reordering mechanisms, results from the complete suite can be found in [15]. Simulations are run through the first 2 billion instructions with reference input sets and precompiled little-endian Alpha ISA SPEC2000 binaries [2]. Table 3 lists the configuration of the baseline machine, which represents a typical desktop workstation in the near future using a bank in order memory access scheduling (BkInOrder). With BkInOrder, accesses within the same banks are scheduled in the same order as they were issued, while accesses from different banks are selected in a round robin fashion. Table 3. Baseline machine configuration CPU L1 I-cache L1 D-cache L2 cache FSB Main memory Channel/Rank/Bank SDRAM row policy Address mapping Access reordering Memory access pool 4GHz, 8-way, 32 LSQ, 196 ROB 128KB, 2-way, 64B cache line 128KB, 2-way, 64B cache line 2MB, 16-way, 64B cache line 64bit, 800MHz (DDR) 4GB DDR2 PC2-6400 (5-5-5), 64-bit, burst length 8 2/4/4 (a total of 32 banks) Open Page Page Interleaving Bank in order (BkInOrder) 256 (maximal 64 writes) transaction priority table given in Table 2, which encompasses timing constraints and is extensible, burst scheduling guarantees that row hits within a burst are scheduled back to back, maximizing the bus utilization. Additionally, different information is employed to make scheduling decisions at the memory access level and the transaction level, making burst scheduling a two-level scheduler. Burst scheduling with various optimizations, as discussed in Section 3, is also evaluated. Burst RP allows reads to preempt writes. Burst WP piggybacks writes at the end of bursts. Burst TH uses an experimentally selected static threshold to control read preemption and write piggybacking. A threshold of 52 obtains the best performance crossing simulated benchmarks, as will be shown in Section 5.4. 4.2. Simulated Access Reordering Mechanisms Besides BkInOrder scheduling, three existing access reordering mechanisms, RowHit, Intel and Intel RP, are simulated and compared with burst scheduling. Table 4 summarizes all simulated access reordering mechanisms. Table 4. Simulated access reordering mechanisms BkInOrder RowHit Intel Intel RP Burst Burst RP Burst WP Burst TH In order intra banks, round robin inter banks Row hit first intra bank, round robin inter banks [13] Intel’s memory scheduling [14] Intel’s scheduling with read preemption Burst scheduling Burst scheduling with read preemption Burst scheduling with write piggybacking Burst scheduling with threshold (52) Proposed by Scott Rixner et al., RowHit scheduling uses a unified access queue for each bank. A row hit first policy selects the oldest access directed to the same row as the last access to that bank. Accesses from different banks are performed in a round robin fashion [13]. Intel’s patented out of order memory scheduling features unique read queues per bank and a single write queue for all banks. Reads are prioritized over writes to minimize read latency. Once an access is started, it will receive the highest priority so that it can finish as quickly as possible to reduce the degree of reordering [14]. Not proposed in the patent, Intel scheduling with read preemption (Intel RP) allows reads to interrupt ongoing writes in a similar way to read preemption as described in Section 3.2. RowHit and Intel’s scheduling both attempt to prioritize row hits, however, they employ a “best effort” mechanism in grouping row hit accesses. Without considerations of SDRAM timing constraints, bubble cycles could easily be introduced, leading to performance degradation. With the 5. Simulation Results and Analysis Increasing row hits and reducing access latency are the major design goals of burst scheduling. Studies of access latency and SDRAM row hit rate illustrate the impacts of access reordering mechanisms and inspire further improvements to burst scheduling. 5.1. Access Latency When a memory read access is issued to the main memory, all in-flight instructions dependent upon this read request are blocked until the requested data is returned. Write accesses, however, can complete immediately because no data needs to be returned. Therefore, one of the design goals of access reordering mechanisms is to reduce the read latency by postponing writes. Figure 7 shows the averaged read latency and write latency obtained by all access reordering mechanisms simulated. All out of order access reordering mechanisms reduce the read latency by a range of 26% to 47% compared to BkInOrder; while all write latencies except for RowHit are increased. RowHit treats reads and writes equally thus it reduces both read and write latency and achieves the lowest write latency among all access reordering mechanisms. Burst RP has the lowest read latency because reads are not only prioritized over writes but also allowed to interrupt ongoing writes. Read preemption helps Intel’s scheduling to reduce read latency as well. Intel and Burst postpone writes thus they both have long write latencies. Read preemption makes the write latency of Intel and Burst even longer. On the other hand, write latency is greatly reduced by write piggybacking because more row hits from writes are exploited. To better understand the relationship between read and write latency, the distribution of outstanding memory accesses for the benchmark swim, which is defined as the Percentage of Time (a) Outstanding Reads BkInOrder RowHit Intel Burst_RP Burst_WP Burst_TH 0.20 0.15 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.10 0.2 0.05 0.1 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Number of Accesses 0.0 0 0.20 0.15 0.10 Burst_TH Burst_WP Burst 0.00 Burst_RP Address bus Data bus 0.05 Intel 0.0 0.25 Intel_RP Row empty Row conflict Row hit 0.2 Percentage of Time 0.3 0.30 RowHit Burst_TH Burst_WP Burst Burst_RP Intel Intel_RP RowHit Figure 7. Access latency in memory cycles 0.25 0.4 0.1 BkInOrder 0 Burst_TH Burst_WP Burst Burst_RP Intel Intel_RP RowHit 0 BkInOrder 100 0.5 Burst_TH 200 0.6 Burst_WP 300 0.35 0.7 Burst 400 0.40 0.8 Intel 20 500 (b) Bus Utilization 0.45 0.9 Intel_RP 40 600 RowHit SDRAM Cycles SDRAM Cycles 60 Percentage of Accesses 700 80 (a) Row Hit/Conflict/Empty BkInOrder 1.0 Burst_RP (b) Write Latency 800 BkInOrder (a) Read Latency 100 Figure 9. Average row hit, row conflict and row empty rate and SDRAM bus utilization (b) Outstanding Writes BkInOrder RowHit Intel Burst_RP Burst_WP Burst_TH 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Number of Accesses Figure 8. Distribution of outstanding memory accesses for benchmark swim percentage of time that a given number of accesses are outstanding in the main memory, is shown in Figure 8. RowHit slightly increases the number of outstanding accesses compared to BkInOrder to allow row hits to be served first. Intel and Burst have large number of outstanding writes in the write queue due to postponed writes. Burst is more aggressive in prioritizing reads over writes than Intel. As a result, Intel and Burst cause write queue saturation 24% and 46% of time respectively for the swim benchmark. Read preemption reduces the number of outstanding reads but causes the write queue saturating more frequently, i.e. Burst RP causes write queue saturation 70% of time. Prioritizing reads over writes can improve system performance. However, write queue saturation may result in CPU pipeline stalls. Write piggybacking is employed to empty writes from the write queue without causing an undo increase in read latency. Burst WP only causes write queue saturation 2% of time. Burst TH with a threshold of 52 achieves a tradeoff between reducing read latency and preventing write queue saturation, resulting in a 9% write queue saturation rate. Burst TH yields the best performance as following sections will show. 5.2. Row Hit Rate and Bus Utilization Row hits require fewer transactions and have shorter latencies than row conflicts, as discussed in Section 2. Access reordering mechanisms usually select row hits first and turn potential row conflicts into row hits. Also more row hits may become available as new accesses arrive. Figure 9(a) shows row hit, row conflict and row empty rate averaged crossing all simulated benchmarks. Out of order access reordering mechanisms increase row hit rate. Among them, RowHit, Burst WP and Burst TH have the highest row hit rates. Intel and Burst without write piggybacking have lower row hit rates although they are still better than BkInOrder. The reason is that in contrast to Intel and Burst, which only search the read queues for row hits, RowHit, Burst WP and Burst TH seek row hits in both the read queues and the write queues. With static open page policy, most row empties happen after SDRAM auto refreshes as banks are precharged. With read preemption, an ongoing write interrupted by a read may have precharged the bank while having not yet initiated the row activate. This causes the preempting read to be a row empty. Therefore Intel RP, Burst RP and Burst TH have increased row empty rates. The SDRAM bus utilization, which is the percentage of time that the bus is occupied, is shown in Figure 9(b). There is only a 3% difference of address bus utilization among all access reordering mechanisms, while the data bus utilization varies in a range from 31% to 42%. This confirms that the data bus is more critical than the address bus. Given the simulated DDR2 PC2-6400 SDRAM, Burst TH achieves the highest data bus utilization of 42%. The effective memory bandwidth is increased from 2.0GB/s (BkInOrder) to 2.7GB/s (Burst TH), resulting in a 35% improvement. 0.25 (a) Outstanding Reads WP TH8 TH16 TH24 TH32 TH40 TH48 TH52 TH56 RP 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.2 art facerec mesa applu swim mgrid bzip2 wupwise gap parser perlbmk gcc mcf 0.0 gzip 0.1 apsi 0.3 average RowHit Intel Intel_RP Burst Burst_RP Burst_WP Burst_TH 0.4 Figure 10. Execution time of access reordering mechanisms, normalized to BkInOrder Percentage of Time 0.9 lucas Normalized Execution Time 1.0 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 (b) Outstanding Writes WP TH8 TH16 TH24 TH32 TH40 TH48 TH52 TH56 RP 0.1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Number of Accesses 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Number of Accesses Figure 11. Outstanding accesses for benchmark swim under various thresholds mined. 5.4. Burst Threshold 5.3. Execution Time Previous sections showed access latency, row hit rate as well as but utilization of various access reordering mechanisms. Results in this section examine the execution time of each individual benchmark with these access reordering mechanisms. Execution times are normalized to BkInOrder and shown in Figure 10. RowHit achieves an average 17% reduction of execution time compared to BkInOrder. Intel and Burst reduce the execution time by 12% and 14% respectively. Read preemption alone contributes another 3% improvement on top of Intel and Burst. Write piggybacking alone also contributes 5% improvement on top of Burst, resulting in a total of 19% reduction of execution time by Burst WP. Burst TH which combines read preemption and write piggybacking using a static threshold of 52 yields the best performance among all access reordering mechanisms, achieving a 21% reduction in execution time crossing all simulated benchmarks, which results in a 6% improvement over RowHit, 11% and 7% improvement over Intel and Intel RP respectively. Read preemption and write piggybacking have a varied impact dependent upon benchmark characteristics. For mcf, parser, perlbmk and facerec, read preemption contributes much greater performance improvement compared to write piggybacking. For the remainder of the benchmarks, write piggybacking generally results in more improvement than read preemption. Especially for gcc and lucas, Burst WP achieves 14% and 18% reduction in execution time respectively. It is desirable to take advantage of both read preemption and write piggybacking to achieve a maximal performance improvement. A static threshold is employed to control read preemption and write piggybacking. The next section will show how this threshold affects the performance and how the optimized threshold is deter- Read preemption and write piggybacking have been shown to perform well on some benchmarks but not on all benchmarks. Which technique has greater impact on performance is largely dependent on the memory access patterns of benchmarks. For example, allowing a critical read having many dependent instructions to preempt an ongoing write may improve the performance. However, completing the ongoing write may prevent CPU pipeline stalls due to a saturated write queue. When the write queue has low occupancy, read preemption is desired to reduce read latency by allowing reads to bypass writes. When the write queue approaches capacity, write piggybacking can keep the write queue from saturation. Read preemption and write piggyback can be switched dynamically based on the write queue occupancy. When the write queue occupancy is less than a certain threshold, read preemption is enabled; otherwise, write piggybacking is enabled. Using the same example swim benchmark as in Section 5.1, the distribution of outstanding accesses with various thresholds are shown in Figure 11. Note Burst RP and Burst WP are equivalents to Burst TH64 and Burst TH0 respectively given that the write queue size is 64. From Figure 11, Burst RP has fewer outstanding reads than other thresholds, however, read latency of Burst RP is slightly higher than others. This is because when there are fewer reads in the read queue, there are less opportunities for row hits to occur. In order for burst scheduling to create larger bursts and increase row hits, the read queue should contain a number of outstanding reads, and these reads should be served at a rate that will not deplete the read queue too quickly. As the threshold increases from 0 to 64, the peak value of outstanding writes increases as well. The write buffer (b) Read Latency (c) Write Latency (a) Execution Time saturation rate is below 7% when the threshold is less than 48. The saturation rate increases to 14% at threshold 56 then jumps to 70% at threshold 64 (Burst RP). The earlier write piggybacking is enabled, the less frequently the write queue will be saturated. To determine the threshold that yields the best performance, simulations with various thresholds are performed and the results are shown in Figure 12. The execution times are averaged crossing all benchmarks and normalized to Burst. As the threshold increases, read latency first decreases because there are more reads which experience shorter latencies by preempting writes. From threshold 40 read latency starts increasing mainly due to CPU pipeline stalls caused by increased occurrences of write queue saturation. Write latency increases as expected as the threshold increases. Execution time is determined by both read latency and write latency. According the results, the threshold 52 yields the lowest execution time based upon the 16 benchmarks of SPEC CPU2000 simulated. benchmarks over in order scheduling. Burst scheduling also outperforms the row hit scheduling and Intel’s out of order scheduling by 6% and 11% respectively. As SDRAM devices evolve, timing parameters (tCL tRCD -tRP ) do not improve as rapidly as bus frequency. For instance, DDR PC-2100 devices (133MHz) have typical timings of 2-2-2 (15ns-15ns-15ns), while DDR2 PC26400 devices (400MHz) have typical 5-5-5 (12.5ns-12.5ns12.5ns) timing. From DDR PC-2100 to DDR2 PC2-6400, the bus frequency as well as bandwidth improve by 200% however the timing parameters only reduce by 17%. Access latency, in terms of memory cycles, increases, i.e. row conflict latency increases from 6 cycles to 15 cycles. Increased main memory access latency leads to more performance improvement opportunities for memory optimization techniques. As the number of cycles for timing parameters increases in the future, the performance improvement provided by access reordering mechanisms will be even more significant than the simulation results presented in this paper. Access reordering mechanisms will play a more important role with chip level multiple processors, as the memory controller will have larger number of outstanding main memory accesses from which to select. Access reordering mechanisms may also benefit from integrating the memory controller into the CPU die. Due to a tighter connection between the integrated memory controller and the CPU, more instruction level information, such as the number of dependent instructions, is available to the controller. This information may be utilized to make intelligent scheduling decisions. An integrated memory controller can also run at the same speed as the CPU, making complex scheduling algorithms feasible. 6. Conclusions 7. Future Work Memory scheduling techniques improve system performance by changing the sequence of memory accesses to increase row hit rate and reduce memory access latency. Inspired by existing academic and industrial access reordering mechanisms, the burst scheduling access reordering mechanism is hereby being proposed with the goal of improving performance of existing access reordering mechanisms and addressing their shortcomings. Using the M5 simulator with a detailed SDRAM module, burst scheduling is examined and compared to the row hit scheduling and Intel’s out of order memory scheduling. The performance contributions of read preemption and write piggybacking are studied and identified. The threshold that yields the best performance is determined by experiments. With selected SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks, burst scheduling with a threshold of 52 achieves an average of 21% reduction in execution time crossing 16 simulated Burst scheduling with static threshold works well on average, however, benchmarks have unique access patterns, and therefore require different thresholds. A dynamical threshold, which is calculated on the fly based on some critical parameters such as read write ratios, will match access patterns of different benchmarks for further performance improvement. Currently reads inside bursts are scheduled in the same order as they were issued. Changing the order of accesses within a burst will not affect the effective memory bandwidth and the total time to complete the burst. However, critical accesses (i.e. having many dependent instructions) may benefit from being scheduled first inside the burst. Integrating the SDRAM controller into the CPU die makes more instruction level information, which can be used to perform intra burst scheduling, obtainable to the scheduler. Similarly the sequence of bursts within banks can also be 800 40 30 20 Normalized to Burst SDRAM Cycles SDRAM Cycles 50 600 500 400 300 200 10 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0 Burst WP TH8 TH16 TH24 TH32 TH40 TH48 TH52 TH56 TH60 RP 100 Burst WP TH8 TH16 TH24 TH32 TH40 TH48 TH52 TH56 TH60 RP 0 1.0 700 0.5 Burst WP TH8 TH16 TH24 TH32 TH40 TH48 TH52 TH56 TH60 RP 60 Figure 12. Access latency and execution time under various thresholds changed to reduce latency of critical data. Bursts could be sorted other than the arrival time of the first access of each burst as being proposed, i.e. sorted by the size of bursts. However, considerations are required to prevent starvation when performing inter burst scheduling. 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